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甲型流感病毒可感染多种宿主,包括禽以及雪貂、猪、马等哺乳类动物和人类,水禽是甲型流感病毒的天然宿主,大部分亚型病毒都已经从水禽中分离。一般来说,流感病毒感染具有较严格的宿主限制性,目前只有H1、H2、H3三种亚型流感病毒在人群中流行,禽流感病毒H5N1、H9N2、H7N2、  相似文献   

目的:了解甲型流感病毒N9N2亚型毒株在深圳地区鸡群和人群中的分布。方法:采用常规的鸡胚双腔法来分离病毒。抗体测定,采用红细胞凝集抑制(HI)试验和中和试验测定法。结果:从深圳地区农贸市场鸡群中分离到27株H9N2亚型流感病毒,但未能从人群中分离到H9N2病毒。约有26%人血清中检测到H9亚型毒株的抗体,(HI滴度≥20),同时还发现抗体阳性率和几何均数随人群年龄增长而增高,同时与职业有关。然而,在鸡群中H9毒株的抗体阳性率仅为7%。结论:禽H9N2毒株不仅能感染人,而且在深圳地区人群和禽类中较为广泛的分布。人H9N2很大可能来源于鸡的H9N2毒株。  相似文献   

禽流感病毒(AIV)是一类可以引起禽类感染和(或)致病的A型流感病毒,它能引起大多数家禽、野生水禽的感染.部分禽流感病毒已经跨种属传播感染人群,1997年香港第一次报道禽流感H5N1亚型病毒能感染人类,不断出现的H9N2、H7N2、H7N3、H7N7等禽流感亚型感染人类的报道,并显示不同程度的致病性和病死率[1-3].2013年3月在中国首次报道新的基因重组H7 N9亚型禽流感病毒直接感染人类,导致重症肺炎引起死亡[4].  相似文献   

目的 系统评估我国职业暴露人群感染H6N6禽流感病毒的状况.方法 本研究利用我国2009-2011年开展的高致病性H5N1禽流感病毒职业暴露人群血清学监测所采集的近15 000份血清标本,开展H6N6禽流感病毒血清学调查.结果 本研究中检测到H6N6禽流感病毒阳性血清共10份,分别来自不同的职业暴露人群,包括活禽市场、家禽规模养殖场、家禽散养户、屠宰加工场和野生候鸟栖息地.从地域上看该10份阳性血清来自8个不同的省份,分布在我国的南北方.结论 这是我国大陆地区首次报道人感染H6亚型禽流感病毒.  相似文献   

韶关市1998—2007年流感流行与监测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解韶关地区1998-2007年流感流行情况,探讨流行特征,提供防治建议。方法 根据韶关地区流感监测和疫情资料进行流感流行分析。结果 1998-2007年共采集流感样患者标本5062人份,经分离鉴定流感病毒阳性303株,分离率为5.99%。在303株流感病毒株中,H3亚型流感病毒245株(80.86%),B型流感病毒34株(11、22%),H1亚型流感病毒20株(6、60%),首次发现禽H9流感病毒感染人,并检出禽H9亚型流感病毒4株(1.32%)。10年内共报告疫情128起,以3~7月份为爆发高峰,以中、小学校居多,以H3亚型流感病毒引起的疫情见多,其次为B型流感。监测中采集一般人群血清596份,流感病毒川、H3、B1、B2型抗体阳性率分别为57、72%、69、30%、40、77%、27、68%;采集职业暴露人群血清366份,流感病毒H5和H9抗体阳性率分别是0.27%和33、08%。结论 韶关市近10年的流感流行优势株为H3亚型,流感流行高峰在3~7月,进入2000年后流感活动有所加强,一般人群血清流感抗体均有下降趋势,对此应做好加强监测及措施,防范流感在本市的大规模流行。首次在本市发现禽H9亚型流感病毒感染人事件,建议继续加强禽流感的监测。  相似文献   

目的了解肇庆市禽类职业暴露人群禽流感病毒感染状况以及外环境禽流感病毒的分布情况。方法采集禽类职业暴露人员血清样本,用红细胞血凝抑制试验(HI)检测H5N1流感抗体;采集外环境样本,用荧光定量PCR法检测禽流感病毒FluA、H5、H7和H9核酸。结果2011-2012年共采集职业暴露人员血清样本400份,检测H5N1抗体均为阴性;共采集外环境有效样本202份,检出FluA阳性25份,阳性率为12.38%,其中AH9亚型阳性14份(56.00%)。AH7亚型阳性1份(4.00%),A未分型10份(40.00%),未检出AH5亚型。结论肇庆市职业暴露人群尚未发现感染高致病性禽流感H5N1病毒.夕h环境存在禽流感病毒的污染,H9亚型是主要的病原体。  相似文献   

禽流感(Avian Influenza,AI)是由禽流感病毒引起的一种从呼吸系统到全身性败血症等多种症状的传染性疾病综合征。禽流感病毒在分类地位上与人的流感病毒一样。属于正粘病毒科,A型流感病毒属,单股负链分节段的RNA病毒。根据表面糖蛋白血凝素(HA)和神经氨酸酶(NA)的抗原性差异可分为不同的亚型。到目前为止,已经鉴定了16种H亚型(H1-H16)和9种N亚型(N1-Ng)。禽流感病毒根据其对鸡致病性的强弱可分为高致病性和低致病性两种。高致病性禽流感病毒可引起鸡群高达100%的死亡率,故被世界动物卫生组织(OIE)列为A类疾病。低致病性禽流感病毒可引起温和的呼吸道疾病,但在混合感染或环境因素的作用下可引起严重的疾病。近年来H5N1和H9N2等亚型的禽流感病毒感染人的事件,表明家禽是禽流感人畜传播潜在的中间宿主。这也使得世界各国对禽流感的关注程度大大提高。因此,开展对禽流感病毒的研究,从分子水平掌握禽流感病毒的流行规律和致病机理,不仅在病毒学、兽医学等学科上有重要的学术意义,而且在公共卫生等方面也具有重大的社会意义。  相似文献   

美国圣吉德 (St .Jude)儿童研究医院传染病部病毒学分部 ,田纳西州孟菲斯罗德岱堡 32 2N .众多证据证实在鸡群中存在新的稳定流感病毒毒株。如欧亚地区发现的H9N2流感病毒亚型 ,亚洲和北美地区均发现的H3N2 ,H6N1和H 6N2亚型。中国中南地区南昌市活禽交易市场 16个月的监测结果显示 ,健康家禽排泄物标本中 1%可检测到流感病毒。带毒率前两位的是鸡 (1 3% )和鸭(1 2 % ) ,第三位是鹌鹑 (0 8% ) ,接着是鸽子(0 5 % )。其中多份标本分离到H3N6 ,H9N2 ,H2N9和H4N6亚型 ,而H1N1和H3N2亚型只在单一标本中分离到。用各病毒亚型的代表株…  相似文献   

目的:预测H5N1亚型禽流感病毒血凝素Th和B细胞相关抗原表位,并初步分析其抗原性.方法:依据近年H5N1亚型禽流感病毒流行趋势,下载得到相关HA蛋白氨基酸序列.进行生物信息学综合分析预测,获得Th和B细胞相关抗原表位,并比较其保守性和特异性.通过BALB/c小鼠和SPF鸡H5N1亚型禽流感病毒阳性血清,初步鉴定候选表位抗原性.结果:综合多项预测及空间构象模拟结果,我们获得了三条候选Th和B细胞表位,分别为HA141~155、HA206~223、HA302~316.候选表位处于H5N1亚型禽流感HA1 蛋白序列上相对保守的区域内,且与目前流行的H5N1亚型禽流感病毒HA相应区域具有较好的一致性.而不同候选表位在BALB/c小鼠和SPF鸡H5N1亚型禽流感病毒阳性血清反应中显示了不同抗体结合能力,预示了其成为功能表位的可能.结论:所筛选的表位具有成为H5N1亚型禽流感病毒HA Th和B细胞相关抗原表位的可能.本研究为深入揭示流感病毒感染与免疫机制,H5N1亚型禽流感功能表位认知及表位疫苗研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

目的 建立人感染高致病性禽流感病毒H5N1的核酸检测方法,用于人感染高致病性禽流感病毒疑似病例临床标本的检测.方法 针对甲型流感病毒保守基因M设计RT-PCR和real-time PCR引物检测是否为甲型流感病毒,同时针对H5N1禽流感病毒设计针对H5和N1基因的特异性RT-PCR和real-time PCR引物作亚型检测,建立禽流感H5N1病毒RT-PCR和real-time PCR检测方法.结果 本研究建立的RT-PCR和real-time PCR方法可以特异性地检测H5N1病毒,并且与人流感病毒H1、H3没有交叉反应.RT-PCR检测方法灵敏度可到1TCID50,real-time PCR灵敏度可达0.01TCID50.利用上述方法检测人感染高致病性禽流感病毒H5N1疑似病例临床标本,从42例不明原因肺炎病例中检测出阳性标本13例.结论 本研究建立的RT-PCR和real-time PCR方法可以用于人感染高致病性禽流感病毒H5N1临床标本的实验室检测.  相似文献   

禽H9N2亚型流感病毒能感染人的发现   总被引:141,自引:10,他引:131  
目的了解禽(H9N2)亚型流感病毒是否能感染人。方法对人、鸡和猪进行H9亚型毒株血清流行病学调查。对流感样患者和鸡咽喉部采样,用常规鸡胚双腔法分离流感病毒并进行毒株鉴定。对分离出H9N2亚型毒株的患者进行个案调查。结果约19%的人含有对H9N2毒株的抗体,其HI滴度为≥20,从流感样患者中分离到5株H9N2病毒。结论H9N2亚型毒株能自然感染人。  相似文献   

从我国人群中再次分离到H9N2亚型流感病毒   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:26  
目的 了解分离流感病毒毒株表面抗原亚型和特性及其来源。方法 病毒通过MDCK细胞分离,用红细胞凝集抑制(HI)和神经氨酸酶抑制(NI)测定对病毒株表面抗原进行鉴定和特性分析,人血清中抗体测定采用HI和中和实验。对患者进行个」案调查。结果 分离物为甲型流感病毒H9N2亚型,属G9类似毒株,它的HA抗原特性与已经从人、鸡和鸽分离到的H9N2亚型毒株均有差异。患者恢复期血清对分离物的HI抗体滴度为400  相似文献   

H9N2 of avian influenza (AI) subtype has been reported from commercial poultry farms in many countries. This virus has been circulating in poultry industry of different parts of Iran for the last decade. To study the infection of avian influenza H9N2 in chicken of Kerman, one of the characterized H9N2 subtype of Iranian isolate was inoculated by intravenous (IV), intratrachea (IT), and intranasal-ocular (INO) routs in 6-week-old broiler chickens. The trachea, lung, kidney, and fabriciuos bursa tissues were taken at 1–10?days post-inoculation (PI). Each of the samples was divided into two parts. One part was kept in ?70°C for virus isolation. The second part was kept in formalin buffer for preparing paraffin embedded tissue sections. The tissue sections were subjected to indirect immunofluorescence assay (IIF) assay using a monoclonal antibody against N2 influenza antigen and goat-anti-mouse fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) conjugated antibody. The results showed that the inoculated virus isolated from lung and kidney by IV, trachea and lung by IT, and trachea by INO methods. The sensitivity and specificity were 88% and 60% for IIF assay, respectively. In addition, the positive and negative prediction values were 64% and 86%, respectively. The accuracy IIF assay compared with virus isolation was 73.3%. It could be suggested that specificity and positive and negative prediction values for tissue samples testing were better in IIF assay using monoclonal antibodies than the virus isolation test.  相似文献   

Low pathogenic avian influenza subtype H9N8 was diagnosed on a Korean native chicken farm in Gyeonggi province, South Korea, in late April 2004. Clinical signs included moderate respiratory distress, depression, mild diarrhoea, loss of appetite and a slightly elevated mortality (1.4% in 5 days). Pathologically, mucopurulent tracheitis and air sacculitis were prominently found with urate renal deposition. The isolated A/chicken/Kr/164/04 (H9N8) had an Ala-Ser-Gly-Arg (A/S/G/R) motif at the cleavage site of haemagglutinin, which has been commonly found in H9N2 isolated from Korean poultry. Phylogenetic analysis of the haemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes of the H9N8 avian influenza virus (AIV) isolate showed that reassortment had occurred. Its haemagglutinin gene was similar to that of Korean H9N2 AIVs, but its neuraminidase gene was closely related to that of A/WBF/Kr/KCA16/03 (H3N8) isolated from the faeces of wild birds in Korea. The pathogenicity of the isolate was tested on 6-week-old specific pathogen free chickens. The inoculated virus (H9N8) was recovered from most tested organs, including the trachea, lung, kidney, spleen, and caecal tonsil. This is the first report of an outbreak of low pathogenic avian influenza in chickens caused by AIV subtype H9N8.  相似文献   

To determine the susceptibility of pigeons to the newly emerged avian influenza virus subtype H7N9, we experimentally infected three different types of pigeons (meat, town, and racing) with two different doses (2?×?104 or 2?×?105 EID50) of H7N9 avian influenza virus A/Chicken/China/2013 by either intranasal and intraocular inoculation (IN?+?IO) or intravenous injection (IV). In addition, the potential transmission of H7N9 to pigeons by direct close contact with experimentally infected pigeons and chickens was assessed. Results showed that none of the experimentally infected pigeons exhibited any clinical signs regardless of the infection route and dose. Of the 12 racing pigeons that were randomly selected and necropsied, none of them had any gross lesions. In agreement with this finding, virus was not isolated from all pigeons. No detectable H7-specific antibodies were found in any pigeon. In contrast, 11 of 31 chickens that were either directly infected with H7N9 by IN?+?IO inoculation or by contact with IN?+?IO-infected chickens had conjunctivitis. Virus was isolated from all 31 chickens and H7-specific antibodies were detected in these chickens. However, none of the IV-infected chickens or chickens in direct contact with IV-infected chickens had any clinical signs. No virus was isolated from these chickens and no H7-specific antibody was detected. Overall, we conclude that pigeons are less or not susceptible to the H7N9 virus at the doses used and are not likely to serve as a reservoir for the virus. However, the virus does cause conjunctivitis in chickens and can transmit to susceptible hosts by direct contact.  相似文献   

The H9N2 subtype influenza virus (IV) is a remarkable member of the influenza A viruses because it can infect not only chickens, ducks and pigs, but also humans. Pigs are susceptible to both human and avian influenza viruses and have been proposed to be intermediate hosts for the generation of pandemic influenza viruses through reassortment or adaptation to the mammalian host. To further understand the genetic characteristics and evolution, we investigated the source and molecular characteristics of the H9N2 subtype swine influenza virus (SIV), and observed its pathogenicity in BALB/c mice. The BALB/c mice were inoculated intranasally with 100 median mouse infectious dose of A/swine/HeBei/012/2008/(H9N2) viruses to observe the pathogenicity. The HA, NP, NA and M gene were cloned, sequenced and phylogenetically analyzed with related sequences available in GenBank. The infected mice presented with inactivity, weight loss and laboured respiration, while the pathological changes were characterized by diffuse alveolar damage in the lung. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequence of HA, NP, NA and M gene was similar with that of A/chicken/Hebei/4/2008(H9N2). The HA protein contained 6 glycosylation sites and the motif of HA cleavage site was PARSSR GLF, which is characteristic of low pathogenic IV. In the HA, NP, M and NA gene phylogenetic trees, the isolate clustered with A/chicken/Hebei/4/2008(H9N2). The isolate possibly came from A/chicken/Hebei/4/2008(H9N2) and was partially varied during its cross-species spread.  相似文献   

Avian influenza virus H9N2 has become the dominant subtype of influenza which is endemic in poultry. The hemagglutinin, one of eight protein-coding genes, plays an important role during the early stage of infection. The adaptive evolution and the positively selected sites of the HA (the glycoprotein molecule) of H9N2 subtype viruses were investigated. Investigating 68 hemagglutinin H9N2 avian influenza virus isolates in China and phylogenetic analysis, it was necessary that these isolates were distributed geographically from 1994, and were all derived from the Eurasian lineage. H9N2 avian influenza virus isolates from domestic poultry in China were distinct phylogenetically from those isolated in Hong Kong, including viruses which had infected humans. Seven amino acid substitutions (2T, 3T, 14T, 165D, 197A, 233Q, 380R) were identified in the HA possibly due to positive selection pressure. Apart from the 380R site, the other positively selected sites detected were all located near the receptor-binding site of the HA1 strain. Based on epidemiological and phylogenetics analysis, the H9N2 epidemic in China was divided into three groups: the 1994-1997 group, the 1998-1999 group, and the 2000-2007 group. By investigating these three groups using the maximum likelihood estimation method, there were more positive selective sites in the 1994-1997 and 1998-1999 epidemic group than the 2000-2007 groups. This indicates that those detected selected sites are changed during different epidemic periods and the evolution of H9N2 is currently slow. The antigenic determinant or other key functional amino acid sites should be of concern because their adjacent sites have been under positive selection pressure. The results provide further evidence that the pathogenic changes in the H9N2 subtype are due mainly to re-assortment with other highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses.  相似文献   

H9N2 avian influenza virus has been circulating widely in birds, with occasional infection among humans. Poultry workers are considered to be at high risk of infection with avian influenza due to their frequent exposure to chickens, but the frequency of H9N2 avian influenza virus infections among them is still indistinct. This study was carried out in order to identify the seroprevalence of H9N2 avian influenza virus among poultry workers in Shandong, China. During the period from December 2011 to February 2012, a total of 482 subjects took part in this study, including 382 poultry workers and 100 healthy residents without occupational poultry exposure. Serum samples were collected and tested for the presence of antibodies against H9N2 avian influenza virus by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) and microneutralization (MN) assays. Nine subjects (9/382?=?2.3 %) were positive for antibodies against H9N2 avian influenza virus among poultry workers by either HI or MN assays using ≥40 cut-off, while none of the 100 healthy residents were seropositive. In conclusion, our study identified H9N2 avian influenza infections among poultry workers in Shandong, China, and continuous surveillance of H9N2 avian influenza virus infection in humans should be carried out to evaluate the threat to public health.  相似文献   

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