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应用心房按需起搏(AAI)型起搏器过程中,发现AAI起搏方式对期前收缩有治疗作用。现将16例术前伴有期前收缩的AAI患者长期随访结果报告如下。1病例与方法1.1病例:我院1990年2月~1998年3月植入AAI型心脏起搏器患者23例中16例术前伴有期...  相似文献   

应用心房按需起搏(AAI)型起搏器过程中,发现AAI起搏方式对慢频率依赖性早搏有治疗作用。文章对16例术前伴有早搏的AAI患者进行长期的随访观察,并与11例未植入AAI型起搏器的同类病人作比较,旨在探讨AAI的作用。1资料与方法11病例选择病例选自...  相似文献   

目的评估植入双腔起搏器后行最小化心室起搏(MVP)和抗快速性房性心律失常(AT)对慢快综合征(BTS)患者的治疗价值。方法对48例有明显症状的BTS患者在双腔起搏器植入术后即刻予程控延长房室间期行MVP和抗AT为主要方案的治疗,通过动态心电图、超声心动图、6min步行距离等观察采用自身对照比较患者的房性心律失常发生率、生活质量、住院率和心功能等结果。结果随访2年,5例患者AT消失,4例转为慢性房颤,余39例AT平均发作次数从术前(26.12±3.67)次/月降至术后24个月时(7.85±2.72)次/月(P<0.01),AT平均持续时间从术前(2.05±3.36)h/d降至术后24个月时(0.35±1.25)h/d(P<0.05)、AT相关的住院率显著减少[(3.6±1.91)次/年vs.(0.55±1.82)次/年,P<0.01]、心输出量显著升高(P<0.05),6min步行距离显著延长(P<0.05)。结论 MVP通过预防心动过缓,改善房室收缩同步性,提高心输出量,可显著减少AT发作,降低住院率,提高患者生活质量。  相似文献   

目的 运用多普勒超声心动图及组织多普勒(TDI)技术评价病态窦房结综合征(SSS)伴房室传导延迟患者分别在心房按需起搏(AAI)与房室同步起搏(DDD)模式下的心脏功能,并探讨其起搏模式的选择.方法 选择植入DDD起搏器的SSS伴Ⅰ度房室传导阻滞的患者24例,分别置于AAI模式和房室间期优化的DDD模式,应用多普勒超声心动图和TDI技术评价这两种起搏模式下心脏的收缩和舒张功能.结果 多普勒超声心动图评价心脏收缩功能(EF,主动脉VTI)和舒张功能(E/A)参数在AAI组和DDD组之间差异无统计学意义.TDI显示收缩峰值速度(Sm)在AAI组为(10.88±2.92)cm/s,DDD组为(9.06±2.49)cm/s;舒张早期峰值速度(Em)、舒张早期峰值速度/舒张晚期峰值速度(Em/Am)在AAI组和DDD组分别为[(9.25±2.89)cm/s 对 (8.37±2.31)cm/s、0.96±0.35 对 0.80±0.25];Tei指数在AAI组为 0.56±0.12,DDD组为 0.80±0.40.这些参数在两组间差异有统计学意义(P《0.05).结论 ①SSS伴房室传导延迟(PR》200 ms且《260 ms)患者采用AAI起搏模式心脏收缩和舒张功能的改善优于DDD起搏模式;②TDI技术较多普勒超声心动图能更敏感地反映心脏收缩和舒张功能的变化.  相似文献   

目的探讨慢快综合征患者在植入自动化功能双腔起搏器后参数的调整对预后的影响。方法选取2011年6月-2013年6月在我院植入自动化功能双腔起搏器的慢快综合征患者62例,随机分为对照组和观察组各31例,观察组的起搏心率设置为55次/min,对照组的起搏心率设置为65次/min,观察并比较在术后一年内两组患者频发心房事件的发生率(AHRE)、心室起搏百分率(Vp)、心房起搏百分率(Ap)、左心室内径(LAD)、左心室射血分数(LVEF)、左心室舒张末内径(LVEDD)、血脑钠肽(BNP)。结果观察组Ap和Vp明显降低,而LVEDD和LVEF得到较大改善,BNP明显减少,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),但是两组间的AHRE和LAD组间比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论适当降低起搏心率,能较好的调整患者的LVEF和LVEDD,同时可降低BNP。  相似文献   

步长稳心颗粒治疗慢-快综合征95例疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察步长稳心颗粒对慢一快综合征的临床疗效。方法:95例慢-快综合征患者随机分为治疗组和对照组两组,治疗组给步长稳心颗粒,9克/次,每天3次,共4周。对照组给胺碘酮,0.2肷,每天3次,7天后改为每天1次,共4周。用药前后做常规心电图和动态心电图。结果:稳心颗粒对快速心律失常显效15例,有效28例,总有效率为86%;对照组显效20例,有效19例,总有效率为87%,两组比较差异无显著性(P>0.05)。稳心颗粒对缓慢心律失常显效20例,有效22例,总有效率为88%;而对照组有效8例,总有率为18%,两组比较差异显著(P<0.01)。结论:步长稳心颗粒是治疗慢-快综合征的理想药物之一。  相似文献   

目的:观察长期生理性起博对慢-快综合征患者阵发性房颤转归的影响。方法:36例患者均于术后1,3,6个月复查常规体表心电图和动态心电图。以后每6个月复查一次,随访时间13-97个月,观察阵发性房性心律失常的发生情况。结果:经长期随访,生理性起博治疗者术后快速房性心律失常发生率明显降低。AAI组转复率为75%;DDD起搏治疗组转 复率为87.5%,经统计学处理两组均有显著差异(P<0.05)。结论:生理性起搏对病窦综合征合并的房颤有良好的长期治疗作用,应是慢-快综合征患者首选的治疗方案。  相似文献   

目的 探讨射频消融房室结慢径后对房室结快径不应期的影响。方法 分别测量44例(男21例,女23例)平均年龄46.77±14.89岁的房室结折返性心动过速患者术前、术后快径有效不应期(ERP-FP)和快径前传时间(T-FP)。结果 消融前后快径前传有效不应期由343.18±62.79ms缩短为293.41±48.17ms(P<0.01)。快径前传时间无改变(术前174.55±46.53ms,术后168.18±27.89ms,P>0.05)。结论 慢径消融后快径前传有效不应期缩短,而快径前传时间不受影响。  相似文献   

例1,男58岁,因阵发性胸闷、心悸8年,加重伴头1周入院。在当地医院有阵发性室上速的心电图记录.予药物或自行终止。入院后再次发作室上性心动过趣静推异搏定终止后出现窦性静止达2.48s,伴结性逸搏。后行射频消融手术治疗,术中证实为双经路引起房室结折返性心动过速.行房室结慢径改良术成功,再行心内电生理检查窦房结恢复  相似文献   

分析双心室起搏治疗心力衰竭伴心房颤动的临床疗效。选取接受治疗的心力衰竭伴心房颤动患者32例,在手术实施之前,先通过超声心动图像扫描心尖四腔、心尖二腔、心尖长轴切面以及心底短轴、乳头肌短轴、心尖短轴切面图像,随后进行脱机分析,然后对患者开展植入双心室起搏器手术,手术后1个月分析术前术后的心功能状况。所有接受双心室起搏治疗的患者心功能障碍症状都有明显好转。术后心功能分级、心电图QRS波宽、左心室射血分数、二尖瓣反流等各项数据较术前都有改善,对比具有明显差异(P<0.05)。临床上在治疗心力衰竭伴心房颤动时,应给予双心室起搏手术治疗。  相似文献   

【目的】采用超声心动图来评价老年高龄房颤患者安置心脏起搏器前后各项心功能指标的变化。【方法】128例慢性房颤患者分为两组,对照组不安装心脏起搏器,起搏组予装·心脏起搏器,入选时及三年后所有患者均行超声心动图检查,记录并比较左室每搏量(SV)、心输出量(CO)、左室射血分数(LVEF)、左室舒张末期内径(LVEDD)、心脏指数(CI)及心率(HR)等指标。【结果】起搏组CO、CI及HR较对照组升高,且差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);SV、LVEF较对照组降低,LVEDD较对照组升高,但差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。两组患者治疗前后心脏结构指标无显著性改变(P〉0.05)。【结论】老年高龄的房颤患者安装心脏起搏器后CO和CI显著增加,费用并不昂贵,且在心脏起搏器使用年限内患者的生活质量得到了提高。  相似文献   

It has been reported that a trial single site or biatrial pacing can suppress the occurrence of AF. However, its mechanism remains unclear. The study population included 32 patients with AF (n = 20: AF group), or without paroxysmal AF (n = 12: control group). The mechanism and efficacy of atrial pacing were investigated by electrophysiological studies to determine which was more effective for suppressing AF induction; single site pacing of the right atrial appendage (RAA) or distal coronary sinus (CS-d), or biatrial (simultaneous BAA and CS-d) pacing. In the AF group, AF inducibility was significantly higher with BAA extrastimulus during RAA (12/20; P < 0.0001) or biatrial paced drive (7/20; P < 0.01) than during CS-d paced drive (0/20). In the control group, AF was not induced at any site paced. In the AF group, the conduction delay and other parameters of atrial vulnerability significantly improved during CS-d paced drive. The atrial recovery time (ART) at RAA and CS-d was measured during each basic pacing mode. ART was defined as the sum of the activation time and refractory period, and the difference between ARTs at RAA and CS-d was calculated as the ART difference (ARTD). The ARTD was significantly longer during BAA pacing in the AF group than in control group (155.0 +/- 32.8 vs 128.8 +/- 32.9 ms, P < 0.05). In the AFgroup, ARTDs during biatrial (52.0 +/- 24.2 ms) and CS-d pacing (51.7 +/- 26.0 ms) were significantly shorter than ARTD during RAA pacing. The CS-d paced drive was more effective for suppressing AF induction than biatrial or RAA paced drive by alleviating conduction delay. CS-d and biatrial pacing significantly reduced ARTD compared with RAA pacing.  相似文献   

RACZAK, G., ET AL.: Transesophageal Atrial Pacing Complications in Patients Suspected of Tachy-Brady Syndrome. The clinical effects of transesophageal atrial pacing (TAP) were assessed in 308 patients. Indications for TAP included evaluation for pacemaker implantation in patients suspected of sinus node dysfunction and determination of the suitable type of pacemaker. Most patients underwent program stimulation including rapid as well as burst stimulation. In one patient, following the study, cerebral arterial embolism occurred, most likely secondary to an induced arrhythmia. That was the only single case of permanent consequences following TAP. Additionally, one patient was accidentally stimulated in the ventricle using low voltage electric current that induced ventricular fibrillation. This was promptly reversed with defibrillation. Twenty-six patients in whom an arrhythmia was previously induced, required medical therapy, two of whom required cardioversion, and 24 required drug therapy, subsequent to clinical intolerance of the arrhythmia. No lethal complications occurred.  相似文献   

Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common complication after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Since its prevention with prophylactic drug therapy has limited success, alternative approaches are desirable. This study examined the efficacy of atrial or biatrial pacing, compared with no pacing, on the incidence of AF after isolated CABG.
Methods: From August 2002 to September 2004, 240 patients underwent CABG. After surgery, right and left atrial epicardial pacing wires were implanted for 72 hours of temporary pacing. Patients were randomly assigned to one of three groups: no pacing (control group), right atrial (RA), and biatrial (BiA) pacing. Cardiac rhythm was monitored continuously during intensive care, or daily on the ward. The primary endpoints of this study were an episode of AF occurring up to 72 hours after CABG and the risk factors correlated with this event.
Results: Atrial and BiA pacing significantly lowered the incidence (1.25% vs 25%, P = 0.001) of AF episodes, and were both correlated (odd ratio 0.038; 95% confidence interval 0.005–0.29) with a decrease in rates of postoperative AF. Multivariable analysis identified older age (odd ratio 1.074; 95% confidence interval 1.024–1.12) and no pacing as independent risk factors of postoperative AF.
Conclusions: Temporary right atrial or biatrial pacing after CABG significantly decreased the postoperative incidence of AF. Multivariable analysis identified older age and no pacing as predictors of AF occurrence .  相似文献   

Atrial pacing has the advantages of simplicity, maintenance of AV synchrony, and economy. The major detraction has been the potential for deterioration of atrioventricular conduction. In this study, we followed 43 patients with sick sinus syndrome treated with atrial (AAI) pacing. Excellent initial implant parameters were obtained in all. Three early lead repositionings were required. Minor sensing and pacing problems could all otherwise be handled by reprogramming. FoIIow-up for a mean of 25 ± 20 months demonstrated excellent performance of the pacing systems. Pacing and sensing thresholds and lead impedance indicated excellent lead performance. There were no late lead failures. Nine patients have had mild deterioration in atrioventricular conduction and one of these had a change to DDD pacing at the time of elective battery change. All patients are asymptomatic. Thus, chronic atrial pacing in selected patients is safe and reliable with good chronic lead performance and low risk of subsequent conduction system disease.  相似文献   

Four patients with definite or suspected WPW syndrome are presented in order to show that valuable clinical information can be obtained via simple atrial pacing. In three cases with a questionable resting ECG, atrial pacing produced pathognomonic changes in the QRS complex, establishing the diagnosis of WPW syndrome. In the fourth case, atrial pacing provoked the associated tachyarrhythmia, which had not previously been documented. In all four cases, functional properties of the accessory pathway could be assessed, and in three cases, the induction of atrial fibrillation allowed estimation of the risk of ventricular fibrillation. For evaluating patients with definite or suspected WPW syndrome, the technique of atrial pacing is recommended as an alternative to sophisticated electrophysiological studies which are costly and require special expertise and equipment. Atrial pacing is easier, cheaper, and less traumatic, and for many patients will provide most, if not all, the necessary information.  相似文献   

Carotid sinus hypersensitivity (CSH) has been studied in subjects in sinus rhythm, but it has never been studied in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation (AF). After a finding of CSH in a patient with chronic AF and syncope, we studied the effects of carotid sinus stimulation in a group of patients with AF. Ten patients with chronic AF and normal ventricular rates who complained of dizziness or loss of consciousness underwent right and left carotid sinus massage (CSM) during ECG monitoring. A control group of ten patients with AF but without neurological symptoms was likewise investigated. CSH was present in eight symptomatic patients (5 patients presented right CSH, 1 left and 2 bilateral CSH), but only in three of the control patients. The mean duration of asystole induced by right CSM was 5.94 ± 2.10 seconds; the mean asystolic interval induced by left CSM lasted 8.58 ± 1.42 seconds. Six patients in the symptomatic group had a recurrence of spontaneous symptomatology during CSM, so that a diagnosis of carotid sinus syndrome was established. All symptomatic patients (8 patients with CSH, 2 patients with ventricular standstills but without CSH) received a permanent ventricular pacemaker. Following pacing, all patients, except for one with a significant drop of systolic blood pressure during CSM. became completely asymptomatic. In elder patients with chronic AF, CSH can induce prolonged ventricular asystole, which may be responsible for neurological symptoms such as dizziness, presyncope, or syncope, as observed in patients in sinus rhythm with carotid sinus syndrome. Abnormal sensitivity of the carotid sinus could, therefore, be one of the causes of increased morbidity and mortality in patients with chronic AF. Permanent ventricular pacing may help reduce these complications.  相似文献   

SPITZER, S.G., et al .: Pacing of the Atria in Sick Sinus Syndrome Trial: Preventive Strategies for Atrial Fibrillation. This study examines the effects of various atrial lead positions in physiological pacing on the incidence of AF in patients with sick sinus syndrome. The lead is implanted in the RA free wall, in the RA appendage, near the coronary sinus ostium (CSO) or, in dual site RA pacing, in the appendage and the CSO. Since CSO and dual site right atrial pacing aim at modifying the pathological substrate, pacing of two-thirds of all cardiac cycles is attempted by adapting the basic rate and the rate response option. The results of this study are expected to assist in the development of guidelines for the placement of atrial pacing leads in sick sinus syndrome. (PACE 2003; 26[Pt. II]:268–271)  相似文献   

Thirteen out of 223 consecutive cardiac transplant patients required permanent pacemaker implantation; 11 for sinus node dysfunction and 2 for complete AV block. Patients with sinus node dysfunction were considered for AAIB mode pacemakers if they had intact AV conduction defined as a Wenckebach point of > 120 beats/min. Ten of 11 patients with sinus node dysfunction had a single atrial lead placed. Atrial lead placement was most easily accomplished with a straight, active fixation lead and the use of manually curved stylets to find an optimal position in the donor atrium, although active fixation leads with a preformed atrial J were used as well. Two leads dislodged requiring revision. In contrast, only 1 of 250 atrial leads implanted in nontranspianted hearts dislodged (P < 0.0001). Transvenous endomyocardial biopsies have not caused atrial lead dislodgment. Most transplant recipients requiring permanent pacing have intact AV nodal function and require only atrial pacing. Atrial lead dislodgment requiring lead revision occurs more frequently in heart transplant recipients than in native hearts. Use of a straight active fixation lead with a munually formed curve in the stylet is useful in order to find the optimal position for pacing.  相似文献   

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