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The mitro-aortic intervalvular fibrosa (MAIVF) connects the anterior mitral leaflet to the posterior portion of the aortic annulus.The pseudoaneurysm of MAIVF is one of the uncommon but catastrophic complications of native or prosthetic aortic valve endocarditis or chest trauma.We report a case of infective endocarditis of mitral valve complicated by development of pseudoaneurysm of MAIVF, and fistulous formation causing massive shunt flow from the ascending aorta above the non-coronary cusp to the left ventricle outflow tract.  相似文献   

To our knowledge, we describe the first case of a pseudoaneurysm of the mitro‐aortic intervalvular fibrosa fistulizing into both atria, following an aortic bacterial endocarditis and valve replacement.  相似文献   

We report a case of an elderly patient in whom live/real time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (3DTEE) provided definitive diagnosis of mitral-aortic intervalvular fibrosa abscess. This could not be done by two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography (2DTTE) and two-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (2DTEE). 3DTEE was also helpful in ruling out associated mitral valve endocarditis, which was initially suspected by 2DTEE leading to a mitral valve sparing surgery. Thus, 3DTEE provided incremental information over 2DTTE and 2DTEE in this patient.  相似文献   

Prosthetic aortic valve and conduit dehiscence with periconduitcavity and ascending aortic aneurysm is an uncommon complicationof aortic root surgery. It is usually recognizable at echocardiographydue to an abnormal position of the prosthetic valve and conduitin relation to the native aortic annulus in conjunction withan abnormal echolucent periconduit space that fills with colorflow. Mitral regurgitation is an unusual complication of thiscondition. We present a patient with severe mitral regurgitation secondaryto prosthetic aortic valve and conduit dehiscence with a largepericonduit cavity and aneurysm of the intervalvular fibrosa.The mechanism of mitral regurgitation is secondary to functionalinvolvement of the anterior mitral valve leaflet and intervalvularfibrosa with anterior mitral leaflet restriction in conjunctionwith mild left ventricular remodeling. Significant mitral regurgitationpersisted post resection of the periconduit cavity and aorticvalve replacement, requiring mitral valve replacement. This case study reports a new mechanism of mitral regurgitationin the setting of prosthetic aortic valve and conduit dehiscence.  相似文献   

Pseudoaneurysm of mitral-aortic intervalvular fibrosa is a rare entity related to mostly infective endocarditis and surgical trauma of aortic valve. Its diagnosis may be missed following trans-thoracic echocardiographic assessment. Therefore, further imaging investigation such as transesophageal echocardiography and computed tomographic angiography may play a key diagnostic role. Here we present the successful surgical treatment of a 30- year-old male patient referred for surgical treatment of mixed severe calcific aortic valve disease and apparently without additional anatomical abnormalities.  相似文献   

Mitral aortic intervalvular fibrosa or aorto-mitral curtain is a fibrous avascular skeletal structure located between the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve and the non-coronary and left coronary cusps of the aortic valve. Mitral and aortic valve endocarditis are rarely accompanied by mitral aortic intervalvular fibrosa pseudoaneurysm and left atrial fistula of the aorta. Pseudoaneurysm of mitral aortic intervalvular fibrosa is a fatal complication that can occur after valvular surgery, valvular endocarditis, or blunt trauma. In this article, reconstructive surgical management with the Commando technique of a case who developed mitral-aortic intervalvular fibrosa pseudoaneurysm to left atrial fistula after aortic and mitral prosthetic valve endocarditis is described. The important feature of this article is that it is a first in the literature as it is accompanied by persistent left superior vena cava.  相似文献   

Aneurysms of the mitral-aortic interventricular fibrosa (MAIF) are exceptionally rare complications, commonly following aortic valve endocarditis. This report describes the angiographic findings of such an aneurysm, in a patient who developed an uncommon symptomatology of unstable angina pectoris, caused by the aneurysm's expansion against the coronary arteries. Surgical treatment is also discussed. Cathet. Cardiovasc. Diagn. 42:423–426, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Aneurysm of the mitral–aortic intervalvular fibrosa (A‐MAIVF) is a rare but potentially fatal condition. The aneurysm is located between the mitral and aortic valves and communicates with the left ventricular outflow tract, and the differential diagnoses include dilated coronary sinuses and coronary arteriovenous fistula. We describe the first reported case of an A‐MAIVF diagnosed in the fetus.  相似文献   

Double valve aneurysms in a single patient are a rare occurrence and even rare finding is occurrence of double perforation of anterior mitral leaflet aneurysm. We present an adult patient with bicuspid aortic valve, coarctation of aorta and previous endocarditis presenting late with these rare abnormalities.  相似文献   

Pseudoaneurysm of mitral‐aortic intervalvular fibrosa (PA‐MAIVF) is a rare complication of native aortic valve endocarditis. This region is a relatively avascular area and prone to infection during endocarditis and subsequent aneurysm formation. The rupture into the pericardial cavity and left atrium or aorta, systemic embolism, myocardial infarction secondary to left coronary compression, and sudden death are the reported complications. Herein, we present a 9‐year‐old boy who was diagnosed with bicuspid aortic valve endocarditis complicated by PA‐MAIVF, cerebral embolism, and hemorrhage. PA‐MAIVF was visualized by both two‐ and three‐dimensional transthoracic echocardiography and ruptured into pericardial space causing a fatal outcome.  相似文献   

Pseudoaneurysm of the mitral‐aortic intervalvular fibrosa is a rare complication of infective endocarditis of the aortic valve eventually resulting in coronary artery compression, stroke or rupture into the left atrium, aorta or pericardial space. A prompt diagnosis by either transthoracic or transesophageal echocardiography is mandatory to address the patient to cardiac surgery. We report the clinical case of a 25‐year‐old white man who was admitted to the emergency department for dyspnoea and fever. Echocardiographic examination showed a bicuspid aortic valve with a huge sessile vegetation and a pseudaneurysm of the mitral‐aortic intervalvular fibrosa. In addition to conventional two‐dimensional examination, three‐dimensional echocardiography provided additional information of this complication, precisely delineating the lesions and addressing the cardiac surgeon in choosing the most appropriate operating strategy. Patient underwent then aortic root replacement and the pseudoaneurysm was closed by means of a bovine pericardial patch. (Echocardiography 2011;28:E1‐E4)  相似文献   

目的:分析经导管主动脉瓣置入术在主动脉瓣狭窄合并二尖瓣反流(MR)的疗效。方法:选取我院就诊的主动脉瓣狭窄合并MR流患者31例,所有患者均行经导管主动脉瓣置入术,按照患者的MR流严重程度分为A组(轻度)和B组(中度、重度)。比较两组的并发症发生率、术后1个月的LVEF、LVEDD、MR和NYHA分级,比较两组在术后1个月、3个月时的死亡率和生活质量。结果:两组的各并发症发生率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);A组在术后1个月时的LVEF和日常生活能力量表(ADL)评分均明显高于B组(P<0.05);A组在术后1个月时的死亡率、LVEDD、MR和NYHA分级明显低于B组(P<0.05);两组患者在术后3个月时的死亡率和ADL评分均差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:经导管主动脉瓣置入手术可用于主动脉瓣狭窄合并不同程度MR流患者的治疗中,反流的严重程度对患者远期死亡率和生活质量恢复的影响较小。  相似文献   

Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty has been used with good resultsto treat rheumatic mitral stenosis. However, its use in degenerativeaortic stenosis has shown many limitations. There is littleinformation about balloon valvuloplasty in tricuspid and aorticrheumatic stenosis. This article describes two patients withcombined rheumatic mitral, aortic and tricuspid stenosis inwhich triple percutaneous valvuloplasty was performed in a singleprocedure.  相似文献   

Propionibacterium acnes rarely causes systemic disease. Few cases of P. acnes endocarditis have been reported. This report describes a 63-year-old man who presented with severe congestive heart failure. He had prosthetic valve endocarditis which resulted in severe acute aortic insufficiency. During surgery he was found to have complete disruption of the aorta and left ventricle with a false aneurysm encompassing the circumference of the aortic annulus. Cultures of the valve grew P. acnes. Thus, although P. acnes is a rare cause of endocarditis, it may pursue a very aggressive course, especially in the setting of a prosthetic valve.  相似文献   

目的:总结主动脉根部瘤合并二尖瓣病变的外科治疗经验。方法:2009年2月至2011年12月,我科实施主动脉根部替换手术合并二尖瓣置换/成形术38例。主动脉根部2例行Wheat术,其余均行Bentall术;二尖瓣6例行二尖瓣成形术(MVP),32例行二尖瓣置换术(MVR)。同期行冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)2例,孙氏手术4例。结果:围手术期死亡1例,病死率2.6%(1/38);1例患者发生Ⅲ°房室传导阻滞,术后植入永久起搏器;1例患者接受主动脉内球囊反搏(IABP)治疗,2例患者接受连续性肾脏替代治疗(CRRT),1例患者并发真菌感染。2例患者因术后引流多行二次开胸探查术。术后超声心动图:左心室舒张末期内径(55±11)mm(36-83mm),较术前明显缩小。结论:主动脉根部联合二尖瓣手术治疗是安全有效的,对于主动脉瓣环较大的患者,经主动脉瓣口行二尖瓣手术能够取得满意的结果。  相似文献   

In order to assess the value of pulsed Doppler echocardiographyin detection of valvular regurgitation, 63 patients were evaluatedfor aortic and/or mitral regurgitation using pulsed Dopplerechocardiography and selective cineangiography. The Dopplerstudy was considered as positive when a turbulent flow was detectedbelow the aortic valve for aortic insufficiency and behind themitral valve for mitral insufficiency on a graphic display (timeinterval histogram) when technically adequate andor on an audiosignal.These results were compared with standard angiographic evaluationof the regurgitation: pulsed Doppler echocardiography had 94%sensitivity and the specificity rate was very high (87.5%) evenfor mild regurgitation. Thus, Doppler technique is highly specificand sensitive in detection of aortic and mitral regurgitationwhen both audiosignal and time interval histogram are simultaneouslyperformed.  相似文献   

Pseudoaneurysms of the left ventricle are rare and may occur as a result of transmural myocardial infarction, chest trauma, cardiac surgery, or endocarditis. Although postinfarction pseudoaneurysms commonly arise in the mid and apical segments of the left ventricle, those resulting from endocarditis arise at the base of the heart. Here we report the case of a patient who developed a large pseudoaneurysm as a complication of aortic valve endocarditis. The pseudoaneurysm had two uncommon features; it originated from the intervalvular fibrous body connecting the mitral to the aortic valve, and it eroded through the chest wall, resulting in blood drainage through the skin.  相似文献   

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