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FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) is a major regulator of flowering responses to seasonal environmental factors. Here, we document that FLC also regulates another major life-history transition-seed germination, and that natural variation at the FLC locus and in FLC expression is associated with natural variation in temperature-dependent germination. FLC-mediated germination acts through additional genes in the flowering pathway (FT, SOC1, and AP1) before involving the abscisic acid catabolic pathway (via CYP707A2) and gibberellins biosynthetic pathway (via GA20ox1) in seeds. Also, FLC regulation of germination is largely maternally controlled, with FLC peaking and FT, SOC1, and AP1 levels declining at late stages of seed maturation. High FLC expression during seed maturation is associated with altered expression of hormonal genes (CYP707A2 and GA20ox1) in germinating seeds, indicating that gene expression before the physiological independence of seeds can influence gene expression well after any physical connection between maternal plants and seeds exists. The major role of FLC in temperature-dependent germination documented here reveals a much broader adaptive significance of natural variation in FLC. Therefore, pleiotropy between these major life stages likely influences patterns of natural selection on this important gene, making FLC a promising case for examining how pleiotropy influences adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

The epigenetic repression of FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) in winter-annual ecotypes of Arabidopsis by prolonged cold ensures that plants flower in spring and not during winter. Resetting of the FLC expression level in progeny is an important step in the life cycle of the plant. We show that both the paternally derived and the maternally derived FLC:GUS genes are reset to activity but that the timing of their first expression differs. The paternal FLC:GUS gene in vernalized plants is expressed in the male reproductive organs, the anthers, in both somatic tissue and in the sporogenous pollen mother cells, but there is no expression in mature pollen. In the progeny generation, the paternally derived FLC:GUS gene is expressed in the single-celled zygote (fertilized egg cell) and through embryo development, but not in the fertilized central cell, which generates the endosperm of the progeny seed. FLC:GUS is not expressed during female gametogenesis, with the maternally derived FLC:GUS being first expressed in the early multicellular embryo. We show that FLC activity during late embryo development is a prerequisite for the repressive action of FLC on flowering.  相似文献   

A latitudinal cline in flowering time in accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana has been widely predicted because the environmental cues that promote flowering vary systematically with latitude, but evidence for such clines has been lacking. Here, we report evidence of a significant latitudinal cline in flowering time among 70 Northern European and Mediterranean ecotypes when grown under ecologically realistic conditions in a common garden environment. The detected cline, however, is found only in ecotypes with alleles of the flowering time gene FRIGIDA (FRI) that lack major deletions that would disrupt protein function, whereas there is no relationship between flowering time and latitude of origin among accessions with FRI alleles containing such deletions. Analysis of climatological data suggests that late flowering in accessions with putatively functional FRI was associated with reduced January precipitation at the site of origin, consistent with previous reports of a positive genetic correlation between water use efficiency and flowering time in Arabidopsis, and the pleiotropic effects of FRI of increasing water use efficiency. In accessions collected from Southern latitudes, we detected that putatively functional FRI alleles were associated with accelerated flowering relative to accessions with nonfunctional FRI under the winter conditions of our experiment. These results suggest that the ecological function of the vernalization requirement conferred by FRI differs across latitudes. More generally, our results indicate that by combining ecological and molecular genetic data, it is possible to understand the forces acting on life history transitions at the level of specific loci.  相似文献   

Social communication is context-dependent, with both the production of signals and the responses of receivers tailored to each animal's internal needs and external environmental conditions. We propose that this context dependence arises because of neural modulation of the sensory-motor transformation that underlies the social behavior. Neural systems that are restricted to individual behaviors may be modulated at early stages of the sensory or motor pathways for optimal energy expenditure. However, when neural systems contribute to multiple important behaviors, we argue that the sensory-motor relay is the likely site of modulation. Plasticity in the sensory-motor relay enables subtle context dependence of the social behavior while preserving other functions of the sensory and motor systems. We review evidence that the robust responses of anurans to conspecific signals are dependent on reproductive state, sex, prior experience, and current context. A well-characterized midbrain sensory-motor relay establishes signal selectivity and gates locomotive responses to sound. The social decision-making network may modulate this auditory-motor transformation to confer context dependence of anuran reproductive responses to sound. We argue that similar modulation may be a general mechanism by which vertebrates prioritize their behaviors.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which probiotic strains enhance the health of the host remain largely uncharacterized. Here we demonstrate that Lactobacillus salivarius UCC118, a recently sequenced and genetically tractable probiotic strain of human origin, produces a bacteriocin in vivo that can significantly protect mice against infection with the invasive foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes. A stable mutant of Lb. salivarius UCC118 that is unable to produce the Abp118 bacteriocin also failed to protect mice against infection with two strains of L. monocytogenes, EGDe and LO28, confirming that bacteriocin production is the primary mediator of protection against this organism. Furthermore, Lb. salivarius UCC118 did not offer any protection when mice were infected with a strain of L. monocytogenes expressing the cognate Abp118 immunity protein AbpIM, confirming that the antimicrobial effect is a result of direct antagonism between Lb. salivarius and the pathogen, mediated by the bacteriocin Abp118.  相似文献   

Objectives.This study sought to determine whether early after-depolarization-induced triggered activity is responsible for the initiation of ventricular arrythmias in dogs with an inherited predisposition to sudden death.Background.We have identified a colony of German shephered dogs that display inherited ventricular ectopic activity and sudden cardiac death. The arrhythmias in these animals are pause dependent but are not associated with a prolonged QT interval, suggesting that they might be initiated by early afterdepolarization-induced triggered activity in Purkinje fibers.Methods.Cardiac Purkinje fibers obtained from dogs that either did or did not exhibit ventricular tachyarrhythmias at the time of study were superfused in vitro with normal. Tyrode solution (extracellular potassium ion concentration 4 mmol/liter) and were studied using standard microelectrode techniques.Results.Early afterdepolarizations and triggered activity occurred spontaneously in Purkinje fibers obtained from affected dogs (n = 7) but not in fibers obtained from unaffected dogs (n = 13). Exit conduction block of triggered responses occurred to varying degrees within the Purkinje fiber but not at the Purkinje-muscle junction. Overdrive pacing suppressed triggered activity. The reemergence of triggered activity after cessation of pacing was both time and rate dependent. Triggered activity in fibers obtained from affected dogs was potentiated by phenylephrine and epinephrine and was suppressed by isoproterenol. Triggered activity was not induced by phenylephrine or epinephrine in fibers obtained from unaffected dogs.Conclusions.These results support the hypothesis that early afterdepolarization-induced triggered activity in Purkinje fibers is responsible for the initiation of ventricular arrhythmias in this canine model of inherited sudden death.  相似文献   

Triggered activity as a mechanism of recurrent ventricular tachycardia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Triggered activity was shown to be the likely mechanism of recurrent tachycardia in a 28 year old Vietnamese man. During baseline electrophysiological testing the tachycardia was induced consistently by prolonged atrial or ventricular pacing but not by premature extrastimuli. Moreover, the tachycardia coupling intervals varied directly with the cycle length of the initiating drive. Procainamide and propranolol did not suppress tachycardia, but verapamil terminated it and prevented its reinitiation. The origin of the tachycardia was localised to the left ventricular inferoapical segment and four direct current countershocks of 200 J each delivered via an electrode catheter abolished the tachycardia. During 12 months of follow up the patient was not treated with antiarrhythmic agents and the tachycardia did not recur.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) is a mediator of transmembrane signal transduction, important in cell growth and differentiation. Cell activation by extracellular signals is associated with a translocation of PKC from the cytosol to the membrane. We measured and compared PKC activity in cytosol and membrane fractions of normal and neoplastic colorectal tissue. Total and membrane-associated PKC activity in normal colorectal tissue was greater in patients (N=16) with colorectal cancer compared to that from patients with a normal colonoscopy (N=16),P<0.01. A similar trend was noted in PKC activity of normal colorectal tissue from patients with adenomas compared to patients with a normal colonoscopy. PKC activity (total, membrane-associated, percent membrane) was not different in neoplastic colorectal tissue compared to that of adjacent normal tissue. However, there was a considerable range of PKC activity noted in all groups, which would limit the utility of PKC activity as a marker for colorectal neoplasia.  相似文献   

An estimated 3% of the global population are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV), and the majority of these individuals will develop chronic liver disease. As with other chronic viruses, establishment of persistent infection requires that HCV-infected cells must be refractory to a range of pro-apoptotic stimuli. In response to oxidative stress, amplification of an outward K+ current mediated by the Kv2.1 channel, precedes the onset of apoptosis. We show here that in human hepatoma cells either infected with HCV or harboring an HCV subgenomic replicon, oxidative stress failed to initiate apoptosis via Kv2.1. The HCV NS5A protein mediated this effect by inhibiting oxidative stress-induced p38 MAPK phosphorylation of Kv2.1. The inhibition of a host cell K+ channel by a viral protein is a hitherto undescribed viral anti-apoptotic mechanism and represents a potential target for antiviral therapy.  相似文献   

Triggered activity was shown to be the likely mechanism of recurrent tachycardia in a 28 year old Vietnamese man. During baseline electrophysiological testing the tachycardia was induced consistently by prolonged atrial or ventricular pacing but not by premature extrastimuli. Moreover, the tachycardia coupling intervals varied directly with the cycle length of the initiating drive. Procainamide and propranolol did not suppress tachycardia, but verapamil terminated it and prevented its reinitiation. The origin of the tachycardia was localised to the left ventricular inferoapical segment and four direct current countershocks of 200 J each delivered via an electrode catheter abolished the tachycardia. During 12 months of follow up the patient was not treated with antiarrhythmic agents and the tachycardia did not recur.  相似文献   

Organelle movement is essential for proper function of living cells. In plants, these movements generally depend on actin filaments, but the underlying mechanism is unknown. Here, in Arabidopsis, we identify associations of short actin filaments along the chloroplast periphery on the plasma membrane side associated with chloroplast photorelocation and anchoring to the plasma membrane. We have termed these chloroplast-actin filaments (cp-actin filaments). Cp-actin filaments emerge from the chloroplast edge and exhibit rapid turnover. The presence of cp-actin filaments depends on an actin-binding protein, chloroplast unusual positioning1 (CHUP1), localized on the chloroplast envelope. chup1 mutant lacked cp-actin filaments but showed normal cytoplasmic actin filaments. When irradiated with blue light to induce chloroplast movement, cp-actin filaments relocalize to the leading edge of chloroplasts before and during photorelocation and are regulated by 2 phototropins, phot1 and phot2. Our findings suggest that plants evolved a unique actin-based mechanism for organelle movement.  相似文献   

Ongoing climate change has affected the ecological dynamics of many species and is expected to impose natural selection on ecologically important traits. Droughts and other anticipated changes in precipitation may be particularly potent selective factors, especially in arid regions. Here we demonstrate the evolutionary response of an annual plant, Brassica rapa, to a recent climate fluctuation resulting in a multiyear drought. Ancestral (predrought) genotypes were recovered from stored seed and raised under a set of common environments with descendant (postdrought) genotypes and with ancestorxdescendant hybrids. As predicted, the abbreviated growing seasons caused by drought led to the evolution of earlier onset of flowering. Descendants bloomed earlier than ancestors, advancing first flowering by 1.9 days in one study population and 8.6 days in another. The intermediate flowering time of ancestorxdescendant hybrids supports an additive genetic basis for divergence. Experiments confirmed that summer drought selected for early flowering, that flowering time was heritable, and that selection intensities in the field were more than sufficient to account for the observed evolutionary change. Natural selection for drought escape thus appears to have caused adaptive evolution in just a few generations. A systematic effort to collect and store propagules from suitable species would provide biologists with materials to detect and elucidate the genetic basis of further evolutionary shifts driven by climate change.  相似文献   

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