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The objective of this study was to assess the extent to which maternal prenatal mental illness is associated with mothers’ health insurance status 12–18 months after giving birth. The sample consisted of 2,956 urban, mostly unwed, mothers who gave birth in 20 large U.S. cities between 1998 and 2000 and participated in the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing birth cohort study. Multinomial logistic regression models were used to assess associations between maternal prenatal mental illness and whether the mother had private, public, or no insurance one year after the birth. Covariates included the mother’s and child’s physical health status, the father’s physical and mental health status, and numerous other maternal, paternal, and family characteristics. Potential mediating factors were explored. The results showed that mothers with prenatal diagnosed mental illness were almost half as likely as those without mental illness diagnoses to have private insurance (vs. no insurance) one year after the birth. Among mothers who did not have a subsequent pregnancy, those with prenatal mental illness were less likely than those without mental illness diagnoses to have public insurance than to be uninsured. Screening positive for depression or anxiety at one year decreased the likelihood that the mother had either type of insurance. Policies to improve private mental health care coverage and public mental health services among mothers with young children may yield both private and social benefits. Encounters with the health care and social service systems experienced by pregnant and postpartum women present opportunities for connecting mothers to needed mental health services and facilitating their maintenance of health insurance.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Several recent studies of child outpatient mental health service use in the US have shown that having private insurance has no effect on the propensity to use services. Some studies also find that public coverage has no beneficial effect relative to no insurance. AIMS: This study explores several potential explanations, including inadequate measurement of mental health status, bandwagon effects, unobservable heterogeneity and public sector substitution for private services, for the lack of an effect of private insurance on service use. METHODS: We use secondary analysis of data from the three mainland US sites of NIMH's 1992 field trial of the Cooperative Agreement for Methodological Research for Multi-Site Surveys of Mental Disorders in Child and Adolescent Populations (MECA) Study. We examine whether or not a subject used any mental health service, school-based mental health services or outpatient mental health services, and the number of outpatient visits among users. We also examine use of general medical services as a check on our results. We conduct regression analysis; instrumental variables analysis, using instruments based on employment and parental history of mental health problems to identify insurance choice, and bivariate probit analysis to examine multiservice use. RESULTS: We find evidence that children with private health insurance have fewer observable (measured) mental health problems. They also appear to have a lower unobservable (latent) propensity to use mental health services than do children without coverage and those with Medicaid coverage. Unobserved differences in mental health status that relate to insurance choice are found to contribute to the absence of a positive effect for private insurance relative to no coverage in service use regressions. We find no evidence to suggest that differences in attitudes or differences in service availability in children's census tracts of residence explain the non-effect of insurance. Finally, we find that the lack of a difference is not a consequence of substitution of school-based for office-based services. School-based and office-based specialty mental health services are complements rather than substitutes. School-based services are used by the same children who use office-based services, even after controlling for mental health status. DISCUSSION: Our results are consistent with at least two explanations. First, limits on coverage under private insurance may discourage families who anticipate a need for child mental health services from purchasing such insurance. Second, publicly funded services may be readily available substitutes for private services, so that lack of insurance is not a barrier to adequate care. Despite the richness of data in the MECA dataset, cross-sectional data based on epidemiological surveys do not appear to be sufficient to fully understand the surprising result that insurance does not enable access to care. IMPLICATIONS FOR POLICY AND RESEARCH: Limits on coverage under private mental health insurance combined with a relatively extensive system of public mental health coverage have apparently generated a situation where there is no observed advantage to the marginal family of obtaining private mental health insurance coverage. Further research using longitudinal data is needed to better understand the nature of selection in the child mental health insurance market. Further research using better measures of the nature of treatment provided in different settings is needed to better understand how the private and public mental health systems operate.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mental health benefits in private health insurance plans in the United States are typically less generous than benefits for physical health care services, driving reform efforts to achieve parity in coverage. While there is growing evidence about the effects such legislation would have on the utilization and cost of mental health services, less is known about the impact parity would have on reducing the risk of large out-of-pocket expenses that families would face in the event of mental illness. AIMS OF THE STUDY: We seek to understand the impact that mental health parity would have on the out-of-pocket burden that families would face in the event of mental illness. We focus in particular on variations in coverage across the privately insured population. METHODS: We compare out-of-pocket spending for hypothetical episodes of mental health treatment, first under current insurance coverage in the United States and then under a reform policy of full mental health parity. We exploit detailed informtion on actual health plan benefits using a nationally-representative sample of the privately insured population under age 65 from the 1987 National Medical Expenditure Survey (NMES) that has been carefully aged and reweighted to represent 1995 population and benefit characteristics. RESULTS: Our results show that existing benefits of the U.S. privately insured population under age 65 leave most people at risk of high out-of-pocket costs in the event of a serious mental illness. Moreover, the generosity of existing mental health benefits varies widely across subgroups, particularly across firm size. We find significantly lower out-of-pocket costs when simulating full parity coverage. However, our results show those with less generous mental health coverage tend to have less generous physical health coverage, as well. CONCLUSIONS: Parity would substantially increase generosity of mental health coverage for most of the privately insured population. The wide variation in the generosity of existing mental health benefits suggests that there are likely to be differential impacts from a parity mandate. Those with limited physical health coverage would still be at significant financial risk for catastrophic mental illness.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the impact of medical out-of-pocket expenses on families' well-being using the Survey of Income and Program Participation. Medical out-of-pocket expenses include the out-of-pocket costs from medical services and the family's share of health insurance premiums. Demographic characteristics, insurance status, and medical usage of the family are analyzed to determine which characteristics are most likely to impoverish a family. Families impoverished because of medical out-of-pocket expenses are far more likely to have older heads of the family, at least one family member in poor health, or some adults without health insurance. Families without at least one person who worked full time for the entire year were also likely to be impoverished. However, children in the family had little effect on the probability that the family became impoverished. This odd result is probably due to the high correlation between parental health insurance coverage and the health insurance coverage of their children.  相似文献   

This study examines how regulations in private health insurance markets affect coverage of public insurance. We focus on mental health parity laws, which mandate private health insurance to provide equal coverage for mental and physical health services. The implementation of mental health parity laws may improve a quality dimension of private health insurance but at increased costs. We graphically develop a conceptual framework and then empirically examine whether the regulations shift individuals from private to public insurance. We exploit state-by-year variation in policy implementation in 1999–2008 and focus on a sample of veterans, who have better access to public insurance than non-veterans. Using data from the Current Population Survey, we find that the parity laws reduce employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) coverage by 2.1% points. The drop in ESI is largely offset by enrollment gains in public insurance, namely through the Veterans Affairs (VA) benefit and Medicaid/Medicare programs.  相似文献   

Parity in mental health benefits rectifies unfairness in health insurance coverage and reduces financial risk for those with mental illness. However, increased coverage for mental illness has been seen as creating inefficiencies and increasing total spending, based largely on results from the RAND Health Insurance Experiment conducted in the 1970s. Newer evidence suggests that cost control techniques associated with managed care give health plans alternatives to discriminatory coverage for containing costs. We review both eras of research on mental health insurance and conclude that comprehensive parity implemented in the context of managed care would have little impact on total spending.  相似文献   

Many health policy researchers have argued that increased insurance plan choice will enhance the efficiency of the health care system. However, relatively little is known about plan choice and its association with insurance coverage and access to and satisfaction with health care. Using data from the 1996 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, we find that 55 percent of workers had plan choice in that year. Approximately 26 percent of workers with choice obtained it through a family member. Controlling for other factors, plan choice is associated with higher levels of employment-based insurance coverage and a greater likelihood that workers are satisfied that their families' health care needs are being met.  相似文献   

The U.S. mental health workforce is varied and flexible. The strong growth in supply of nonphysician mental health professionals, ranging from psychologists to "midlevel" professionals like social workers and nurse specialists, helps to offset the dwindling numbers of medical graduates entering the field of psychiatry. Primary care physicians often see patients who have some form of mental illness, which they are not always trained to recognize and treat. The data on the supply of several specialists—psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, and clinical social workers—indicate that the distribution of mental health professionals varies widely by state. The composition, supply, and distribution of workers in this field also affect the care of vulnerable populations. Broader policy questions, including the lack of parity between mental and physical health insurance coverage and barriers to entry by nonphysician professions, may limit the cost-effective expansion of this diverse and dynamic workforce.  相似文献   

The Affordable Care Act of 2010 expanded coverage to young adults by allowing them to remain on their parent's private health insurance until they turn 26 years old. While there is evidence on insurance effects, we know very little about use of general or specific forms of medical care. We study the implications of the expansion on inpatient hospitalizations. Given the prevalence of mental health needs for young adults, we also specifically study mental health related inpatient care. We find evidence that compared to those aged 27–29 years, treated young adults aged 19–25 years increased their inpatient visits by 3.5 percent while mental illness visits increased 9.0 percent. The prevalence of uninsurance among hospitalized young adults decreased by 12.5 percent; however, it does not appear that the intensity of inpatient treatment changed despite the change in reimbursement composition of patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The culture of stigma associated with mental illness is particularly intense when persons who are normally victims of that stigmatization (mentally ill persons and their family members) themselves act negatively toward others whom they associate with mental illness. We attempt to determine the extent of this internalization and assimilation of stigmatizing attitudes, cognitions, and behaviors in persons who are at risk for such stigmatization in Jamaica. METHODS: Data from a 2006 national survey on mental health were analyzed. Demographic variables, the presence or absence of mental illness in respondents and in their family members, and responses pertaining to behaviors and attitudes toward mentally ill persons were examined. Subsamples (respondents with mental illness, respondents with a family member with mental illness, respondents with neither) were compared using the chi-square test. RESULTS: Respondents with family members with mental illness were less likely to demonstrate a number of different manifestations of stigmatization than others (P=0.009-0.019). Respondents with mental illness showed no difference in the demonstration of a number of different manifestations of stigmatization from other respondents (P=0.069-0.515). CONCLUSIONS: The small number of mentally ill respondents resulted in low statistical power for demonstrating differences between that subgroup and other respondents. The significantly more positive attitudes and behavior of respondents with family members with mental illness suggest that some benefit may be gained by creating more opportunities for the general public to interact with persons with mental illness.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To promote access to mental health services, policy makers have focused on expanding the availability of insurance and the generosity of mental health benefits. Ethnic minority populations are high priority targets for outreach. However, among persons with private insurance, minorities are less likely than whites to seek outpatient mental health treatment. Among those with Medicaid coverage, minorities continue to be less likely than whites to use services. AIMS OF THE STUDY: The present study sought to determine if public insurance is as effective in promoting outpatient mental healthtreatment as private coverage for ethnic minority groups. METHODS: The analysis uses data from the 1987 National Medical Expenditure Survey to model mental health expenditures as a function of minority status and private insurance coverage. An interaction term between the two highlights any differences in response to private and public insurance coverage. The analysis uses a two stage least squares method to account for endogeneity of insurance coverage in the model. RESULTS: Minorities are less responsive to private insurance than whites in two ways. First, minorities are less responsive to private insurance than to public insurance whereas whites do not show this difference. Second, minorities are less responsive to private insurance than whites are to private insurance. DISCUSSION: Results suggest that there is a difference in the effectiveness of public and private health insurance to encourage use of mental health services. Among minorities but not among whites, those with private coverage used fewer mental health services than those with public coverage. Minorities were not only less responsive to private insurance than public insurance, but among those who were privately insured, minorities used fewer mental health services than whites. These results imply that insurance may not be as effective a mechanism as hoped to encourage self-initiated treatment seeking particularly among minority and other low income populations. IMPLICATIONS FOR HEALTH CARE PROVISION AND USE: These results suggest that increasing private insurance coverage to minority populations will not eliminate racial and ethnic gaps in professional help-seeking for outpatient mental health care. Although the total number of people receiving treatment might increase, these results suggest that whites would seek care in greater numbers than minorities and the size of the minority-white differential might grow. IMPLICATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH: Areas for further research include the impacts of alternative definitions of mental health services, the dynamics of the substitution of inpatient for outpatient mental health care, elucidation of nonfinancial barriers to care for minorities, and determinants of timely help-seeking among minorities.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine how much pooling of risks occurs among potential purchasers in the individual market, how much pooling occurs among those who purchase coverage, and whether there is greater pooling among longer-term enrollees. DATA SOURCES: The data are administrative records for enrollees in individual insurance plans in California in 2001, and from a survey of Californians enrolled in the individual insurance market and the uninsured. STUDY DESIGN: Logit models were estimated for 5 health outcome measures to compare the insured and uninsured after adjusting for other factors that affect insurance status and health. Multivariate models were also estimated to explore the relationship between health and three measures of pooling in the market: plan type, pricing tier, and the actuarially adjusted premium paid by the enrollee. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Those who purchase individual health insurance are in better health than those who remain uninsured. On the other hand, a large share of people with health problems does obtain individual insurance. The distribution of subscribers across plan type and pricing tier varies with their health status. Those in poor health are less likely to purchase low benefit plans. There is less separation of risks for those who become sick after enrollment based on the measure of pricing tier. The distribution of subscribers across plan type for those who have health problems at enrollment and those who become sick differs, but so does the distribution of those who become sick and those who remain healthy. CONCLUSIONS: Despite small differences among the healthy and sick, our results support the conclusion that there is considerable risk pooling in the individual market. To some extent, this pooling occurs because underwriting happens at the time people enroll and there is greater pooling among those who become sick than those who enroll sick. Our results however suggest that health savings accounts may further fragment the market.  相似文献   

Guided by the theories of human capital and acculturation, this study investigated the association of immigrant status among older people with their physical and mental health outcomes, health services utilization, and health insurance coverage. Specifically, it examined the interactive effects of immigrant status, education, acculturation, race, and ethnicity on these dependent variables. The study used a national representation sample of 7,345 older Americans from the first wave of the Asset and Health Dynamic of the Oldest Old study (AHEAD) survey. We used both logistic regression and ordered logit regression for our multivariate analyses. The findings are as follows: (1) immigrant status was negatively associated with level of depression, number of IADL difficulties, and on types of health insurance coverage. Immigrant status had a significant relationship only with the utilization of outpatient surgery, but not on other health services utilization. (2) There were significant interactive effects of race and ethnicity and immigrant status on these dependent variables. The findings support the existence of double jeopardy among those who are simultaneously an immigrant and a member of a racial and ethnic minority group in the United States. (3) Acculturation has strong associations with health insurance coverage and with number of difficulties with IADL.  相似文献   

Economic theory predicts that a reduction in background risk should induce financial risk-taking, particularly for individuals with low stock market participation costs. Hence, health insurance coverage could affect financial risk-taking by offsetting health-related background risk. We use a regression discontinuity design to examine whether Medicare eligibility at age 65 increases stockholding in the US and find that it does so for those with college education, but not for their less-educated counterparts who face higher stock market participation costs. Our results are unlikely due to the reduction of medical expenses associated with Medicare coverage because the latter does not affect bondholding.  相似文献   

Dementia is an illness profoundly affecting the patient's physical and emotional well-being. The impact of the disease extends far beyond the patient himself, touching each family member involved in the patient's care. Social workers and other mental health professionals can offer valuable assistance to the family as they experience each stage of the patient's illness. Several theoretical constructs aid in understanding the grieving process of the family. Clinical case examples are used to highlight individual and group therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Although research shows higher uninsured rates among rural versus urban individuals, prior studies are limited because they do not examine coverage across entire rural families. PURPOSE: This study uses the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) to compare rural and urban insurance coverage within families, to inform the design of coverage expansions that build on the current rural health insurance system. METHODS: We pooled the 2001 and 2002 MEPS Household Component survey, aggregated to the family level (excluding households with all members 65 and older). We examined (1) differences in urban, rural-adjacent, and rural nonadjacent family insurance coverage, and (2) the characteristics of rural families related to their patterns of coverage. FINDINGS: One out of 3 rural families has at least 1 uninsured member, a rate higher than for urban families-particularly in nonadjacent counties. Yet, three fourths of uninsured rural families have an insured member. For 42% of rural nonadjacent families, this is someone with public coverage (Medicaid/SCHIP or Medicare); urban families are more likely to have private health insurance or a private/public mix. CONCLUSIONS: Strategies to expand family coverage through employers may be less effective among rural nonadjacent than urban families. Instead, expansions of public coverage or tax credits enabling entire families to purchase an individual/self-employment plan would better ensure that rural nonadjacent families achieve full coverage. Subsidies or incentives would need to be generous enough to make coverage affordable for the 52% of uninsured rural nonadjacent families living below 200% of the federal poverty level.  相似文献   

A primary purpose of health insurance is to protect families from medical expenditure risk. Despite this goal and despite the fact that research has found that Medicaid can crowd out private coverage, little is known about the effect of Medicaid on families’ spending patterns. This paper implements a simulated instrumental variables strategy with data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey to estimate the effect of an additional family member becoming eligible for Medicaid on family-level health insurance coverage and spending. The results indicate that an additional family member becoming eligible for Medicaid increases the number of people in the family with Medicaid coverage by about 0.135–0.142 and decreases the likelihood that a family has any medical spending in a quarter by 2.7 percentage points. As previous research often finds with different data sets, I find evidence that Medicaid expansions crowd out some private coverage. Unlike most other data sets, the Consumer Expenditure Survey allows for considering the financial implications of crowd-out. The results indicate that families that transition from private coverage to Medicaid are able to spend significantly less on health insurance expenses, meaning Medicaid expansions can be welfare improving for families even when crowd-out occurs.  相似文献   

This study examined the rates and correlates of self-reported receipt for mental health services among 1,190 adolescents, aged 12–19, who were admitted to community-based substance abuse outpatient clinics and had a co-occurring mental health problem. Utilization of mental health service was ascertained 3 months post-intake. About one third (35%) of adolescents with a co-occurring mental health problem identified at intake received mental health service in the 3 months after treatment entry. After holding other correlates constant, history of mental health treatment, suicidal behavior, family history of mental disorder and insurance coverage at intake were associated with mental health service utilization at the 3-month follow up. Predictors of service utilization varied by gender and racial/ethnic status. Implications for integrated substance use and mental health services are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is continuing interest in the effects of coinsurance rates on the use of ambulatory mental health services. Persons who expect to use mental health services may choose coverage with more generous mental health benefits, as such treatment may be expected to be a recurring activity. However, it may also be the case that if the expected need for such services is somehow reflected in lower perceived human capital in the labor market, then persons who have a higher probability of use may face a less generous set of health insurance options. These behaviors imply some simultaneity in the determinants of the coinsurance rate facing an individual and their mental health use. AIM OF THE STUDY: To explore the joint determination of the use of and coinsurance for ambulatory mental health services, using non-experimental data for a nationally representative sample of the non-institutionalized who had employer-based health insurance in the United States. METHODS: I estimate an instrument for the ambulatory mental health coinsurance rate. I then estimate two models of the demand for ambulatory mental health care as a function of the coinsurance rate for this type of care and other factors, one using the actual coinsurance rate and the other using the estimated instrument for the coinsurance rate. RESULTS: In the instrumental equation, an index of the mental distress of the key worker most likely to be the policy-holder has no statistically significant effect on the worker's coinsurance rate. However, a similar measure for other members of the worker's family has a positive and statistically significant effect on the worker's coinsurance rate. In the demand equations, neither the actual coinsurance rate nor its instrument has a statistically significant coefficient. DISCUSSION: Having another family member who may need mental health care results in some effort to seek a health plan with a higher coinsurance rate for such services. While the mental health index for the key worker would motivate the same type of seeking behavior, a higher level for this index for the key worker might also be correlated with a lower level of perceived human capital in a prospective employer's eyes, and this might result in a more restricted set of plan options for mental health care in the labor market. The absence of statistical significant for the coefficients of the actual coinsurance rate and its instrument also provides some limited but suggestive evidence of employer-side selection effects. LIMITATIONS: It was not possible to model the full complexity of health plans. CONCLUSIONS: The discussions of selection bias with regard to mental health insurance and service use should be expanded to include demand-side effects in the labor market, in addition to the supply-side effects on the part of workers that are often considered. IMPLICATIONS FOR HEALTH CARE PROVISION AND USE: It may be difficult to determine the effects on ambulatory mental health care of changes in health insurance provisions. IMPLICATIONS FOR HEALTH POLICY FORMULATION: Caution needs to be used in making estimates of the effects of changes in insurance coverage for ambulatory mental health care. Persons who find their benefits improved may not respond at the rate expected, because initial coinsurance rates are already in part intertwined with expected use. IMPLICATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH: More analyses of the range of selection effects in labor markets and their impacts on health insurance are warranted.  相似文献   

This paper examines patterns of health insurance within families with children, using the 1996 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS). Four and a half million families (14 percent) had insurance for some, but not all, family members. These partially insured families generally obtained coverage because of one of three situations: (1) A parent earned relatively higher wages and received the concomitant benefits of such jobs but could not afford dependent coverage; (2) the family had young children who were covered by Medicaid through more generous eligibility thresholds for children under age six, while other family members were ineligible; or (3) the family had a member who was eligible for public coverage because of a disability. Each of these situations offers the platform from which incremental policies might efficiently expand coverage to families.  相似文献   

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