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目的:评价世界卫生组织生活质量测定量表简表(WHOQOL-BREF)在神经症患者中的信度和效度。方法:由专业医生对同济大学附属同济医院精神医学科门诊及住院初诊患者53例行健康状况调查问卷(SF-36),WHOQOL-BREF评定,在治疗的第4周予以重测。对量表的内部一致性、重测信度、劈半信度及效标关联效度等指标进行分析。结果:WHOQOL-BREF的Guttman劈半信度为0.840,Cronbach'sα系数为0.763,各维度的Cronbach'sα系数较好,重测后各项目的相关系数为0.348~0.761。WHOQOL-BREF各维度分与SF-36的各维度分除生理功能和生理职能,以及社会关系领域分和躯体疼痛、情感职能外,均呈明显相关。结论:WHOQOL-BREF具有较好的信度和效度,部分分量表能较好反映神经症患者的情绪状态,基本适用于神经症患者生活质量评价。  相似文献   

This study was conducted for the purpose of testing the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Clinical Stress Questionnaire, which was developed to examine the stress that nursing students experience in their first clinical experiences that are threatening or challenging. The study sample was comprised of 80 first-year nursing students who had their first clinical practice experience. Internal consistency of the total questionnaire was Cronbach's alpha=0.70 and the factor analysis supported the original construct. Based on these results the Turkish version of the Clinical Stress Questionnaire can be used as a valid and reliable instrument.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to test the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Functional Living Index-Cancer in Turkey. The English version of the Functional Living Index-Cancer was translated into Turkish following the standard translation methodology. The questionnaire was administered to 110 cancer patients who had been receiving chemotherapy. Internal consistency reliability was in the acceptable range for this instrument. Among cancer patients, the Cronbach alpha reliability for the total scale was .88, and subscale alpha coefficients ranged from .60 to .83, which is similar to the alpha of .79 observed in the Functional Living Index-Cancer, English version. The results of the principle components analysis and varimax rotation resulted in 5-factor structure: physical functioning, psychological functioning, current well-being, social functioning, and gastrointestinal symptoms. The results of this study suggest that the Turkish version of the Functional Living Index-Cancer is a reliable and valid supplementary measure of the quality of life in cancer patients in Turkey, and it can be used in clinical trials and studies of outcome research in oncology.  相似文献   

The Hospice Quality of Life Scale (HQLS) for Korean cancer patients was developed as follows: 1) item generation by semi-structured interviews and review of existing scales, 2) item reduction by the Delphi method, and 3) reliability and validity test. The final HQLS consisted of 40 questions within 13 domains and the internal consistency was 0.41-0.93. The domain "Family and Economy" was uniquely separated from the general social issues, which reflects the family-oriented Asian culture. For construct validity, the HQLS scores differed significantly according to their Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status (known-group validity). Convergent and discriminant success rates were optimal in nine and four subscales, respectively. Total and subscale scores were significantly correlated with the related subscales in the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer QLQ-C30 and the McMaster Quality of Life Scale, which supported the concurrent validity. HQLS was approved as an efficient tool for assessing the quality of life of Korean cancer patients who were receiving hospice and palliative care.  相似文献   

Hakverdio?lu Yönt G. & Khorshid L. (2012) Turkish version of the Stroke‐Specific Quality of Life Scale. International Nursing Review 59 , 274–280 Aim: To test the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Stroke‐Specific Quality of Life Scale (SS‐QOL). Background: Stroke is a leading cause of activity limitation and participation restriction that negatively affect health‐related quality of life. The assessment of SS‐QOL in stroke patients has not been validated in Turkey. Methods: Cross‐sectional and methodological research design was used. Five hundred stroke survivors who had been diagnosed with stroke at least 6 months previously were included in this cross‐sectional study. The reliability of the SS‐QOL was based on internal consistency, item correlation. Construct validity was evaluated by Exploratory Factor Analysis. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated for the total score of the SS‐QOL to establish the internal consistency of the instrument. Construct validity was assessed by comparing patients' scores on the SS‐QOL with those obtained by other test methods: SF‐36 Health Survey and Katz Index of Activities of Daily Living. Findings: In the process of adaptation to the Turkish population, the scale was converted to 48 items. The correlation coefficient for the test‐retest scores of the SS‐QOL was calculated as 0.81. Internal consistency for the scale showed Cronbach's alpha = 0.97. As a result of applying factor analysis to the scale, eight factors were obtained, which accounted for 77.47% of the scale's total variance. Conclusion: SS‐QOL is a reliable and valid instrument for measuring self‐reported health‐related quality of life at group level among people with stroke who are diagnosed with stroke at least 6 months previously in the Turkish population.  相似文献   

背景:心脏病患儿的生存质量受到越来越多的关注,但是国内缺少相关的研究报道.缺乏适合的量表是主要原因之一.目的:考察儿童生存质量量表PedsQL3.0心脏病模块中文版的信度和效度.方法:采用国际通用的量表翻译改造程序,将英文版的儿童生存质量测定量表PedsQL3.0心脏病模块翻译改造成中文.并将中文版量表运用于广州市3家三级甲等医院的310例门诊部或住院部的心脏病患儿及其家长.分析量表的可行性、内部一致性、内容效度、结构效度等.结果与结论:父母和患儿共发放480份问卷,回收462分,答卷的条目缺失率低于1%;除5~7岁患儿自评问卷的感知身体外貌维度的Cronbach's α系数为0.35外,其他量表各个方面的Cronbach'sα系数为0.66~0.94;量表的各条目与其所属方面和领域之间相关较强,而与其他方面和领域相关较弱;证实性因子分析结果表明因子结构与量表的理论结构一致.结果提示PedsQL3.0心脏病模块中文版的信度和效度良好,可以应用于中国心脏病儿童生存质量的研究.  相似文献   


Purpose: This paper decribes the development of the Turkish adaptation of UTBAS (UTBAS-TR) and reports the results concerning its applicability and psychometric structure.

Method: The sample consisted of 81 males and 19 females diagnosed with developmental stuttering in two centres. Test-retest reliability score was obtained by correlating results of repeated aplications of the scale within a one-week interval and a paired t-test was calculated to see the differences in the total and UTBAS I, II and III scores. The internal consistency was assessed using the Cronbach’s alpha. Construct validity was also assessed by examining inter-scale correlations and with the correlations of the UTBAS-TR with two other scales (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI)).

Result: The internal consistency of the UTBAS-TR and the test and retest reliability score was stati?stically significant. The correlation between UTBAS-TR total score and the UTBAS-TR I, II and III correlations were high. A significant correlation was observed between UTBAS-TR total score with State Anxiety Inventory. However, the correlations between UTBAS-TR-Total Score and Trait Anxiety Inventory and Beck Anxiety Inventory were low.

Conclusion: The UTBAS-TR proved to be suitable for use with the Turkish population.  相似文献   

Although the Kidney Disease Quality of Life instrument (KDQOL-SF), which was designed to measure the comprehensive quality of life in patients with end stage renal disease, has been tested and widely administered in many other counties, it has not yet been translated, validated and reported for Korea. The primary purpose of this study was to validate a Korean version of KDQOL-SF and to evaluate its psychometric properties. The study subjects were 164 patients with hemodialysis or continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis in university dialysis centers in Korea. In order to investigate the reliability, test-retest reliability and internal consistency reliability were assessed. Both test-retest reliability and internal consistency reliability were found to be high. In order to investigate the construct validation, all the items of the SF-36 scales, an established generic QOL measures, were compared with an overall health rating scale in kidney disease-targeted scale. They found to be highly correlated with each other. Moreover, overall health rating scale was significantly correlated with symptoms/problems, effects of kidney disease, burden of kidney disease, cognitive function (p < 0.001), and quality of social interaction (p < 0.05). These results suggest that the Korean version of KDQOL-SF satisfies its reliability and validity in Korean patients with hemodialysis or continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. This questionnaire provides important and clinically valuable information for understanding the health related quality of life in the Korean patients with dialysis.  相似文献   

目的 研究中文版自我感受负担量表(self-perceived burden scale,SPBS)在癌症患者中应用的信、效度.方法 翻译并形成中文版SPBS,采用专家法测量其内容效度.进行预实验,对量表的表面效度进行评价,经过研究小组反复修改和调整后,形成最终量表.对220例癌症患者进行问卷调查以评定该工具的信、效度.结果 中文版SPBS共有8个条目,其Cronbach's α系数为0.874.因子分析得出2个公因子,累计方差贡献率为61.004%.结论 中文版SPBS具有良好的信、效度,适合中国文化背景下癌症患者自我感受负担的测量.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the reliability, validity, responsiveness, and minimally important difference (MID) of the Incontinence Quality of Life (I-QOL) questionnaire in patients with urinary incontinence due to neurogenic detrusor overactivity. DESIGN: Randomized, double-blind, multicenter, placebo-controlled study. SETTING: Eight centers across Belgium, France, and Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: Patients with urinary incontinence due to neurogenic detrusor overactivity inadequately managed on oral anticholinergics. Fifty-nine patients (spinal cord injury, n=53; multiple sclerosis, n=6) were enrolled. INTERVENTION: Single dose of botulinum toxin type A (Botox) (200 or 300 U) or placebo. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: I-QOL questionnaire completed at screening and over a 24-week post-treatment period. RESULTS: The Cronbach alpha ranged from .79 to .93, indicating that I-QOL is a reliable measure of QOL in neurogenic urinary incontinence patients. No item had more than 5.1% missing or out of range values. With the exception of 2 items, questions showed acceptable item-scale correlation and scaling success results varied by domain. Post-treatment correlations indicated acceptable construct validity. The I-QOL was responsive to improvements in symptoms. MID values ranged from 4 to 11 points. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that I-QOL is a reliable, valid, and responsive measure of incontinence-related QOL in neurogenic patients.  相似文献   

目的:考评中华生存质量量表的信度和效度,使其能够在临床和科研研究中应用。方法:选择2003-01/06广州中医药大学第一附属医院和宁夏医学院附属医院的193例慢性疾病患者和广东广州和宁夏银川两地的社区人群(80例健康者),在调查过程中,除了使用中华生存质量量表外,同时也让调查对象填写世界卫生组织生存质量测定量表中文版和健康状况调查问卷中文版。所有量表都由调查对象自己填写完成。计算该量表的内部一致性信度,重测信度,结构效度,内容效度、效标效度和区分效度等。其中效标效度以世界卫生组织生存质量测定量表中文版和健康状况调查问卷中文版作为效标。结果:273份问卷均进入结果分析。量表的所有方面和领域的克朗巴赫α系数都大于0.7;方面的重测相关系数0.67~0.84,领域0.83~0.90;拟合优度指数除领域情(0.872)和方面气候适应(0.820)之外,其他均大于0.9;与世界卫生组织生存质量测定量表中文版和健康状况调查问卷中文版相比,各领域之间存在很好相关性。结论:中华生存质量量表是一份较好的用于测定生存质量的量表,具有较好的信度和效度,可以应用于临床和科研研究。  相似文献   

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