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目的讨论提高非糖尿病专科护理人员对糖尿患者的护理技能、健康教育的水平。方法选取该院救治的糖尿病患者100例,配合非糖尿病专科的护理人员50名,将选出的护理人员经过一段时间的培训,对培训前和培训后的相同时间段内,护理的效果以及护理人员关于糖尿病的知识和对糖尿病患者的护理能力实行比较。结果培训后的护理人员在护理的效果以及护理人员关于糖尿病的知识和对糖尿病患者的护理能力上均优于培训前的护理人员,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论在使用非糖尿病专科护理人员对糖尿患者实行护理时,对非糖尿病专科护理人员实行培训可以有效提高护理人员的关于糖尿病的知识和对糖尿病患者的护理能力。  相似文献   

目的:探索消化内镜科对专科护士培养的需求,调查目前消化内镜专科护士培养的现状,为合理设置消化内镜专科护士标准培养方案提供参考.方法:在文献研究和权威资料整理分析的基础上,由研究小组讨论确定访谈提纲,采用焦点团体访谈的方法访谈了17名来自各省市的消化内镜中心护士长.结果:培养消化内镜专科护士有其必要性,而目前的培养方案不规范、不统一;培养内容应包含综合护理技能和内镜专科技能两大块;培训方式包括理论教学、视频教学、模拟教学、"手把手"教学等,且应采取分级培训.结论:消化内镜专科护士培养应制定统一规范,在掌握其专科技能的基础上注重综合能力的培养,培养时以能力为本位进行分级培养.  相似文献   

医院三甲评审可以导致强烈的效应,主要有领导对医疗护理高度重视,全员意识提高,护理部的高频次督导检查及手术室对护理人员专科综合能力的强化培训等,使手术室护理工作质量明显提高,护理人员专科综合素质大幅度提升。现报告如下。  相似文献   

帅毅 《内科》2011,6(5):507-508
目的 分析影响晨间护理质量的因素,提出改进对策.方法 通过每周不定期检查各病区晨间护理质量,了解影响晨间护理质量的因素,提出防范对策.结果 影响晨间护理质量的主要因素有三个方面:(1)护理人员方面:对晨间护理的重要性认识不足、缺乏慎独精神、沟通能力不足、基础护理操作技能不熟练、不掌握患者病情、护理人力资源不足;(2)患...  相似文献   

左美玉 《内科》2007,2(5):843-844
目的加强对新毕业护士(简称见习护士)的培训,以提高见习护士综合素质,帮助她们尽快适应护理模式发展的要求,从而提高护理服务质量。方法建立合理的培训考核组织及严格的培训考核质量管理体系,加强见习护士综合素质和能力的培养。结果见习护士的综合素质和工作能力以及病人满意率均得到提高。结论通过加强对见习护士的培训,不但可以提高见习护士的综合素质,也可以提高带教老师理论知识及带教水平,从而提高护理人员的综合素质及护理工作水平。  相似文献   

目的对内镜护士专业培训效果进行评价,探索内镜专业护理人才的培训模式。方法制定培训方案对40名不同年资进修内镜护士进行系统培训,并对其前后的专科理论知识掌握程度、技术操作能力及综合素质进行评价。结果40名进修内镜护士培训后专科理论、技术操作能力及综合素质均较培训前显著提高(P〈0.01)。结论内镜护士培训方案科学可行,对提高其专业能力是至关重要的。  相似文献   

目的探讨糖尿病护理小组在糖尿病患者临床护理中的作用。方法从该院选择45人非糖尿病专科护理人员组建糖尿病护理小组,并设1人为组长,2人为副组长;组长和副组长先完成糖尿病相关的一切培训,并有效掌握后对45人组员进行糖尿病知识及护理技能培训,培训前对全部组员糖尿病相关知识和护理技能进行摸底考核,培训后再次进行全面考核,对比前后的考核情况。结果通过培训后,非糖尿病专科护理人员的疾病相关知识和护理技能掌握情况均优于培训前,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论实施糖尿病护理小组策略,能提高非糖尿病专科护理人员对糖尿病患者的护理质量,具有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

自2004年起我科为提高护士的护理质量、业务素质、口头表达及观察、分析、解决问题的能力,实行优质服务,针对年轻护理人员的工作经验缺乏、学历参差不齐的特点,在晨间交班时实行多元化的提问机制,实现知识共享、互学互促,取得显著的效果,现报道如下。  相似文献   

针对急诊专科护士心血管疾病培训进行研究和探讨,从而提高急诊护士的综合素质,提高护理质量。结合心血管疾病的自身特点尝试新的培训方法。发现做好急诊专科护士心血管疾病的培训工作,把急诊专科护士培养成为综合素质较高的应用型人才,对不断提高临床护理质量,具有重要意义。培训体会如下:培养建立急诊医学观;明确培训对象,实施因材施教;培养急诊临床操作技能;注重护理查房,密切联系临床实践;开展专题讲座,介绍心血管疾病研究新进展;积极应用双语培训;强调急诊专科护士信息素质的培养。  相似文献   

目的针对性提升心血管内科相关护理人员的急救能力,强化护理人员的技能培训。方法分析心血管内科疾病的护理特点和工作性质,提出对心血管内科护理人员的基本要求和相关能力提升措施。结果通过系统学习与实践强化,提高了心血管内科护理人员的急救能力。结论系统的学习、完善的培训和脚踏实地的护理实践,能够有效提升护理人员的综合素质和急救能力。  相似文献   

目的 了解养老机构养老护理员培训现状及其对培训方式和内容的需求情况,为提升养老护理员培训质量提供参考依据。方法 采用便利抽样法抽取养老机构中783名养老护理员,进行问卷调查。结果 持证和未持证的养老护理员在相关知识和技能得分的比较,除生活照料操作技能外,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);持证和未持证的养老护理员80%以上均有愿意参加培训,认同课堂讲授、以老带新和参观观摩的培训方式,希望由政府部门组织或在养老机构内,利用工作日的白天开展相关培训。在培训内容上,持证的养老护理员希望培训的内容是心理护理知识、人际关系与沟通知识、消防安全知识技能、生活照料操作技能;无证的养老护理员希望培训的内容是护理技术专业知识、老年人照护基础知识、心理护理知识、急救常识技能、服务礼仪个人防护知识。另外,持证和非持证的养老护理员支持按文化程度、职称、工作岗位进行分层次培训。结论 养老机构中,未持证的养老护理员相关知识和技能处于较低水平,应根据其需求增加培训机会,提高养老服务水平。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To examine the efficacy of a comprehensive behavior management skills training program for improving certified nursing assistants' (CNA) skill performance in the nursing home, to assess the effectiveness of a staff motivational system for maintaining newly acquired behavior management skills for a 6-month period, and to evaluate any resulting effects on resident agitation. DESIGN AND METHODS: This study used a randomized clinical trial of 88 residents with behavior disturbances and 106 CNAs who cared for them in two urban nursing homes. After CNAs received 4 weeks of behavior management training, supervisory nursing staff implemented formal staff management (FSM), designed to maintain training effects over time. The supervisory staff used conventional staff management (CSM, usual supervisory routine) on control units. We completed behavioral observations and paper-and-pen assessments at baseline and repeated them during a 4-week post-intervention phase and at 3- and 6-month follow-ups. RESULTS: During the immediate post-training phase, both the FSM and CSM groups improved five out of seven communication skills and the ability to delay physical assistance during care routines. Although CNAs showed a reduction in the use of ineffective behavior management strategies, they did not increase their use of effective behavioral strategies. Follow-up assessments suggested that the FSM system was more effective than CSM for maintaining and even improving communication skills over time. Resident agitation was reduced during care interactions and maintained at follow-up. IMPLICATIONS: The behavior management skills training program improved CNAs' ability to interact with behaviorally disturbed nursing home residents and produced sustained reductions in agitation. The FSM system was more effective for maintaining communication skills 6 months after training.  相似文献   

目的研究多元化培训联合情境反思学习法在冠心病重症监护室(CCU)护理工作人员心电监护心律失常识别能力培训中的应用效果。 方法选取8名CCU护理工作人员作研究对象,在2018年1—3月实施多元化培训联合情境反思学习法培训,对比其培训前后心电监护心律失常知识掌握程度、心律失常识别能力、自主学习能力、教学满意率。 结果8名CCU护理工作人员培训后心律失常基础知识、心电图识别技巧、处理措施得分均高于培训前(均P<0.05);培训后识别能力评分、自主学习能力评分均高于培训前(均P<0.05);教学满意率为100.00%(8/8)。 结论在CCU护理工作人员心电监护心律失常识别能力培训中开展多元化培训联合情境反思学习法可提高相关知识掌握度、心律失常识别能力及自主学习能力,且护理工作人员对培训模式认可度高。  相似文献   

目的探讨强化培训在塞拉利昂医院及其基层医疗点医护人员传染病职业暴露防护认知与技能的干预效果。方法选择塞拉利昂某大型综合医院——A医院及基层2个医疗点的医护人员,通过问卷调查,了解传染病职业暴露防护认知与技能的情况;通过预分析反馈的问题,开展针对性的理论授课,实际操作演练等强化培训,然后再次针对该人群进行问卷调查,比较干预前后的效果。结果医护人员培训干预后职业风险认知和实践技能总体评分明显高于自身干预前的水平(P均0.05)。但无论干预前还是干预后,基层医院医护人员职业风险认知和实践技能总体评分均低于A医院。结论对医护人员进行强化培训干预,整体提高了当地医护人员传染病职业防护认知与技能水平,但基层医疗点条件差、人员素质偏低,实际操作技能还须进一步强化和督导。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Getting dressed is an activity that is of particular difficulty for many persons with dementia, given the need for hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and overall planning skills. Despite several studies concerning interventions to improve dressing behavior, very little is known about the dressing process as it is currently performed. The purpose of this study is to characterize the dressing activity of daily living (ADL) of nursing home residents suffering from dementia and thereby identify ways to improve the dressing process. DESIGN AND METHODS: We analyzed videotapes of dressing of 20 special care unit residents to describe the dressing process and the interaction between residents and staff members. RESULTS: Staff members completely dressed the residents in the majority of cases. Interaction between the staff members and the residents was considered insufficient in most sessions. IMPLICATIONS: The study identified possible intervention techniques, assistive devices, organizational routines, and environmental changes that may improve the dressing process. The results have implications that nursing homes may consider in their policies, care activities, staff training, and environment to facilitate safety, comfort, and satisfaction during the dressing process.  相似文献   

目的了解呼吸与危重症医学科的护理人员对雾化吸入态度、技能与知识的应用状况,并分析影响因素。方法采用横断面调查的方法,使用问卷发放(自制问卷),对江苏省内18家医院呼吸与危重症医学科护士的雾化吸入态度、技能和知识掌握情况进行调查。结果共发放795份量表,回收774份,回收率97.3%,涵盖10家三级医院,8家二级医院,调查显示了呼吸与危重症医学科护理人员对雾化吸入态度技能与知识的掌握情况,雾化吸入的知识与态度、技能呈正相关。结论应加强呼吸与危重症医学科护理人员对雾化吸入相关知识的培训,端正其对雾化吸入的态度,从而提高雾化吸入的护理质量,为规范临床护理操作提供依据。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the ability of nursing staff to interact with residents in a way that affects positively on the nurses' well-being and occupational satisfaction. It investigates the role of coping skills related to staff-resident interactions, in particular, the use of conflict resolution styles and their influence on the level of morale, burnout and job satisfaction of nursing professionals. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect information from 161 direct care nursing staff. The authors used a multiple regression procedure to examine the influence of predictors on nursing staff outcomes. Multivariate analyses indicated that nurses' psychological morale, occupational stress, and job satisfaction are influenced by conflict resolution styles, after controlling by individual characteristics, work demands, and work resources factors. The findings highlight the importance of considering personal coping abilities to foster positive staff-resident interactions and to increase nurses' morale and job satisfaction.  相似文献   

The technical level and comprehensive quality of pharmacy intravenous admixture services (PIVAS) staff are central to ensure the safety and effectiveness of intravenous infusions. However, these aspects are lacking in traditional pharmacy education. This study aimed to investigate the training status of staff working in PIVAS and explore factors that affected training status, which might contribute to the establishment of a comprehensive, standardized training system.A multi-center cross-sectional survey was conducted via a WeChat Group targeting PIVAS staff in hospitals to investigate the differences of current training status between different regions, hospital levels, genders, job titles, educational degrees, employment types, and working years.In total, 501 participants completed the questionnaires. The main contents of training for PIVAS staff included: professional theoretical knowledge (99.40%, 498/501), practical operation abilities (97.01%, 486/501), pre-job training (92.61%, 464/501), and standard operating procedures (90.22%, 452/501). The most common frequency of staff training was 1–2 times a month (51.9%, 260/501). Overall, 56.5% (283/501) of participants thought staff training was sufficient and 60.1% (301/501) of participants thought PIVAS attached importance to staff training. However, only 45.7% (229/501) of the participants were satisfied with the training modes.The contents of training for PIVAS staff in mainland China were relatively rich, but the aspects of management tools, comprehensive ability development, and career development planning tend to be relatively weak. It is necessary to develop training standards for PIVAS staff to improve employee capabilities and job satisfaction.  相似文献   

To survey the factors associated with abnormal behavior in 99 elderly residing in a special nursing home, we investigated the relationships between abnormal behavior and depression as well as impairments in cognition and activities of daily living (ADL), and the stress level of 28 care staff members. The clinical criteria for grading of dementia (intellectual level), the Cornell scale for depression in dementia (CSDD), the dementia behavior disturbance (DBD) scale, and rating of performance of ADL were used to assess behavioral and psychiatric symptoms in the elderly patients. Stress levels of care staff members were assessed using the 'burnout' scale. The DBD scale score correlated with the intellectual level, CSDD score, and three categories of ADL (urinary continence, faecal continence, and comprehension of conversation). The DBD scale score correlated negatively with one category of ADL (eating) in men, but did not correlate with ADL in women. No correlation was found between the burnout scale scores of care staff and either their age or work schedules. Present results showed that abnormal behavior in special nursing home residents correlated with depression as well as cognitive impairment. It is believed that the treatment and management of depression will decrease abnormal behaviors and improve their quality of life in special nursing home residents.  相似文献   

目的探讨系统化整体护理在急诊科的应用效果。方法根据我院急诊科实际工作特点及运作方式,秉承以患者为中心的理念,对急诊科实施系统化整体护理。结果与管理前相比,管理后护士工作的积极性和责任感明显增强,理论知识和护理技能得到了扩展,护理人员的整体素质有了明显的提高,同时增进了患者的信任和满意度,缓和了医患关系,减少了医疗纠纷,提高了护理质量。讨论建立符合急诊科实际的系统化整体护理,适应了护理模式的发展,有利于实现高效、优质的护理工作。  相似文献   

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