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Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) is a recently described familial cerebrovascular disorder shown to map to chromosome 19q12. Familial hemiplegic migraine has also been shown in some families to map close to the CADASIL locus. The fully developed CADASIL phenotype consists of recurrent strokes developing in the fourth decade, progressing to a pseudobulbar palsy, spastic quadriparesis, and subcortical dementia. In an Irish family 15 members were fully investigated by magnetic resonance scanning; 10 had typical magnetic resonance features of CADASIL. Five members of this family had familial hemiplegic migraine and 4 of these had magnetic resonance evidence of CADASIL. Two other members had migraine with and without aura as a presenting clinical symptom of CADASIL. This disorder has been shown by linkage analysis to map to the CADASIL locus at chromosome 19. The phenotype at presentation of CADASIL in this family was variable and age related and included familial hemiplegic migraine, migraine with and without aura, transient ischemic attacks, strokes, and spinal cord infarction. This family study increases our understanding of the spectrum of clinical manifestations of this underrecognized familial cerebrovascular disorder.  相似文献   

Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by transient hemiplegia during the aura phase of a migraine attack. Nystagmus has been reported in individuals affected with this disorder, but the origin of the ocular motility findings is unknown. A three-generation family with FHM is described and clinical histories are outlined. Ocular motility evaluations were performed on 7 family members, 5 with a history of hemiplegic migraine and 2 without history of migraine. All affected family members had abnormal eye movements consistent with vestibulocerebellar dysfunction. Magnetic resonance imaging scans in affected family members revealed cerebellar vermian atrophy. DNA linkage analysis revealed a common marker in all the affected family members on chromosome 19. We suggest that the hemiplegic migraine attacks and the cerebellar degeneration are linked genetically and that the eye movements are not the ischemic sequelae of recurrent migraine. Strikingly similar ocular motility findings and cerebellar degeneration are reported in both FHM and a genetically related disorder, hereditary paroxysmal cerebellar ataxia (HPCA). The significance of these similarities is discussed along with a proposed pathophysiology for FHM.  相似文献   

目的探讨常染色体显性遗传成人癫癎、震颤伴共济失调的临床特征并排除已知的致病基因。方法对可追溯6代130人的一家系的30名成员(包括11例患者)进行详细的神经系统检查,通过查询人类孟德尔遗传病数据库(OMIM)及表型鉴别、突变筛查和连锁分析验证方法排除已知致病基因;采用模拟连锁分析软件对该家系进行评估。结果该家系患者临床表现为多种形式的癫癎发作、震颤、肌阵挛小脑协调障碍和锥体束征。通过3种方法排除了已知基因致病可能,模拟连锁分析显示重组率为零时LOD值为6.03。结论该家系可能为尚未报道的常染色体显性遗传癫癎、震颤伴共济失调综合征,模拟分析证实它可为连锁分析提供足够的遗传信息,为定位克隆奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Purpose: To investigate for the first time the natural history and long‐term evolution of “familial cortical tremor, myoclonus, and epilepsy.” Methods: We evaluated the clinical, electrophysiologic, and treatment data of 14 patients from three families linked to 2p11.1–q12.2. A simplified scale was used to score myoclonus severity. Electroencephalography (EEG) studies were reviewed for the evaluation of background activity, paroxysmal abnormalities, and photoparoxysmal response. Data were organized for age groups. Correlation and logistic regression analysis were performed. Key Findings: Patients’ mean age was 47.8 ± 22.0 years (range 20–86 years). Mean age at disease onset was 20.2 ± 7.8 years (range 11–40 years); mean follow‐up duration was 14.0 ± 5.8 years (range 7–28 years). Evaluation at different age groups revealed a gradual, progressive worsening of the myoclonus in 10 patients (71.4%). Two subjects aged >80 years showed myoclonus interfering with autonomous walking. Myoclonus severity was correlated with disease duration (p < 0.001) and patients’ age (p = 0.001). Six patients (42.8%) experienced seizures, usually between the second and sixth decades of life. Evaluation of EEG long‐term evolution revealed progressive slowing of background activity in parallel with the gradual worsening of myoclonus. In contrast, paroxysmal activity and photosensitivity were particularly evident during the intermediate phases of the disease. In addition, psychiatric and neuropsychological dysfunction occurred in more than one third of the patients. Significance: We provide data for a slight age‐dependent progression and the presence of neuropsychiatric and neuropsychological dysfunction in this unique syndrome, for which the definition of familial or autosomal dominant cortical tremor, myoclonus, and epilepsy (FCTME/ADCME) seems to be, therefore, more appropriate.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe objective of this report was to assess the psychiatric comorbidity in a group of patients affected by autosomal dominant cortical tremor, myoclonus, and epilepsy (ADCME).MethodsReliable and validated psychodiagnostic scales including the BDI (Beck Depression Inventory), STAI-Y1 and 2 (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory — Y; 1 and 2), MMPI-2 (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory — 2), and QoLIE-31 (Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory — 31) were administered to 20 patients with ADCME, 20 patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME), and 20 healthy controls.ResultsThere was a higher prevalence of mood disorders in patients with ADCME compared to patients with JME and healthy controls, particularly depression (p = 0.035 and p = 0.017, respectively) and state anxiety (p = 0.024 and p = 0.019, respectively). Trait anxiety was not different from JME (p = 0.102) but higher than healthy controls (p = 0.017). The myoclonus score positively correlated with both state (rho: 0.58, p = 0.042) and trait anxiety (rho: 0.65, p = 0.011). These psychiatric features were also often associated with pathological traits of personality: paranoid (OR: 25.7, p = 0.003), psychasthenia (OR: 7.0, p = 0.023), schizophrenia (OR: 8.5, p = 0.011), and hypomania (OR: 5.5, p = 0.022). Finally, in patients with ADCME, decreased quality of life correlated with these psychiatric symptoms.SignificancePatients with ADCME show a significant psychiatric burden that impairs their quality of life. A comprehensive psychiatric evaluation should be offered at the time of diagnosis to detect these comorbidities and to treat them.  相似文献   

Jolobe OM 《Lancet neurology》2012,11(6):484; author reply 484

Ducros A 《Revue neurologique》2008,164(3):216-224
Hemiplegic migraine (HM) is a rare variety of migraine with aura characterized by the presence of a motor weakness during the aura. Hemiplegic migraine has two main forms according to the familial history: patients with at least one first- or second-degree relative who has aura including motor weakness have familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM); patients without such familial history have sporadic hemiplegic migraine (SHM). The prevalence of HM is one in 10,000 with FHM and SHM being equally frequent. Typical HM attacks include a motor weakness that is always associated with other aura symptoms, the most frequent being sensory, visual and speech disorders. In addition, basilar-type symptoms occur in up to 70% of the patients. Severe attacks may occur in FHM as well as in SHM with prolonged hemiplegia, confusion, coma, fever and seizures. The clinical spectrum also includes permanent cerebellar signs (nystagmus, ataxia, dysarthria) and less frequently various types of seizures and intellectual deficiency. FHM is the only variety of the autosomal dominant migraine and all three know genes encode ion-transporters. A genetic diagnosis is now possible by screening the three known genes involved in FHM (CACNA1A, ATP1A2 and SCNA1). Prognosis is usually good. Treatment is similar to approaches used in other varieties of migraine with aura, excepted for triptans that are contraindicated in MHF/MHS. Based on new pathophysiological insight, preventive treatments by various antiepileptic agents seem promising.  相似文献   

ObjectivesEssential tremor (ET) is a common inherited movement disorder whose causes remain unknown. The presence of spontaneous tremor in murine mutants may provide clues into the pathogenesis of ET. SCN8A encodes the neuronal voltage gated sodium channel Nav1.6 that is widely expressed in the central nervous system. Several mutations of Scn8a in the mouse result in congenital postural tremor of the extremities and head.MethodsWe screened SCN8A as a candidate gene in a cohort of 95 Caucasian patients with ET and a positive family history, including 48 patients with early onset in the first two decades of life. Early and adult onset ET subgroups did not differ in disease severity, but early onset patients had longer disease duration. Observed sequence variants were also screened in an ethnically matched control group.ResultsWe did not detect SCN8A mutations affecting amino acid sequence or splice sites in our cohort of ET patients.ConclusionsAlthough mutations of Scn8a cause congenital tremor in mice, mutations in the sequence of the exons and splice sites of human SCN8A do not appear to be a common cause of autosomal dominant essential tremor in Caucasian patients.  相似文献   

We present a kindred with a previously undescribed combination of neuronal Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, ptosis, parkinsonism, and mild dementia. The propositus, a 72-year-old man, had pes cavus, peripheral neuropathy, ptosis, parkinsonism, hyperreflexia, orthostatic hypotension, central hypoventilation, and mild dementia. Peripheral electrophysiologic studies showed features of an axonal neuropathy. The electroencephalogram showed intermittent 2 to 4 Hz activity symmetrically in the hemispheres. Several family members in 3 generations had pes cavus, neuropathy, ptosis, parkinsonism, and dementia although not all of the features were consistently present. Survival past the 7th decade was common. Autopsy in 2 affected members revealed the neuropathy to be axonal in type and showed mild to moderate loss of anterior horn cells in the spinal cord and pigmentary loss with gliosis in the substantia nigra. This is a unique, benign, autosomal dominant syndrome which shows complete penetrance, variable expression, and both central and peripheral nervous system involvement.  相似文献   

A family with an autosomal dominant type of congenital muscular dystrophy (CMD) will be reported. In general, an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance is accepted for CMD. In 1980, Kalyanaraman et al reported another family with an autosomal dominant CMD with possible involvement of the central nervous system (CNS). Our report concerns a father and daughter suffering from CMD without CNS involvement. The histological findings, especially some mitochondrial abnormalities in the muscle biopsy were remarkable.  相似文献   

An autosomal dominant disorder with episodic ataxia, vertigo, and tinnitus.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The authors report an autosomal dominant episodic ataxia that is clinically distinct from the other episodic ataxias. Vestibular ataxia, vertigo, tinnitus, and interictal myokymia are prominent; attacks are diminished by acetazolamide. Linkage analyses of markers flanking the EA1 and EA2 loci demonstrate genetic exclusion from the other autosomal dominant episodic ataxias. The authors suggest EA3 for periodic vestibulocerebellar ataxia and EA4 for the disorder described here.  相似文献   

In this study we describe an autosomal dominant distal muscular dystrophy in a small Austrian family. The myopathy started in early adulthood with a slowly progressive weakness of the muscles of the anterior tibial compartment, followed by the long finger extensors and sternocleidomastoids in some family members. Other muscles were spared. Histopathology showed fiber size variation and autophagic vacuoles. This disease pattern is similar to Laing distal myopathy, which has been described previously in only one other family.  相似文献   

The term ‘cortical tremor’ was first introduced by Ikeda and colleagues to indicate a postural and action‐induced shivering movement of the hands which mimics essential tremor, but presents with the electrophysiological findings of cortical reflex myoclonus. The association between autosomal dominant cortical tremor, myoclonus and epilepsy (ADCME) was first recognized in Japanese families and is now increasingly reported worldwide, although it is described using different acronyms (BAFME, FAME, FEME, FCTE and others). The disease usually takes a benign course, although drug‐resistant focal seizures or slight intellectual disability occur in some cases. Moreover, a worsening of cortical tremor and myoclonus is common in advanced age. Although not yet recognized by the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE), this is a well‐delineated epilepsy syndrome with remarkable features that clearly distinguishes it from other myoclonus epilepsies. Moreover, genetic studies of these families show heterogeneity and different susceptible chromosomal loci have been identified.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of triptans in patients who suffer from familial or sporadic hemiplegic migraine. Seventy-six subjects had used triptans at least once as an abortive treatment. Average triptan response was 6.9 (SD ±3.1) and adverse event severity 4.9 (SD ±3.3) on a scale from 0 to 10 (no response or side effect 0, excellent response or unbearable side effects 10). None of the patients had an ischaemic stroke or a heart attack. One patient reported prolonged neurological symptoms, related to a single dose of rizatriptan, but there were no pathological findings in several MRI-scans. Triptans seem to be safe and effective treatment for most hemiplegic migraine patients.  相似文献   

Sneeze is an ubiquitous phenomenon that happens to everyone. In spite of this, little attention has been paid to it, among medical literature in general, and even less in neurologic texts. A curious entity, called photic sneeze reflex, solar sneeze reflex, light sneeze reflex or autosomal dominant compelling helio-ophthalmic outburst syndrome, known perhaps since ancient Greek, has been scarcely described in the scientific literature, mainly as clinical notes and letters to the editor, but in a detailed way, we can find just a few reports. This reflex appears when subjects are exposed suddenly to intense sunlight and it consists of long incoercible sneeze bursts. It is usually ignored by its sufferers, who report it as a curiosity or a minor complaint, and its importance has been neglected in spite of its hereditary nature and its apparently high prevalence. We review the history, epidemiology, genetics, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology and physiopathology of this reflex hereditary response.  相似文献   

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