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王蓉  刘盼  任兴权  周丽  赵俊 《现代预防医学》2022,(14):2646-2651
目的 了解酒泉市戈壁设施种植的番茄、葫芦、黄瓜、辣椒、豆角中铅、砷、汞、镉的污染状况,评估人体摄入后的健康风险。方法 利用国家标准检验方法,在酒泉市总寨和东洞戈壁农业产业园区采集检测274份主栽蔬菜中铅、砷、汞、镉含量,结合单因子污染指数和内梅罗污染指数法对蔬菜受重金属污染的程度进行评价,利用靶标污染系数法对蔬菜中重金属对人体的健康风险进行评估。结果 274份蔬菜中铅、砷、汞和镉的含量范围分别为0~0.050 1 mg/kg、0~0.053 8 mg/kg、0~0.001 0 mg/kg和0~0.048 8 mg/kg,平均含量分别为0.010 3、0.010 3、0.000 2和0.008 7 mg/kg,均未超出国家标准规定的食品中污染物限量。5种蔬菜中4种重金属的污染指数均低于0.7,靶标危害系数均小于1。结论 酒泉市总寨和东洞戈壁农业产业园区主栽的5种蔬菜受铅、砷、汞、镉污染程度较轻,属于清洁水平,处于安全级别,膳食摄入风险较低。对比其它地区蔬菜,酒泉戈壁设施蔬菜中重金属含量总体不高,与有机设施蔬菜基地结果接近。  相似文献   

重金属暴露与心血管疾病关系的流行病学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
重金属是重要环境污染物之一,其对心血管系统的损害已备受国内外学者的关注。本文基于重金属人体负荷水平、重金属暴露对心血管系统危害的相关研究成果,综述铅、镉、砷3种常见重金属暴露与心血管疾病关系的流行病学研究进展,并提出应加强全国范围一般人群重金属负荷水平的监测,以利于定量评估重金属暴露所致的心血管疾病风险。  相似文献   

[目的]了解广东省佛山市三水区正常人群体全血中13种重金属含量,并与其他地区的文献资料作比对,为防控重金属污染及其健康危害提供依据。[方法]采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样法,抽取正常人群共862份全血样本,采用离子耦合质谱法(ICP-MS)检测铅、汞、镉等13种重金属含量。[结果]正常人群中全血重金属含量5%位数、中位数、95%位数分别为:血钒0.62、0.99、1.57 μg/L;血铜504.3、661.2、844.4 μg/L;血锌3 056、4 917、7 126 μg/L;血锗193.4、274.6、389.5 μg/L;血砷1.55、4.23、7.29 μg/L;血硒232.4、306.0、392.6 μg/L;血铷2 595、3 403、4 399 μg/L;血锶8.42、13.83、23.63 μg/L;血镉0.34、0.98、2.09 μg/L;血锑4.18、5.38、6.71 μg/L;血铯3.81、6.39、10.17 μg/L;血汞0.25、1.86、4.68 μg/L;血铅15.72、31.13、51.40 μg/L,且大部分存在性别和年龄间的统计学差异。[结论]三水地区正常人群全血主要重金属含量水平较高,原因可能与实验室间差异、饮食习惯和环境重金属污染有关;部分重金属含量之间存在相关关系,提示该地区应加强重金属污染的防控并进一步探讨重金属间的相互关系。  相似文献   

目的 调查某市农饮水重金属污染情况,评价农饮水中有害元素的健康风险,从环境健康风险角度提出安全管理措施,为农饮水改造提供科学依据。方法 采集2016、2017年某市农饮水改造工程水样,检测重金属元素:汞、六价铬、镉、砷、铅、硒、锰的含量,应用美国环境保护局(US EPA)推荐的健康风险模型,计算、分析、评价农饮水中有害元素的健康风险。结果 3种致癌金属的风险值从高到低为Cr6+>As>Cd,致癌总风险值95%置信区间1.26E - 04~1.88E - 04 a - 1,主要是Cr6+、As引起的健康风险;4种非致癌金属的风险值从高到低为Se>Mn>Hg>Pb,非致癌总风险值95%置信区间2.34E - 10~4.20E - 10 a - 1,对个体的健康风险效应很小。结论 通过健康风险评价确定Cr6+、As是某市农饮水监测的重点。为确保该地农饮水的安全,应加强水源管理,有条件的可以进行水质净化处理,健康风险特别高的地方建议改换水源。  相似文献   

目的评价呼和浩特市地区饮用水中重金属对健康的潜在危害。方法对呼和浩特市2018年饮用水中的10种重金属进行检测,并应用美国国家环境保护署推荐的健康风险评价模型,对重金属通过饮水途径所引起的健康风险做出评价。结果 440个样品中,砷合格率93.86%,铁合格率99.55%,锰合格率99.09%,其他金属全部合格。重金属的非致癌总风险为5.8942×10-9,致癌总风险为4.4988×10-5,总的健康风险为4.4994×10-5,金属致癌的风险排序为:铬(六价)>镉>砷,非致癌风险最高的金属为:砷>铜>铬(六价)。呼和浩特市农村水的致癌总风险和非致癌总风险均高于城市水(Z=-3.323,P=0.001;Z=-4.811,P<0.0001),出厂水、二次供水和末梢水致癌总风险间存在显著差异(Z=12.82,P=0.002);丰水期的健康总风险高于枯水期(Z=-3.122,P=0.002);丰水期的致癌总风险高于枯水期(Z=-3.939,P<0.0001)。结论呼和浩特市2018年致癌健康风...  相似文献   

Aerosol particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) and trace gases (SO2, NO2, CO and O3) were sampled at five locations in greater Dhaka, Bangladesh, between January and April 2006. Particulate matter was collected on micro-fiber filters with a low-volume sampler, and trace gases (SO2, NO2, and O3) were collected with an impinger equipped with PM samplers. Carbon monoxide was determined using the Indicator Tube method. The total average concentrations of SO2, NO2, CO, and O3 were 48.3, 21.0, 166.0 and 28 μg m–3, respectively. The total average concentrations of SO2 and NO2 were much lower than the annual average guideline values of the World Health Organization (WHO). The total average O3 concentration was also much lower than the daily maximum values established by WHO (average of 100 μg m–3 for an 8-h sample). The total average concentrations of five sites were 263, 75.5 and 66.2 μg m–3 for SPM, PM10 and PM2.5, respectively. The mass of PM2.5 is approximately 88% of the PM10 mass, indicating that fossil fuel is the main source of PM in Dhaka. An atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used to determine the heavy metal concentrations in the PM2.5 size fraction. The total average concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, and Zn in PM2.5 were 6.3, 13, 94, 433, 204, and 381 ng m–3, respectively. The Pb concentration in Dhaka shows a decreasing tendency, presumably due to the ban on the use of leaded fuel. The overall trace metal concentrations in Dhaka are higher than those in European (e.g., Spain, Norway) and East Asian (e.g., Taiwan) locations, but lower than those measured in Southeast Asian (Kanpur, Delhi, Mumbai, India; Lahore, Pakistan) cities.  相似文献   

Bank voles were trapped in the neighborhood of the Sendzimir steelworks in Krakow and the ZGH Boleslaw zinc smelter in Bukowno. The Borecka forest in the north of Poland served as a control area. Lead, cadmium, zinc, and iron concentrations were analyzed in the liver, kidneys, testes, and femur bones of the bank voles. Typically, high levels of lead and cadmium were found in the bones and kidneys, respectively. In the femurs of the rodents from Bukowno, 109.26 microg g(-1) dry weight of lead was detected. The kidneys of these animals had accumulated 32.98 microg g(-1) cadmium. Concentrations of zinc and iron in the tissues were at physiological levels. No damage was found in the tissues of the bank voles from the Borecka forest or in the testes of animals from other areas. Histopathological changes in the kidneys of the rodents from Krakow as well as changes to the liver and kidneys of the animals from Bukowno were demonstrated.  相似文献   

Heavy metals concentrations of (Cr, Zn, Fe, Cu and Ni) were determined in plants and soils contaminated with electroplating industrial effluent. The ranges of total soil Cr, Zn, Fe, Cu and Ni concentrations were found to be 1443-3240, 1376-3112, 683-2228, 263-374 and 234-335 mg kg−1, respectively. Metal accumulation, along with hyperaccumulative characteristics of the screened plants was investigated. Present study highlighted that metal accumulation in different plants varied with species, tissues and metals. Only one plant (Amaranthus viridis) accumulated Fe concentrations over 1000 mg kg−1. On the basis of TF, eight plant species for Zn and Fe, three plant species for Cu and two plant species for Ni, could be used in phytoextraction technology. Although BAF of all plant species was lesser than one, these species exhibited high metal adaptability and could be considered as potential hyperaccumulators. Phytoremediation potential of these plants can be used to remediate metal contaminated soils, though further investigation is still needed.  相似文献   

苏州工业园区土壤与蔬菜中重金属污染调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查研究苏州市常见的12种蔬菜及土壤,并按照国家标准对蔬菜中重金属污染情况进行了评价。结果表明,苏州市工业园区的蔬菜重金属尚未受到相应土壤重金属污染元素的污染,只有少数蔬菜受到了Zn、Pb的污染。  相似文献   

Research studies analysing heavy metal or trace elements in Turkish wines is scarce. This study was designed to fill this gap, analysing 43 wines produced in 4 different regions in Turkey. A total of 37 red and 6 white wines produced from various grapes from 2006 to 2008 in Marmara, Aegean, Central Anatolia and Eastern Anatolia regions were studied. Wines were analyzed for Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb using atomic absorption spectrometer equipped (AAS) with electrothermal atomization unit (ET). Average results for red and white wines, respectively, were: Cr, 38.6 and 29.4 μg/L; Mn, 697 and 101 μg/L; Fe, 1.7 and 0.7 mg/L; Co, 6.3 and 0.5 μg/L; Ni, 134 and 573 μg/L; Cu, 131 and 158 μg/L; Zn, 389 and 2099 μg/L; Cd, 2.8 (red wine; white wine results were under limit of detection); Pb, 6.3 (red wine; white wine results were under limit of detection). These results were interpreted for grape types and regions. Accuracy was tested with standard addition method. Recoveries ranged from 96% to 107% after standard addition. Cr, Fe and Mn in red wines were higher in comparison to white wines, whereas white wines were higher in Ni and Zn. Non-essential Cd and Pb concentrations were very low in both red and white wines. Comparison with literature shows all heavy metal concentrations in the analyzed Turkish wines to be below the limits designated by World Health Organization.  相似文献   

目的了解解放军某部食堂蔬菜中重金属的污染状况。方法以微波消解系统处理蔬菜样品,采用原子荧光法检测铅、砷和汞的含量,并与国家标准对比。结果在44份样品中,铅检出率为86.4%,超标率为6.8%;砷检出率为84.1%,超标率为27.3%;汞检出率为79.5%,超标率为11.4%。结论解放军某部食堂蔬菜中铅、汞污染程度较轻,砷污染程度较重。  相似文献   

广州市场食用鱼中5种重金属含量分析及评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:评价市场上常见食用鱼的重金属(锌、铅、镉、铜、铬)污染状况和食用安全性。方法:采用硝酸-高氯酸消化和火焰原子吸收法对广州市场21种鱼中重金属含量进行分析及评价。结果:21种鱼中重金属含量符合以下规律:必需微量元素锌、铜、铬含量较高,非必需微量元素铅含量较低,镉未检出;根据《NY 5073-2006无公害食品水产品中有毒有害物质限量》,所测样品的铅、镉、铜未超标;鳗鱼中的铬含量超过"人体消费卫生标准"。结论:鳗鱼中的铬含量较高,经常食用存在潜在危害,应引起有关部门重视。  相似文献   

新疆不同产地红花中微量元素及重金属含量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定新疆5个不同产地红花中微量元素及重金属的含量。研究结果表明:新疆不同产地红花中矿质元素含量存在明显差异;和田、喀什产红花中重金属含量超出国家药用植物规定的安全标准,为新疆红花质量标准的建立提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Objective  Teeth can serve as records of environmental exposure to heavy metals during their formation. We applied a new technology — synchrotron radiation microbeams (SRXRF) — for analysis of heavy metals in human permanent teeth in modern and historical samples. Methods  Each tooth was cut in half. A longitudinal section 200 μm in thickness was subjected to the determination of the heavy metal content by SRXRF or conventional analytical methods (ICP-MS analysis or reduction–aeration atomic absorption spectrometry). The relative concentrations of Pb, Hg, Cu and Zn measured by SRXRF were translated in concentrations (in g of heavy metal/g of enamel) using calibration curves by the two analytical methods. Results  Concentrations in teeth in the modern females (n = 5) were 1.2 ± 0.5 μg/g (n = 5) for Pb; 1.7 ± 0.2 ng/g for Hg; 0.9 ± 1.1 μg/g for Cu; 150 ± 24.6 μg/g for Zn. The levels of Pb were highest in the teeth samples obtained from the humans of the Edo era (1603–1868 ad) (0.5–4.0 μg/g, n = 4). No trend was observed in this study in the Hg content in teeth during 3,000 years. The concentrations of Cu were highest in teeth of two medieval craftsmen (57.0 and 220 μg/g). The levels of Zn were higher in modern subjects (P < 0.05) than those in the Jomon (~1000 bc) to Edo periods [113.2 ± 27.4 (μg/g, n = 11)]. Reconstruction of developmental exposure history to lead in a famous court painter of the Edo period (18th century) revealed high levels of Pb (7.1–22.0 μg/g) in his childhood. Conclusions  SRXRF is useful a method for reconstructing human exposures in very long trends.  相似文献   

目的:建立用电子控温加热板消化化妆品同时测定砷、汞、铅和镉的方法。方法:将样品置于聚四氟乙烯罐体中,加入过氧化氢和硝酸,利用电子控温加热板的温控装置调节温度,消解样品。采用火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定化妆品中铅和镉,氢化物原子荧光光度法测定化妆品中汞和砷。结果:最佳消化条件是0.5 g样品,加2 ml过氧化氢和5 ml硝酸,100℃消化2 h,赶氮1 h。用本法所测样品的平均回收率在95.9%~105.9%之间,各类样品的相对标准偏差在1.4%~7.0%。结论:此方法的准确度好、精密度高,且适于实验室大批样品的检测。  相似文献   

Between 1984 and 1998, people living in Arica were involuntarily exposed to metal-containing waste stored in the urban area. The study aims to determine whether children who lived near the waste disposal site during early childhood experienced negative effects on their cognitive development. The cognitive performance was assessed using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children. The exposure variable was defined by the year of birth in three categories: (1) Pre-remediation (born before 1999); (2) During-remediation (born between 1999 and 2003); and (3) Post-remediation (born after 2003). In the crude analysis, a difference of 10 points in the IQ average was observed between the group born in the pre- (81.9 points) and post-remediation period (91.1 points). The difference between both groups was five times higher as compared to children of similar age and socioeconomic status in other cities of Chile. This result could be related with a period of high potential for exposure to this contaminated site.  相似文献   

目的:建立6个不同药店穿心莲中4种重金属元素的检测方法,并对其含量水平和健康风险进行初步评价。方法:采用微波消解—原子吸收光谱法定量分析广州市6个不同药店穿心莲中铅、镉、铜、铬等4种重金属元素的含量。结果:健民(利众店)和采芝林(神农轩分店)的穿心莲样品Pb超标,而Cd元素除采芝林(南方分店)的穿心莲合格之外,其它均超标。从重金属总量来看,健民(利众店)的穿心莲超标较严重。结论:从健康风险指数来看,健民(利众店)和采芝林(神农轩分店)穿心莲的含铅量、采芝林(神农轩分店)和康美药店售穿心莲的含镉量及健民(利众店)的穿心莲含铬量,都可能会对人体健康产生一定风险,应该予以重视。  相似文献   

目的:了解北京市大兴区食品污染物中重金属污染状况。方法:按照北京市食品污染物监测计划并结合大兴区实际情况,采用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法和原子荧光光谱法对大兴区各生产厂家、超市、农贸市场等各类食品中铅、镉、汞金属进行检测。结果:2010年-2011年共监测231件样品,铅超标率4.33%;镉的超标率5.19%;汞的超标率2.16%。结论:金属污染物普遍存在,不同种类的食品污染不同,对人体健康构成潜在危害,应加强监测、管理。  相似文献   

目的测定佛山市南海区本土土壤、灌溉水和蔬菜重金属含量水平,对经蔬菜途径摄入重金属暴露接触人体的健康风险进行评估。方法2009年7月至2010年9月在佛山市南海区8个镇(街)内分别按照东南西北中的地理位置进行布点,共设调查点40个,每个调查点分别对土壤、灌溉水及蔬菜进行随机抽样。分析蔬菜样品的铅、镉、总汞、铬、无机砷含量水平以及种植地土壤样品和灌溉水样品的铅、铜、镉、锌、总汞、铬、总砷含量水平,并用单因子污染评价指数、尼梅罗污染指教评价蔬菜中重金属污染程度,用靶标危害系数(THQ)评估人体通过食物摄入重金属的风险。结果共采集本土种植的叶菜类、根茎类、瓜豆类共47种品种241份样品,本土种植的蔬菜超标率为46.47%(112/241),其中总汞、铅、镉、无机砷、铬超标率分别为36.93%(89/241)、8.30%(20/241)、5.81%(14/241)、3.730k(9/241)、O.41%(1/241)。从重金属羊因子污染评价指数分级来看,总汞的超标情况最严重,重污染占21.16%(51/241);从尼梅罗污染指数来看,叶菜类、根茎类、瓜豆类总汞含量均为重污染,综合指数分别为19.17、14.53、15.62。居民经食用本土种植蔬菜日均铅、镉、总汞、铬、无机砷摄入量(DI值)均未超过FAO/WHO每日允许量(ADI值),但叶菜中总汞、铅、镉分别占ADI值的17.26%、12.95%、22.41%。THQ结果显示蔬菜中5种重金属的THQ均〈1,但叶菜类铅、镉的THQ值也达0.541、0.575;3类蔬菜中无机砷的THQ值分别为0.751、0.902、0.563。采集土壤241份样品,存在1种以上重金属超标84份,超标率34.85%(84/241)。镉超标率最高为29.05%(70/241),且最高超出限量标准的17倍,其次为总汞7.47%(18/241)。采集灌溉水样品40份,重金属超标5份,超标率12.50%,均为总汞超标。结论南海区蔬菜中重金属污染对人体健康存在潜在风险,控制饮用水源和灌溉水及土壤汞污染是降低本土蔬菜汞含量的有效途径。  相似文献   

宁波市鲜活水产品重金属含量调查及评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:对宁波市场水产品中的重金属含量进行调查和评价。方法:随机选择35个采样点,共采集230份样品,采用国标中规定的食品中重金属检测方法进行测定。结果:铅检出范围为ND~2.921 mg/kg,超标率0.4%;砷检出范围为ND~6.673 mg/kg,超标率19.1%;镉检出范围为ND~0.34 mg/kg,未超标;汞检出范围为ND~0.192 mg/kg,未超标;铜检出范围为0.098~85.9 mg/kg,超标率0.4%;锌检出范围为0.146~187.8 mg/kg,超标率0.4%;锰检出范围为0.03~47.82 mg/kg,超标率6.9%;铁检出范围为ND~2824.76 mg/kg,超标率8.3%;铬含量的检出范围ND~8.272 mg/kg,超标率22.6%。砷、锰、铁超标率在蟹类中要高于鱼类和虾类(P〈0.01)。海水养殖产品中砷超标率高于淡水产品,淡水养殖产品中锰和铁超标率高于海水产品(P〈0.001)。结论:宁波市鲜活水产品含量超标的重金属主要是砷、锰、铁和铬,长期食用将损害人体健康。  相似文献   

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