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Emotion attribution (EA) from faces is key to social cognition, and deficits in perception of emotions from faces underlie neuropsychiatric disorders in which cerebellar pathology is reported. Here, we test the hypothesis that the cerebellum contributes to social cognition through EA from faces. We examined 57 patients with cerebellar disorders and 57 healthy controls. Thirty-one patients had complex cerebrocerebellar disease (complex cerebrocerebellar disease group (CD)); 26 had disease isolated to cerebellum (isolated cerebellar disease group (ID)). EA was measured with the Reading the Mind in the Eyes test (RMET), and informants were administered a novel questionnaire, the Cerebellar Neuropsychiatric Rating Scale (CNRS). EA was impaired in all patients (CD p?<?0.001, ID p?<?0.001). When analyzed for valence categories, both CD and ID missed more positive and negative stimuli. Positive targets produced the highest deficit (CD p?<?0.001, ID p?=?0.004). EA impairments correlated with CNRS measures of deficient social skills (p?<?0.05) and autism spectrum behaviors (p?<?0.005). Patients had difficulties with emotion regulation (CD p?<?0.001, ID p?<?0.001), autism spectrum behaviors (CD p?<?0.049, ID p?<?0.001), and psychosis spectrum symptoms (CD p?<?0.021, ID p?<?0.002). ID informants endorsed deficient social skills (CD p?<?0.746, ID p?<?0.003) and impaired attention regulation (CD p?<?0.144, ID p?<?0.001). Within the psychosis spectrum domain, CD patients were worse than controls for lack of empathy (CD p?=?0.05; ID p?=?0.49). Thus, patients with cerebellar damage were impaired on an EA task associated with deficient social skills and autism spectrum behaviors and experienced psychosocial difficulties on the CNRS. This has relevance for ataxias, the cerebellar cognitive affective/Schmahmann syndrome, and neuropsychiatric disorders with cerebellar pathology.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence for a cerebellar role in working memory. Clinical research has shown that working memory impairments after cerebellar damage and neuroimaging studies have revealed task-specific activation in the cerebellum during working memory processing. A lateralisation of cerebellar function within working memory has been proposed with the right hemisphere making the greater contribution to verbal processing and the left hemisphere for visuospatial tasks. We used continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) to examine whether differences in post-stimulation performance could be observed based on the cerebellar hemisphere stimulated and the type of data presented. We observed that participants were significantly less accurate on a verbal version of a Sternberg task after stimulation to the right cerebellar hemisphere when compared to left hemisphere stimulation. Performance on a visual Sternberg task was unaffected by stimulation of either hemisphere. We discuss our results in the context of prior studies that have used cerebellar stimulation to investigate working memory and highlight the cerebellar role in phonological encoding.  相似文献   

The diversity of synapses within the simple modular structure of the cerebellum has been crucial for study of the phasic extrasynaptic signaling by fast neurotransmitters collectively referred to as “spillover.” Additionally, the accessibility of cerebellar components for in vivo recordings and their recruitment by simple behaviors or sensory stimuli has allowed for both direct and indirect demonstrations of the effects of transmitter spillover in the intact brain. The continued study of spillover in the cerebellum not only promotes our understanding of information transfer through cerebellar structures but also how extrasynaptic signaling may be regulated and interpreted throughout the CNS.  相似文献   

A cerebellar role in spatial information processing has been advanced even in the absence of physical manipulation, as occurring in mental rotation. The present study was aimed at investigating the specific involvement of left and right cerebellar hemispheres in two tasks of mental rotation. We used continuous theta burst stimulation to downregulate cerebellar hemisphere excitability in healthy adult subjects performing two mental rotation tasks: an Embodied Mental Rotation (EMR) task, entailing an egocentric strategy, and an Abstract Mental Rotation (AMR) task entailing an allocentric strategy. Following downregulation of left cerebellar hemisphere, reaction times were slower in comparison to sham stimulation in both EMR and AMR tasks. Conversely, identical reaction times were obtained in both tasks following right cerebellar hemisphere and sham stimulations. No effect of cerebellar stimulation side was found on response accuracy. The present findings document a specialization of the left cerebellar hemisphere in mental rotation regardless of the kind of stimulus to be rotated.  相似文献   

Recently, a cognitive function of cerebellar networks has been challenging the traditional view of the cerebellum as a motor control centre. Among the cognitive abilities reported to be affected by cerebellar deficits is the capacity to solve a spatial problem. We investigated the influence of a cerebellar lesion on spatial abilities by behavioural analysis of rats that had undergone surgical hemicerebellectomy (HCb; HCbed rats). Experiments were performed with a Morris water maze (MWM) and a water T-maze in both cue and place versions (visible or hidden platform respectively). Results indicate a severe impairment in coping with spatial information in all phases of MWM testing as well as in the T-maze paradigm. However, if the MWM cue phase was prolonged, HCbed rats displayed some ability to learn platform position, although at a level significantly different from controls. They succeeded in finding the platform, even in a pure place paradigm, such as finding a hidden platform with the starting points sequentially changed. Retention testing was also performed, demonstrating that HCb affects acquisition but not retention of spatial information. HCbed animals exhibit such disrupted exploration behaviour that they can display only peripheral circling, and they can acquire spatial relations only when proximal cues are available. Furthermore, in all phases of testing, platform finding for HCbed animals is essentially based on place strategies. Thus, a specific pattern of spatial behaviour, markedly different from that displayed following hippocampal or cortical lesions, characterizes cerebellar lesioned rats. These results are discussed taking into account the role in procedural learning recently assigned to cerebellar networks, demonstrating that the cerebellar circuits represent the keystone of the procedural components of spatial event processing.  相似文献   

Recently, we demonstrated the involvement of cerebellar circuits in the procedural components of spatial information processing by testing hemicerebellectomized (HCbed) rats in classical spatial paradigms, such as the Morris Water Maze and the water T-maze. Since procedural components are strongly present in these tests, an impairment also in processing more abstract spatial information, linked to 'where an object is' rather than to 'how to find it', could be hidden by the severe procedural deficits. On this basis, we investigated the influence of cerebellar lesions on spatial abilities strictly reducing procedural variables by employing an active avoidance task, first without and then with a request for righvleft discrimination. In the two-way active avoidance task without spatial requests, controls and cerebellar operated rats developed active avoidance responses which were not statistically different, demonstrating that this kind of associative learning is not significantly affected by hemicerebellectomy (HCb). A second experimental group of cerebellar lesioned rats was tested in a modified version of this basic paradigm in which a rightheft discrimination request was added. This group displayed severe deficits, which even in the last testing sessions prevented them from performing comparably to the control animals. Reversal of the rewarded choice, even if it affected the performances of both controls and operated rats in the first inversion trials, elicited the lowest number of correct responses in HCbed rats throughout the entire spatial reversal learning, suggesting a severe deficit in the ability to change an initially learned behaviour. These results demonstrate that, beside having a marked impairment in facing procedural components of spatial processing, cerebellar lesioned rats are severely defective also in rightlleft discrimination tasks, suggesting a role of cerebellar networks also in the discriminative spatial information processing.  相似文献   

Abstract: In the 21st century, advances in basic research on higher brain functions in both system and molecular levels will proceed therapeutics to alleviate senile dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. In this review, we present our recent experimental results in the hippocampal formation (HF) in reference to human amnesia and a role of the HF in episodic memory and learning. First, we analyzed the activity of the HF neurons in both monkeys and rats. Neural activity in the monkey HF was analyzed during a spatial moving task in which the monkey could control a motorized, movable device (cab) and its route to a target location by pressing the bars. Some HF neurons responded to the occurrence of significant events (or episodes) in the place field where neuronal activity increased. This indicates that HF gating of incoming information may depend on where the monkey is located. These responses suggest representation related to episodic memory, and linkage among diverse information including both spatial and non-spatial cues. Rats were also trained to explore a circular open-field to obtain rewards [intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS)]. When ICSS delivery place was changed, about 20% of the place neurons shifted place fields to locations newly associated with ICSS rewards. These neurophysiological results suggest that the HF is crucial to represent associative relations among multiple cues or factors and to learn such relations. Second, we investigated effects of the newly developed compound (T-588), on learning and memory in rats. Treatment with the compound ameliorated deficits in learning the spatial tasks due to selective lesions of the CA1 subfield.  相似文献   

The mechanisms underlying accumulation of Alzheimer''s disease (AD)-related tau pathology outside of the medial temporal lobe (MTL) in older adults are unknown but crucial to understanding cognitive decline. A growing body of evidence from human and animal studies strongly implicates neural connectivity in the propagation of tau in humans, but the pathways of neocortical tau spread and its consequences for cognitive function are not well understood. Using resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and tau PET imaging from a sample of 97 male and female cognitively normal older adults, we examined MTL structures involved in medial parietal tau accumulation and associations with memory function. Functional connectivity between hippocampus (HC) and retrosplenial cortex (RsC), a key region of the medial parietal lobe, was associated with tau in medial parietal lobe. By contrast, connectivity between entorhinal cortex (EC) and RsC did not correlate with medial parietal lobe tau. Further, greater hippocampal-retrosplenial (HC-RsC) connectivity was associated with a stronger correlation between MTL and medial parietal lobe tau. Finally, an interaction between connectivity strength and medial parietal tau was associated with episodic memory performance, particularly in the visuospatial domain. This pattern of tau accumulation thus appears to reflect pathways of neural connectivity, and propagation of tau from EC to medial parietal lobe via the HC may represent a critical process in the evolution of cognitive dysfunction in aging and AD.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The accumulation of tau pathology in the neocortex is a fundamental process underlying Alzheimer''s disease (AD). Here, we use functional connectivity in cognitively normal older adults to track the accumulation of tau in the medial parietal lobe, a key region for memory processing that is affected early in the progression of AD. We show that the strength of connectivity between the hippocampus (HC) and retrosplenial cortex (RsC) is related to medial parietal tau burden, and that these tau and connectivity measures interact to associate with episodic memory performance. These findings establish the HC as the origin of medial parietal tau and implicate tau pathology in this region as a crucial marker of the beginnings of AD.  相似文献   

Recent functional neuroimaging studies have provided a wealth of new information about the likely organization of working memory processes within the human lateral frontal cprtex. This article seeks to evaluate the results of these studies in the context of two contrasting theoretical models of lateral frontal-lobe function, developed through lesion and electrophysiological recording work in non-human primates (Goldman-Rakic, 1994, 1995; Petrides, 1994, 1995). Both models focus on a broadly similar distinction between anatomically and cytoarchitectonically distinct dorsolateral and ventrolateral frontal cortical areas, but differ in the precise functions ascribed to those regions. Following a review of the relevant anatomical data, the origins of these two theoretical positions are considered in some detail and the main predictions arising from each are identified. Recent functional neuroimaging studies of working memory processes are then critically reviewed in order to assess the extent to which they support either, or both, sets of predictions. The results of this meta-analysis suggest that lateral regions of the frontal lobe are not functionally organized according to stimulus modality, as has been widely assumed, but that specific regions within the dorsolateral or ventrolateral frontal cortex make identical functional contributions to both spatial and non-spatial working memory.  相似文献   

Some intrinsic connectivity networks including the default mode network (DMN) and executive control network (ECN) may underlie social anxiety disorder (SAD). Although the cerebellum has been implicated in the pathophysiology of SAD and several networks relevant to higher-order cognition, it remains unknown whether cerebellar areas involved in DMN and ECN exhibit altered resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) with cortical networks in SAD. Forty-six patients with SAD and 64 healthy controls (HC) were included and submitted to the baseline resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Seventeen SAD patients who completed post-treatment clinical assessments were included after group cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). RsFC of three cerebellar subregions in both groups was assessed respectively in a voxel-wise way, and these rsFC maps were compared by two-sample t tests between groups. Whole-brain voxel-wise regression was performed to examine whether cerebellar connectivity networks can predict response to CBT. Lower rsFC circuits of cerebellar subregions compared with HC at baseline (p < 0.05, corrected by false discovery rate) were revealed. The left Crus I rsFC with dorsal medial prefrontal cortex was negatively correlated with symptom severity. The clinical assessments in SAD patients were significantly decreased after CBT. Higher pretreatment cerebellar rsFC with angular gyrus and dorsal lateral frontal cortex corresponded with greater symptom improvement following CBT. Cerebellar rsFC circuits involving DMN and ECN are possible neuropathologic mechanisms of SAD. Stronger pretreatment cerebellar rsFC circuits involving ECN suggest potential neural markers to predict CBT response.  相似文献   

To date, growth of the human fetal cerebellum has been estimated primarily from linear measurements from ultrasound and 2D magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In this study, we use 3D analytical methods to develop normative growth trajectories for the cerebellum in utero. We measured cerebellar volume, linear dimensions, and local surface curvature from 3D reconstructed MRI of the human fetal brain (N?=?46). We found that cerebellar volume increased approximately 7-fold from 20 to 31 gestational weeks. The better fit of the exponential curve (R (2)?=?0.96) compared to the linear curve (R (2)?=?0.92) indicated acceleration in growth. Within-subject cerebellar and cerebral volumes were highly correlated (R (2)?=?0.94), though the cerebellar percentage of total brain volume increased from approximately 2.4% to 3.7% (R (2)?=?0.63). Right and left hemispheric volumes did not significantly differ. Transcerebellar diameter, vermal height, and vermal anterior to posterior diameter increased significantly at constant rates. From the local curvature analysis, we found that expansion along the inferior and superior aspects of the hemispheres resulted in decreased convexity, which is likely due to the physical constraints of the dura surrounding the cerebellum and the adjacent brainstem. The paired decrease in convexity along the inferior vermis and increased convexity of the medial hemisphere represents development of the paravermian fissure, which becomes more visible during this period. In this 3D morphometric analysis of the human fetal cerebellum, we have shown that cerebellar growth is accelerating at a greater pace than the cerebrum and described how cerebellar growth impacts the shape of the structure.  相似文献   

Objective: Prospective memory difficulties are a feature of the amnestic form of mild cognitive impairment (aMCI). Although comprehensive test batteries of prospective memory are suitable for clinical practice, they are lengthy, which has detracted from their widespread clinical use. Our aim was to investigate the utility of a brief screening measure of prospective memory, which can be incorporated into a clinical neuropsychological assessment. Methods: Seventy-seven healthy older adults (HOA) and 77 participants with aMCI were administered a neuropsychological test battery, including a prospective memory screening measure (Envelope Task), a retrospective memory measure (CVLT-II), and a multi-item subjective memory questionnaire (Prospective and Retrospective Memory Questionnaire; PRMQ) and a single-item subjective memory scale. Results: Compared with HOA participants, participants with aMCI performed poorly on the Envelope Task (η2 = .38), which provided good discrimination of the aMCI and HOA groups (AUC = .83). In the aMCI group, there was a small but significant relationship between the Envelope Task and the single-item subjective rating of memory, with the Envelope Task accounting for 5–6% of the variance in subjective memory after accounting for emotional status. This relationship of prospective memory and subjective memory was not significant for the multi-item questionnaire (PRMQ); and, retrospective memory was not a significant predictor of self-rated memory, single-item, or multi-item. Conclusion: A brief screening measure of prospective memory, the Envelope Task, provides useful support to traditional memory measures in detecting aMCI.  相似文献   

This study reports a patient with a unilateral left thalamic lesion which was centred on the dorsomedial thalamic nucleus. Cognitive neuropsychological assessment revealed a severe impairment in verbal memory and symptoms of executive dysfunction, in the presence of relatively intact visual and facial recognition, working memory, praxis, language and IQ. Verbal and visual recognition memory were investigated using the remember-know paradigm. The results indicated a profound impairment in recollection-driven verbal recognition memory. These results are discussed in the context of the role of the dorsomedial thalamic nucleus in recognition memory, and functional models of memory.  相似文献   

Findings concerning cognitive impairment in patients with focal cerebellar lesions tend to be inconsistent and usually reflect a mild deficit. Patient variables such as lesion age and the age at lesion onset might affect functional reorganization and contribute to the variability of the findings. To assess this issue, 14 patients with focal vascular cerebellar lesions and 14 matched healthy control subjects performed a verbal working memory and a verbal long-term memory task as well as verbal fluency tasks. Patients showed deficits in working memory and verbal fluency, while recall of complex narrative material was intact. Verbal fluency performance correlated significantly with age in the patient group, with more severe impairments in older patients, suggesting that age at lesion onset is a critical variable for cognitive outcome. In controls, no significant correlations with age were observed. Taken together, our findings support the idea of cerebellar involvement in nonmotor functions and indicate the relevance of interindividual differences in regard to clinical parameters after focal cerebellar damage.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that the number of neurons in the human brain has been identified in cognitive and neural sciences, the magnitude of human memory capacity is still unknown. This paper reports the discovery of the memory capacity of the human brain, which is on the order of 108432 bits. A cognitive model of the brain is created, which shows that human memory and knowledge are represented by relations, i.e., connections of synapses between neurons, rather than by the neurons themselves as the traditional container metaphor described. The determination of the magnitude of human memory capacity is not only theoretically significant in cognitive science, but also practically useful to unveil the human potential, as well as the gap between the natural and machine intelligence.  相似文献   

Dear Editor, Neuromodulation,a rapidly expanding field attracting wide attention over recent decades,facilitates human cognition,behavior,and pathology by modif...  相似文献   

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