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Osteoporosis in men: epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
BACKGROUND: Osteoporosis and fragility fractures in men account for substantial health care expenditures and decreased quality of life. OBJECTIVE: This article reviews the most current information about the epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of osteoporosis in men. METHODS: Relevant literature was identified through a search of MEDLINE (1966-June 2003) limited to English-language studies in men. The search terms included fractures, bone density, or osteoporosis plus either epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention, control, or therapy. Additional search terms included specific subtopics (eg, bisphosphonates, calcium, exercise, parathyroid hormone). The authors contributed additional relevant publications. RESULTS: Morbidity after fragility fracture is at least as high in men as in women, and the rate of fracture-related mortality 1 year hip fracture is approximately double in men compared with women. The bioavailable fraction of testosterone slowly declines into the ninth decade in men. There is evidence that the effect of estrogen on bone is greater than that of testosterone in men. Diagnosing osteoporosis in men is complicated by a lack of consensus on how it should be defined. Significant risk factors for osteoporosis or fracture include low bone mineral density, previous fragility fracture, maternal history of fracture, marked hypogonadism, smoking, heavy alcohol intake or alcoholism, low calcium intake, low body mass or body mass index, low physical activity, use of bone-resorbing medication such as glucocorticoids, and the presence of such conditions as hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, and hypercalciuria. Prevention is paramount and should begin in childhood. During adulthood, calcium (1000-1500 mg/d), vitamin D (400-800 IU/d), and adequate physical activity play crucial preventive roles. When treatment is indicated, the bisphosphonates are the first choice, whereas there is less support for the use of calcitonin or androgen therapy. Parathyroid hormone (1-34) is a promising anabolic therapy. There is also strong evidence for the use of bisphosphonates for the treatment of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Although often preventable, drowning remains a leading cause of accidental death, especially in children. New definitions classify drowning as the process of experiencing respiratory impairment from submersion or immersion in a liquid. The key pathophysiological feature in drowning is hypoxia. Accurate neurological prognosis cannot be predicted from the initial clinical presentation, laboratory, radiological, or electrophysiological examinations. Prompt and aggressive resuscitation attempts are crucial for optimal survival. This article reviews the epidemiology, pathophysiology, treatment, and prevention of drowning.  相似文献   

With the recent influenza A/H1N1 2009 pandemic still spreading through global populations, there has been an increased focus on optimizing the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of influenza infections, as well as the epidemiology of the virus. Clinical and epidemiological data on influenza infections in tropical countries have been relatively sparse until fairly recently, and it is the aim of this review to close some of these gaps by examining the behavior of influenza viruses in the tropical Singaporean population.  相似文献   

With the recent influenza A/H1N1 2009 pandemic still spreading through global populations, there has been an increased focus on optimizing the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of influenza infections, as well as the epidemiology of the virus. Clinical and epidemiological data on influenza infections in tropical countries have been relatively sparse until fairly recently, and it is the aim of this review to close some of these gaps by examining the behavior of influenza viruses in the tropical Singaporean population.  相似文献   

Little K 《Nursing times》2003,99(47):28-29
Legionellosis is an acute bacterial pneumonia, which is associated with a mortality rate of approximately 10-15 per cent in healthy individuals. It was first identified in the USA following an outbreak of pneumonia among delegates at a legionnaires' convention. Antibiotics provide effective treatment. Outbreaks continue to occur and have the most significant effects on older people and other vulnerable groups.  相似文献   

Stress fractures are a common type of overuse injury in athletes. Females have unique risk factors such as the female athlete triad that contribute to stress fracture injuries. We review the current literature on risk factors for stress fractures, including the role of sports participation and nutrition factors. Discussion of the management of stress fractures is focused on radiographic criteria and anatomic location and how these contribute to return to play guidelines. We outline the current recommendations for evaluating and treatment of female athlete triad. Technologies that may aid in recovery from a stress fracture including use of anti-gravity treadmills are discussed. Prevention strategies may include early screening of female athlete triad, promoting early participation in activities that improve bone health, nutritional strategies, gait modification, and orthotics.  相似文献   

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has been recognized as an important cause of health care-associated infections for several decades and has more recently emerged as a common cause of infection in persons without typical health care-associated risk factors. It is important for health care providers to have an understanding of the factors associated with MRSA acquisition and infection as well as the interventions that may reduce the risk of MRSA in health care and community settings.  相似文献   

Smokeless tobacco (ST) use is common, especially in southern and rural areas. It is expected to become more popular with the recent move to sell more ST in areas where indoor smoking is banned. ST use usually starts in adolescence, which places this group at high risk. Nicotine dependence occurs almost exclusively in people who start using ST in their adolescent years, so it is crucial to prevent the introduction of ST to this age group. The debate over whether ST is a gateway to smoking or a bridge to quitting has not been fully answered. ST should not replace smoking where indoor smoking is banned. ST is less harmful than smoking, but nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is much safer than ST. NRT and bupropion are helpful in the treatment of ST dependence by decreasing withdrawal symptoms and preventing weight gain after cessation.  相似文献   

Accidents are the most common cause of death in children over one year of age. Prevention remains a high priority. We have reviewed the current epidemiology of childhood accidents and their prevention, and made recommendations for the future. In 1992, 559 children died in United Kingdom as a result of an accidents--240 from road traffic accidents and 100 from burns and scalds. Every year 50 children drown. Accidents cause significant disability to children. Many children, up to one in four of the population in urban areas, attend accident and emergency departments, and 5-10% of these are admitted to hospital. Accident risk factors include low social class, psychosocial stress, an unsafe environment, and child developmental disorders. Research has shown that prevention is best achieved by making the child''s environment safer, often through legislation. Insufficient resources have been put into both research into childhood injuries and preventive work in communities. Collaboration between health authorities, NHS trusts, local authorities and community networks is vital if success is to be achieved. A national safety agenda for children would focus the attention that this problem deserves.  相似文献   

目的探讨前列腺癌并阴茎转移的发病机制、临床特征及诊疗预后。 方法回顾性分析1例前列腺癌并阴茎转移患者的临床资料。 结果患者68岁,因排尿困难在我院行经尿道前列腺电切术,术后病理检查报告为前列腺腺癌。术后行外放射治疗及内分泌治疗,15个月后发生阴茎转移,予以个体化的治疗方案后前列腺癌特异性抗原下降,阴茎肿块缩小,不适症状缓解。 结论前列腺癌阴茎转移发生罕见且预后差,有多种转移机制参与;手术及放化疗虽为姑息性治疗,但个体化的治疗方案可延缓疾病进展,改善患者生活质量。  相似文献   

  目的  总结分析马尔堡病毒病的流行特征、临床表现、实验室检测和预防控制措施研究现状。  方法  通过对PubMed数据库、必应学术收索、世界卫生组织发布信息等与马尔堡病毒病的流行情况有关的文献和资料的收集分析,筛选有明确分离时间和地区的马尔堡病毒基因组序列,进行系统进化分析,分析病原学特征。  结果  马尔堡病毒是对人类最致命的病原体之一,其流行威胁的地区呈现不断扩大的趋势,人们对该病的认识主要源自3次较大规模的暴发流行,病毒遗传进化具有较高稳定性,两个主要分支间差异约为20%,分支内病毒基因组序列差异约为7%,但蝙蝠等自然宿主中同时流行的毒株具有丰富的多样性,给基于核酸的分子诊断带来挑战。  结论  马尔堡病毒病流行形势与危害被低估,应引起人们警惕和关注,加大特异性防控和治疗措施的研发投入,提高病例识别和防控能力。  相似文献   

HH is a common inherited disorder of iron metabolism affecting about 1 out of 250 individuals of Northern European decent. Many of these patients do not have evident phenotypic expression and do not develop significant iron loading. Some patients, however, develop progressive iron overload and cirrhosis. These individuals are at risk of developing HCC. Cirrhotics with hemochromatosis should undergo regular screening for HCC. If HCC is identified early, treatment with either resection or liver transplantation is optimal. Palliative measures, including ablative therapy and chemoembolization, can be used. With increasing clinical recognition,hemochromatosis should be diagnosed earlier and progression to cirrhosis and HCC should be minimized.  相似文献   

Osteoporosis is an important health problem in the United States affecting approximately 24 million Americans, 15 to 20 million of whom are women over 45 years of age. Bone fractures are the major cause of morbidity and mortality associated with osteoporosis. The most common fractures are those of the forearm, hip, and vertebral body, as well as the humerus, tibia, pelvis, and ribs. Osteoporosis-related injuries result in complications leading to prolonged hospitalization, decreased independence, increased incidence of depression, and a reduced quality of life. The disease takes an enormous personal and economic toll, with estimated costs in excess of $13.8 billion annually for direct medical treatment. The incidence of osteoporosis-related fractures is increasing and constitutes a major public health problem in the United States. With a few preventive measures such as identification of risk factors, careful examination, and a few simple diagnostic tests, prevention of osteoporosis during the teen and early adult years is far superior to any treatment for older individuals. Osteoporosis can be identified and an appropriate treatment strategy can be determined.  相似文献   

Obesity and hypertension: epidemiology, mechanisms, treatment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is a close epidemiological association between obesity and elevated blood pressure for all age groups, although not every obese individual becomes hypertensive. In populations without age-related increases in body weight, an elevation of blood pressure with age is not seen. Mechanisms included in the development of hypertension in obesity are hyperinsulinemia, insulin induced sodium retention and increased sympathetic tone. Overnutrition with over intake of sodium and lack of physical exercise contribute to the metabolic syndrome of obesity. Thus, weight reduction by decreased energy uptake and increased physical exercise is recommended in the treatment of hypertension in obese patients. The resulting fall in insulin levels may lead to decreased sodium absorption in the kidney. Although treatment of obesity by weight loss decreases blood pressure substantially, a minority of patients do not respond to the weight loss. Blood pressure generally decreases before normal weight is achieved. Salt intake reduction does not appear to explain why weight reduction lowers blood pressure. Reduced levels of plasma renin activity, serum aldosterone levels, catecholamine levels and serum insulin levels may be involved in the blood pressure lowering associated with weight loss. Since the risk of cardiovascular disease in the hypertensive patient is not only determined by the blood pressure, an overall treatment which aims at reduction of other risk factors such as glucose intolerance and hyperlipoproteinemia is advocated. Thus, in any obese hypertensive patient normalization of excess body weight and increased physical activity appears to be the first and most important step of any rational therapeutic strategy.  相似文献   

West Nile virus was recognized in the United States for the first time in 1999, when it caused an epidemic of encephalitis and meningitis in New York City, NY. Since then, the disease has been steadily moving westward, and human cases were recognized in 39 states and the District of Columbia in 2002. The infection is caused by a flavivirus that is transmitted from birds to humans through the bite of culicine mosquitoes. Most infections are mild, with symptoms primarily being fever, headache, and myalgias. People older than 50 years are at highest risk of severe disease, which may include encephalomyelitis. In 2002, 5 new modes of transmission were recognized: blood product transfusion, organ transplantation, breast-feeding, transplacental transmission, and occupational exposure in laboratory workers. The transmission season was long, with cases occurring into December in some parts of the United States. Currently, there is no specific drug treatment or vaccine against the infection, and avoiding mosquito bites is the best way to protect against the disease.  相似文献   

Q fever, a zoonosis caused by Coxiella burnetii, is seen throughout the world. Recent reports suggest that its incidence in the United States is increasing, with more than 30 cases reported in the US military. The disease has many acute and chronic manifestations. Endocarditis is the most common form of chronic disease, and recent studies have led to substantial changes in the approach to its diagnosis and treatment. Military and civilian health care professionals need to consider Q fever when evaluating patients with appropriate geographic exposures and clinical presentations to prevent delays in diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

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