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本文通过对中西医结合治疗100例(合并胃、十二指肠溃疡)患者随机分为实验组(A)、对照组(B)观察,得出合并胃十二指肠溃疡运用该方法疗效明显、预后良好,是较好的治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的:观察中药配合西医三联疗法(雷贝拉唑联合阿莫西林、克拉霉素)治疗十二指肠球部溃疡的临床疗效.方法:将176例十二指肠球部溃疡患者随机分为2组,治疗组89例采用中药(甘草、白芍、半夏、黄连、桂枝、当归、丹参、延胡索、海螵蛸、三七等)配合西医三联疗法治疗;对照组89例单予西医三联疗法治疗,停药4周后复查胃镜及14碳一尿素呼气试验(14 CUBT),观察溃疡愈合情况以及幽门螺杆菌根除率.结果:治疗组及对照组幽门螺杆菌根除率及十二指肠球部溃疡愈合率分别为98.9%、88.8%和96.7%、85.7%.2组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05).结论:中药配合西医三联疗法治疗十二指肠溃疡疗效较好.  相似文献   

目的观察中药序贯联合铋剂四联方案治疗幽门螺杆菌相关性十二指肠溃疡的临床疗效。方法选择2016年3月—2018年3月在山东中医药大学附属医院治疗的60例幽门螺杆菌相关性十二指肠溃疡湿热中阻证患者(溃疡活动期),按随机对照原则分为试验组和对照组各30例。治疗过程共分为除菌期(14 d)、除菌后期(28 d),共连续观察42 d。对照组除菌期采用铋剂四联疗法(阿莫西林胶囊+克拉霉素缓释片+泮托拉唑肠溶胶囊+胶体果胶铋胶囊)治疗,除菌后期继续服用泮托拉唑肠溶胶囊。试验组在对照组基础上,除菌期第1周和第2周分别加服胃疡1号方和胃疡2号方,除菌后期加服胃疡3号方。观察2组治疗后中医症状评分变化,统计中医症状疗效;停药后1周内复查胃镜,评估胃镜疗效;1个月后复查幽门螺杆菌根除情况,评估总体疗效;6个月后再次进行幽门螺杆菌及胃镜检测,统计2组溃疡和幽门螺杆菌复发情况;记录2组治疗过程中不良反应发生情况。结果2组治疗后各中医症状积分及总分均显著降低(P均<0.05),且试验组胃脘疼痛、痞胀不适、口苦口黏、纳呆恶心、身重肢倦积分及总分均明显低于对照组(P均<0.05)。试验组中医症状总显效率、胃镜疗效总显效率、幽门螺杆菌根除率、总体疗效总显效率分别为90.0%(27/30),96.7%(29/30)、96.7%(29/30)、93.3%(28/30),对照组分别为66.7%(20/30)、86.7%(26/30)、86.7%(26/30)、63.3%(19/30),试验组均明显高于对照组(P均<0.05)。试验组溃疡及幽门螺杆菌复发率分别为3.3%(1/30)、6.9%(2/29),对照组分别为13.3%(4/30)、11.5%(3/26),试验组均明显低于对照组(P均<0.05)。2组在治疗过程中均无不良反应发生。结论中药序贯联合铋剂四联方案治疗幽门螺杆菌相关性十二指肠溃疡近、远期疗效均显著。  相似文献   

目的:探索养生之道能否有效根治复发性口腔溃疡。方法:调节饮食、注意休息、心态平衡。结果:4例病人。其中,1例治疗半月,占25%;2例治疗1月,占50%;1例治疗2月,占25%。治愈率为100%。4例病人经随访1年,其中3例未复发,1例复发1次,其症状轻微,病人述是因为情绪引起,未用任何药物,经自行调节,待情绪稳定后病情好转。经再随访半年均无复发。结论:每个人的健康与自己的生活习惯息息相关,特别是与饮食、睡眠和心情有关,以上三方面是相互联系的,所以养生是一个整体,许多慢性病都要从养生来治疗。复发性口腔溃疡这一口腔黏膜慢性病亦是如此。  相似文献   

中医食疗营养学及保健食品研发探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从中国“药食同源”的历史渊源和人文背景,以及中医和食疗的亲缘关系出发,探讨了中医食疗营养的特色和优势、与现代营养学(包括功能食品)研究的异同点,以及基于此基础上的保健食品研究、开发、管理思路;提出了以有中国特色的“功能性保健食品”的差异化研究为切入点,在国际化的同时,实现与目前国际上“功能食品”研究齐头并进的思路。  相似文献   

在清代医家陈士铎所著的《洞天奥旨》中,记载了疮疡病的阴毒证.陈士铎认为肝肾两脏之阴火耗血伤津,滞涩成肿,是阴毒疮疡发生的主要机制.陈士铎治疗阴毒的原则重在遏制阴火之势,辅以顾护胃气,方能化解阴毒.在临床实践中,陈士铎之遣方具有以人参、黄芪为主,大剂补中的特点;在用药中阐发金银花纯补的特点,将其作为治疗阴毒疮疡之要药...  相似文献   

温胃舒配合三联疗法治疗脾胃虚寒型消化性溃疡临床观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
吕梦华  刘之武 《河北中医》2005,27(7):539-541
目的观察中成药温胃舒配合三联疗法(雷尼替丁、阿莫仙、甲硝唑)对脾胃虚寒型消化性溃疡的治疗作用及根除幽门螺杆菌(Hp)的效果。方法经胃镜检查确诊并符合脾胃虚寒型消化性溃疡的58例患者随机分为2组,对照组28例,给予雷尼替丁150mg,阿莫仙500mg,甲硝唑400mg,均为每日2次口服;治疗组30例在对照组用药的基础上加用温胃舒3粒,每日2次。以上药物除抗生素只服2周外,其它药均服至6周末疗程结束。第7周复查胃镜和(或)^14C呼气试验。结果:症状缓解率:畏寒,治疗组96.57%,对照组46.41%;便溏,治疗组87.57%,对照组60%。2组比较均有显著性差异(P〈0.05),其它大致相同。溃疡总愈合率:治疗组93.15%,对照组89.25%,其中白色疤痕不伴炎症(S2)获得率治疗组74%,对照组44%,2组比较均有显著性差异(P〈0.05)。Hp根除率治疗组76.59%,对照组53.55%,2组比较无显著性差异(P〉0.05)。结论温胃舒配合三联疗法可以提高症状缓解率、是获得率及Hp根除率。  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

Croton campestris A. St.-Hill., popularly known as “velame do campo”, is a species native from savannah area of Northeast Brazil, which is used by traditional communities in folk medicine for a variety of health problems, especially detoxification, inflammation and gastritis. The present study investigates the possible gastric antiulcer activity of Croton campestris root extract (CCRE) and mechanisms of action underlying this effect.

Materials and methods

Gastric lesions were induced in mice by ethanol, acidified ethanol and indomethacin. CCRE was previously administered orally in doses ranging from 50 to 750 mg/kg. Stomach lesions were measured. The involvement of Nitric Oxide (NO), prostaglandins (PGEs), ATP-dependent K+ channel and adrenergic receptor was investigated through specific inhibitors.


CCRE produced significant antiulcer activity against absolute ethanol, acidified ethanol and indomethacin induced gastric lesions. The pretreatment with L-NAME (10 mg/kg, p.o.), an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthesis and indomethacin (10 mg/kg, s.c.), an inhibitor of prostaglandin production, reversed the antiulcer action of CCRE.


Taking together, these results suggest that the antiulcer activity of CCRE is dependent of NO and prostaglandin pathways possibly due to its ability to stimulate the synthesis of NO, and activation of endogenous prostaglandin production. Therefore, the use of CCRE in traditional Brazilian medicine against gastric disorders has a scientific basis.  相似文献   

OBjECTIVE:To observe the efficacy and safety of oral Sanhuangwuji powder,anti-rheumatic drugs(ARDs),and ginger-partitioned acupoint stimulation at Zusanli(ST 36) on the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis(RA) complicated by peptic ulcer.METHODS:This prospective randomized controlled study included 180 eligible inpatients and outpatients randomly assigned to an ARD treatment(n = 60),ginger-partitioned stimulation(n =60),or combination treatment(n = 60).Patients assigned to the ARD group were given oral celecoxib,methotrexate,and esomeprazole.Patients assigned to theginger-partitioned stimulation group were given ginger-partitioned acupoint stimulation at Zusanli(ST 36) in addition to the ARDs.Patients in the combination treatment group were given oral Sanhuangwuji powder,ginger-partitioned acupoint stimulation at Zusanli(ST 36),and ARDs.All patients were followed up for 2 months to evaluate clinical effects and safety.The study was registered in the World Health Organization database at the General Hospital of Chengdu Military Area Command Chinese People's Liberation Army(ChiCTR-TCC12002824).RESULTS:The combination treatment group had significantly greater improvements in RA symptoms,laboratory outcomes,and gastrointestinal symptom scores,compared with the other groups(P 0.05).The peptic ulcer healing rate in the combination treatment group was significantly greater than that in the ARD treatment group(x~2 = 16.875,P 0.05) and the ginger-partitioned stimulation group(x~2 = 6.171,P0.05).CONCLUSION:Combination treatment with ginger-partitioned acupoint stimulation at Zusanli(ST36),oral Sanhuangwuji powder,and ARDs had a better clinical effect for RA with complicated peptic ulcer,compared with ARD treatmentalone or in combination with ginger-partitioned acupoint stimulation.  相似文献   



Acupuncture is an intrinsic part of traditional Chinese medicine. The current understanding of the acupuncture meridian system, acupoints and the potential utilizing Omics technologies are summarized in this review.

Material and methods

A systematic search for acupuncture involving Omics technologies was carried out using multiple online literature databases. The records retrieved were from the full collections of each database dated to September 2011. Data produced from functional genomic technologies were extracted from the collected acupuncture/moxibustion studies and subjected to evaluation. Analyses and comments were summarized on the advances in experimental research in acupuncture/moxibustion-related studies, and the future for strategies and approaches in the era of functional genomics highlighted.


An overview of articles indicated that several diseases or symptoms with evidence of effectiveness had been piloted for using functional genomic technologies, such as Parkinson's disease, allergic disorders, pain, and spinal cord injury, most of which are chronic “difficult diseases”. High-throughput genomic and proteomic profiling of gene expression in tissues has been able to identify potential candidates for the effects of acupuncture and provide valuable information toward understanding the possible mechanisms of the therapy. However, without further holistic and sophisticated analyses in the context of metabolomics and systems biology, the current attempts and the foreseeable developments appear to be insufficient to produce firm conclusions. Noticeably, the recent rapid advances in functional molecular imaging targeting specific metabolites have shown great promise and if combined with other post-genomic technologies, could be extremely helpful for the acupuncture studies in human subjects.


This review suggest that disease-oriented studies using the approach of multi-indexed high-throughput technologies and systems biology analyses will be a preferred strategy for future acupuncture/moxibustion research.  相似文献   

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