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Objective To review HIV/AIDS epidemic history, current situation and prevention policy in China.
Data sources Information included in this article was identified by searching PUBMED (1997-2006) online resources using the key terms "HIV/AIDS", "epidemic", "prevention", and "China".
Study selection Original milestone articles and critical reviews written by major pioneer investigators of the field were selected.
Results The key issues related to the HIV/AIDS epidemic situation in China and Chinese government prevention policy were summarized. HIV/AIDS epidemic groups and trends for HIV transmission were discussed.
Conclusion In January 2006, 650 000 people were estimated to be living with HIV in China. The overall HIV/AIDS epidemic is at a low level (0.05%) and concentrated in several at risk populations. However, the data show that new cases of HIV infection are growing every year and spreading from at risk populations to the general population. Premier WEN Jia-bao announced the "Four frees and one care" policy and the Chinese government has developed a series of programs with strong policy measures to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS in China.  相似文献   

为了解农村地区既往非法采供血和静脉吸毒感染HIV的感染者 /病人的社会经济学和行为学现状 ,于2 0 0 3年在山西闻喜县和广西凭祥市对 6 0位农村地区的HIV感染者 /病人进行调查。结果表明 ,农村地区HIV感染者和AIDS患者 ,尤其是经济落后地区因卖血 /血浆而感染的农民 ,其社会经济状况较差 ,由于患病后收入减少 ,医疗费用大幅度增加 ,因病致贫、因病返贫的现象突出。两种类型的感染者有着显著不同的社会经济学特征 ,由于发生感染的社会背景的差异 ,家人和社会对他们的态度和行为 ,以及他们本人的态度和行为也有较大的不同  相似文献   



The Tailored Interventions for management of DEpressive Symptoms (TIDES) program was designed based on social cognitive theory to provide tailored, computer-based education on key elements and self-care strategies for depressive symptoms in persons living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHAs).

Design and Measurement

Based on an extension of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), a cross-sectional design was used to assess the acceptance of the HIV TIDES prototype and explore the relationships among system acceptance factors proposed in the conceptual model.


Thirty-two PLWHAs were recruited from HIV/AIDS clinics. The majority were African American (68.8%), male (65.6%), with high school or lower education (68.7%), and in their 40s (62.5%). Participants spent an average of 10.4 minutes (SD = 5.6) using HIV TIDES. The PLWHAs rated the system as easy to use (Mean = 9.61, SD = 0.76) and useful (Mean = 9.50, SD = 1.16). The high ratings of behavior intention to use (Mean = 9.47, SD = 1.24) suggest that HIV TIDES has the potential to be accepted and used by PLWHAs. Four factors were positively correlated with behavioral intention to use: perceived usefulness (r = 0.61), perceived ease of use (r = 0.61), internal control (r = 0.59), and external control (r = 0.46). Computer anxiety (r = −0.80), tailoring path (r = 0−.35) and depressive symptoms (r = −0.49) were negatively correlated with behavioral intention to use.


The results of this study provide evidence of the acceptability of HIV TIDES by PLWHAs. Individuals are expected to be empowered through participating in the interactive process to generate their self-care plan. HIV TIDES enables information sharing about depression prevention and health promotion and has the potential to reframe the traditional patient-provider relationship.  相似文献   

目的:调查湖南省综合医院注册护士对艾滋病病人的艾滋病相关知识、态度现状及其相关性,为提高艾滋病护理质量,促进艾滋病防治工作提供理论依据及实践指导.方法:按三阶段分层整群随机抽样法,抽取湖南省51所综合医院的1350名注册护士为研究样本.结果:艾滋病知识平均知晓率为63.2%,艾滋病基本传播途径知识、疾病基本特点、非传播...  相似文献   

This study is aimed to evaluate the quality of life (QOL) for individuals living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in Hubei province-central China by using WHOQOL-BREF instrument (Chinese version). One hundred and thirty six respondents (HIV/AIDS individuals) attending out-patient department of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Chinese CDC) were administered a structured questionnaire developed by investigators. QOL was evaluated by using WHOQOL-BREF instrument (Chinese version). The results showed that the mean score of overall QOL on a scale of 0-100 was 25.8. The mean scores in 4 domains of QOL on a scale of 0-100 were 82.9 (social domain), 27.5 (psychological domain), 17.7 (physical domain) and 11.65 (environmental domain). The significant difference of QOL was noted in the score of physical domain between asymptomatic (14.6) and early symptomatic individuals (12) (P=0.014), and between patients with early symptoms (12) and those with AIDS (10.43) (P〈0.001). QOL in psychological domain was significantly lower in early symptomatic (12.1) (P〈0.05) and AIDS patients (12.4) (P〈0.006) than in asymptomatic individuals (14.2). The difference in QOL scores in the psychological domain was significant with respect to the income of patients (P〈0.048) and educational status (P〈0.037). Significantly better QOL scores in the physical domain (P〈0.040) and environmental domain (P〈0.017) were noted with respect to the occupation of the patients. Patients with family support had better QOL scores in environmental domain. In our research, QOL for HIV/AIDS individuals was associated with education, occupation, income, family support and clinical categories of the patients. It was concluded that WHOQOL-BREF Chinese version was successfully used in the evaluation of QOL of HIV/AIDS individuals in Chinese population and proved to be a reliable and useful tool.  相似文献   

目的 研究在城市开展艾滋病病毒感染者/艾滋病病人(HIV/AIDS)社区支持与关怀生产自救自助新模式。方法 在贵阳市健康关爱苑建立厂房,创造条件购买生产垃圾塑料袋机,培训HIV/AIDS为生产技工,由HIV/AIDS生产加工垃圾塑料袋,组织贵阳市广大的“防艾志愿者”进行义卖,增加HIV/AIDS的收入,改善他们的生活质量,减少他们及家庭成员在生活、就业等方面受到的歧视并减轻压力,提高HIV/AIDS的生活技能,使之成为可持续的自负盈亏的“经济实体”。结果完成了以贵阳市健康关爱苑为平台,由HIV/AIDS生产垃圾塑料袋,组织HIV/AIDS及贵阳地区志愿者义卖,增加HIV/AIDS收入,改善和提高他们的生活质量,形成了以HIV/AIDS社区支持与关怀生产垃圾塑料袋自救自助新模式,初步形成了以生产垃圾塑料袋为主的(另还组织HIV/AIDS编织和义卖“防艾中国结”)、生产自救自助和自负盈亏的“经济实体”雏形。结论开展HIV/AIDS社区支持与关怀,其关键要使其具有可持续性,如何组织HIV/AIDS开展生产自救自助,同时还需要由政府领导,多部门合作,全社会参与,及时制定相关配套政策,解决其中存在的问题。另外疾控部门在牵头、创思、支持、协调、督导起到了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

This brief report is concerned with the management of HIV infection since the 1980's in China. Mention was made of the 2-day Sino/American Symposium on Management of HIV Disease held in Beijing in 1990. Attendance included 600 participants from China and the US. 40 experts presented papers on topics covering diagnosis, treatment, research, prevention, psychology, sociology, ethics, education, and law. The Chinese Minister of Public Health and President of the Chinese Medical Association urged a unified and multiregional and multinational effort and a global network to combat HIV disease. Since the 1980's the Chinese government has instituted measures of prevention and control and recognized the harmful effects to health and life. Since 1985, 300,000 of the high risk population have received blood serum tests, of which 446 were found to be HIV positive. 5 were AIDS patients, of which 3 were foreigners and the other 2 from Beijing and Yunnan Province (southwest region) respectively. Included in the HIV positive group were 68 foreigners and 378 mainland Chinese. There have been no reported cases of mother/child infection. Drug users are identified as the high risk group for contracting and spreading the HIV infection. The number of drug users has increased rapidly, particularly along border regions of the southwest, and the method of use has been identified as intravenous injection. AIDS is now considered by the Chinese government as an infectious disease. There are monitoring stations in almost all provinces. The Ministry of Public Health has 3 laboratories for diagnosis of the HIV virus. A strain of HIV-1 virus has been isolated from a foreign tourist and used to prepare a diagnostic antigen. 5 units currently have P--grade laboratories for researching the etiology and molecular biology of AIDS. Research in medical institutes is also progressing on the use of traditional Chinese medicine to treat AIDS. Cooperation between China and the World Health Organization has led to the allocation of 300,000 US dollars for AIDS prevention and education with exchanges of foreign and Chinese experts. Public health publicity is the only available prevention tool, and the past efforts will be continued in order to reach all walks of life.  相似文献   

深圳市吸毒人群与HIV感染相关的高危行为分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解深圳市某地吸毒人群与HIV感染相关的高危行为。方法 对某地戒毒所1516名戒毒人员进行血清HIV抗体检测,并对76例HIV阳性进行问卷调查。结果 HIV抗体检出率5.01%,戒毒人群中15~35岁占93.67%;HIV感染中,15~35岁占90.05%,静脉注射吸毒高达98.68%,共用注射器占静脉吸毒的80.26%。结论 吸毒人群中存在引起HIV流行的高危行为,需尽快开展有效的干预措施。  相似文献   

HIV感染者/AIDS病人生存质量的研究已成为国际医学热点之一。量表评价法是生存质量测评应用最普遍的方法。阐述了HIV感染者/AIDS病人生存质量的研究背景,介绍了相关量表,包括普适性量表和特异性量表,并对各量表的应用现状及存在的问题进行了评价。  相似文献   



This study set out to identify gaps between policy and practice of HIV and AIDS workplace interventions in the University of Malawi, in particular College of Medicine in line with the UNIMA HIV and AIDS policy.


The main objective was to establish whether the HIV and AIDS workplace interventions at College of Medicine were in line and guided by the University of Malawi HIV and AIDS policy.


This was a cross sectional qualitative study. A random sample of 25students and 15 members of staff were interviewed using in-depth interviews. Interviews were tape-recorded and data was analyzed using thematic content analysis.


There are a number of activities relating to HIV and AIDS in place while others are still in the pipeline, however the majority of respondents did not know about the UNIMA HIV and AIDS policy or any HIV and AIDS activities that are guided by the policy. This is due to lack of interest on their part or lack of knowledge on the existence of the workplace programme.


The COM HIV and AIDS committee should strive to fast track key programme areas such as VCT centre and clinic and coordination of different activities to increase programme visibility and patronage.  相似文献   

目的 探讨对艾滋病病毒感染者与艾滋病病人提供医疗保健服务意愿及其影响因素.方法2009年3月30日至4月5日,采用分层整群抽样的方法在济宁医学院抽取06级5个专业484名医学生进行自填式问卷调查.结果 医学生愿意为爱滋病病毒感染者和病人(PLWHAs)提供医疗服务、增加防护措施才愿意为PLWHAs提供医疗服务、不愿意为...  相似文献   

目前,中国艾滋病的流行已进入快速增长期,大多数艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者和艾滋病病人并不了解自己的感染状况,公开报告人数远低于实际感染人数,加大了防控难度,流行现状不容乐观。艾滋病自愿咨询检测(VCT)可及早发现HIV感染者,作为对HIV感染者进行干预、治疗、关怀的切入点,是目前艾滋病防控的重要工作之一。艾滋病VCT服务对增加HIV感染知晓率,提高艾滋病预防、治疗、关怀及支持服务有重要作用。文章从中医"治未病"、"情志致病"学说来评论进一步扩大建立艾滋病VCT门诊的重要性及必要性。  相似文献   

医学生艾滋病相关歧视现况及影响因素调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解医学生对艾滋病病毒感染者与艾滋病病人的歧视现况及其影响因素.方法 2009年3月30日至4月5日,采用分层整群抽样的方法在某医学院选取06级5个专业484名医学生进行自填式问卷调查.结果 有效问卷459份.其中,87人(19.0%)认为应该限制PLWHAs的人身自由,77.6%的对象害怕接触PLWHAs,...  相似文献   

目的分析柳州市1999-2010年50岁以上人群艾滋病流行特点,为今后制定艾滋病防治措施提供科学依据。方法收集和分析柳州市1999-2010年50岁以上人群艾滋病疫情报告、综合监测和专项调查资料。结果 1999-2010年累计报告50岁以上人群HIV感染者/AIDS病人1788人,其中AIDS977人,死亡608人;男1367例,女421例,男女性别比为3.25:1;职业以农民为主,占50.78%;文化程度初中以下的占73.43%;传播途径以异性传播为主,占75.84%,且历年统计显示异性传播呈逐年上升趋势,2010年达到96.94%;50岁以上病例存活时间逐年延长,但超过3年的仅占3.34%,远远低于全人群的12.29%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=27.50,P<0.01);病例发现晚,导致治疗晚是主因。结论 50岁以上人群艾滋病疫情发展迅速,艾滋病防治难度大,必须尽快采取有效的预防控制措施。  相似文献   

农村艾滋病患者心理和社交变化的纵向分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的通过研究艾滋病患者不同年份心理的变化情况,了解"四免一关怀"对艾滋病患者心理的影响,为农村艾滋病地区进一步的防治工作提供基础数据资料。方法采用问卷调查法调查2010年650例艾滋病患者心理和日常的社交情况,与2005年的420例调查结果相比较分析。结果艾滋病患者心理变化由"悲伤"向"与往常一样"好转,与日常亲朋好友的交往情况以"一般来往"居多,社交情况比2005年好,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论艾滋病患者仍然存在心理问题和社交障碍,"四免一关怀"政策实施后,艾滋病患者的心理状态和日常的交往情况有所改善,减轻了患者的心理负担。  相似文献   

目的:探讨HIV/AIDS患者的疾病管理自我效能感与生命质量的相关性。方法:采用描述性相关研究,分别用中文版的HIV/AIDS患者疾病管理自我效能感量表(HIV-SE)和中国HIV感染者生命质量量表(QOL-CHIV),调查了242例HIV/AIDS患者的疾病管理自我效能感和生命质量。结果:HIV/AIDS患者的HIV-SE总平均分为6.59±1.57,其得分较低;QOL-CHIV的总分为56.21±16.22,生命质量呈较低水平,患者的疾病管理自我效能感与生命质量呈正相关(r=0.26~0.59,P<0.01)。结论:HIV/AIDS患者的疾病管理自我效能感会影响其生命质量,护理人员应指导患者进行疾病管理,提高患者自我效能感,从而改善其生命质量。  相似文献   

目的掌握新疆两地州(市)艾滋病病毒感染者/艾滋病(HIV/AIDS)病人子女艾滋病感染状况及分娩、喂养状况,为今后有针对性地制定防治措施提供科学依据。方法以新疆乌鲁木齐市和伊犁哈萨克自治州16个县(市/区)HIV/AIDS病人子女作为研究对象,获得HIV/AIDS病人或其家属知情同意后行问卷调查和咨询,并采血检测。结果 659名HIV/AIDS病人子女中,15名HIV检测阳性(2.28%),HIV/AIDS病人子女中分娩方式以自然分娩为主(76.9%),喂养方式以纯母乳喂养(44.3%)居多,产妇的感染情况不明为没有人工喂养的首要原因(81.9%),其次为环境影响(78.9%)。结论新疆两地州(市)HIV/AIDS病人子女分娩、喂养状况尚不理想,有待加强。应进一步落实新疆"逢孕必检"的措施,加强对HIV/AIDS病人及其家庭的健康教育,提高对艾滋病知识的认知程度,深化干预策略。  相似文献   

女性性工作者已成为艾滋病传播和流行的高危人群以及向普通人群传播的重要桥梁人群,其中HⅣ抗体阳性检出率最高的是低档女性性工作者.流动人口对性服务的需求、各年龄段尤其是中老年人嫖娼现象大量存在以及女性性工作者自我保护意识低等是导致艾滋病传播和流行的重要因素.需加强对女性性工作者这一特殊、高危人群的有效管理和干预,在公安等部门加大“卖淫嫖娼”打击力度的同时,通过有效开展健康教育来提高该群体和群众自我保护意识、对她们实行实名制健康体检以及加强阳性女性性工作者管理等系列综合措施.本文通过对国内外文献的回顾,描述并分析女性性工作者艾滋病流行现状及防控对策的进展.  相似文献   

目的:分析1994年—2013年江西省艾滋病病例报告的感染途径及其病例特征,为调整艾滋病防治工作策略提供依据。方法从艾滋病综合防治信息系统下载病例报告历史卡片资料,采用描述流行病学方法对资料进行分析。结果1994年—2013年江西省累计报告的5979例HIV感染者和艾滋病患者,以异性性传播为主,占74.48%;其次是同性性传播和注射毒品传播,分别占12.73%和9.83%。报告病例的感染途径经历了由注射途径传播为主向性传播为主的转变,且经不同途径感染的病例表现出不同的特征。结论性传播已成为江西省艾滋病报告病例疫情的主要传播途径,且呈逐年增长趋势,经不同途径感染的病例特征不同,应针对性调整艾滋病防治工作策略。  相似文献   

AIDS has been a serious problem threatening the health of people all over the world.In China,AIDS,as the new plague in the 21th century,has been listed as one of the major communicable diseases.Despite its low prevalence in China,AIDS has a high prevalence in certain populations and in local areas.China's AIDS plague was jointly accessed by the Ministry of Health of China,United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) and World Health Organization (WHO),which indicated that by the end of 2007 there were about 0.7 million (0.55 to 0.85 million) people infected with HIV in China,with an infection rate of 0.05%.1 Great efforts have been continuously made to control the HIV infected cases to be within 1.5 million by the year of 2010.2 The severe challenge of preventing and treating AIDS has attracted extensive attention from both the government and the public and it has reached a top priority.  相似文献   

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