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曹晓霞  贺莲香 《现代护理》2007,13(8):2141-2142
21世纪的到来将给护士带来新的挑战和更大的压力,国内外学者早已认识到压力与护理工作之间的关系,护士所承受的压力已成为一种职业危险。与130件职业压力较大的职业相比,护士名列前40名。有关护士工作压力的研究,国外从20世纪80年代起就逐渐增多,国内近几年也逐渐开展。本文就国内护士的压力研究进行综述,  相似文献   

国家卫生计生委办公厅印发的《全国护理事业发展规划(2016-2020)》中对护理事业规定的七项主要任务中明确指出要维护护士合法权益,防控和减少护理职业健康危险因素。护士扎根临床,面临着诸多的不安全因素,是与患者接触时间最长、频率最高的人群,由于工作需要护士面临各种物理化学与生物性危害。近些年的研究趋势反应出各医院对医护人职业暴露[1]的重视,尤其是护士的职业暴露问题最为突出,严重威胁着护士的身体健康与生命安全,护士职业暴露现状仍然不容乐观,孙建等[2]的研究表明全国医务人员职业暴露的发生正呈逐年上升趋势,需要采取更加有效的职业暴露预防措施与职业暴露后应急救助方案[2-5]。  相似文献   

460例巨大肝癌放射治疗的护理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 明确护士长的支持对护士职业满意度的影响,探讨提高护士职业满意度的有效途径。方法 随机抽取邵逸夫医院100名护士为研究对象,采用量性和质性研究相结合的研究方法进行问卷调查和结构式访谈,并对结果进行分析。结果 护士长的支持与护士的职业发展和对管理者行为方面的满意度呈显著正相关;护士长的支持与护士工作和人际关系方面的满意度呈正相关;护士长的支持对护士对待遇、奖励、利益、工作规程、同事方面的满意度却影响甚微。结论 建议通过护士长的支持提高护士的职业满意度。  相似文献   

本文主要阐述职业高原的定义、分类及测量工具,指出影响护理人员职业高原的相关因素,分析了目前国内对护士职业高原研究的局限性,并提出展望;旨在使研究者从更深更专业的角度对护士职业高原进行研究,从而引起护理管理者对护士职业高原现象的重视,尽早采取措施,加以预防,促进护理专业的发展。  相似文献   

护士的职业心理健康与工作效果、患者的预后、护士自身的健康、旷工与离职的发生等密切相关,对护士职业心理健康进行科学、及时、动态的评估显得十分重要。国内外学者在此领域已经开展了较多的研究,本文就护士职业心理健康评估的概念及国内外研究现状进行阐述,并对该领域的发展方向进行预测,现报道如下。  相似文献   

护士礼仪是一种职业礼仪,是护士素质、道德修养、行为气质的综合反映。处事得宜,待人以礼是当代护士应有的风范。护士的职业形象是护士良好职业素质的具体表现,它代表着医院的形象和文化,对人们的健康和病人的康复有重要的作用。  相似文献   

目的:探索护士在职业中体验到的收获与益处,构建护士职业获益感的概念框架。方法采用质性研究方法,以目的抽样法抽取23名临床护士进行半结构式访谈。结果护士职业获益感的概念框架内容包含五大主题:即正向职业感知、良好护患关系、亲友认同、团队归属感和自身的成长。结论护士认同的职业获益多元且普遍,护士职业获益感的概念框架可为进一步研发相关测评工具、开展认知干预提供依据。  相似文献   

儿科护士职业暴露的现状及防护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解儿科护士在工作中发生职业暴露危害的现状,并提出有效防护措施。方法采用问卷调查的方法,对本市4家三甲医院102名儿科护士进行调查。找出容易发生职业暴露的环节,并分析原因。结果所有护士均有接触患者血液、体液的经历。结论儿科护士应充分认识职业暴露的危害,积极采取的防护措施,才能更有效地保障自身健康和职业安全。  相似文献   

护士职业理念的建立需要一个过程,此过程是动态的,受着该职业各方面因素的影响,且护士职业理念好坏直接影响着护理质量的优劣。现就从护士职业特性、职业风险、职业价值和职业发展几方面分析其对护士职业理念的负面影响,认为开展护士入职前培训,加强职业防护措施,注重人文管理,提高职业价值,鼓励学习和科研是化解负面因素影响的有力措施。  相似文献   

刘爱萍 《护理研究》2007,21(6):491-492
职业安全是近年来医护人员日益关注的重要问题,护士由于工作的特殊性,面临着多种职业危害,虽然近几年护士的职业防护逐渐受到了重视,但从教育到管理仍显力度不够。针对护理人员对职业感染的认识和防护我科护理人员做了一些调查,并提出建议和措施。  相似文献   

护理科研的选题与科研基金的申报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选题是提高课题中标率的关键。为了让广大护理人员掌握申报护理科研基金的基本方法,抓住申报课题的关键,提高申报课题的质量与中标率,从科研选题和标书填写两个方面做了深入阐述。强调立题依据要充分;研究目标要准确;研究方法要具体、可行。  相似文献   

我国医疗风险的研究要素和范畴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的医疗风险是近年来各国医学界普遍关注的问题,随着我国医疗安全不良事件和医疗纠纷数量的逐年增加,有关医疗风险的研究文献快速增长,但对医疗风险的要素与范畴缺乏研究。本文通过分析近十年来国内相关文献中医疗风险的概念和所研究的具体内容,总结医疗风险的研究要素和范畴,为我国医疗风险管理提供决策依据和政策建议。方法计算机检索CNKI(1999~2010),纳入题名中包含"医疗风险"的文献,采用要素分解和频次统计方法分析归纳我国医疗风险研究要素和范畴。结果本研究共纳入文献255篇,其中B级26篇(占10.20%),C级6篇(占2.35%),D级223篇(占87.45%);但其中仅有79篇文献(占35.11%)对医疗风险进行了明确定义。我国医疗风险的研究要素包括医疗风险的对象、后果、过程和原因。我国医疗风险的研究范畴包括风险防范和处理,成因和影响因素,分担机制,专科疾病医疗风险,概念和内涵,特点,教育和培训,国内外管理经验,管理制度和流程,管理、预警体系和评估模型,医疗机构内部管理实践,现状,管理方法,医疗器械风险,医疗风险种类、对象、范畴、调查研究方法等。结论目前国内医疗风险研究侧重于风险控制,从结果上探讨如何化解风险,多为就事论事,研究缺乏系统性,深度不够;对医疗风险的界定还未形成统一认识。因此建议:①应加强国内医疗风险研究的系统性;②规范对医疗风险含义的认识;③积极开展医疗风险的预警、监测与评估、以及实践性探索,以期为建立适用于我国国情的医疗风险管理体系提供证据支持和决策依据。  相似文献   

This invitation for co-operation is addressed to all interested groups. Its purpose is data collection for clinical verification of symptoms from homeopathic proving and collection of clinical symptoms not derived from homeopathic pathogenetic trials (provings). To date no consensus exists on this topic. The European Committee for Homoeopathy (ECH) research sub-committee has created a working group on this topic. This paper is the result of a review of papers on the topic, exchanges between members and a meeting.  相似文献   

AIM: To review the literature on studies of sexuality after hysterectomy and to identify barriers to nursing assessment of this aspect of human functioning. METHODS: Articles published between 1970 and 2002 on female sexuality, hysterectomy, and nursing assessment of sexuality were located using MEDLINE, CINAHL, Psychlit and Sociofile databases. Study findings were reviewed in relation to the effect of hysterectomy on sexuality, as well as women's perspectives on hysterectomy. Barriers to nursing assessment of sexual functioning are described with suggestions for inclusion of this topic in practice. CONCLUSIONS: There are very few nursing studies on the topic, which may reflect the lack of inclusion of sexual assessment and education in clinical practice. Reasons for this are discussed, and instruments used in sex research are described. There are a number of gaps in the knowledge base on to this topic. Future research in this area is needed to provide direction for nurses in this aspect of clinical practice.  相似文献   

通过归纳护理管理论文自选课题中常见的错误,即选题重复、过大、偏离、有悖伦理、缺乏实用性和可行性等,提出立题前检索、选择贴近护理管理领域的课题、认真筛选专家进行论证、选择易于操作的课题等改进措施。  相似文献   

选题是临床康复医学研究的第一步和最重要的一步。本文论述了临床康复医学研究的实施步骤和方法,并对临床康复医学研究的选题、实验设计、数据收集和分析的基本原则进行了详细的论述。  相似文献   

Extensive research exists that describes the meaning of perinatal loss to some parents, but the experience of loss from the perspective of Latino parents is not clearly understood. Additionally, current perinatal bereavement practices used often to facilitate memory making for parents (such as viewing or holding the baby, taking photographs, or collecting mementos) are based on research done primarily with non-Latino families. Are these common practices appropriate for this population? Because there is a paucity of research on this topic, this article describes what has been written over the past 30 years on the topic of grief and perinatal loss in Latino culture.  相似文献   

The breadth and complexity of accident and emergency (A&E) services is potentially a fruitful area for nursing and interdisciplinary research. A significant proportion of potential areas for research in A&E settings could be considered as 'sensitive topic areas'. Sensitive topic research raises many challenges; in particular, it raises specific ethical issues. This paper defines and identifies examples of sensitive topic area research in A&E and discusses some of the ethical issues to be considered before embarking on such research in A&E settings.  相似文献   

To maintain cognitive health and vitality, multidimensional cognitive structures must be developed and preserved. With a focus on patient education and health promotion, nurses in general, and geriatric nurses in particular, can proactively address concerns and fears that their patients have about dementia-related illnesses through strategies geared at promoting cognitive health and sustaining abilities. A clinical review of the research literature on the topic of cognitive health revealed the transdisciplinary nature of research on this topic. Effective strategies identified for promoting cognitive health and vitality are categorized as follows: prevention and management of chronic conditions, nutrition, physical activity, mental activity, and social engagement. Current research findings on the promotion of cognitive health and vitality are explored, and research-based implications for geriatric nursing practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This article describes a simple approach to teaching a nursing research course to undergraduate nursing students which was received with enthusiasm by both students and faculty. Through short answer progressive assignments throughout the semester involving students in the thinking processes required at each stage of the research process, student knowledge of the research process was progressively developed. Students chose a topic of personal interest for a proposed study and carried this topic through the various phases of the research process. Students positively evaluated this approach frequently commenting that the approach helped them to "think in different ways than before" and strongly recommended continuance of the approach in future course presentations.  相似文献   

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