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The first identification of Neospora caninum infection in aborted bovine foetuses in Romania is reported. Nine aborted foetuses were collected from a dairy farm. The foetal age of foetuses was between 3 and 7 months. A 7-month-old foetus was mummified. N. caninum DNA Nc-5 region was amplified from samples extracted from brain tissues of three (33.3%) aborted foetuses. The foetal ages of PCR positive foetuses were 3, 4 and 7 months (mummified). No specific lesions or tissue cysts were found to the histological examination, because of advanced autolysis of brains.  相似文献   

The routine diagnosis of Neospora caninum abortion is based upon histopathologic changes in fetal tissues and identification of tissue parasites by immunohistochemistry. Confirmation of N. caninum infection by immunohistochemistry has low sensitivity. In the present study, we examined the utility of PCR in detecting N. caninum infection in fetal tissues from spontaneous bovine abortion. DNA was obtained from fresh and formalin-fixed tissues from 61 bovine fetuses submitted for abortion diagnosis. Histopathology and immunohistochemistry determined the true status of N. caninum infection in each fetus. In formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues, PCR detected N. caninum DNA in 13 of 13 true-positive fetuses (100%) and in 1 of 16 true-negative fetuses (6%). In fresh or frozen tissues, PCR detected N. caninum DNA in 10 of 13 true-positive fetuses (77%) and 0 of 11 true-negative fetuses (0%). PCR also detected N. caninum DNA in 6 of 8 fetuses that had typical lesions of N. caninum but were immunohistochemistry negative, indicating a higher sensitivity of PCR in comparison to that of immunohistochemistry. N. caninum DNA was amplified most consistently from brain tissue. PCR detection of N. caninum DNA in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues was superior to that in fresh tissues, presumably because of the increased accuracy of sample selection inherent in histologic specimens.  相似文献   

The seroprevalence of Neospora caninum was surveyed by an ELISA kit on two water buffalo herds of Southern Italy. Seropositive samples were detected in 47% and 59% of individuals, respectively, thus indicating high level of exposure to the parasite even if the possibility of vertical transmission cannot be excluded. Tissue samples collected from three aborted fetuses from the same herds were investigated for N. caninum presence by PCR assays targeting the 18S and the Nc5 DNA sequences, respectively. Both methods have shown the presence of N. caninum DNA in heart and brain. Sequencing of the Nc5 genomic DNA confirmed the presence of N. caninum in the samples; phylogenetic analysis of the obtained sequences showed high homology among the Neospora recovered from different samples. The present study suggests an important role of N. caninum as a possible abortive agent for water buffaloes.  相似文献   

Humoral and cell-mediated immune (CMI) responses [i.e. proliferative responses and gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) production], were elicited in five cows infected between 159 and 169 days of gestation by a combined intravenous-intramuscular inoculation of Neospora caninum tachyzoites. Analysis of antigen-specific immunoglobulin (IgG) subclasses revealed a predominant IgG2 response in two cows, a mixed IgG1-IgG2 response in two other cows and a predominant IgG1 response in one cow. No correlation was found between IgG2 titers and IFN-gamma levels. CD4-T cells were responsible for the CMI responses in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from three infected cows. All five fetuses removed from infected dams at week 9 post-infection (219-231 days of gestation) mounted strong Neospora-specific humoral responses and had a predominant IgG1 response, regardless of their ability to produce IFN-gamma. However, CMI responses were highly variable between fetuses. These data indicate the complexity of the immune mechanisms associated with Neospora infection in both the dams and their fetuses.  相似文献   

An outbreak of abortion affecting multiparous cows was associated with Hobi-like pestivirus infection. Viral RNA and antigens were detected in the tissues of two aborted fetuses. Molecular assays for other common abortogenic agents tested negative. At the genetic level, the Hobi-like pestivirus displayed the closest relatedness to Italian, Australian, and South American viruses, whereas it diverged from the prototype Thai isolate. These findings may have important implications for the pestivirus control/eradication programs in cattle herds.  相似文献   

Of 211 aborted bovine fetuses collected from Mexican dairy herds between January 1996 and March 1999, 73 showed microscopical lesions consistent with neosporosis. Of these 73 fetuses, 58 (79%) showed lymphocytic myocarditis, 39 (53%) showed microgliosis and multifocal necrosis in the brain, 39 (53%) showed lymphocytic hepatitis, and 19 (26%) showed lymphocytic myositis. Immunohistochemical examination of brain, myocardium and liver from 53 of the same 73 fetuses demonstrated Neospora caninum antigens in 41 (77%), of which 19 (46%) gave positive results in one of the three sites, 15 (37%) in two, and seven (17%) in three. The results indicated the presence of neosporosis in a number of the main dairy farming regions of Mexico. Copyright Harcourt Publishers Ltd.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum is widely recognized as one of the most important infectious organisms causing abortion and stillbirth in cattle. This parasite causes severe economical losses worldwide. Infection is mostly passed vertically from mother to calf during pregnancy. Under certain circumstances, an infection can lead to abortion, but in most cases it results in a chronically infected calf, which itself will represent the next endogenously infectious generation. So far, no reliable therapeutic or metaphylactic tool has been developed. One possibility to control the problem may consist of treating newborn calves that became vertically infected by a persistently infected mother. This may allow parasite-free offspring. The aim of the present study was to address the questions: (1) can serology be used to assess efficiency of treatment in toltrazuril-medicated animals? and (2) is a strategic prevention measure possible by means of producing N. caninum-free calves from positive cows? Calves from Neospora-seropositive cows and heifers were randomly split into two different medication groups: 36 calves were medicated with toltrazuril and 36 calves obtained a placebo. Medication (20 mg toltrazuril per kg bw) was administered three times, every second day, within the 7 days post natum. Three months after medication, there was no difference in antibody reactivity between the two groups. At later time points (4–6 months), however, significant differences were found, as explained by a strong humoral immunity after chemotherapeutical affection of parasites, while the placebo-treated animals only responded weakly to the persistent infection. In summary, we concluded that (1) serology was not an entirely appropriate tool to answer our initial question and (2) toltrazuril has the potential to eliminate N. caninum in newborn calves. As a consequence, we plan to follow up toltrazuril-medicated calves clinically and serologically over a longer period and investigate if they give birth to Neospora-free calves.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum is a protozoan parasite known as an important cause of bovine abortion worldwide. Little is currently known about how different strains of N. caninum vary in their pathogenicity. In this study, we compared a Brazilian strain, Nc-Bahia, with the first isolate of this coccidian, Nc-1. Eight cows and seven buffaloes were submitted to fixed-time artificial insemination protocols for a better control of pregnancy. Group 1 was inoculated with Nc-Bahia (n?=?8; five cows and three buffaloes), and Group 2 was inoculated with Nc-1 (n?=?5; two cows and three buffaloes). One nonpregnant female of each species was left uninfected as sentinel controls for potential environmental infection. All inoculated animals received 5?×?108 tachyzoites of N. caninum, by intravenous route, on the 70th day of gestation. Uninfected animals remained seronegative throughout the experiment, indicating no exogenous infection, whereas all inoculated animals became seropositive to N. caninum. In Group 1, abortion was found in only one cow on 42 days postinfection (dpi; frequency of abortion?=?12.5 %), whilst all animals from Group 2 aborted on 35 dpi (frequency of abortion?=?100 %). Parasite DNA was detected by seminested PCR in maternal, foetal and placental tissues, confirming vertical transmission in Groups 1 and 2, although histological lesions had different frequencies and degrees of severity between the groups. There was evidence of lower pathogenicity of Nc-Bahia compared to Nc-1 when used in experimental infection, as it caused fewer abortions, as well as less frequent and milder histological lesions. This was the first time Nc-Bahia has been used for experimental infection.  相似文献   

A serial examination of three groups of cattle infected intravenously (iv) (Group 1, n=8) or subcutaneously (sc) (Group 2, n=8) with live Neospora caninum tachyzoites or with VERO cells (Group 3, n=8) at 70 days' gestation was carried out and the nature of the inflammatory responses in the placenta and the presence of parasite antigen were analysed. Immune cells expressing CD3, CD4, CD8, gamma delta (gammadelta) T-cell receptors (TCR), CD79alpha cytoplasmic (cy) (B cells) and NKp46 [natural killer (NK) cells] antigens were identified immunohistochemically and cells expressing mRNA for interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) were labelled by in-situ hybridization. Intravenous inoculation caused mortality in all fetuses from 28 days post-inoculation (dpi) onwards. Subcutaneous inoculation caused mortality in 50% of the animals by 28dpi. Pathological changes in the placenta consisted of necrosis of fetal placental villi, necrosis and inflammation in adjacent areas of the maternal septum and inflammation at the base of the maternal caruncle. The inflammatory infiltrate consisted mainly of CD3(+) lymphocytes, dominated by CD4(+) and gammadelta TCR(+) cells, with CD8(+) cells present to a lesser extent. The results from the control group indicated fewer NK cells than those occurring in the placenta of human beings or mice. Infiltration of CD4(+) cells and NKp46(+) cells was observed in the caruncular base and septa 14 days after infection, whereas infiltration of gammadelta TCR(+) cells was observed from 28 dpi onwards. To our knowledge this is the first report on the presence and distribution of NK cells in the bovine placenta. Maternal inflammatory cells expressing mRNA for IFN-gamma were identified in animals inoculated with parasites iv or sc at 14 and 28 dpi, respectively. In the sc-inoculated dams with live fetuses at 28, 42 and 56dpi, there was no evidence of parasite antigen, infiltration of immune cells or production of IFN-gamma, suggesting that the parasite had not reached the placenta. The exact cause of fetal death was not established. Tissue destruction by the parasite may have occurred; in addition, there may have been a T helper 1 (Th-1) immune response to the neospora infection at the materno-fetal interface, resulting in infiltrations of CD4T cells, gammadelta T cells and NK cells and the subsequent production of IFN-gamma. It is possible that a pro-inflammatory Th-1 response early in gestation protects the dam by eliminating the parasite; however, it may lead to destruction of the placental tissues themselves and thus be incompatible with fetal survival.  相似文献   

Neospora is a newly recognized Toxoplasma-like cyst-forming coccidian parasite that causes abortion or congenital infections in naturally or experimentally infected animals. In this study, pregnant rhesus macaques were inoculated with culture-derived tachyzoites of a bovine Neospora isolate, and tissue samples from various major organs were collected from dams and fetuses for the detection of parasite DNA by using oligonucleotide primers COC-1 and COC-2 for PCR amplification of a conserved coccidial nuclear small-subunit rRNA gene sequence, and amplification products were confirmed by hybridization with a Neospora-specific DNA probe. PCR products were amplified from DNAs of different fetal monkey tissues, including brain, heart, lung, liver, spleen, skeletal muscle, skin, and placenta. In addition, Neospora DNA was amplified from the brain, heart, and lung tissues of infected rhesus macaque dams. The PCR and probe hybridization system may provide an effective method for the detection of Neospora infection in fetuses and dams from nonhuman primates and may be useful in determining the zoonotic potential of Neospora.  相似文献   

The recognition of Moraxella catarrhalis as an important cause of respiratory tract infections has been protracted, mainly because it is a frequent commensal organism of the upper respiratory tract and the diagnostic sensitivity of blood or pleural fluid culture is low. Given that the amount of M. catarrhalis bacteria in the upper respiratory tract may change during infection, quantification of these bacteria in nasopharyngeal secretions (NPSs) by real-time PCR may offer a suitable diagnostic approach. Using primers and a fluorescent probe specific for the copB outer membrane protein gene, we detected DNA from serial dilutions of M. catarrhalis cells corresponding to 1 to 10(6) cells. Importantly, there was no difference in the amplification efficiency when the same DNA was mixed with DNA from NPSs devoid of M. catarrhalis. The specificity of the reaction was further confirmed by the lack of amplification of DNAs from other Moraxella species, nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae, H. influenzae type b, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus oralis, Streptococcus pyogenes, Bordetella pertussis, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, and various Neisseria species. The assay applied to NPSs from 184 patients with respiratory tract infections performed with a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of up to 98% compared to the culture results. The numbers of M. catarrhalis organisms detected by real-time PCR correlated with the numbers detected by semiquantitative culture. This real-time PCR assay targeting the copB outer membrane protein gene provided a sensitive and reliable means for the rapid detection and quantification of M. catarrhalis in NPSs; may serve as a tool to study changes in the amounts of M. catarrhalis during lower respiratory tract infections or following vaccination against S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, or N. meningitidis; and may be applied to other clinical samples.  相似文献   

The brain of a stillborn calf, seropositive to Neospora caninum and born to a seropositive cow, was homogenized and cultured on Vero cells, where growth of Neospora-like tachyzoites was detected after 8 weeks. The ultrastructural features of the new isolate (Nc-SweB1) corresponded to those of previously published Neospora isolates. In indirect immunofluorescence tests, antigens on Nc-SweB1 tachyzoites were recognized by antibodies raised to a canine N. caninum isolate (Nc-1) but not by antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii, Sarcocystis cruzi, S. tenella, Eimeria alabamensis, Babesia divergens, or B. motasi. Immunoblot analyses revealed no major antigenic difference between Nc-SweB1 and Nc-1, whereas several differences were seen between Nc-SweB1 and protozoa related to N. caninum. The sequences of 16S-like rRNA and the internal transcribed spacer 1 of Nc-SweB1 revealed complete homology with corresponding sequences of two canine N. caninum isolates. Thus, no dissimilarity between Nc-SweB1 and the canine isolates was found, confirming that Nc-SweB1 is N. caninum and suggesting that Neospora-like organisms isolated from cattle are indeed N. caninum.  相似文献   

Real-time PCR was evaluated as a quantitative diagnostic method for Chlamydia pneumoniae infection using different respiratory samples. Real-time PCR had efficiency equal to or better than that of nested touchdown PCR. This study confirmed sputum as the best sampling material to detect an ongoing C. pneumoniae infection.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae is an important cause of community-acquired pneumonia. However, in this setting the diagnostic sensitivity of blood cultures is below 30%. Since during such infections changes in the amounts of S. pneumoniae may also occur in the upper respiratory tract, quantification of these bacteria in nasopharnygeal secretions (NPSs) may offer a suitable diagnostic approach. Real-time PCR offers a sensitive, efficient, and routinely reproducible approach to quantification. Using primers and a fluorescent probe specific for the pneumolysin gene, we were able to detect DNA from serial dilutions of S. pneumoniae cells in which the quantities of DNA ranged from the amounts extracted from 1 to 10(6) cells. No difference was noted when the same DNA was mixed with DNA extracted from NPSs shown to be deficient of S. pneumoniae following culture, suggesting that this bacterium can be detected and accurately quantitated in clinical samples. DNAs from Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, or alpha-hemolytic streptococci other than S. pneumoniae were not amplified or were only weakly amplified when there were > or =10(6) cells per reaction mixture. When the assay was applied to NPSs from patients with respiratory tract infections, the assay performed with a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of up to 96% compared to the culture results. The numbers of S. pneumoniae organisms detected by real-time PCR correlated with the numbers detected by semiquantitative cultures. A real-time PCR that targeted the pneumolysin gene provided a sensitive and reliable means for routine rapid detection and quantification of S. pneumoniae present in NPSs. This assay may serve as a tool to study changes in the amounts of S. pneumoniae during lower respiratory tract infections.  相似文献   

The adipose tissue can make important contributions to immune function. Nevertheless, only a limited number of reports have investigated in lean hosts the immune response elicited in this tissue upon infection. Previous studies suggested that the intracellular protozoan Neospora caninum might affect adipose tissue physiology. Therefore, we investigated in mice challenged with this protozoan if immune cell populations within adipose tissue of different anatomical locations could be differently affected. Early in infection, parasites were detected in the adipose tissue and by 7 days of infection increased numbers of macrophages, regulatory T (Treg) cells and T‐bet+ cells were observed in gonadal, mesenteric, omental and subcutaneous adipose tissue. Increased expression of interferon‐γ was also detected in gonadal adipose tissue of infected mice. Two months after infection, parasite DNA was no longer detected in these tissues, but T helper type 1 (Th1) cell numbers remained above control levels in the infected mice. Moreover, the Th1/Treg cell ratio was higher than that of controls in the mesenteric and subcutaneous adipose tissue. Interestingly, chronically infected mice presented a marked increase of serum leptin, a molecule that plays a role in energy balance regulation as well as in promoting Th1‐type immune responses. Altogether, we show that an apicomplexa parasitic infection influences immune cellular composition of adipose tissue throughout the body as well as adipokine production, still noticed at a chronic phase of infection when parasites were already cleared from that particular tissue. This strengthens the emerging view that infections can have long‐term consequences for the physiology of adipose tissue.  相似文献   

A PCR/Southern blot assay for detection of bovine herpesvirus 4 (BHV-4) in the background of bovine cellular DNA was developed. A BHV-4 specific sequence within the gene coding for the glycoprotein B (gB) was selected for primer sequences to guarantee the specificity of the assay. With a detection limit of six molecules BHV-4 DNA in the background of 1 microg of cellular DNA (equals about 150,000 bovine cells) this PCR/Southern blot assay represents a highly sensitive method for detection of BHV-4 DNA. At low concentrations of BHV-4 genomes, this assay also allows to estimate the copy number of BHV-4: a distinction between fewer than 6, 6-59 and more than 60 BHV-4 genomes/100 microl DNA suspension was possible. Tissue and blood samples of two calves, infected experimentally with BHV-4 were examined for the prevalence of BHV-4 DNA 130 days post infection. Ten days before taking samples, one of the calves was immuno-suppressed with dexamethasone. In both calves, BHV-4 DNA was detected in the leucocyte fraction of the blood, and beyond that in lower quantities in the spleen and the kidney of the immuno-suppressed calf. It is assumed that a latent BHV-4 infection was activated after application of dexamethasone and that the leucocyte fraction of the blood represents one site of latency of BHV-4 in cattle.  相似文献   

We recently established a non-human primate model of rotavirus infection that is characterized by consistent and high levels of virus antigen shedding in stools. Here, we report that starting from post challenge day (PCD) 2, 6 x 10(3) to 1.5 x 10(6) copies of rotavirus double-stranded RNA per nanogram of total RNA were detected by real-time PCR in MA104 cells that were 48 h pre-incubated with filtered stool suspensions of three experimentally infected juvenile macaques. The peak of virus load was detected at PCD 4-5, followed by decreased load at PCD 6-11, and very low levels at PCD 12. Such a pattern corresponded to virus shedding in stools as reported recently based on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) results. In addition, plasma and cerebrospinal fluids (CSF) from six infected animals were tested for the presence of rotavirus. Rotavirus extraintestinal escape was revealed in three out of six animals by a combination of real-time and nested PCR. However, very low quantities of detected viral RNA (approximately 20 copies/ng of total RNA) were not suggestive of viremia. Thus, the rhesus model of rotavirus infection can be exploited further in studies with vaccine candidates designed to prevent or abrogate rotavirus infection.  相似文献   

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