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Strain O42 (serotype O44:H18) of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAggEC) has been shown to be pathogenic in volunteer experiments. This strain exhibited plasmid (pO42)-encoded D-mannose-resistant hemagglutinating activity (MRHA) that was detected only at low temperatures (e.g., 0 degrees C) and only with human erythrocytes. The production of this cryogenic MRHA (cryo-MRHA) was observed when the bacteria were grown in liquid media and was strictly regulated by bacterial growth temperatures. Transposon-insertion mutagenesis revealed that this MRHA is associated with (i) bacterial clump formation in liquid cultures, (ii) bacterial adherence to HEp-2 cells as well as (Formalin-fixed) human colonic mucosa, and (iii) production of a 16-kDa outer membrane protein. The PCR designed on the basis of the determined cryo-MRHA-associated DNA sequence sharply distinguished strain O42 from eight other EAggEC strains whose MRHAs were detected at both cold and room temperatures to the same (or similar) extent. Strain O42 possessed a surface layer that may enhance the pO42-mediated adherence. The data suggest that a plasmid-encoded cryo-MRHA is a candidate for a major adhesin of EAggEC strain O42.  相似文献   

Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) has been implicated as an agent of pediatric diarrhea in the developing world. We have shown previously that EAEC adheres to HEp-2 cells by virtue of a plasmid-encoded fimbrial adhesin designated aggregative adherence fimbria I (AAF/I), the genes for which have been cloned and sequenced. However, not all EAEC strains express AAF/I. Using TnphoA mutagenesis, we have characterized a novel fimbria (designated AAF/II) which mediates HEp-2 adherence of the human-pathogenic strain 042. AAF/II is 5 nm in diameter and does not bind AAF/I antiserum, as determined by immunogold transmission electron microscopy. TnphoA identified a gene (designated aafA) which bears significant homology to aggA, the fimbrial subunit of AAF/I (25% identity and 47% similarity at the amino acid level). When hyperexpressed and purified by polyhistidine tagging, the AafA protein assembled into 5-nm-diameter filaments which bound anti-AAF/II antiserum. The cloned aafA gene complemented a mutation in the aggA gene to confer fimbrial expression from the AAF/I gene cluster, manifesting phenotypes characteristic of AAF/II but not AAF/I. The aafA mutant did not adhere to human intestinal tissue in culture, suggesting a role for AAF/II in intestinal colonization. By using DNA probes for AAF/I and AAF/II derived from fimbrial biosynthesis genes, we show that AAF/I and AAF/II are each found in only a minority of EAEC strains, suggesting that still more EAEC adhesins exist. Our data suggest that AAF adhesins represent a new family of fimbrial adhesins which mediate aggregative adherence in EAEC.  相似文献   

To determine whether methodological differences in the HEp-2 adherence assay could explain conflicting results of field studies, 244 strains of Escherichia coli from Mexican children with diarrhea were tested for patterns of adherence by the method used at the Center for Vaccine Development, University of Maryland (CVD), and at the Center for Infectious Diseases, University of Texas Medical School and School of Public Health (UTH). The CVD assay differentiated three phenotypes of adherent E. coli, including localized, diffuse, or aggregative adherence (LA, DA, or AA, respectively). There was agreement on pattern of adherence in 241 of the 244 strains (98.8%) tested by the CVD method in both Baltimore and Houston, and AA+ was the most common phenotype (28.5% of isolates). Among these isolates, the UTH assay detected only two adherent phenotypes (LA and DA), since it did not distinguish the AA pattern. The LA+ strains detected by each assay were compared for positivity with the enteropathogenic E. coli adherence factor (EAF) gene probe. Of the 16 strains LA+ by the CVD method, 100% were EAF+; in contrast, only 11 of 22 strains LA+ by the UTH method were EAF+ (P = 0.00074). These results help explain why in pediatric field studies in Mexico where isolates were tested by the UTH method (J. J. Mathewson, R. A. Oberhelman, H. L. Dupont, F. J. de la Cabada, and E. V. Garibay, J. Clin. Microbiol. 25:1917-1919, 1987) LA+ strains often did not belong to enteropathogenic E. coli O serogroups and why the AA pattern was not observed; the opposite was found in studies of pediatric diarrhea in Chile in which the CVD assay was used (M. M. Levine, V. Prado, R. M. Robins-Browne, H. Lior, J. B. Kaper, S. Moseley, K. Gicquelais, J. P. Nataro, P. Vial, and B. Tall, J. Infect. Dis. 158:224-228, 1988). Since it appears that both assays identify E. coli strains associated with diarrheal illness, the genetic relationships among these strains should be examined in future studies.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli strain (serotype O127a:H2) that had been isolated from a child with diarrhea in Thailand and that was negative for the virulence factors of the four categories of diarrheagenic E. coli (enterotoxigenic, enteropathogenic, enteroinvasive, and enterohemorrhagic) and that showed an aggregative pattern of adherence to HeLa cells was investigated for adherence to native or Formalin-fixed human and animal mucosa. The hemagglutinating activity and adherence ability of the bacteria were resistant to D-mannose and were strictly regulated by environmental conditions. Genetic data supported the close relation between the hemagglutinating activity and adherence ability. In accordance with the adherence pattern on tissue-cultured cells, the bacteria adhered to human and animal mucosa, as evidenced by a direct gold-labeling analysis. In human intestines, Formalin-fixed mucous coatings, epithelial cells of colonic mucosa, epithelial cells of ileal single lymphoid follicles and Peyer's patches, and the absorptive cells of jejunal or ileal villi provided adherence targets. Adherence to M cells in the Peyer's patch-associated epithelium was also confirmed. The adherence levels to native jejunal or ileal human villi were low, as was the case with the corresponding Formalin-fixed villi. In human urinary tract, the superficial epithelial cells of both native and Formalin-fixed ureter provided striking adherence targets. In animal (porcine and rabbit) small intestines, the bacteria adhered to the native villi to a lesser extent than to the Formalin-fixed villi. The adherence levels were compared with those of enterotoxigenic E. coli with colonization factor antigen (CFA)/I pili or CFA/II pili. The data suggested unique mucosa adherence characteristics of the enteroaggregative E. coli strain. The possibility of the adherence ability as a virulence factor was discussed.  相似文献   

Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAggEC) is a distinct category of diarrheal pathogen implicated as the cause of persistent diarrhea. The pathogen exhibits a characteristic "stacked-brick" pattern of aggregation when incubated with HEp-2 cells. The outer membrane protein (OMP) profile of a prototype EAggEC strain (F03) reflected the presence of one major 30-kDa protein. The OMP is expressed in the presence of the 60-MDa plasmid that the strain harbors. Antibodies were raised against the OMP by injecting the protein into a rabbit. The manifestation of an adherence phenotype on HEp-2 cells was observed for F03 and other strains that express OMP in the presence and absence of anti-OMP serum. Clumps of bacteria forming an aggregative pattern were observed in the HEp-2 cell assay in the absence of OMP antibodies, whereas a few bacteria attached to the cells in the presence of OMP antibodies. Mannose-resistant hemagglutination of human erythrocytes observed in the presence of EAggEC strains was inhibited in the presence of anti-OMP serum. Sequence analysis of a peptide generated by protease digestion of OMP exhibited 90% homology to a peptide of flagellin protein encoded by the hag gene of Serratia marcescens. Immunolabeling of the outer membrane by colloidal gold confirmed the protein to be an OMP. Our results suggest that the OMP of EAggEC have common antigenic properties. Antibodies raised against the protein can prevent adherence in vitro and could potentially interrupt the natural disease.  相似文献   

Adherence to HEp-2 cells by many enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAggEC) strains is associated with the expression of flexible, bundle-forming fimbriae 2 to 3 nm in diameter, designated aggregative adherence fimbriae I (AAF/I). We have previously reported the molecular cloning and TnphoA mutagenesis of AAF/I genes from the large plasmid of prototype EAggEC strain 17-2 (J. P. Nataro, Y. Deng, D. R. Maneval, A. L. German, W. C. Martin, and M. M. Levine, Infect. Immun. 60:2297-2304, 1992). Here, we report that further mapping and subcloning of AAF/I regions suggest that expression of the fimbriae requires two separate plasmid regions (designated regions 1 and 2). Approximately 9 kb of DNA unnecessary for fimbrial expression separates the two regions; this intervening segment encodes the EAggEC heat-stable enterotoxin (EAST1). Neither region was capable of conferring aggregative HEp-2 adherence (AA) when cloned individually; when the two regions were cloned as a single fragment or when each was cloned into a different vector and introduced into the same E. coli HB101 cell, AA was restored. AA-positive constructs also expressed human erythrocyte hemagglutination, autoagglutination in broth cultures, and the production of AAF/I as detected by immunogold electron microscopy.  相似文献   

In this study, we determined the sequence of the EcoRI-PstI fragment of the plasmid pCVD432, also termed the enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAggEC) probe. A primer pair complementary to this probe was designed for PCR amplification of a 630-bp region. Comparison of the analysis of the EAggEC probe sequence with those in database libraries revealed no significant similarity to any known bacterial gene. Pure cultures of E. coli cells, as well as mixed cultures from stool specimens, were investigated with the PCR assay, the EAggEC probe test, and the adherence test. Of 50 E. coli strains which demonstrated aggregative adherence to HEp-2 cells, 43 (86%) were positive with the EAggEC PCR. All 43 of these strains reacted with the EAggEC probe. Six EAggEC strains gave negative results by both molecular techniques. In contrast, only 4 of 418 (0.96%) strains representing other categories of diarrheagenic E. coli demonstrated a positive PCR result. The PCR was also successful in screening for the presence of EAggEC in enriched cultures grown from stool specimens. Compared with cell culture assays and colony hybridization, our findings revealed that the PCR assay was more rapid, simple, and highly sensitive and can therefore be recommended as a screening method for EAggEC in the clinical laboratory.  相似文献   

Strains of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAggEC) have been implicated in several studies as important agents of persistent diarrhea among infants in the developing world. We have previously shown that the aggregative adherence (AA) property of EAggEC is associated with the presence of a 60-MDa plasmid which confers AA when introduced into E. coli HB101. Here, we report the cloning of the AA determinant from EAggEC strain 17-2 into the 21.5-kb cosmid vector pCVD301. TnphoA mutagenesis of the AA cosmid clone pJPN31 implicated an AA region of approximately 12 kb. Transmission electron microscopy of HB101 (pJPN31) revealed the presence of bundle-forming fimbriae, which were absent in AA- TnphoA insertion mutants. The presence of these fimbriae, AA, and hemagglutination (HA) of human erythrocytes were all concurrently lost by single-insertion mutations. A 14-kDa protein was seen on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blotting (immunoblotting) of surface shear preparations from fimbriated clones. Twelve of nineteen volunteers fed EAggEC 17-2 developed rises in antibodies to the 14-kDa protein as determined by Western blot. We have termed the cloned bundle-forming fimbriae aggregative adherence fimbriae I (AAF/I); positivity with a previously described EAggEC probe and human erythrocyte HA appear to correlate with the presence of AAF/I.  相似文献   

Forty-one strains of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli formed clumps visible as a scum at the surface of a Mueller-Hinton broth shaker culture. Sixty-one control strains of E. coli did not. Scum formation is a simple, rapid, and inexpensive test for the identification of enteroaggregative E. coli.  相似文献   

Increased numbers of faecal Enterobacteriaceae are observed among patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Escherichia coli strains are present in the lower intestine of humans, and may include several potentially pathogenic adhesive pathotypes. The aim of this study was to determine whether there were differences between the adhesive pathotypes of E. coli strains recovered from stool specimens of patients with irritable bowel syndrome and those recovered from healthy controls. The ability of E. coli isolates to adhere to cultured epithelial cells was assessed in an in-vitro adherence assay with HEp-2 cells. Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) strains were isolated significantly more frequently (p <0.00001) from patients with irritable bowel syndrome (81.8%) than from healthy controls (32.3%). However, despite this association, the precise role of the EAEC pathotype in irritable bowel syndrome remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Methods based on the measurement of beta-glucuronidase have been shown to be specific and inexpensive for the identification of Escherichia coli from bacterial colonies within 1 h. Recently, commercial systems incorporating beta-glucuronidase substrates were introduced. Rapid Identification Method E. coli (Austin Biological Laboratories, Curtin Matheson Scientific, Inc., Houston, Tex.) and Rapid Detect E. coli (Organon Teknika, Morris Plains, N.J.) are single-tube test combinations to simultaneously measure beta-glucuronidase (fluorescence at 366 nm), o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside (yellow), and indole (red). To determine the accuracy and utility of these two systems, we used them to test 169 E. coli and 150 non-E. coli and compared them with conventional substrate tests. The Rapid Detect test was more efficient than the Rapid Identification Method in demonstrating beta-glucuronidase activity, but the commercial systems were equal to each other and to the conventional tests for o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside and indole. There were no false reactions by either system.  相似文献   

Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) is an important cause of persistent diarrhea in many developing parts of the world, yet the pathogenetic mechanisms of EAEC diarrhea are unknown. Experiments with animal models suggest that EAEC strains damage the intestinal mucosa, and a putative cytotoxin has been described. To characterize the mucosal effects of EAEC, we studied strain 042, which we have shown to cause diarrhea in adult volunteers. Strain 042 was incubated in an in vitro organ culture model with biopsy-derived normal intestinal mucosa from pediatric patients. Strain 042 adhered strongly to samples of jejunal, ileal, and colonic mucosa. In addition, scanning electron microscopic examination of in vitro-infected intestinal biopsies revealed cytotoxic effects marked by exfoliation of mucosal epithelial cells. To develop an in vitro model to study these effects, we incubated 042 with polarized monolayers of the human intestinal epithelial cell lines Caco-2 and T84. Strain 042 adhered strongly to T84 cells but not to Caco-2 cells. T84 cells infected with 042 displayed marked toxic effects, most prominently in areas where bacteria were adhering. The apical membrane of damaged cells exhibited vesiculation and shedding of microvilli. The cytoplasm of affected cells displayed subnuclear vacuolization, and in some cases, nuclei of affected cells became separated from the surrounding cytoplasm. Severely affected cells ruptured, releasing their nuclei. Vacuolated remnant cells were seen throughout the monolayer. Strain 042 was not internalized by T84 cells. We concluded that EAEC strain 042 alters intestinal cell morphology, ultimately leading to cell death. Although the factor(s) required for this effect remains to be elucidated, T84 cells may serve as a valuable model in EAEC pathogenesis studies.  相似文献   

Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAggEC) has been found to be associated with pediatric diarrhea in developing countries. In order to determine the role of EAggEC as an agent of traveler's diarrhea, we used a sensitive and specific DNA probe for EAggEC to screen bacterial colony blots from 278 volunteers before and after travel. Colonization with EAggEC was infrequent (2.5%) prior to travel but rose to 27 to 33% after travel in volunteers who took either placebo or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Travelers who took trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole were colonized with organisms that were uniformly resistant to that antimicrobial agent; when volunteers received ciprofloxacin, colonization with EAggEC was prevented (2.0%). Although colonization rates were high in the placebo and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole groups, only a minority of travelers who were colonized with EAggEC experienced diarrhea. On the basis of our data, we suggest that colonization with EAggEC alone is not sufficient to cause traveler's diarrhea.  相似文献   

Comparison of PCR-based methods for typing Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective  To establish a library typing system appropriate for studying cross-transmission of Escherichia coli.
Methods  Eighteen epidemiologically unrelated isolates were genotyped by means of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), repetitive (rep) PCR, and fluorescent amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Fingerprints were analyzed either by Pearson correlation or, in the case of AFLP, by Dice coefficients employing the novel 'uncertain band' software tool from GelCompar II. During a nine-month period, 112 isolates taken from 93 patients hospitalized in five intensive care units were analyzed by use of the two most discriminative PCR typing methods.
Results  Genotyping by RAPD and rep-PCR revealed insufficient discrimination. Among 18 epidemiologically unrelated strains with 17 different PFGE patterns, IS3 rep-PCR and AFLP distinguished 10 and 18 types, respectively. Comparison of the different methods for analysis of AFLP fingerprints showed that the Dice coefficients, which ignore 'uncertain bands', offered the best concordance with visual interpretation. Consecutive isolates originating from the same patient differed in less than three fragments.
Conclusions  AFLP analysis showed the highest discriminative capacity for PCR typing of E. coli isolates. Analysis of fingerprints employing the Dice coefficients proved the most efficient method for an automated software-based retrieval of visually indistinguishable genotypes in an AFLP fingerprint database.  相似文献   

Two strains of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli of human origin fed to gnotobiotic piglets caused diarrhea or death in the majority of them. Histological examination revealed moderate hyperemia of the distal small intestine and cecum, swelling of small intestinal villi, and layers of aggregated bacteria stacked together in a mucus gel-like matrix overlying intact epithelium. These findings confirm that enteroaggregative E. coli strains produce distinctive intestinal lesions different from those caused by other major categories of diarrheagenic E. coli.  相似文献   

A multiplex PCR assay for the identification of human diarrheagenic Escherichia coli was developed. The targets selected for each category were eae for enteropathogenic E. coli, stx for Shiga toxin-producing E. coli, elt and est for enterotoxigenic E. coli, ipaH for enteroinvasive E. coli, and aggR for enteroaggregative E. coli. This assay allowed the categorization of a diarrheagenic E. coli strain in a single reaction tube.  相似文献   

An enzyme capture assay (ECA) for rapid identification of Escherichia coli in blood cultures by using beta-D-glucuronidase as a marker was developed. Microdilution plates coated with antiglucuronidase were used to capture this enzyme from the cell lysates of blood cultures which showed growth of gram-negative bacteria. The assay, using 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucuronide as a fluorogenic substrate, had a detection limit of 0.1 ng/ml (3 x 10(-13) M) for the enzyme; this was approximately equal to a cell concentration of 10(6) CFU of E. coli per ml. Among 212 blood cultures showing growth of gram-negative bacteria, 77 specimens were found to contain E. coli by conventional culture procedures and 73 samples were positive by ECA. Among the 135 blood cultures from which E. coli was not isolated, ECA gave one false-positive (Salmonella enteritidis) reaction. Thus, the sensitivity and specificity for the identification of E. coli in blood cultures by ECA were 94.8% (73/77) and 99.3% (134/135), respectively. From the finding of positive growth in the culture bottle, the assay can be completed within 4 h. In view of the high rate of isolation of E. coli from bacteremic patients, the test can be performed in parallel with conventional culture protocols; this may shorten the identification time for E. coli, and proper antimicrobial treatments may be started 24 h earlier than when results of conventional identification systems are used.  相似文献   

On animal models enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) can cause mild, but significant mucosal damage, suggesting the invasive capability of these strains. In the study we investigated the ability of typical, aggR-positive and atypical, aggR-negative EAEC isolates to enter intestinal epithelial Int407 cells in relation to the distribution of genes encoding the putative invasins described among pathogenic E. coli categories. The results demonstrated that regardless of origin and affiliation to typical and atypical EAEC, most isolates examined were internalized by the epithelial cells to different extent. Although as many as 50 (84.3%) EAEC demonstrated a variety of combinations of the aggB, afaD, ipaH and tia genes determined, there was no correlation between the invasion efficiency of these strains and the presence of any particular gene involved in invasion. Most of EAEC examined belonged to phylogenetic group B2 and D.  相似文献   

Formalin-stored HEp-2 cells were used to assay Escherichia coli for adherence. Cells refrigerated in formalin for up to 28 days and used in a wet assay format demonstrated an assay sensitivity ranging from 94 to 98% to detect enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC). HEp-2 cells first fixed and stored with formalin and then stored dry in ambient conditions for 6 weeks demonstrated an assay sensitivity of 92% to detect EAEC. Using formalin-fixed HEp-2 cells will improve the efficiency of EAEC identification.  相似文献   

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