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Maxilary sinus metastasis are very uncommon tumors (fifty have been reported). The most frecuent ones are renal adenocarcinoma, mama and lung tumors. Up to now there is only a reported case of bladder carcinoma in maxillary sinus. We report a 67 years old male with a right maxillary tumor two months ago. FNA demonstrated a transitional cell bladder tumor. The treatment was chemoterapy. The patient died two months later. We reported some considerations about metastatic tumors of paranasal sinus.  相似文献   

Desmoplastic small round cell tumour (DSRCT) is a rare disease usually affecting young males. There are no other articles with a sub-maxillary location. The tumour consists of nests and masses of undifferentiated small round cells embedded in a desmoplastic stroma. The co-expression of epithelial, muscular and neuronal antigens distinguishes this entity from other small round cell tumours. The t(11;22)(p13;q12) translocation is a recurrent characteristic of this type of tumour.We report a case of desmoplastic small round cell tumour of the sub-maxillary gland, with an evolution of 8 months, affecting a 36 year old male. He suffered chronic lymphatic leukaemia five years ago and needed a bone marrow transplant. There was a 4×3 cm tumour. There were no signs of malignancy on the CT scan. A right sub-maxillectomy was performed. The pathology analysis gave a diagnosis of DSRCT. Post-surgical radiotherapy was given.The definitive diagnosis was reached using immunohistochemical techniques, such as polyphenotypical differentiation (epithelial, mesenchymal and neural), and by demonstration of translocation (11;22)(p13;q12). Sub-maxillary location is very rare.  相似文献   

Anaplastic large T-cell lymphoma is a very rare disease in childhood. The most common locations are lymph nodes and skin, while the external ear location is uncommon. We present the case of a 6-year-old child with an earlobe tumour. Surgical treatment was performed and the anatomopathological results showed anaplastic large cell lymphoma. Radiological tests were negative and there was no systemic involvement.  相似文献   

In this paper is evaluated the effectiveness, as a function of the morphologic structure of the Upper Airways (UA) -evaluated by vigil ENT exploration plus cephalometrics- in the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS) of the UPPP with or without Nasal Surgery (NS), performed on 33 OSAS patients, and the Multilevel UA Reconstruction (MUAR), performed on 13 patients with multilevel UA obstruction. 10 patients of this group were also evaluated by UA Pressure Measurements during Sleep (PMS). UPPP shows an effectiveness of 60% in cases of favourable UA topography: Predominant palatal obstruction (Type I: euthopic palate with no hypopharyngeal obstruction and Type IIa: palate of low implantation with no hypopharyngeal obstruction, either N+ (nasal obstruction present) or N- (nasal obstruction obsent) and 0% in cases of unfavourable UA structure: Extrapalatal obstruction (Type IIb: palatal and hypopharyngeal obstruction and Type III: hypopharyngel obstruction, either N+ or N-). The maximum UPPP effectiveness is achieved in UA topography IN+ (80%), followed by IIaN- (60%), IIaN+ (57%) and IN- (47%). MUAR, applied on failures of UPPP and patients with UA topography unfavourable to UPPP (Types IIb and III) that rejected CPAP therapy, shows a success rate of 50% in IIaN+ UA type (allowing the recuperation of the 50% of the UPPP failures having this UA topography), 80% in type IIbN+ (where UPPP is contraindicated) and 0% in types IIaNand IIbN-. PMS shows UA multilevel obstruction during sleep. The role of UPPP, NS and MUAR in the treatment of SAOS is are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to report the incidence, prevalence and clinical characteristics of congenital hearing loss sufficient to require hearing aid fitting in the first 6 years of life for the 1993 birth cohort of the state of Victoria (population 4.4 million), Australia. In 1993 64 116 infants born in the state of Victoria survived the neonatal period, Subjects included all children with congenital hearing loss for which hearing aids were fitted, at any time up to and including 31 December 1999, when the youngest member of the cohort reached 6 years of age. Data on the degree, type and etiology of hearing loss were available from the Australian Hearing database for all subjects. Sociodemographic and health data were available from the Victorian Infant Hearing Screening Program (VTHSP) and parent questionnaires. The known prevalence of identified congenital hearing loss increased as the cohort aged. By the time the youngest member had reached the age of 6 years, 134 children (78 boys, 56 girls) had been fitted with hearing aids for permanent congenital hearing loss of any degree (2.09/1000). Fifty-four (40%) of these had known mild losses (20–40 dBHL). The prevalence of known moderate or greater loss (>40 dB HL) was 1.12/1000; the data suggest that over 90% could have been delectable by neonatal hearing screening. A further seven children from the birth cohort were fitted with hearing aids due to acquired forms of hearing loss (0.11/1000). The etiology was known in only 57 (43%) congenital cases, with known non-syndromal genetic causes accounting for 21 (37%) of these. This study reports on the prevalence of congenital hearing loss requiring hearing aid fitting for an entire birth cohort. These data indicate the possible yield from neonatal screening, and hence the likely benefit of such screening. For a large proportion of cases, the etiology remains unknown. These data have implications for health service delivery and illustrate the usefulness of a population database in monitoring the prevalence of congenital hearing loss.  相似文献   

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