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This study shows that there is a relationship between simple meningocele and the tethered cord syndrome. Two groups of patients were examined: the first comprised patients presenting with neurological abnormality at some period after initial closure of a simple meningocele, and the second group (18 patients) had elective myelography after closure of a simple meningocele in the neonatal period (in 17 of the 18 cases). Of these 18 cases, 10 showed an intradural abnormality, and all underwent surgery confirming their myelographic diagnosis. The conclusion is drawn that after closure of a simple meningocele in the neonatal period, patients should have elective myelography in the first 12 months of life to determine whether or not the tethered cord syndrome is likely to develop during the period of growth.  相似文献   

We report a case of tethered cord syndrome caused by a sacral myolipoma. The patient was a 12-year-old girl who had a smooth surfaced, cord-like mass in the sacral area; it tethered the conus medullaris at the S1-2 level and extended from there to the left S3-4 intervertebral foramen, involving the left S3 root. The condition was relieved by surgical removal of the tumour and the neurological symptoms were alleviated. Pathological study disclosed that the mass was a myolipoma. Discussion about the origin of the myolipoma is made with references hitherto reported.  相似文献   

Symptomatic protocols for adult tethered cord syndrome   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Diagnosis of tethered cord syndrome (TCS) is complicated because anatomical information is not adequate for this task. For example, recent studies have shown that the combination of an elongated cord and a thick filum terminale, demonstrated by MRI or at operation, is no longer an essential feature for the diagnosis of TCS. For TCS diagnosis, emphasis should rather be on its characteristic symptomatology and accentuated by postural changes, since TCS is a functional disorder of the lumbosacral spinal cord. In this report, the authors present the list of signs and symptoms pertinent to TCS in adult and late teenage patients to serve as a diagnostic means.  相似文献   

Secondary tethered cord syndrome in spinal dysraphism   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Secondary tethered cord syndrome following initial repair for spinal dysraphism is an important area of interest. In this study, 32 cases with spinal dysraphism in the lumbosacral region were enrolled, in whom radical repair with autologous material had been carried out in the early stage soon after birth. During the follow-up period of up to 19 years 10 months, surgery was considered to be indicated in 2 of the 8 lipomeningocele cases and in 6 of the 24 meningocele and meningomyelocele cases, because of the presence of tethered cord syndrome 4–19 years after the primary operation. In all 8 of these cases, MR imaging demonstrated tethered spinal cord in the form of low conus medullaris. In 6 of the 8 operated cases surgery was followed by improvement of the spinal neurological deterioration. According to our experience, early untethering for secondary tethered cord syndrome is essential. In addition, since the complications of Silastic duraplasty at untethering were all minor and the operative outcome was satisfactory, the use of silicone rubber sheeting as a dural substitute might be recommended to prevent adhesion of the spinal cord. Received: 10 May 1999 Revised: 1 October 1999  相似文献   

Case report We report a 20-year-old male with Russell Silver syndrome and tethered cord syndrome. This patient presented with non-painful scoliosis. MRI demonstrated a conus medullaris at the superior aspect of the L3 vertebral body. Axial images demonstrated no fat within the filum terminale. There was a horizontal sacrum. The patient had no cutaneous stigmata over the lumbosacral spine indicative of occult spinal dysraphism. At operation, the filum terminale was found to be quite large at approximately 5.0 mm in diameter. Grossly, the filum was found to have several large vessels both anterior and posterior to it. Following transection of the filum the distal cord was noted to withdraw cephalad indicating caudal traction. Discussion We believe this to be the first report of Russell Silver syndrome in conjunction with tethered cord syndrome. Following additional reports, Russell Silver syndrome may be added to the differential diagnoses for tethered cord syndrome.Commentaries on this paper are available at , and  相似文献   

《Neurological research》2013,35(7):741-744

Diagnosis of tethered cord syndrome (TCS) is complicated because anatomical information is not adequate for this task. For example, recent studies have shown that the combination of an elongated cord and a thick filum terminale, demonstrated by MRI or at operation, is no longer an essential feature for the diagnosis of TCS. For TCS diagnosis, emphasis should rather be on its characteristic symptomatology and accentuated by postural changes, since TCS is a functional disorder of the lumbosacral spinal cord. In this report, the authors present the list of signs and symptoms pertinent to TCS in adult and late teenage patients to serve as a diagnostic means.  相似文献   

目的 研究显微手术治疗儿童脊髓拴系综合征的疗效。方法 回顾性分析35例儿童脊髓拴系综合征,平均年龄2.2岁。均伴有脊柱裂,合并单纯脊髓脊膜膨出20例,脊髓脊膜膨出合并椎管内脂肪瘤13例,畸胎瘤1例,皮样囊肿1例。行显微手术松解黏连的脊髓和神经,切断牵拉的终丝。结果 会阴部感觉异常总有效率为80.0%,排尿功能障碍总有效率为77.1%.结合矫形手术可明显改善运动障碍。结论 显微外科手术松解脊髓圆锥和马尾神经及切断牵张的终丝.是治疗儿童脊髓拴系综合征的关键.结合矫形手术可提高病儿的生存质量。  相似文献   

The adults with tethered cord syndrome (TCS) are divided into two groups: group-1 adult TCS patients with spinal dysraphism; and group-2 patients without dysraphism who develop signs and symptoms in adulthood. A significant number of group-2 patients failed to show elongation of the spinal cord and abnormally thick filum terminale. This paper reports the combinations of the location of the caudal end of the spinal cord and the thickness of the filum terminale in 104 patients with group-2 adult TCS. The caudal end of the spinal cord was found at the L2-3 intervertebral space or above in 37 patients (35.6%) and below L2-3 level in 67 patients (64.4%). The diameter of the filum was <2 mm in 60 patients (57.7%) and > or =2 mm in 44 patients (42.3%). These data clearly indicate that the pre-operative diagnosis of adult TCS must rely primarily on the neurological symptomatology and the specific imaging feature, posterior displacement of the conus and filum that attach the posterior arachnid membrane.  相似文献   

《Neurological research》2013,35(7):732-734

The adults with tethered cord syndrome (TCS) are divided into two groups: group-1 adult TCS patients with spinal dysraphism; and group-2 patients without dysraphism who develop signs and symptoms in adulthood. A significant number of group-2 patients failed to show elongation of the spinal cord and abnormally thick filum terminale. This paper reports the combinations of the location of the caudal end of the spinal cord and the thickness of the filum terminale in 104 patients with group-2 adult TCS. The caudal end of the spinal cord was found at the L2–3 intervertebral space or above in 37 patients (35.6%) and below L2–3 level in 67 patients (64.4%). The diameter of the filum was <2 mm in 60 patients (57.7%) and ≥2 mm in 44 patients (42.3%). These data clearly indicate that the pre-operative diagnosis of adult TCS must rely primarily on the neurological symptomatology and the specific imaging feature, posterior displacement of the conus and filum that attach the posterior arachnid membrane.  相似文献   

Tethered cord syndrome is a progressive disease with a typically insidious onset in infants and children, and which can lead to persistent progress of neurological deficits and a high rate of disability without timely intervention. The purpose of this study was to investigate the curative effect of microsurgery in children with different types of tethered cord syndrome. In this study, we analyzed 326 patients with tethered cord syndrome, aged from 2 months to 14 years old, who were followed for 3–36 months after microscopic surgery. Based on clinical manifestations and imaging findings, these patients were classified into five types: tight filum terminale(53 cases), lipomyelomeningocele(55 cases), lipomatous malformation(124 cases), postoperative adhesions(56 cases), and split cord malformation(38 cases). All patients underwent microsurgery. Curative effects were measured before and 3 months after surgery by Spina Bifida Neurological Scale based on sensory and motor functions, reflexes, and bladder and bowel function. The results showed that Spina Bifida Neurological Scale scores improved in all five types after surgery. Overall effective rates in these patients were 75%. Effective rates were 91% in tight filum terminale, 84% in lipomyelomeningocele, 65% in lipomatous malformation, 75% in postoperative adhesion, and 79% in split cord malformation. Binary logistic regression analysis revealed that types of tethered cord syndrome(lipoma-type or not) and symptom duration before surgery were independent influencing factors of surgical outcome. These results show that therapeutic effect is markedly different in patients with different types of tethered cord syndrome. Suitable clinical classification for tethered cord syndrome will be helpful in predicting prognosis and guiding treatment.  相似文献   

Segmental muscle enlargement occurs in a variety of neurogenic conditions. We present a case with calf hypertrophy, likely produced by partial denervation and continuous neuromuscular irritability, which was caused by a tethered spinal cord that was demonstrated by MRI. Muscle MRI correlated with muscle biopsy findings in which atrophy and hypertrophy were accompanied by rimmed vacuoles. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

脊髓栓系综合征(tethered cord syndrome,TCS)是由于各种先天和后天原因如:先天性脊柱裂、脊髓纵裂、硬脊膜内、外脂肪瘤、腰骶脊膜膨出修补术后脊髓粘连等原因引起脊髓或圆锥受牵拉,致使脊髓末端位置过低,脊髓发生缺血、缺氧、神经组织变性而引起一系列神经功能障碍和畸形的综合征”。TCS的患病率约为0.17%。本病男女性别发生率差别不大。1886年国外学者首次报道,其在对腰骶部多毛症伴脊柱裂患者尸检时发现,  相似文献   

目的探讨儿童脊髓栓系的临床特点、治疗方法、效果和预后。方法回顾性分析30例显微手术治疗的脊髓栓系病儿的临床资料。结果临床病理诊断:脂肪瘤型10例,非脂肪瘤型20例。术后随访O.5~4年,所有病儿局部皮肤包块和窦道畸形治愈,运动功能改善9例,感觉功能改善4例,二便功能改善5例。术后并发症:伤口愈合困难4例,新发小便困难1例,下肢麻木2例;1~3个月均恢复。所有病例无远期并发症。结论儿童脊髓栓系常合并先天畸形,多数病儿早期手术治疗能取得较好的预后。二便功能恢复较下肢感觉运动功能改善更为困难。  相似文献   

OBJECT: This paper reports four tethered cord cases who initially applied with lumbar disk disease symptoms. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All of them were investigated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and somatosensory evoked potential (SSPE). In two patients, MRI revealed thick and fatty filum terminale, while in remaining two, the filum terminale appeared as normal in thickness. SSEP revealed pathological conduction values in all, and it was the main indicator for surgical sectioning in patients especially with normal MRI investigations. All patients had benefit from the surgical sectioning of the fila terminalia with either thick and fatty or normal appearance. CONCLUSION: A particular patient with lumbar disc disease symptoms having normal MRI should also be investigated for tight filum terminale. If there is no pathological appearance in MRI investigation (both in regard to disc herniation and thick and fatty filum terminale), SSEP investigation should be done to check whether a conduction block or delay is present, indicating cord tethering.  相似文献   

目的 探讨脂肪瘤型脊髓栓系综合征的手术治疗技巧. 方法 自2003年至2006年,我科共收治33例脂肪瘤型脊髓栓系患者,均在电生理监测下切除脂肪瘤,显微手术分离粘连、松解脊髓,以无损伤不可吸收缝线(Prolene线,5-0)连续缝合硬脊膜,一期行硬脊膜重建;翻转腰背部筋膜行先天性缺损修补与加固. 结果 29例患者切口一期愈合:4例患者出现脂肪坏死导致皮下积液,其中2例患者出现脑脊液漏,经缝合及引流后治愈.随访1~3年,28例患者临床症状有显著改善,5例患者虽无改善亦无神经系统症状加重;复查均无再栓系形成. 结论 脂肪瘤型脊髓栓系综合征早期电生理监测下行栓系松解术,同时行硬脊膜的修补与重建,对于预防术后再栓系至关重要.  相似文献   

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