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Autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cirrhosis are generally easy to discriminate on the basis of clinical, laboratory, and histological findings. The presence of anti-mitocondrial antibodies seropositivity and cholestatic clinical, laboratory, and/or histological features in patients with autoimmune hepatitis indicates the overlap syndrome of autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cirrhosis. Fulminant hepatic failure is an unusual initial form of presentation of autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cirrhosis overlap syndrome. We report the case of a 50-year-old woman with autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cirrhosis overlap syndrome who presented with fulminant hepatic failure. Fulminant hepatic failure has a high mortality rate and may require liver transplant. Our patient revealed a good response to corticosteroid and ursodeoxycholic acid therapy. It is important to identify and distinguish autoimmune hepatitis and variant syndromes from other forms of liver disease because of response to corticosteroid therapy.  相似文献   

Aim:  The peak age of the presentation of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is between 40 years and 50 years. Elderly patients have been reported to have higher frequencies of concurrent thyroid or rheumatic diseases and histological cirrhosis and a lower occurrence of treatment failure. In this study, we assessed the clinical features of Japanese type 1 AIH in adolescence and early adulthood.
Methods:  Fifteen patients aged ≤ 30 years (group 1) were compared with 79 patients aged between 40 years and 50 years (group 2).
Results:  At presentation, patients aged ≤ 30 years accounted for 9% of the study population. Although frequencies of extrahepatic concurrent autoimmune diseases were similar between groups 1 and 2, a tendency toward a lower frequency of concurrent autoimmune thyroiditis was shown in group 1 (0 vs. 18%, P  = 0.08). Group 1 had a lower frequency of human leukocyte antigen DR4 (27 vs. 78%, P  = 0.002), and histological acute hepatitis was shown more frequently in group 1 (27 vs. 4%, P  = 0.002). However, there were no differences in frequencies of the normalization of serum transaminase levels after the introduction of corticosteroid treatment or relapse after the normalization of serum transaminase levels between the two groups.
Conclusions:  Japanese type 1 AIH patients in adolescence and early adulthood respond well to corticosteroid treatment. However, they may frequently show atypical features, and the diagnosis of type 1 AIH in adolescence and early adulthood may be difficult and should be made carefully.  相似文献   


We describe a 40-year-old woman with polymyositis (PM) who developed autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), and autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura (AITP) concurrently. About 4 years earlier, she suffered from muscle weakness probably due to PM. When she visited our hospital, she had polyarthritis, myalgia, symmetrical proximal limb-muscle weakness, elevated muscle enzymes, and myogenic abnormalities on electromyogram. Pathological findings obtained by muscle biopsy showed histological findings consistent with PM. Her serum liver enzymes were also elevated. The histology obtained by liver biopsy revealed the mixture findings of chronic active hepatitis and biliary cirrhosis. As antibodies to mitochondria M2 and liver/kidney microsome type 1 (LKM-1) were present, we concluded her liver disease was due to an overlap of AIH and PBC. Furthermore, purpura on the legs with thrombocytopenia appeared in parallel with liver dysfunction. She was diagnosed as having AITP by clinical and laboratory findings. Her serum showed a speckled pattern in immunofluorescence antinuclear antibody testing, but the antigen specificities were distinct from those of the known myositis-related autoantigens. This is a first case report of PM accompanied by AIH, PBC, and AITP. It was notable that there was an overlap of disease-associated immunological findings and immunogenetic backgrounds. This case provides a possible insight into the mechanisms and interplay of autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Background:The role of the HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQB1 genes in the antibody response to hepatitis B (HB) vaccine has been well established; however, the involvement of the HLA-DPB1 allele in the HB vaccine immune response remained to be clarified by a systematic review.Methods:A meta-analysis was performed in which databases were searched for relevant studies published in English or Chinese up until June 1, 2020. Six studies were identified and a total of 10 alleles were processed into statistical processing in this meta-analysis.Results:Three thousand one hundred forty four subjects (including 2477 responders and 667 non-responders) were included in this research. Alleles HLA-DPB102:02, DPB103:01, DPB104:01, DPB104:02, and DPB114:01 were found to be associated with a significant increase in the antibody response to HB vaccine, and their pooled odds ratios (ORs) were 4.53, 1.57, 3.33, 4.20, and 1.79, respectively; whereas DPB105:01 (OR = 0.73) showed the opposite correlation.Conclusions:These findings suggested that specific HLA-DPB1 alleles are associated with the antibody response to HB vaccine.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The immunogenetic basis of autoimmune diseases has become more and more evident. We have analyzed the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) associations with type-1 autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) among patients from western India. METHODS: In 20 patients and 120 healthy controls, polymerase chain reaction amplified with sequence specific primers and hybridized with oligoprobes was carried out to elucidate the HLA A, B, C and DRB1 allele associations. RESULTS: The study revealed that A*0222 (20% vs 1.66%; P = 0.0001), A*3201 (15% vs 0.83%; P = 0.0004), A*680102 (30% vs 6.66%; P = 0.001), B*35 (40% vs 11.66%; P = 0.001), B*5501 (10% vs 0.83%; P = 0.008), Cw*0102 (15% vs 1.66%; P = 0.002) and Cw*070101 (50% vs 11.66%; P = 2.5E-05) were significantly increased among the A, B and C alleles of AIH patients. Among the HLA DRB1 alleles, DRB1*0301 (20% vs 6.19%; P = 0.03), DRB1*1301 (15% vs 2.65%; P = 0.01), DRB1*14 (30% vs 11.5%; P = 0.02) and DRB1*1501 (40% vs 22.12%; P = 0.08) were increased in AIH patients when compared with the controls. CONCLUSIONS: The present study indicates that the HLA susceptibility to type 1 AIH in the different populations studied is complex.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A familial dustering of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and the presence of immunological abnormalities in family members suggest a genetic component involved in the pathogenesis of PBC. The aims of this study are to investigate the frequencies of human leukocyte antigen HLA-A, -B, and -DRB1 alleles in Chinese patients with PBC by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based techniques, and to assess the correlation of the above-mentioned HLA with some clinical and laboratory features. METHODS: Genotyping of HLA alleles were performed in 65 well-characterized PBC patients and 431 healthy controls with sequence-specifc primers PCR amplification. RESULTS: HLA-DRB1~*07 allele detected in 19 of the 65 (29.2%) PBC patients was subtyped as DRB1~*0701, as well as in 13.9% of controls (P_C<0.05, OR=2.55, 95% CI: 1.4-4.6). An increased frequency of DRB1~*03 (18.4% vs. 7.2% in healthy controls) and a decreased frequency of DRB1~*12 (16.9% vs. 28.8%) in PBC patients were statistically significant. There was no association with HLADRB1~*08 reported. The frequencies for HLA-A, B and the other DRB1 alleles were similar between patients and healthy controls. CONCLUSIONS: The susceptibility to PBC in Chinese individuals is associated with DRB1~*0701 allele. This association differs from that in North Americans, South Americans, North Europeans and even Japanese, but it is not restricted to any particular subgroup of patients.  相似文献   

AIM: Our goals were to analyze the known genetic predispositions for autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) in AIH Italian population and to compare them with North American counterparts. METHODS: Human leukocyte antigens (HLA) B8, C7, DR3, DR4, DR7, DR11, DR13, DQ2 and the B8-DR3-DQ2 phenotype were determined by microlymphocytotoxicity and polymerase chain reaction in 74 Italian patients (57 with type 1 and 17 with type 2 AIH) and 149 North American patients with type 1 AIH, and in adequate controls. RESULTS: B8-DR3-DQ2 occurred more frequently in Italian patients with type 1 AIH than in Italian controls (30% vs 7%, P<0.0001), but less frequently than in North American counterparts (30% vs 48%, P= 0.02). DR4 occurred less frequently in Italian patients with type 1 AIH (23% vs 43%, P= 0.01) and in controls (16% vs 34%, P= 0.0003) than in North American counterparts. No differences were found in alleles' frequency between type 1 and type 2 Italian AIH patients. DR11 had a frequency lower in type 1 Italian AIH patients than controls (17% vs 35%, P= 0.01). CONCLUSION: HLA DR4 is not associated with AIH in Italy. The known HLA risk factors for AIH occur similarly in Italian patients with type 1 and type 2 AIH, and they are less frequent than in North American patients. B8-DR3-DQ2 is the predominant phenotype of type 1 AIH also in Italy, and HLA DR11 may be a regionally distinctive protective factor against type 1 AIH.  相似文献   

AIM:To investigate histological and immunohistochemical differences in hepatitis between autoimmune hepatitis(AIH)and primary biliary cirrhosis(PBC)with AIH features.METHODS:Liver needle biopsies of 41 PBC with AIH features and 43 AIH patients were examined.The activity of periportal and lobular inflammation was scored0(none or minimal activity)to 4(severe),and the degree of hepatitic rosette formation and emperipolesis was semiquantatively scored 0-3.The infiltration of mononuclear cells positive for CD20,CD38,CD3,CD4,and CD8 and positive for immunoglobulins(IgG,IgM,and IgA)at the periportal areas(interface hepatitis)and in the hepatic lobules(lobular hepatitis)were semiquantitatively scored in immunostained liver sections(score 0-6).Serum aspartate aminotransferase(AST),immunoglobulins,and autoantibodies at the time of liver biopsy were correlated with the histological and immunohistochemical scores of individual lesions.RESULTS:Lobular hepatitis,hepatitic rosette formation,and emperipolesis were more extensive and frequent in AIH than in PBC.CD3+,CD4+,and CD8+cell infiltration scores were higher in the hepatic lobules and at the interface in AIH but were also found in PBC.The degree of mononuclear cell infiltration correlated well with the degree of interface and lobular hepatitis in PBC,but to a lesser degree in AIH.CD20+cells were mainly found in the portal tracts and,occasionally,at the interface in both diseases.Elevated AST correlated well with the hepatocyte necroinflammation and mononuclear cell infiltration,specifically CD38+cells in PBC.No correlation existed between autoantibodies and inflammatory cell infiltration in PBC or AIH.While most AIH cases were IgG-predominant at the interface,PBC cases were divided into IgM-predominant,IgM/IgGequal,and IgG-predominant types,with the latter sharing several features with AIH.CONCLUSION:These results suggest that the hepatocellular injuries associated with interface and lobular hepatitis in AIH and PBC with interface hepatitis may not be identical.  相似文献   

Aim: Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) DR status affects the clinical features of autoimmune hepatitis. In Caucasians, patients with DR3 have poorer outcomes. In Japan, the relationship between HLA DR status and clinical features has yet to be fully examined. Methods: We investigated 79 patients with type 1 autoimmune hepatitis who underwent liver biopsy and were screened for HLA DR status by the polymerase chain reaction sequence specific oligonucleotide hybridization method. Results: Fifty-five patients had DR4 and 23 had DR2. Thirteen patients had both DR2 and DR4. None had DR3. Of patients aged <30 years, 70% did not have DR4. A tendency toward higher serum levels of immunoglobulin G was seen in patients with DR4 compared to those without, while patients with neither DR2 nor DR4 had lower serum levels of immunoglobulin G than those with only DR2 and those with only DR4. Patients with DR2 had a lower frequency of concurrentautoimmune disease. Concurrence of thyroid disease was seen only in patients with DR4. The cumulative incidental rate of the normalization of serum alanine aminotransferase levels within six months after the introduction of corticosteroid treatment was not associated with HLA DR status. Conclusion: HLA DR status is considered to affect the clinical features of Japanese patients with type 1 autoimmune hepatitis. Japanese patients with DR2 may have different clinical features from others. In addition, diagnoses of type 1 autoimmune hepatitis should be made carefully in Japanese patients with neither DR2 nor DR4 and in those aged <30 years.  相似文献   

目的 调查自身免疫性肝病(AILD)患者自身免疫性甲状腺疾病(AITD)发病率情况。 方法 2018年6月~2020年12月我院诊治的自身免疫性肝炎(AIH)41例和原发性胆汁性肝硬化(PBC)患者45例,采用间接免疫荧光法或免疫印迹法检测血清抗核抗体(ANA)、抗线粒体抗体(AMA)或AMA-M2)、抗平滑肌抗体(ASMA)、抗双链DNA抗体(抗dsDNA)和抗着丝点抗体(ACA);采用ELISA法检测血清免疫球蛋白,包括IgG、IgM和γ-球蛋白。结果 在本组41例AIH患者中,合并HT患者12例,合并GD患者6例,在45例PBC患者中,合并HT患者8例,合并GD患者7例;AIH患者血清IgG水平为17.5(14.8,19.8)g/L,显著低于AIH合并HT组【21.6(17.5,29.0)g/L,P<0.05】或AIH合并GD组【22.4(20.2,26.4)g/L,P<0.05】,血清γ-球蛋白为22.2(19.3,25.6)%,显著低于合并HT组【26.5(22.2,32.2)%,P<0.05】或合并GD组【27.1(24.3,32.0)%,P<0.05】;PBC患者年龄为(55.2±1.1)岁,显著小于合并HT组【(62.4±1.6)岁,P<0.05】或合并GD组【(62.2±1.5)岁,P<0.05】,血清IgG水平为15.4(12.2,18.0)g/L,显著低于合并HT组【20.3(16.8,24.7)g/L,P<0.05】或合并GD组【21.3(16.8,25.6)g/L,P<0.05】,血清γ-球蛋白水平为21.2(17.8,25.6)%,显著低于合并HT组【26.7(21.7,30.4)%,P<0.05】或合并GD组【25.4(22.2,29.4)%,P<0.05】。结论 AILD合并AITD的发病率较高,合并AITD患者血清IgG和γ-球蛋白水平较高,其原因还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

细胞因子是由多种细胞分泌的多肽,对于细胞的生长分化、造血、炎症以及免疫功能有重要的调节作用。近年来,有关细胞因子的产生机制,浓度变化与某些疾病的关系及细胞因子的生物学功能已引起国内外学者的广泛重视。  相似文献   

目的探讨肝脏瞬时弹性成像(FibroScan,FS)在HBeAg阴性慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)患者肝纤维化中的应用价值。方法选择2011年6月-2013年5月在湖北省中医院诊治的HBeAg阴性CHB患者104例,运用FS进行肝脏硬度(Stiffness值)测量,所有患者均行肝穿刺活组织检查。以肝活组织检查病理结果为标准,Stiffness值与之对比;同时绘制FS工作特征曲线,计算受试者工作特征曲线下面积(AUC)。组间比较采用Kruskal-Wallis H检验,两组比较采用Mann-Whitney U检验。双变量相关性分析采用Pearson相关和Spearman等级相关法。结果随肝纤维化程度的提高,Stiffness值逐渐增高,差异有统计学意义(P0.01或P0.05)。Stiffness值与肝纤维化分期呈正相关(r=0.810,P0.01)。FS检测肝硬化AUC为0.956,其中以13.1 kPa作为肝硬化的诊断界值,敏感度为92.7%,特异度为80%。结论 FS在HBeAg阴性CHB患者肝纤维化程度的评估中具有较好的应用价值,尤其诊断肝硬化的准确性较高,直接、间接标志物和FS的联合应用有助于肝纤维化患者的鉴别诊断及疗效评估。  相似文献   

目的探讨人类白细胞相关抗原DRB1*15(HLA-DRB1*15)等位基因位点与阿德福韦酯治疗慢性乙型肝炎(CHB)6个月时疗效的相关性。方法以阿德福韦酯治疗的CHB患者6个月时有效及无效病例(分别为52和42例)作为研究对象,采用序列特异性引物聚合酶链反应技术(PCR-SSP)对两组研究对象中HLA-DRB1*15基因位点进行检测并对此等位基因位点的频率进行比较分析。结果 HLA-DRB1*15等位基因位点在CHB及相同抗病毒疗效中分布与HBeAg无统计学差异,HLA-DRB1*15等位基因位点在治疗有效组和无效组中的频率分布差异存在统计学意义(χ2=5.050,P=0.025,OR=3.176,95%CI:1.127~8.951)。结论 HLA-DRB1*15在CHB及相同抗病毒疗效中的分布与HBeAg无相关性,HLA-DRB1*15可能是阿德福韦酯抗HBV有效的预测指标。  相似文献   

Development of autoimmune hepatitis in primary biliary cirrhosis.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AIM/BACKGROUND: Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is a chronic cholestatic liver disease of unknown aetiology. Up to 10% of patients with typical features of PBC will have additional features of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). A subset, however, have no such features but go on to develop a 'sequential' AIH overlap syndrome. Objectives: Describe our experience with eight patients who developed AIH after the diagnosis of PBC was made. METHODS: We reviewed the charts of all PBC patients over a 9-year period (from 1996 to 2005). Only PBC patients with no features of AIH were included. RESULTS: There were 1476 patients with PBC. Of these, eight patients developed features of AIH overlap syndrome based on biochemical and histological parameters. Treatment included prednisone and azathioprine for 24 or more months. The majority of patients remained on ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) throughout treatment. Response to therapy was defined by improvement in enzymes, and was rapid for all patients. One patient was able to discontinue treatment with prednisone and azathioprine, while seven have continued on therapy to date. CONCLUSIONS: A 'sequential' overlap syndrome of AIH with PBC can occur. Treatment with prednisone and azathioprine may lead to a rapid improvement in aminotransferase levels.  相似文献   

Aim: In Caucasians in northern Europe and North America, type 1 autoimmune hepatitis is characterized by susceptibility to human leukocyte antigens DR3 and DR4, and patients with zone III necrosis more frequently have an acute onset of the disease and a lower frequency of cirrhosis than those without. In Japanese patients, however, type 1 autoimmune hepatitis is primarily associated with DR4, and there are almost no DR3-positive patients. Thus, the clinical features of Japanese patients with type 1 autoimmune hepatitis and zone III necrosis may be different from those reported previously for Caucasians. Methods: We investigated 160 consecutive patients with type 1 autoimmune hepatitis (20 males and 140 females; median age, 55 years; range, 16-79 years). Results: Forty-seven patients (29%) had zone III necrosis, and these patients had lower serum levels of albumin and higher serum levels of total bilirubin, aspartate aminotransferaseand alanine aminotransferase. Histologically, zone III necrosis was found more frequently in patients with acute hepatitis than in those with chronic hepatitis. However, there was no difference in the frequency of cirrhosis between patients with and without zone III necrosis. In addition, normalization of serum alanine aminotransferase levels within six months after the introduction of corticosteroid treatment was slightly more frequent in patients with zone III necrosis (95% vs. 88%). Conclusion: In Japanese patients, zone III necrosis may reflect not only acute autoimmune hepatitis, but also acute exacerbation of pre-existing chronic disease. Furthermore, patients with zone III necrosis may respond better to corticosteroid treatment than those without.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate and confirm the low incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in patients with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). At present only very few cases of HCC in patients with AIH and definite exclusion of chronic viral hepatitis have been published, suggesting that HCC due to AIH is rare. METHODS: In order to further investigate the incidence of HCC in patients with AIH, we reviewed our large cohort of 278 patients with AIH. RESULTS: Eighty-nine patients (32%) were diagnosed with liver cirrhosis, a preneoplastic condition for HCC. We studied a total of 431 patient years of cirrhosis in these patients, an average 4.8 years per patient. During this period none of the patients of our own study cohort developed HCC. However, three patients with HCC due to AIH associated liver cirrhosis were referred to our department for further treatment of HCC. In all three patients chronic viral hepatitis was excluded. CONCLUSION: We conclude that HCC may under rare circumstances develop due to chronic AIH dependent liver cirrhosis. Compared to other causes of liver cirrhosis such as chronic viral hepatitis, alcohol, or hemochromatosis, the incidence of HCC is significantly lower. Pathophysiological differences between AIH and chronic viral hepatitis responsible for differences in the incidence of HCC are yet to be further characterized and may lead to new therapeutic concepts in prevention and treatment of liver cancer.  相似文献   

肝内血管病变与肝炎病变关系的研究   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
目的 研究肝血管病变与肝损伤的关系.方法 肝病变标本2000 例,用HE、免疫组化及电镜技术进行研究.结果 在急性肝炎肝血管炎症、破坏及阻塞随肝坏死加重而上升( P< 0-01) ;在慢性肝炎肝血管炎症、破坏、阻塞及增生随肝病变的轻重程度而示梯度变化( P< 0-01) ;在肝硬变肝血管增生及纤维化最明显,与结节大小及纤维带宽窄相关( P< 0-01) ,伴弹力纤维化. 免疫组化示纤维带、血管内皮细胞及成肌纤维细胞αSMA 强阳性; 电镜示血管内皮细胞出芽并形成管状结构.结论 肝血管病变在各型肝病变中担当一关键角色  相似文献   

AIM: To analyze the association of human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DRB1 with autoimmune hepatitis type I (AIH) among Chinese patients in the Shanghai area. METHODS: In 32 patients and 48 healthy controls, polymerase chain reaction amplified with sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP) was performed to elucidate the relevance of certain alleles or polymorphic sequences of HLA-DRB1 with autoimmune hepatitis. RESULTS: The HLA-DRB1 typing by PCR-SSP showed that DR4 had a significantly increased frequency among patients with AIH versus that of healthy controls (46.9 vs 20.8%; relative risk = 3.35, P = 0.014). In the subtypes of DR4, there was a trend of an increase in the gene frequency of DRB1*0405 in patients with AIH versus that of healthy controls (21.9 vs 6.3%, P = 0.04, but corrected P (Pc) = 0.08). In addition, our analysis indicated a significant increase in the alleles frequency encoding Leu-Leu-Glu-Gln-Lys-Arg (LLEQRR) from the third hyperpolymorphic region (HVR3) of DR4 in the patients with AIH (86.7% of DR4 positive patients vs 40.0% in DR4 positive controls, P = 0.016, Pc = 0.028, relative risk (RR) = 9.75). CONCLUSION: Type I AIH among Chinese patients is associated with HLA-DR4. There is a relevance of type I AIH and LLEQRR sequence within the third hyperpolymorphic region of the DRB1 allele.  相似文献   

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