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We refer to hospitalized convicted hunger strikers in Padua Hospital who decided to fast for specific reasons, often demanding, to be heard by the judge, to complain about the existing custodial situation or to claim unjust treatment. The medical ethics of hunger strikers are debated because the use of force feeding by physicians is widely condemned as unethical, but courts, in Italy, sometimes order to transfer the convicted person to hospital and oblige healthcare practitioners to perform forcible feeding. This can engender a profound insecurity for the physicians taking action on the one hand, while preventing patients from fully availing themselves of this principle of self-determination on the other. Physicians are mainly concerned about how to manage this situation and they may request ethical consultation. When it comes to managing hospitalized hunger strikers, the ethics consultant may be able to facilitate the relationship between physicians and hunger strikers, enhance the latter’s trust in the former, ensuring that strikers are aware of the risks associated with their fasting, and helping them to arrive of their own free will at the right decision concerning their behavior and their demands.  相似文献   

This paper describes an innovatory teaching programme in health care ethics for medical undergraduates. The general aims and objectives are outlined and the 1990 course is discussed specifically. The course has several unusual features, including the use of performers and the presentation of ethically based decisionmaking implements, which are highlighted. The course is evaluated. The 1990 results are encouraging.  相似文献   

医学伦理学的教学在医学教育中极其重要,而传统的理论灌输式教学方式已不能满足学生的需要.应用"多媒体教学、案例分析、专题讨论及床边教学"等教学法改变传统的简单灌输式教学模式,为医学生确立良好的医学伦理素质提供了最佳方式和途径.  相似文献   

National literature on ethics provides an insight into the nature and development of a dialogue on health issues within a population. This study investigated the health ethics discourse in Pakistan. The purpose was to critically reflect on the nature and level of such discussions with the aim of stimulating an interest in the ethical implications of health and medicine in developing countries. The study evaluated the literature on biomedical and health ethics published in Pakistan during 1988-1999. Overall, there is a dearth of published discourse on healthcare ethics in Pakistan. Values that are considered to stem from religious teachings predominate in discussions relating to medical ethics. A lack of effective policy and legislation concerning the ethical practice of medicine is reported to have negative effects on the profession. Research ethics has not been captured in the published papers in Pakistan. Consideration of ethical issues in health is at an early stage in the country and may reflect the situation in a large part of the developing world.  相似文献   

There is growing agreement among the medical profession that medical ethics should be taught at undergraduate level. We present a model which can be taught in a way which is lively and entertaining, and which allows students to discuss ethical problems freely in small groups. This brief teaching package maximizes the learning experience. It could be used as part of a more extensive programme of ethics teaching.  相似文献   

Traditionally, ethics consultations are conducted one case at a time. This typical approach addresses immediate needs pertinent to the case, but seldom looks toward preventing recurrences. The underlying problem is that clinical ethics and organizational ethics are still often regarded as separate areas with separate concerns. When it comes to ethics in health care, nothing helps clarify ideas like a case study. The autopsy case mentioned in this article demonstrates that clinical cases coming before an ethics committee are impeded in and influenced by a larger organizational context. The authors say that a "systems-oriented" perspective toward ethics consultation would help committee members view cases through the widest possible lens. This would enable committees to look at the larger system and thereby propose strategies for anticipated repeat problems.  相似文献   

Abstract The teaching of ethics is discussed within the context of insights gleaned from ancient Greek ethics, particularly Aristotle and Plato and their conceptions of virtue (arete, meaning excellence). The virtues of excellence of character (moral virtue) and excellence of intelligence (intellectual virtue), particularly practical wisdom and theoretical wisdom, are considered. In Aristotelian ethics, a distinction is drawn between these intellectual virtues: experience and maturity is needed for practical wisdom, but not for theoretical wisdom. In addition to this, excellence of character is acquired through habitual practice, not instruction. This suggests that there is a need to teach more than theoretical ethics and that the ethics teacher must also facilitate the acquisition of practical wisdom and excellence of character. This distinction highlights a need for various educational approaches in cultivating these excellences which are required for a moral life. It also raises the question: is it possible to teach practical wisdom and excellence of character? It is suggested that virtue, conceived of as a type of knowledge, or skill, can be taught, and people can, with appropriate experience, habitual practice, and good role models, develop excellence of character and become moral experts. These students are the next generation of exemplars and they will educate others by example and sustain the practice of nursing. They need an education which includes theoretical ethics and the nurturing of practical wisdom and excellence of character. For this purpose, a humanities approach is suggested.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the recommendations of the Consensus Statement published 7 years ago have been implemented. DESIGN: Postal questionnaire survey of 28 UK medical schools. METHODS: A survey was sent to the lead individual for teaching and learning at each medical school. This questionnaire inquired about the undergraduate ethics and law curriculum, including its design, teaching, assessment, staffing, and individuals' hopes and concerns for the future. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Information relating to undergraduate ethics teaching in UK medical schools. RESULTS: Significant changes in the teaching and assessment of medical ethics and law that could be directly attributed to the Consensus Statement were identified. Whilst most schools covered all 12 recommended topics in their curriculum, only 3 felt all the topics were covered thoroughly and 3 schools said at least 1 topic was not covered at all. Only 16 schools identified 1 or more full-time academics who took direct responsibility for ensuring undergraduate medical students learnt about ethics; these were usually at lecturer grade. CONCLUSIONS: The Consensus Statement has had a significant impact on the teaching of undergraduate ethics but, even 7 years on, not all its recommendations have been implemented fully.  相似文献   

Courses in medical ethics are becoming an integral part of many medical school curricula in Europe. At the medical school of the University of Copenhagen, a course on philosophy of medicine has been compulsory for all medical students since 1988. The effect of such courses on the ethical awareness and reasoning of medical students is not well understood and we have therefore found it of interest to study the effects of the Copenhagen course. For the study, we used a Danish version of the Defining Issues Test (DIT) which measures development in moral reasoning (Rest J R, 1979 Development in Judging Moral Issues. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis).
The study was conducted as a pre- and post-test study without a control group, and the subjects were all medical students attending the course in the autumn of 1993.
The results show that moral reasoning scores measured by the DIT increase significantly, and we argue that this increase can only be explained as an effect of the course.  相似文献   

The last decade has witnessed development of the new field of public health ethics, as well as growing emphasis on the importance of ethics education to both students and graduates of the health care professions. Using a topic-based interpretation of public health ethics this paper presents a questionnaire survey of the nature and content of teaching of public health ethics to medical undergraduates and public health postgraduate students in the United Kingdom. Completed questionnaires were returned by 76.9% (20/26) of medical schools and 76.7% (23/30) of institutions teaching postgraduate public health courses. Public health ethics was described as being taught in 75% of medical schools and 52% of institutions providing postgraduate education. However, in both types of location the content and nature of teaching was patchy and often minimal.If medical schools and postgraduate institutions are serious about improving the discussion and teaching of ethical issues in public health, there will need to be considerable investment and commitment, accompanied by creativity and imagination. In parallel, the debate about the meaning of, and approaches to, public health ethics needs to be broadened and enriched. The topic-based interpretation of public health ethics has limitations. Alternatives are explored and critically reviewed.  相似文献   

The Socratic method in teaching medical ethics: Potentials and limitations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Socratic method has a long history in teaching philosophy and mathematics, marked by such names as Karl Weierstrass, Leonard Nelson and Gustav Heckmann. Its basic idea is to encourage the participants of a learning group (of pupils, students, or practitioners) to work on a conceptual, ethical or psychological problem by their own collective intellectual effort, without a textual basis and without substantial help from the teacher whose part it is mainly to enforce the rigid procedural rules designed to ensure a fruitful, diversified, open and consensus-oriented thought process. Several features of the Socratic procedure, especially in the canonical form given to it by Heckmann, are highly attractive for the teaching of medical ethics in small groups: the strategy of starting from relevant singular individual experiences, interpreting and cautiously generalizing them in a process of inter-subjective confrontation and confirmation, the duty of non-directivity on the part of the teacher in regard to the contents of the discussion, the necessity, on the part of the participants, to make explicit both their own thinking and the way they understand the thought of others, the strict separation of content level and meta level discussion and, not least, the wise use made of the emotional and motivational resources developing in the group process. Experience shows, however, that the canonical form of the Socratic group suffers from a number of drawbacks which may be overcome by loosening the rigidity of some of the rules. These concern mainly the injunction against substantial interventions on the part of the teacher and the insistence on consensus formation rooted in Leonard Nelson's Neo-Kantian Apriorism.  相似文献   

康复医学是一门新兴的综合性学科,近年来发展较快。由于多种原因,这一学科的工作在我国尚未引起各方面的足够重视。但因康复工作的服务对象是残疾人、老年人、慢性病的功能障碍者,他们的情况与一般病人不同,所以,应加强康复医学中的医德教育,使从事康复医学的医护工作人员,在为康复患者服务过程中遵循康复道德的神圣、平等、严谨、完善、协作5原则,更好地为康复患者提供优质服务。  相似文献   

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