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Book reviewed in this article: Membrane Skeletons and Cytoskeletal-Membrane Associations. UCLA. Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology Color Atlas of Clinical Hematology. Blood and its Diseases. A Guide to Laboratory Transfusion Practice. Surgery of the Spleen. Transplatation: Approaches to Graft Rejection. Sickle Cell Disease. Psychological and Psychosocial Issues. Hematologic Malignancies. International Union against Cancer (UICC). Physician's Guide to Cancer Care Complications. Prevention and Management.  相似文献   

Atlas of Haematology (5th edn.). McDonald GA, Paul J, Cruickshank B. Churchill The Hereditary Hemolytic Anemias Human Immunogenetics. Basic Principles and Clinical Relevance B-Cell Development. UCLA Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology  相似文献   

Inflammation. Basic Principles and Clinical Correlates Hematology/volume 8. Hematopoiesis. Long-term Effects of Chemotherapy and Radiation Progress in Leukocyte Biology, volume 7. Antigen Presenting Cells. Diversity, Differentiation and Regulation Hematology Reviews. Volume 1. Soviet Medical Reviews, Section Hematology. Volume 7. Hemostasis and Animal Venoms, eds. UCLA Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology. New Series, volume 61. Recent Advances in Leukemia  相似文献   

Current Studies in Hematology and Blood Transfusion. Albumin and the Systemic Circulation. eds. Blauhut B & Lundsgaard-Hansen P. Basel: S. Karger AG, 1986;1–234. Price £ 69.50. Iron and Infection. Molecular Physiological and Clinical Aspects, eds. Bullen JJ & Griffiths E. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1987;1–325. Price £ 38.00. Leukaemia. eds. Whittaker JA & Delamore IW. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1987;1–511. Price £ 75.00. Fundamentals of Clinical Hematology, 5th end. Leavell & Thorup. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company. 1987;1–1013. Fundamentals of Immunology, 2nd edn. Bier O A, Dias da Silva W, Götze D & Mota I. Springer Verlag, 1986;1–469. Price DM 64. Clinical Haematology. A Problem-Oriented Approach. Isbister J. Williams & Wilkins, 1986;1–335. Clinics in Haematology. Acute Leukaemia. W. B. Saunders Company, 1986. Price £ 18.50. Clinics in Haematology. Thrombosis and Vessel Wall. W.B. Saunders Company, 1986.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: D Zucker-Franklin, M F Greaves, C E Grossi & A M Marmont (eds) (1981) Atlas of blood cells. Function and pathology. Carola T. Kapff & James H Jandl (1981) Blood. Atlas and sourcebook of haematology. G Fermi & M F Perutz (1981) Haemoglobin and myoglobin. Vol 2 of “Atlas of molecular structures in biology”. Edited by D C Phillips & F M Richards. Karl Lennert (1981) Histopathology of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (based on the Kiel classification). J H Sanderson & C E Phillips (1982) An atlas of laboratory animal haematology.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Marcel Bessis (1977) Blood smears reinterpreted. Edwin Kaiserling (1977) Non-Hodgkin Lymphome. Elmer B Brown (ed) (1977) Progress i hematology.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Dunn CDR, ed. Current concepts in erythropoiesis. Ritzmann SE, ed. Pathology of immunoglobulins: diagnostic and clinical aspects. Protein abnormalities.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Duncan Thomas (Scientific Editor) (1978) Thrombosis. P J Caffney & S Balkuv-Ulutin (eds) (1978) Fibrinolysis. Current Fundamental and Clinical Concepts. Henry S Kaplan & Patricia J Tsuchitani (1978) Cancer in China. G A Jamieson & T J Greenwalt (eds) (1978) Blood substitutes and plasma expanders, Vol 19. Aaron Polliack (1977) Normal, transformed and leukemic leukocytes. A scanning electron microscopy atlas. Karl Lennert (1978) Malignant lymphomas other than Hodgkin's disease.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Venous Thrombosis. Causation and Prediction. Derek Ogston Vascular endothelium in hemostasis and thrombosis, ed. Gimbrone MA Hairy cell and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Thirty years of progress. ed. Huang AT Chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Recent progress and future direction. UCLA symposia on molecular and cellular biology Fibrinogen and its derivates. Biochemistry, Physiology and Pathophysiology. eds. The molecular basis of blood diseases. eds. Stamatoyannopoulos G, Nienhuis AW, Leder P & Majerus PW. W. B. Saunders Methods for studying platelets and megakaryocytes. Modern methods in pharmacology vol. 4. eds. Colman RW & Smith JB. Human plasma proteins. Their investigation in pathological conditions. Second edition. Keyser TW The acute leukemias: Biologic, diagnostic, and therapeutic determinants. ed. Stass SA. Hematology/volume 6 Pathophysiological aspects of sickle cell vaso-occlusion. Progress in clinical and biological research, vol. 240. ed  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: V Grouls & B Helpap (1982) The development of the red pulp of the spleen. I E Chazov & V N Smirnor (eds) (1982) Vessel wall in arhero- and rhrombogenesis. R M Hardisty & D J Weatherall (eds) (1982) Blood and its disorders (2nd ed).  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Journal of Clinical Apheresis Vincent T Marchesi & Robert C Gallo (eds) (1982) Differentiation and function of hematopoietic cell surfaces.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Ciba Foundation Symposium 71 (New ser) (1980) Blood cells and vase1 wulls: functional interaction. Thomas H Bothwell, Robert E Charlton, James D Cook & Clement A Finch (1979) Zron metabolism in man. Jean M Thomson (ed) (1980) Blood coagulation and haemostasis. Elmer B Brown (ed) (1979) Progress in hematology, Rudolf Pfeiffer (1979) Vitamin-BIZ-Stoffwechsel von Granulozyten. Einbau und subzellu-liire Verteilung von Vitamin BIZ in Granulozyten und CML-Granulozyten; E Keicmen, W Calvo & T M Fliedner (1979) Atlas of human hemopoietic development.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Hann IM, Rankin A, Lake BD, Pritchard J. Colour atlas of paediatric haematology Nathan DG, guest editor. Bone marrow transplantation. Clinics in Haematology 1983 Gale RP, ed. Recent advances in bone marrow transplantation. UCLA symposia on molecular and cellular biology Herberman RB, Friedman H, eds. The reticuloendothelial system. A comprehensive treatise. Vol 5 Cancer Reizenstein P. Hematologic stress syndrome. The biological response to disease Prasad AS, Cavdar AO, Brewer GJ, Aggett PJ, eds. Zinc deficiencies in human subjects. Progress in clinical and biological research, vol. 129 Schiffer CA, ed. Transfusion support therapy. Clinics in oncology, vol. 2:3 Heberman RB, ed. Natural mechanisms of immunity. Clinics in immunology and allergy, vol. 3:3 Aleksandrowicz J, Skotnicki AB. Leukemia ecology. Warsaw: Foreign Scientific Publications Department of the National Center for Scientific, Technical and Economic Information Service  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Hellemans J & Vantrappen G. Gastrointestinal tract disorders in the elderly. Dacie, John V & Lewis SM. Practical haematology 6th ed. Bernard A, Boumsell L, Dausset J, Milstein C, Schlossman SF. Leucocyte typing. Human leucocyte differentiation antigens detected by monoclonal antibodies. Specification-classification-nomenclature. Report of the first international References Workshop, sponsored by INSERM, WHO, IUIS and MCR. Molander David W, ed. Diseases of the lymphatic system. Diagnosis and therapy. Engelfriet CP & Borne AEGKr von dem, eds. Immunohaematology. Research Monographs in Immunology. Makovitzky J. Polarization optical analysis of blood cell membranes. Progress in histochemistry and cytochemistry.  相似文献   

Progress in hematology. Vol. XIV. Megakaryocyte development and function. Progress in clinical and biological research vol. 215. Leukocytes and host defense. Progress in leukocyte biology, vol. 5. Transfusion medicine. Recent technological advances. Progress in clinical and biological research, vol. 211. Approaches to the therapy of sickle cell anaemia. Sheila T. Callender. Blood disorders, the facts. Oxford University Press 1986 Fetal liver transplantation. Bone marrow transplantation for treatment of lysosomal storage diseases. Graham R. Serjeant. Sickle cell disease. Oxford University Press 1985 Plasma fibronectin: Structure and function.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Blume Karl G, Petz Lawrence D, eds. Clinical bone marrow transplantation Golde David W, Marks Paul A, eds. Normal and neoplastic hematopoiesis Bollinger A, Rhyner K, eds. Protein in body fluids, amino acids Ritzmann Stephan E, Killingsworth Lawrence M, eds. Protein in body fluids, amino acids, and tumor markers: Diagnostic and clinical aspects. Protein abnormalities Strano A, ed. Thrombosis of cardiovascular diseases. Advances in experimental medicine and biology  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Leukocyte typing II. Volume 1. Human T lymphocytes. Eds. EL Reinherz, BF Haynes, LM Nadler, ID Bernstein Leukocyte typing II. Volume 2. Human B lymphocytes. Eds. EL Reinherz, BF Haynes, LM Nadler, ID Bernstein Leukocyte typing II. Volume 3. Human myeloid and hematopoietic cells. Eds. EL Reinherz, BF Haynes, LM Nadler, ID Bernstein  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Tills D, Kopeć AC, Tiels RE. The distribution of the human blood groups and other polymorphisms. Lewis SM, ed. The spleen. Videbzk Aa, Christensen BE, Jønsson V. The spleen in health and disease. Woolf Neville, ed. Biology and pathology of the vessel wall. Hollán SR, Bern´t G, Fust I, Gárdos G, Sarkadi B, eds. Recent advances in haematology, immunology and blood transfusion. Cohen E, Singal DP, eds. Non-HLA antigens in health, aging, and malignancy. Progr Clin Biol Research Socha WW, Ruffié J. Blood groups of primates: theory, practice, evolutionary meaning. Monographs in primatology S Piomelli & S Yachnin, eds. Current topics in hematology Robert B Bob, Robert P Geyer & George J Nemo, eds. Advances in blood substitute research  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Erythropoietin and Erythropoiesis. NATO AS1 Series: Cell Biology, vol. 8, ed. Rich IN. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, volume 251. Developmental Control of Globin Gene Expression, eds. Blood Transfusion in Clinical Medicine. Eighth edition, eds. Molliaon PL, Engelfriet CP & Contreras M. Immunobiology of Cancer and AIDS. Etiology, diagnosis and management, eds. Nieburgs HE & Bekesi JG. Thalassemia: Pathophysiology and Management. Part B, eds. Fucharoen S, Rowley PT & Paul NW. Atlas of Blood Cells. Function and Pathology, eds. Zucker-Franklin D, Greaves MF, Grossi CE & Marmont AM. Edi. Ermes, Milano. Genotypic, phenotypic and functional aspects of hematopoiesis, eds. Grignani F, Martelli MF & Mason DY. Recent Advances and Future Directions in Bone Marrow Transplantation. Experimental Hematology Today -1987, eds. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, eds. Polliack A & Catovsky D. Harwood Biological Response Modifiers and Cancer Therapy, ed. Chiao JW. Human Retroviruses, Cancer, and AIDS. Approaches to prevention and therapy.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Daniel G. Wright, Joel S. Greenberger, eds. Long-term bone marrow culture. William D. Cohen, ed. Blood cells of marine invertebrates. Experimental systems in cell biology and comparative physisology (MBL lectures in biology vol 6). Maria Wazewska-Czyzewska. Radioisotopic methods of investigation and mathematical approach. Warsaw, Poland: National Center for Scientific technical and economic information. T. M. S. Chang, ed. Microencapsulation and artificial cells. Clifton, New Jersey: Humana Press. Howard M. Shapiro. Practical flow cytometry. Michael C. Brain & Paul P. Carbone, eds. Current therapy in hematology-oncology 1985/86, 2nd edition. V. Hofmann, ME Berens, G Martz, eds. Predictive drug testing on human tumor cells (Recent results in Cancer Research Vol. 94). W. Remmele, ed. Pathologie 1. Rechtsfragen in der Pathologie. Einführung in die bioptische Diagnostik. Denis R Miller, Robert L Baehner, Campbell W McMillan, eds. Blood diseases of infancy and childhood, 5th ed. N. C. Hughes-Jones. Lecture notes on haematology. 4th ed. Sherwood M Reichard, James P Filkins, eds. The reticuloendothelial system. A comprehensive treatise, vol. 7 B. Physiology. David W Golde, Fumimaro Takaku, eds, Hematopoietic stem cells (Hematology, vol. 2). Sergio Piomelli, Stanley Yachnin, eds. Current topics in hematology. Vol. 5. Dirk W. van Bekkum, Bob Lovenberg, eds. Bone marrow trasplantation, Biological mechanisms and clinical practice (Hematology Series, vol. 3). J. R. De Loach, U. Sprandel, eds. Red blood cells as carriers for drugs (Biblioteca haematologica no. 51), 1st International Conference on Red Blood Cell Carriers at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Study and Conference Center, Bellagio (Italy), February 27 - March 2, 1984.  相似文献   

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