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100 classic papers of interventional radiology: A citation analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AIM: To define the 100 citation classic papers of interventional radiology.METHODS: Using the database of Journal Citation Reports the 40 highest impact factor radiology journals were chosen. From these journals the 100 most cited interventional radiology papers were chosen and analysed.RESULTS: The top paper received 2497 citations and the 100 th paper 200 citations. The average number of citations was 320. Dates of publication ranged from 1953- 2005. Most papers originated in the United States(n = 67) followed by Italy(n = 20) and France(n = 10). Harvard University(n = 18) and Osped Civile(n = 11) were the most prolific institutions. Ten journals produced all of the top 100 papers with "Radiology" and "AJR" making up the majority. SN Goldberg and T Livraghi were the most prolific authors. Nearly two thirds of the papers(n = 61) were published after 1990.CONCLUSION: This analysis identifies many of the landmark interventional radiology papers and provides a fascinating insight into the changing discourse within the field. It also identifies topics, authors and institutions which have impacted greatly on the specialty.  相似文献   

目的 通过文献计量学方法分析2001至2010年发表在《中华放射学杂志》的原创性文章,从而发现影像学研究的特征及发展方向.方法 应用文献计量学方法分析评价发表在《中华放射学杂志》的2378篇原创性文章,评价每篇文章的摘要及全文的下述指标:影像学的亚专科,影像技术的类型,研究的类型、方法、统计学方法及有无基金资助,文章的作者数目,第一作者所从事的专业、单位的级别、所在的省会,同时动态分析上述指标在过去10年的变化趋势.结果 科学研究最多的亚专科是中枢神经系统(403篇,16.9%),第2和第3的分别是血管介入(369篇,15.5%),腹部(331篇,13.9%).834篇(35.1%)原创性的科学研究文章中使用了MRI,678篇(28.5%)使用了CT.2034篇(85.5%)是临床实验研究,1838篇(77.3%)为回顾性研究.819篇(34.4%)文章的样本量为20~50例之间;1309篇(55%)文章使用了统计学方法;2337篇(98.3%)为阳性研究结果.1744(篇73.3%)文章没有基金的支持.1529篇(64.3%)文章的作者数目为4~7名,第一作者所从事的专业为医学影像学的有2283篇(96.0%),2233篇(97.6%)文章第一作者单位为三级甲等医院.发表文章最多的三个地方分别为北京(663篇,27.9%)、广州(349篇,14.7%)、上海(281篇,11.8%).10年内的时间趋势中,显著性上升的为乳腺亚专科,MR技术,基础性研究的数量,>50的样本量,使用统计学方法的文章,基金支持的文章,>7名作者和江苏、福建和新疆地方发表文章的数目;显著性下降的为超声成像技术和介入治疗技术,无统计学方法的文章数目,<4名作者和山西省发表的文章数目.结论 通过分析2001至2010年发表在《中华放射学杂志》上原创性文章的科学研究特征及发展变化方向,可以为医学影像学的科研人员及编辑提供更多的有用信息.  相似文献   

目的 探讨我国影像学研究的特点,了解我国影像学研究的现状及其与国外影像学研究特点的异同.方法 根据《2012年度中国科技核心期刊目录》,用档案学的方法回顾性统计我国15种影像学综合类核心期刊2011年10月至2012年10月发表的论著,并根据研究所使用的影像手段、研究部位、研究类型、样本量和研究设计进行论文分类.同时统计Radiology及European Radiology(ER)同期发表的论著,按以上项目进行分类,并采用x2检验比较国内外论文构成的异同.结果 国内影像学论著共2784篇,使用最多的影像手段是CT(1093篇,39.3%),其次是MRI(824篇,29.6%)和介入(402篇,14.4%);Radiology和ER中论著共560篇,使用最多的影像手段是MRI(265篇,47.3%),其次为CT(170篇,30.4%)和联合采用多种方法(63篇,11.3%).国内期刊中临床研究所占比例最大(2572篇,92.4%),基础研究类论著115篇(4.1%),基础与临床结合的论著为9篇(0.3%),其他类型论著88篇(3.2%);研究的样本量≤10、11~50和≥51者,分别为374篇(13.4%)、1448篇(52.0%)及847篇(30.4%);前瞻性研究论文339篇(12.2%),回顾性研究论文1211篇(43.5%).国外期刊临床研究型达515篇(92.0%),基础研究类论著39篇(7.0%),基础与临床结合的论著为3篇(0.5%),其他类型论著3篇(0.5%);研究的样本量≤10、11 ~50和≥51者,分别为30篇(5.4%)、225篇(40.2%)及252篇(45.0%);前瞻性研究论文230篇(41.1%),回顾性研究论文202篇(36.1%).国外论文中使用MRI较国内高(x2=666.690,P <0.01).国内外临床型研究均在90%以上,二者差异无统计学意义(x2 =0.116,P>0.05).国外论著的样本量≥51者较国内多(x2 =44.895,P <0.01),国外研究设计以前瞻性为多(x2=275.667,P<0.01),而国内以回顾性研究为主.结论 国内影像学研究需要更多的前瞻性、大样本量研究.  相似文献   

The decision to implement a new medical technology requires that if not only increases survival or quality of life, but that it is also economically sound. The unique feature in the assessment of diagnostic tests is that the results of such tests are intermediate outcomes. Both randomized controlled clinical trials and decision analysis have an important role to play in the assessment of diagnostic tests. Important points to consider when performing a cost-effectiveness study are what perspective to take; comparing the technology with the next best strategy; including both effectiveness and costs; the distinction between describing and valuing the quality of life; intangibles such as the value of information; and the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. Adjunct appointments: University Hospital Groningen, The Netherlands and Department of Health Policy and Management, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, USA Correspondence to: M. G. M. Hunink  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to determine the use of advanced technology and archiving and the contribution of countries other than United States in the articles published in the American Journal of Roentgenology (AJR) and Radiology. We analyzed the association of these features with the type of research, the main technical features of the modalities used, and the countries of origin. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We determined the proportion of articles published in 18 randomly selected issues of the AJR and Radiology that required advanced imaging techniques and relied on the analysis of archived data. "Advanced technology" was defined as imaging techniques that serve a purpose other than simple anatomic imaging or that are not widely available because of the high cost of the technology, such as functional imaging and computer programming designed for an individual study or simulation studies. We analyzed the association of these features with the country of origin, the topic, and the methodology used. RESULTS: Sixteen percent of the studies required advanced technology. MR imaging, CT, and sonography were the most frequently used modalities (31%, 27%, and 15% of studies, respectively). Archiving was used in 37% of the studies, and 67% of the original articles were prospective. The articles most commonly originated in North America (67%), Europe (20%), and Asia (12%). CONCLUSION: Only a small percentage of published research studies required advanced technology and approximately one third of the studies used archiving. These results may suggest that other criteria, such as the design of the study, its relevance for daily clinical use, and the originality of the paper, have a major impact on the acceptance of papers in clinically oriented radiology journals.  相似文献   

目的 分析创伤合并海水浸泡及海水淹溺相关文献的分布,揭示研究现状.方法 选用中国生物医学文献数据库,检索相关文献,利用Foxpro编程分析发文时间、主题、文献类型、作者、作者单位、刊出期刊和省市分布.结果 检索到创伤合并海水浸泡及海水淹溺相关文献共436篇,其中52.06%为基金论文,2004年为发文高峰期;未形成该研究领域的核心作者群,5人以上合著占全部文献的51.15%;前10位主题词为肺水肿、动物模型、创伤、肺、腹部损伤、血气分析、烧伤、出血性休克、血流动力学、低温;研究的人员和单位主要分布在北京、广东和重庆等地.结论 1994年以来对创伤合并海水浸泡及海水淹溺导致的海水浸泡伤进行了广泛深入的研究,并取得了较大的进展.今后,需要继续完善基础性研究,在临床相关伤病的救治中检验相关救治方法 ,进一步积累资料,为今后可能的大范围应用创造条件.  相似文献   

目的 分析创伤合并海水浸泡及海水淹溺相关文献的分布,揭示研究现状.方法 选用中国生物医学文献数据库,检索相关文献,利用Foxpro编程分析发文时间、主题、文献类型、作者、作者单位、刊出期刊和省市分布.结果 检索到创伤合并海水浸泡及海水淹溺相关文献共436篇,其中52.06%为基金论文,2004年为发文高峰期;未形成该研究领域的核心作者群,5人以上合著占全部文献的51.15%;前10位主题词为肺水肿、动物模型、创伤、肺、腹部损伤、血气分析、烧伤、出血性休克、血流动力学、低温;研究的人员和单位主要分布在北京、广东和重庆等地.结论 1994年以来对创伤合并海水浸泡及海水淹溺导致的海水浸泡伤进行了广泛深入的研究,并取得了较大的进展.今后,需要继续完善基础性研究,在临床相关伤病的救治中检验相关救治方法 ,进一步积累资料,为今后可能的大范围应用创造条件.  相似文献   

目的 分析创伤合并海水浸泡及海水淹溺相关文献的分布,揭示研究现状.方法 选用中国生物医学文献数据库,检索相关文献,利用Foxpro编程分析发文时间、主题、文献类型、作者、作者单位、刊出期刊和省市分布.结果 检索到创伤合并海水浸泡及海水淹溺相关文献共436篇,其中52.06%为基金论文,2004年为发文高峰期;未形成该研究领域的核心作者群,5人以上合著占全部文献的51.15%;前10位主题词为肺水肿、动物模型、创伤、肺、腹部损伤、血气分析、烧伤、出血性休克、血流动力学、低温;研究的人员和单位主要分布在北京、广东和重庆等地.结论 1994年以来对创伤合并海水浸泡及海水淹溺导致的海水浸泡伤进行了广泛深入的研究,并取得了较大的进展.今后,需要继续完善基础性研究,在临床相关伤病的救治中检验相关救治方法 ,进一步积累资料,为今后可能的大范围应用创造条件.  相似文献   

PurposeTo assess and determine the overall interdisciplinarity and impact of radiology and imaging sciences research.MethodsUtilizing the Thomson Reuters Web of Science, the top 15 journals rank-ordered by impact factor in each of 10 major medical subspecialties were identified. The 2012 impact factors for these journals were noted. All articles published in these journals between 2012 and 2014 were then used to produce an index list of publications. We next generated a list of all published articles in the ensuing 5-year period that cited any publication present on our index list. These data were then used to calculate an interdisciplinarity score (DIV*) for 146 unique scientific journals. The correlation between the impact factor and the DIV* score was calculated with Kendall's τ.ResultsThe quantitative measure of research interdisciplinarity, DIV*, is significantly correlated with journal impact factor (τ = 0.201, p < 0.001). Research journals within radiology, nuclear medicine, and medical imaging ranked 5th among 10 clinical subspecialties by mean impact factor but ranked second-to-last in mean DIV*.ConclusionThe interdisciplinarity score DIV* is positively correlated with journal impact factor, demonstrating the greater impact and reach of interdisciplinary research. Further, we found radiology, nuclear medicine, and medical imaging research to have one of the lowest measures of DIV* among the 10 major clinical subspecialties. Our findings suggest and point to new opportunities and directions that can expand the breadth and impact of radiology research as well as new ways to increase our reach and audience in the clinical scientific literature.  相似文献   

作 者:
黄晓红    刘国栋    韦挥德    向勇    HUANG Xiao-hong    LIU Guo-dong    WEI Hui-de    XIANG Yong  
黄晓红,韦挥德,HUANG Xiao-hong,WEI Hui-de(广西壮族自治区人民医院中国医学文摘老年医学编辑部,南宁,530021)
刘国栋,向勇,LIU Guo-dong,XIANG Yong(重庆,第三军医大学附属大坪医院野战外科研究所《中华创伤杂志》编辑部) 
期 刊:
中华创伤杂志   ISTICPKU  
2008, 24(11) 
核心期刊    文献汁量学    质量评价    《中华创伤杂志》   
Core journal    Bibliometrics    Quality evaluation    Chinese Journal of Trauma   
R28 R1 
创伤杂志计量学分析质量评价论著类论文core journalAnalysis on literature核心期刊statistical analysisquality evaluation中文医药卫生类信息相关性统计学处理经验交流类quality as英文摘要附属医院医科大学期刊自引 
  1. 中义核心期刊要目总览-2004年版 2004
  2. 文献计量学 1988
  3. 医学期刊学术质量评价 [其它论文] -新疆医科大学学报2003(04)
  4. 科学技术期刊编辑教程 1997
  5. 中国科技期刊综合评价指标体系的研究 [其它论文] -中国科技期刊研究2000(04)
  6. 2004年版中国科技期刊引证报告 2004
  7. <中国科技期刊研究>2001~2003引义分析 [其它论文] -中国科技期刊研究2005(03)

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目的 探讨介入放射学课程对临床医学本科生介入放射学认知度的影响.方法 采用问卷式调查方式对两所高等医学院校分别独立修学(教学组)和未修学(对照组)介入放射学课程临床医学专业本科实习生介入放射学知识进行匿名调查,主要调查内容为介入放射学知识掌握情况、介入放射学职业前景评判等.采用频数分析和x2检验对两组调查数据结果进行比较.结果 对照组75%学生(71/95)对介入放射学知识了解“少”或“无”,教学组28%学生(28/100)对介入放射学知识了解“少”或“无”,教学组学生对介入放射学知识了解程度明显高于对照组(P<0.05).两组共有87%学生认为介入放射学有较好就业前景,但仅有13%学生考虑将其作为终身职业(对照组20%,19/95;教学组6%,6/100).部分学生因不了解介入放射学知识而不愿意将其作为终身职业(对照组85%,65/76;教学组23%,22/94).结论 临床医学本科生系统学习介入放射学理论知识,有助于提高介入放射学认知度.  相似文献   

摘要目的探讨2001年-2010年间发表于美国两家主流放射学期刊[American Journal of Roentgenology(AJR)和Radiology]的原创性文章的特征和趋势。材料与方法本研究为回顾性文献计量分析,不涉及人体试验,故无需经伦理审查委员会审查。  相似文献   

Following a requirements analysis for development of an information infrastructure supporting evidence-based radiology, the objective of this study was the development of a data gateway to support flexible access to the totality of a patient's electronic medical records through a single, uniform representation, regardless of the underlying data sources (eg, hospital information systems [HIS], radiology information systems [RIS], picture archiving and communication systems [PACS]). XML-based (eXtensible Markup Language) technologies were employed to create an application framework permitting querying of different clinical databases. The contents of different data sources were represented by using XML. On the basis of these representations, users can specify queries. The system transforms the XML queries into a query format understood by the specific databases, processes the query, and transforms the results back into an XML format. XML results can then be transformed in accordance to different data-formatting standards. Access to several different data sources, including HIS, RIS, and PACS, has been accomplished with this framework. The extensible nature of the XML data gateway enables data sources to be readily added. The framework also provides a means by which data can be systematically de-identified to protect patient confidentiality, thus supporting research endeavors.  相似文献   

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