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硬质气管镜是诊断及治疗气道疾病的有效技术, 但操作风险大、 并发症多。近年随着设备改良和技术进步, 硬质气管镜操作的安全性有所提高, 临床应用开始增多。在硬质气管镜的临床应用中, 临床医师应多根据临床经验进行判断,熟练掌握插入技术, 了解应用指征,保证其安全有效地应用。  相似文献   

21世纪初10余年,新型及变异人类呼吸道病毒已多次威胁全球人类。2012年9月2513,WHO发布3天前在英国确诊的1例新型冠状病毒致命性感染病例,并认为该病例与不久前往沙特阿拉们的1例新型冠状病毒致命性感染相关,新型人冠状病毒(HCoV)致命性感染人类再次发生[1]。随即这种新型HCoV的全基因序列在GenBank中被公布.新的冠状病毒被命名为HCoV—EMC/20120。  相似文献   

目的 观察亚细亚酸对兔未成熟肺缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用。方法 选用15~21日龄新西兰白兔60只,分为5组:假手术组,对照组,亚细亚酸低、中和高剂量组,每组各12只。建立单肺缺血再灌注模型,肺门阻断1 h后,开放再灌注4 h。亚细亚酸低、中和高剂量组分别于术前3 d给予亚细亚酸7.5、15和30 mg·kg-1,假手术组仅开胸不阻断肺门,对照组不予干预。术毕收集肺组织,光镜和电镜观察肺组织病理和超微结构改变。测定肺组织丙二醛(MDA),细胞毒性活性氧(ROS)-HR、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX)水平。Western Blot检测髓样生化因子(MyD)88和核转录因子(NF-κB)水平。ELISA法检测IL-1β、TNF-α水平。结果 ①亚细亚酸中和高剂量组肺缺血再灌注损伤明显减轻,光镜下肺泡与肺泡间隔肿胀程度明显轻于对照组,肺泡腔渗液减少,出血少见。电镜下可见肺泡上皮与血管内皮细胞脱落明显减少。②亚细亚酸中和高剂量组较对照组肺组织MDA,ROS-HR水平明显降低,SOD及GSH-PX水平明显升高;各时点的IL-1β、TNF-α水平也有不同程度下降,特别是再灌注后的2 h和4 h(P<0.05);肺组织中MyD88和NF-κB表达显著下降。③亚细亚酸中和高剂量的保护效果较好。结论 亚细亚酸对未成熟肺缺血再灌注损伤有一定的保护作用,其机制与清除氧自由基和减轻全身炎性反应有关。  相似文献   

Acute respiratory infections accounts for 20–40% of outpatient and 12–35% of inpatient attendance in a general hospital. Upper respiratory tract infections including nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and otitis media constitute 87.5% of the total episodes of respiratory infections. The vast majority of acute upper respiratory tract infections are caused by viruses. Common cold is caused by viruses in most circumstances and does not require antimicrobial agent unless it is complicated by acute otitis media with effusion, tonsillitis, sinusitis, and lower respiratory tract infection. Sinusitis is commonly associated with common cold. Most instances of rhinosinusitis are viral and therefore, resolve spontaneously without antimicrobial therapy. The most common bacterial agents causing sinusitis areS. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, M. catarrhalis,S. aureus andS. pyogenes. Amoxycillin is antibacterial of choice. The alternative drugs are cefaclor or cephalexin. The latter becomes first line if sinusitis is recurrent or chronic. Acute pharyngitis is commonly caused by viruses and does not need antibiotics. About 15% of the episodes may be due to Group A beta hemolytic streptococcus (GABS). Early initiation of antibiotics in pharyngitis due to GABS can prevent complications such as acute rheumatic fever. The drug of choice is penicillin for 10–14 days. The alternative medications include oral cephalosporins (cefaclor, cephalexin), amoxicillin or macrolides.  相似文献   

IL-12及其他细胞因子与反复呼吸道感染的相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨婴幼儿反复呼吸道感染 (recurrentrespiratorytractinfection ,RRI)的发病因素 ,为积极预防及早期免疫调理治疗RRI找出一条新的有效途径。方法 抽取 111例正常出生的新生儿脐血 ,检测白细胞介素 12 (IL 12 )等细胞因子水平作为脐血组 ;随后进行追踪随访观察 ,于 18个月时再次抽取静脉血 ,检测IL 12及其他细胞因子水平 ,其中有 18例符合反复呼吸道感染的诊断标准 ,作为RRI组 ,其余为健康组。分别对脐血健康组、脐血RRI组、18个月健康组、18个月RRI组进行比较。结果 RRI组血清IL 12、IFN γ、IL 2细胞因子水平均低于健康组 (P <0 0 0 1)。结论 反复呼吸道感染患儿除一些外在的发病诱因外 ,其自身先天免疫功能低下 ,尤其细胞免疫功能低下是其发病的重要内因  相似文献   

Nineteen infants who were graduates from special care baby units underwent two overnight tape recordings of oxygen saturation (SaO2) and breathing movements; one during an upper (n = 12) or lower (n = 7) respiratory tract infection and the other when free of infection. Baseline SaO2 was lower during infection (median 99.6 vs 100%, p less than 0.01), with four patients having values (84.3-95.5%) below the normal lower limit for full-term infants (97%). The median number of apnoeic pauses was also lower during respiratory tract infection (4.7 vs 15.7/h, p less than 0.02). The median number of episodic desaturations (SaO2 less than or equal to 80%) did not change significantly (1.3 vs 1.9/h, p greater than 0.05), with the exception of one patient who had extremely increased values during infection for both apnoeic pauses (63/h) and desaturations (112/h). No infant, however, was considered clinically hypoxaemic. Clinically unsuspected hypoxaemia may thus occur during respiratory tract infection in a proportion of infants graduating from special care baby units. Such hypoxaemia may have potentially deleterious effects.  相似文献   

呼吸道感染是儿童时期最常见的感染性疾病,病毒是主要的病原体.新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-2019)疫情以来,儿童呼吸道病原的流行特征和病原谱均有所变化,病原学检测及持续监测具有重要意义,可为临床诊断、治疗及防控提供依据.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most important cause of viral lower respiratory tract infection that can be a life-threatening disease in infants and children. This study was conducted to look for independent risk factors for severe respiratory syncytial virus-associated lower respiratory tract infection (RSV-LRI) that required oxygen supplementation or mechanical ventilation. METHODS: Medical records of patients younger than 4 years hospitalized with RSV-LRI at Shizuoka Red Cross Hospital from July 1, 1995 to June 30, 1999 were reviewed. The patients were compared using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: A total of 157 patients were hospitalized with RSV-LRI at Shizuoka Red Cross Hospital from the study time period. Of these, 20 patients (12.7%) were diagnosed with severe RSV-LRI. Subjects younger than 3 months of age had an odds ratio (OR) of 59.9 (95% confidence interval (CI) 14.7_244.0) for the dependent variable of severe RSV-LRI (P<0.0001). Subjects with a history of congenital heart disease also had an OR of 99.2 (95% C1 8.5-1160.1) (P<0.0005). CONCLUSIONS: Infants younger than 3 months without any underlying diseases may be at high risk for severe RSV-LRI. Respiratory syncytial virus prophylaxis is needed not only for high-risk patients, but for healthy early infants.  相似文献   

小儿下呼吸道感染的细菌病原学分析   总被引:24,自引:11,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
目的:下呼吸道感染是造成儿童住院的最常见疾病之一。在发展中国家,病原菌以细菌感染相对多见,而病原菌的分布特点则常因年代不同而发生变迁。该研究的目的是了解本地区小儿下呼吸道感染常见病原菌及其对常用抗生素的耐药性,为临床药物治疗提供有价值的参考。方法:对2001年8月至2002年7月住院的所有下呼吸道感染患儿,常规进行深部痰培养,并用纸片扩散法、Etest法和Vitek系统进行药敏试验。结果:下呼吸道感染儿共4238例,其中1181例分离到1种或1种以上致病菌,阳性率为27.9%,最常见的病原菌为肺炎链球菌、流感嗜血杆菌、肺炎克雷伯菌、大肠埃希菌和金黄色葡萄球菌,分离率分别为5.2%,5.1%,5.1%,4.0%和2.1%。女性患儿肺炎链球菌的分离率显著高于男性(χ2=4.63,P<0.05),而肺炎克雷伯菌和金黄色葡萄球菌在男性中的分离率均高于女性(χ2=5.71,4.57,P<0.05)。年龄分布显示,1~3岁是肺炎链球菌和流感嗜血杆菌的好发年龄段,而肺炎克雷伯菌、大肠埃希菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和阴沟肠杆菌以及非常见菌感染则在1岁以内的婴儿中多见。季节分布上,12月份至3月份是大多数细菌感染分布较集中的时段。药敏结果显示青霉素不敏感肺炎链球菌、耐氨苄西林流感嗜血杆菌、耐苯唑西林金黄色葡萄球菌和产ESBL肺炎克雷伯菌、大肠埃希菌的比率分别为55.0%,16.5%,41.2%,42.6%和4.5%。结论:肺炎链球菌、流感嗜血杆菌、肺炎克雷伯菌、大肠埃希菌和金黄色葡萄球菌是小儿下呼吸道感染常见致病菌,但在不同年龄的感染率存在明显差异,治疗上应根据药敏结果选择敏感抗生素。  相似文献   

反复呼吸道感染是儿童常见的慢性呼吸道疾病,发病机制复杂,病因及治疗方法较多.益生菌是近年来临床应用较多的免疫调节剂之一,本文综述了反复呼吸道感染患儿肠道菌群的变化,并从调节肠道菌群、增强肠黏膜屏障、刺激肠道黏膜生长、调节机体免疫等方面阐述了益生菌治疗反复呼吸道感染的相关机制.  相似文献   

Objective Acute respiratory infection is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in under five children in developing countries. Hence, the present study was undertaken to identify various modifiable risk factors for acute lower respiratory tract infections (ALRI) in children aged 1 mth to 5 yr. Methods 104 ALRI cases fulfilling WHO criteria for pneumonia, in the age group of 1 mth to 5 yr were interrogated for potential modifiable risk factors as per a predesigned proforma. 104 healthy control children in the same age group were also interrogated. Results The significant sociodemographic risk factors were parental illiteracy, low socioeconomic status, overcrowding and partial immunization, [p value <0.05 in all]. Significant nutritional risk factors were administration of prelacteal feeds, early weaning, anemia, rickets and malnutrition, [p value <0.05 in all]. Significant environmental risk factors were use of kerosene lamps, biomass fuel pollution and lack of ventilation [p value <0.05 in all]. On logistic regression analysis, partial immunization, overcrowding and malnutrition were found to be significant risk factors. Conclusion The present study has identified various socio-demographic, nutritional and environmental modifiable risk factors for ALRI which can be tackled by effective education of the community and appropriate initiatives taken by the government.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Haemophilus influenzae (H. influenzae) is the most frequent bacterial pathogen of respiratory tract infections in children. Detection of antimicrobial susceptibility of H. influenzae is necessary for institution of appropriate antibiotic treatments. METHODS: A total of 281 strains of H. influenzae isolated from sputum samples of 281 pediatric patients with respiratory tract infections were recruited for study. Antibiotic susceptibility was determined by assessing minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of antimicrobial agents. MIC were measured by utility of Agar dilution susceptibility test. RESULTS: Of the total, 38 (13.5%) strains produced beta-lactamase (BLP), 56 (19.9%) strains were beta-lactamase non-producing, ampicillin resistant (BLNAR). The overall resistant proportion to ampicillin was 33.4%. The data indicated that sulbactam/ampicillin, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone and cefditoren are effective against BLP strains. In addition, a high prevalence of BLNAR H. influenzae strains was identified, with an overall isolation rate of 19.9%. Those strains mainly demonstrated intermediate level to ampicillin (ampicillin-MIC 相似文献   

Objective This prospective study was conducted to evaluate the role of hemoglobin level, as a risk factor for Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in children (LRTI). Methods 100 children who came to the outpatient department for LRTI were included in the study. Age and sex-matched 100 children, not having any respiratory illness, were taken as control. They were subjected to complete blood count (CBC) C-reactive protein estimation (CRP), Mantoux test, and X-ray chest. Peripheral smear, serum ferritin and serum iron binding capacity were done for all anemic children. Results Radiological evidence of pneumonia was present in 63 children (63%). Hyper inflated lungs were seen in 27 (27%). Mantoux was positive in 22 children (22%) of study group and none among control group. CRP>6mg/L was noted in 45 children (45%) of study group and 14 (14%) of control group. Seventy four of study group (74%) and 33 of control group (33%) had anemia. Of the anemic children, 60 (60%) had iron deficiency, 10 (10%) chronic inflammation and 4 (4%) had hemolytic anemia. These values were 30(30%), 2(2%) and 1(1%) respectively for control group. Low hemoglobin level due to whatever etiology, was a risk factor (p=0.000). Conclusion Anemic children were 5.75 times more susceptible to LRTI compared to the control group. Prevention of anemia, due to whatever etiology, will reduce the incidence of LRTI.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the viral aetiology of lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) in young Malaysian children. METHODOLOGY: A retrospective review was performed of LRTI patients aged less than 24 months who were admitted to the University Malaya Medical Centre between 1982 and 1997. Respiratory viruses in their nasopharyngeal secretion were identified by indirect immunofluorescence, viral culture, or both. RESULTS: A total of 5691 children were included in the study. The mean age was 8.6 +/- 6.6 months and the M:F ratio was 1.6:1. The most common diagnosis was pneumonia (52%) followed by bronchiolitis (45%) and croup (2%). Positive viral isolation rate was 22.0%. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was the commonest virus isolated (84%), followed by parainfluenza virus (8%), influenza virus (6%) and adenovirus (2%). Patients with positive virus isolation were younger (7.8 +/- 6.2 vs 8.7 +/- 6.7 months, P = 0.0001) and were more likely to have bronchiolitis. CONCLUSION: Young Malaysian children admitted with LRTI had a 22% viral isolation rate and RSV was the commonest virus isolated.  相似文献   

球囊扩张术主要用于儿童良性气道狭窄的治疗。是一项安全、简便、微创的治疗手段,在一些特殊异物取出及大咯血的治疗中也有重要作用。支气管镜下的介入治疗是一门综合治疗技术,球囊扩张术也需要与其他方法联合应用。  相似文献   

目的了解上海地区急性下呼吸道感染(ALRTI)患儿病毒感染病原体的现状。方法收集2005年1月至12月住院确诊为ALRTI的342例患儿深部鼻咽分泌物(NPS)标本,建立套式RT-PCR的方法测定NPS中的鼻病毒(HRV)基因,用直接免疫荧光法(DFA)检测NPS中的呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)、流感病毒(IFV)、副流感病毒(PIV)、腺病毒(ADV)抗原,对各种病毒在小儿ALRTI中的流行特点及临床特征进行分析。结果342例ALRTI患儿NPS标本中,检测到HRV阳性46例(13.45%)。HRV阳性患儿中,3岁以下婴幼儿38例(82.6%),1岁以下27例(58.7%)。HRV致ALRTI全年可见,3到5月份为最高峰。RSV阳性64例(18.70%),1岁以下46例(71.88%)。1岁以下与1岁以上患儿RSV的检出率比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.03,P<0.05)。RSV的检出阳性率从2月份起逐渐下降,6到7月份达到最低,8月份起检出率逐渐升高,至12月份达到最高。ADV感染9例(2.63%),PIV感染8例(2.30%),IFV感染7例(2.0%)。本组患儿病毒混合感染共4例。130例病毒性ALRTI患儿诊断支气管肺炎122例,体温正常42例、低热34例、中度热50例、高热仅4例,以中度发热以下为主,末梢血白细胞<10×109/L93例(71.5%),中性粒细胞<50?例(72.3%),CRP<8mg/L99例(76.2%),均符合病毒性肺炎的特点。64例RSV感染病例中有30例合并喘息(46.9%),36例HRV感染病例中24例合并喘息(52.2%)。结论病毒病原在上海地区小儿ALRTI中占有重要地位,小儿病毒性ALRTI以RSV及HRV为主,ADV、PIV及IFV相对少见,混合性病毒感染少见。HRV所致小儿ALRTI以3岁以下儿童多见,尤以1岁以下为多。上海地区HRV感染主要集中于春秋两季。RSV所致小儿ALRTI以1岁以下为主,以秋、冬、春气温较低的季节多发。除RSV外,HRV也是导致ALRTI患儿喘息的重要病原。  相似文献   

目的探讨小儿呼吸道感染性疾病的药物治疗。方法呼吸道感染性疾病等患者54例,随机分为治疗组和对照组。治疗组27例,用新菌灵(CXM-A)治疗。<5岁服CXM-A125mg,每日2次,>5岁服CXM-A250mg。每日2次。对照组27例,用美欧卡霉素治疗,剂量为每公斤体重30mg,分(3~4)次口服。结果治疗组总有效率为96%,而对照组为81.48%(P<0.05)。新菌灵治疗上呼吸道感染、气管炎及支气管炎、肺炎的有效率分别为100%、100%和50%。结论新菌灵治疗小儿呼吸道感染性疾病效果优于美欧卡霉素。  相似文献   

儿童呼吸系统疾病研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
<正>2009年,面对一场没有硝烟的持久战——甲型H1N1流感,儿科呼吸科医生做了大量工作。同时,在临床诊疗工作之余积极投身于临床研究之中,国内儿童呼吸系统临床研究取得了一定的进步,发表了一些创新性的研究成  相似文献   

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