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A recent case of angiomyolipoma (AML) with a prominent Component of polygonal epithelioid cells is described. A 27-yearoid Japanese male with tuberous sclerosis presented with massive abdominal tumors increasing progressively in size. The patient died of respiratory disturbance and the autopsy revealed massive tumors in the bilateral kidneys, liver and lymph nodes, subependymal giant cell glioma of the brain and lymphangiomyomatosis of the lungs. The giant tumors were an unusual type of AML with a component of polygonal epithelioid cells, which showed a hepatocel-lular carcinoma-like pattern in some areas. Smooth muscle components comprising spindle cells, short or plump spindle cells and polygonal epithelioid cells frequently exhibited positive staining for HMB-45 but negative staining for epithelial cell markers. The unusual AML presented in this case was thought to be of low-grade malignancy and slow growing. it has been suggested that angiomyollpomas with diffuse areas of epithelioid cell component are potentially malignant. Immunostalnings positive for HMB-45 but negative for epithelial cell markers are considered to be useful in differentiating AML with polygonal epithelioid cell component from other tumors, especially from renal cell carcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma.  相似文献   

Angiomyolipoma (AML) is the most common benign mesenchymal tumor of the kidney. It belongs to the family of perivascular epithelioid cell tumors and is typically composed of blood vessels, adipose tissue, and smooth muscle- like cells, which are characteristically positive for HMB-45. Results of recent studies suggest that p53 mutation may play an important role in AML progression. Here, we describe a locally destructive renal AML in a patient with tuberous sclerosis. The tumor consisted of mostly epithelioid cells with marked nuclear pleomorphism and frequent mitoses and was positive for HMB-45. The diagnosis of atypical epithelioid AML was made. Codon alteration in the p53 gene was not detected, despite focal p53 immunoreactivity and single nucleotide polymorphism at exon 6. Our finding indicates no definite link between p53 abnormalities and the atypical appearance of AML. To the best of our knowledge, this is the second renal AML case investigated for p53 mutations.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical study of hepatic angiomyolipoma   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An immunohistochemical study was performed on nine hepatic angiomyolipomas (AML) found in eight patients. Histologically, the tumors were fundamentally composed of the three heterogeneous tissue components of blood vessels, smooth muscle cells (SMC), and fat cells, although the proportions and distributions were quite variable from tumor to tumor and from area to area in the same tumor. Additionally, cellular pleomorphism and atypia with occasional bizarre giant cells were found in the SMC component. This histologic feature might lead to a mistaken diagnosis of malignant neoplasm, and pathologists should therefore be aware of the broad histologic spectrum of hepatic AML. However, the immunostaining patterns were basically the same in all nine tumors. All tumor components were negative for epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) and for cytokeratin. The spindle-shaped SMC component of the tumor was occasionally positive for vimentin, desmin and alpha-smooth muscle actin, whereas epithelioid SMC were negative for all three. Both the epithelioid and spindle-shaped SMC were occasionally positive for S-100 and neuron-specific enolase. All types of SMC in the tumor, whether spindle, epithelioid, intermediate or pleomorphic SMC, were strongly positive for HMB-45, a melanoma-specific monoclonal antibody. Fat cells were occasionally positive for S-100. Endothelial cells were positive for factor VIII-associated antigen. Among hepatic tumors HMB-45 reactivity is, so far as we know, found exclusively in the SMC of AML, and the HMB-45 reactivity of a hepatic tumor is thus clearly an important piece of information in the diagnosis of AML.  相似文献   

Hepatic angiomyolipoma (AML) is very rare and only about 80 cases have been reported. The tumor is fundamentally heterogeneously composed of the three tissue components of blood vessels, smooth muscle cells (SMC), and fat cells. Two cases of hepatic AML are reported here, both of which are histologically composed predominantly of a fat cell element and resembled true lipoma (lipomatous AML). However, careful examination of both tumors revealed the presence of a small amount of epithelioid SMC, especially around blood vessels. Immunohistochemical study using monoclonal antibody for melanoma (HMB-45) clearly revealed a small amount of HMB-45-positive SMC around the blood vessels and scattered in the diffuse fat cell growth in both tumors. Since no liver tissue components or primary liver tumors are reactive with HMB-45 except AML cells, the presence of HMB-45-positive cells within the tumor clearly established the diagnosis of hepatic AML. Any fatty tumor or focal fatty lesion of the liver that superficially resemble true lipomas should be tested for the presence of HMB-45-positive SMC in the tumor to differentiate it from AML.  相似文献   

Perivascular epithelioid cells (PEC) in angiomyolipoma (AML) were recently proposed to be its most common progenitor cells. Histologically, triphasic components were present in various proportions, but were overwhelmingly myogenic in epithelioid variants of AML. Despite histological discrimination, the immunophenotypic profiles between triphasic and epithelioid AML have never been compared. The aim of the present study was to clarify the identity of PEC by using immunoreactivity to estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), bcl-2 and placenta alkaline phosphatase (PLAP), and to use this information to compare triphasic and epithelioid AML. A total of 33 out of 67 cases of renal angiomyolipoma that underwent surgery were reviewed over the period 1998-2003. Two cases were associated with tuberous sclerosis. Ten patients had other malignant tumors, and three patients had a nodal extension. Immunohistochemistry showed that bcl-2 (59.4%), PLAP (46.9%), HMB-45 (100%) was predominantly localized around vessels. The stem cell markers were absolutely negative in all AML types. The estrogen receptors were positive in 14 cases (42.4%) and the progesterone receptors were positive in five cases. Bcl-2 and both female sex hormone receptors were significantly more frequent in the epithelioid variant of AML than in the triphasic type. Perivascular epithelioid cells express bcl-2, ER, PR and PLAP, and ER could be partly associated with myogenic proliferation.  相似文献   

A case of a perivascular epithelioid cell tumor (PEComa) arising in the uterus of a 35-year-old woman is presented. Imaging studies revealed a 5 cm well circumscribed mass in the uterine fundus. The tumor was composed of clear to faintly eosinophilic, epithelioid and spindled cells. Immunohistochemically, most tumour cells were strongly positive for HMB-45, smooth muscle actin and desmine, but negative for epithelial markers, S-100 Protein and neuroendocrine markers. Reevaluation of the patient for signs of tuberous sclerosis complex after the diagnosis gave negative results. At the most recent follow-up 4 months later there was no evidence of recurrence.  相似文献   

目的探讨肝脏血管平滑肌脂肪瘤(hepatic angiomyolipoma,HAML)的临床病理特点、诊断及鉴别诊断。方法对9例HAML进行临床病理学观察与免疫组化标记及复习有关文献。结果 9例HAML年龄28~56岁,平均44.2岁,均无结节硬化症。术前影像诊断多数为肝癌。眼观:肿瘤直径1.2~14 cm。肝左叶4例、肝尾状叶3例和肝右叶2例。肿瘤境界清楚,无包膜,质地脆、易碎,可见出血、坏死。镜检:瘤组织由上皮样细胞、平滑肌样细胞、脂肪组织和厚壁血管组成。上皮样细胞体积大或巨大,呈多边形,胞质丰富,嗜酸性或空泡状,核仁明显,可见核内包涵体,偶见多核巨细胞。平滑肌样细胞呈梭形,9例中有4例几乎缺如脂肪组织。瘤细胞弥漫性或巢团状排列。瘤组织出血、坏死明显,呈浸润性边缘。免疫组化标记:瘤细胞HMB-45及Melan-A阳性,SMA和vimentin散在阳性,CK、EMA、AFP均阴性。结论 HAML是一种罕见的间叶组织源性肿瘤,多见于女性,组织学上以单一方向分化的大上皮样细胞为主,瘤细胞较为特异的表达HMB-45及Melan-A。免疫组化标记可与其它肝脏肿瘤鉴别。  相似文献   

We report the first pediatric case of malignant pigmented epithelioid clear-cell tumor arising from kidney; the lesion occurred in a 12-year-old girl without tuberous sclerosis. The tumor was widely metastatic to the retroperitoneum and chest, and the patient died of the disease 9 months after diagnosis, despite active chemotherapy. Pigmented epithelioid clear-cell tumor of the kidney is a rare variant of epithelioid angiomyolipoma and a member of the family of perivascular epithelioid cell tumors (PEComas). The tumor demonstrated overlapping features between clear-cell sugar tumor and epithelioid variant of angiomyolipoma. Tumor cells were positive for HMB-45 expression, negative for any evidence of muscular differentiation, and contained melanin pigment and premelanosomes in the cytoplasm. Diffuse C-Kit (CD117) positivity was identified throughout the tumor. This is the first report of C-Kit–positive malignant PEComas.  相似文献   

Perivascular epithelioid cell tumors are recently characterized neoplasms composed of large clear HMB-45-positive epithelioid cells arranged in an organoid pattern. The histogenesis of these neoplasms remain obscure. We report here 2 such tumors in young female patients aged 19 and 16 years involving the urinary bladder and vagina, respectively (in the absence of the tuberous sclerosis complex) . Microscopically, both tumors were composed of perivascularly arranged cells with granular eosinophilic fluffy cytoplasm, round-to-oval nuclei, and prominent nucleoli. Melanin pigmentation was present in the vaginal tumor. Immunohistochemically, both tumors strongly expressed HMB-45. They were negative for cytokeratin, vimentin, and S-100. The vaginal tumor recurred 10 months after resection and chemotherapy. The patient with the bladder tumor was lost to follow-up.  相似文献   

Epithelioid angiomyolipoma (AML) is an uncommon renal mesenchymal tumor with malignant potential and is frequently associated with tuberous sclerosis. Extrarenal AMLs are rare, and to the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of a primary monotypic epithelioid AML of adrenal gland in a patient without evidence of tuberous sclerosis. The patient is a 42-year old man who presented with retroperitoneal hemorrhage resulting from spontaneous rupture of adrenal mass. Histologically, the tumor showed a prominent component of epithelioid smooth muscle cells with slightly pleomorphic nuclei, sometimes with prominent nucleoli and eosinophilic cytoplasm resembling oncocytic tumors. Epithelioid cells were positive for melanoma (HMB45 and positive MelanA) and smooth muscle markers (α-smooth muscle–specific actin), but not for epithelial markers (cytokeratin, EMA). Differential diagnosis from renal cell carcinoma, adrenal gland carcinoma, and metastatic carcinoma is often challenging because of its epithelioid morphology. Because primary and secondary malignant tumors are much more common and aggressive neoplasms, establishing the correct diagnosis has important therapeutic and prognostic implications.  相似文献   

We report a case of synchronous hepatic and pulmonary angiomyolipoma not associated with tuberous sclerosis or renal angiomyolipoma. The liver tumor contained tortuous vessels, smooth muscle tissue, and fat. It was partially necrotic and made up of pleomorphic epithelioid smooth muscle cells. Positivity for HMB-45 confirmed the diagnosis of angiomyolipoma. Lung biopsy showed multiple abnormal proliferation of smooth muscle cells exhibiting spindle-shaped or epithelioid morphology. The tumor grew around the vessels, and the cells were positive for HMB-45. The occurrence of this case could be explained by a simultaneous proliferation of perivascular epithelioid cells. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of hepatic angiomyolipoma associated with multiple pulmonary angiomyolipomas, mimicking hepatic tumor lung metastases on X-ray examination.  相似文献   

Malignant angiomyolipoma (AML) of the liver is rare. We report a case of AML with malignant transformation and metastases. A 30-year-old man had developed giant hepatic masses. Microscopically, the periphery of the tumor showed components of classic hepatic AML, but the central region contained atypical epithelioid components with extremely pleomorphic and hyperchromatic nuclei with frequent mitotic figures. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the epithelioid cells were positive for HMB-45 and smooth muscle actin. Furthermore, the atypical epithelioid cells displayed P53 immunoreactivity and mutation at exon 7 for p53. The tumor showed a typical monoclonal pattern but no loss of heterozygosity or microsatellite instability. Markedly atypical epithelioid cells with vascular invasion, distant metastasis, and fatal outcome were interpreted as malignant characteristics of hepatic AML. It is suggested that large tumor size, pleomorphic nuclei with high proliferation activity, and P53 immunoreactivity may predict the existence of malignant transformation of hepatic AML.  相似文献   

Retroperitoneal epithelioid angiomyolipoma leading to fatal outcome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Epithelioid angiomyolipoma (AML) is a newly established variant of AML, characterized by monomorphous epithelioid cells that show HMB-45 immunopositivity, and it often displays aggressive behavior. To date, they have mostly appeared in the kidneys; however, the present autopsy case of a 43-year-old female without the stigmata of tuberous sclerosis complex had a huge retroperitoneal mass, accompanied by involvement of the regional lymph nodes. Histopathologically, the tumor was composed of round, polygonal or short spindle-shaped monomorphous cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm and large nuclei with frequent multinucleation. Mitotic figures were scattered. Mature fat cells and thick-walled abnormal blood vessels were totally absent. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells were reactive with HMB-45 and alpha-smooth muscle actin antibodies. In spite of curative surgery and repeated radio- and chemotherapy, the tumor continued to grow and brought about the patient's death 4 years after the initial symptoms. At autopsy, the peritoneal cavity was filled with the tumor mass exceeding 5.5 kg. Histopathological features were essentially the same as those of biopsy samples, but the cellular pleomorphism and emperipolesis were more easily identified. This report calls attention to this unusual manifestation of AML in the retroperitoneum and the importance of distinguishing it from sarcomas and/or paragangliomas.  相似文献   

We report two cases of pararenal angiomyolipomas, in two middle-aged women without tuberous sclerosis. Both tumors were made of muscular epithelioid cells without atypia, some of which were stained by HMB-45 antibody. The fibrous stroma contained numerous thick-walled blood vessels but no adipose component. The ultrastructural examination revealed that muscular epithelioid cells contained myofilaments and melanosomas. Because of their immunohistochemical and ultrastructural profiles, both tumors may be included in the family of lesions composed of perivascular epithelioid cells (PEC). This tumor type is considered as a particular variant of angiomyolipoma with predominant muscular epithelioid component. The immunohistochemical expression of progesterone and estrogen receptors by both tumors may suggest their hormonodependent character.  相似文献   

We present a case of perivascular epithelioid cell tumors (PEComas) in the abdominal cavity at the falciform ligament. A 30-yr-old Korean man visited to hospital for the evaluation of a growing, palpable abdominal mass. He had felt the mass growing over 6 months. There was no family or personal history of tuberous sclerosis. The resected specimen showed a mass of 8.0×7.0×5.5 cm in size. Histological examination showed sheets of spindle-to-epithelioid cells with clear-to-eosinophilic cytoplasm. Immunohistochemically, tumor cells were positive for HMB-4 (gp100) and smooth muscle actin. They were also positive for the S-100, which is a marker of neurogenic and melanocytic tumors. Patient was treated with radical resection of tumor without any adjuvant therapy. He is well and on follow-up visits without tumor recurrence.  相似文献   

We report a case of PEComa (or perivascular epithelioid cell tumor) in an unusual articular localization in a 13-year-old boy. The tumor, of 4 cm in diameter, showed an infiltrative pattern and was composed of both epithelioid and spindle cells with clear to granular eosinophilic cytoplasm and some multinucleated giant cells. Focal nuclear pleomorphism was present and we found up to 2 mitotic figures /50 high power field. There was no necrosis. Immunohistochemistry showed HMB-45 and smooth muscle actin positivity. Ultrastructurally, premelanosomes were present. Some rare cases of PEComa were reported in the soft tissues. The immunohistological profile (HMB-45 and smooth muscle actin positivity and PS-100 negativity) is helpful to the diagnosis. The histological prognostic criteria of these tumors are not well established. We discuss here the differential diagnosis, notably clear cell sarcoma of soft tissue.  相似文献   

H Maluf  B Dieckgraefe 《Modern pathology》1999,12(12):1132-1136
A case of an angiomyolipoma of the large intestine occurring in a 55-year-old man without evidence of tuberous sclerosis is reported. Endoscopically, the lesion resembled a sessile adenomatous polyp. The tumor measured 1 cm. Histologic examination revealed a lesion composed predominantly of spindle and epithelioid cells with significant nuclear atypia. Mitoses were rare. The tumor was strongly positive for HMB-45, CD68, vimentin, desmin, and smooth muscle actin. Rare scattered cells reacted with CD34. No residual tumor was found in the resected colon.  相似文献   

The occurrence of angiomyolipoma (AML) in tissue other than the kidney is uncommon, as is multiple AML developing exclusively in organs other than the kidney. This report describes a case in which AML occurred multifocally in the liver and lung, but spared the kidney, and which might have been associated with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). A Japanese woman underwent a partial hepatectomy for a suspected malignant liver tumour at the age of 57. The tumour consisted predominantly of a trabecular arrangement of myoid cells with a sinusoidal pattern and inflammatory cell infiltration, and was diagnosed as a primary liver AML by HMB-45 immunoreactivity. Five years later, multiple nodules were found in both lungs, for which video assisted thoracic surgery was performed. The tumour showed a mixture of epithelioid cells containing HMB-45 positive material and mature lipocytes, and was subsequently diagnosed as AML. Molecular analysis of both lesions showed no allelic loss of the TSC1 and TSC2 regions. Molecular analysis of the tumours ruled out an association with TSC, and both liver and lung lesions displayed benign histological features, so that these were probably multifocal lesions of AML without TSC.  相似文献   

Hepatic epithelioid angiomyolipoma (AML) is a rare lesion that is characteristically composed of a predominant or exclusive population of epithelioid cells coexpressing melanocytic and myogenic markers. The cystic variant of epithelioid AML is exceedingly uncommon. In this study, we present the clinicopathological features of a case of hepatic epithelioid AML with remarkable cystic degeneration in a 34-year-old female as well as with a literature review. A magnetic resonance imaging scan revealed a well-defined 30 cm × 25 cm hepatic mass. Sectioning of the well-defined mass revealed a non-encapsulated tumor that was multiloculated with amorphous necrotic tissue and hemorrhagic fluid. The inner cystic wall was rough and brownish-black in color. Microscopically, the tumor largely consisted of epithelioid cells that comprised approximately 95% of the total neoplastic components but also contained some spindle myoid cells, mature fat, and a thick-walled vasculature. Both intracellular and extracellular hyaline globules were frequently identified. Necrosis and invasive growth patterns were also present. By immunohistochemistry, spindle-epithelioid neoplastic cells were variably positive for Melan-A, HMB45, and SMA but were uniformly negative for epithelial and hepatocytic markers. This is the third report of a cystic AML in liver. The patient was followed for 71 months without any evidence of metastasis or recurrence.  相似文献   

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