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刘庆来  何君 《医疗卫生装备》2006,27(10):I0001-I0001
由66267部队自主开发的一种战时伤病员救护的功能模块“寓于旅、团救护所的快速机动救治单元”目前研制成功。该救治单元针对岛屿、山地特殊环境或执行特殊任务时野战救护所展开困难、伤病员无法后送或营救护所需要快速支援等情况,可快速组成医疗救治分队,承担并完成前进和预备救护任务,能够迅速对危重伤病员进行紧急救命手术和抗休克治疗,达到快速有效、机动灵活、生存率高、实效性强的要求。  相似文献   

根据未来战争伤员的特点及需求,借鉴企业作业流程重组理论,分析野战救护所救治流程的关键环节、接口部位及相关影响因素,在此基础上对现有救治流程进行优化改造,提出重组方案,从而使救护所的工作达到野战条件下伤员救治高效率、快节奏、高质量的要求。  相似文献   

基层创伤救治一直是创伤救治链条中的薄弱点。三级医疗机构在创伤救治中有着明显的组织、技术优势,由三级医院创伤中心通过以区域创伤中心为主导,整合基层网络医院资源,构建“三一”联动的创伤救治体系,能够有效提升基层创伤的救治能力,确保创伤救治绿色通道最后一公里运行通畅。柳州市中医医院通过在基层医疗卫生机构建设创伤救治单元,作为创伤中心的网络单位,发挥创伤的体系化救治优势,推动建立“三一”联动的创伤救治体系,为创伤救治开辟新的思路。  相似文献   

介绍了移动急救单元的主要组成,分析了其在8次临床实际应用和19次模拟演练中存在的问题,指出了疗养专业局限、人才梯队断层及设备来源特殊为主要原因。提出了不断充实完善移动急救单元信息化、标准化建设,加强与专家、医院、科研院所多方协作攻关,强化在军地疗养系统、非医疗机构及野战救治训练中的推广应用等对策,以获得最佳的应用效益。  相似文献   

武警应急救护所装备研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武警应急救护所装备是基于职能任务需要,依据战时卫勤保障理论,借鉴国外反恐斗争经验启示,应用现代医学科学技术和管理体系而研制的。实现了系列化、模块化和机动化。主要从研制背景、系统结构、性能特点3个方面介绍应急救护所装备概况。  相似文献   

目的:探索提高机动卫勤分队卫生装备保障能力的方法,为军队卫勤保障做准备。方法:坚持平战结合,依托医院内成熟的医疗设备管理资源,将卫勤分队卫生装备纳入日常设备管理,在建档、质量控制、人员配属、培训及维护保养等方面严格执行统一标准和要求,在训练和遂行卫勤任务时加强保障。结果:对机动卫勤分队卫生装备进行规范化管理,有效保证了设备完好率,提高了卫生装备管理水平,圆满完成了多次实战演练和卫勤任务。结论:规范完善的卫生装备管理是机动卫勤保障力量形成战斗力的重要条件。  相似文献   

医院机动卫勤分队快速反应能力存在的问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
军队医院机动卫勤分队快速反应能力存在战备观念不强、战救技术没有形成保障力、应急救治训练少、军事基础薄弱等问题,通过对这些些问题的分析,理清训练思路,研究应对方法,提出通过加强战备教育、加强技术组合训练、增强军事素质、注重人装结合等途径,提高机动卫勤分队快速反应能力。  相似文献   

城市医疗救助制度是现代社会医疗保障体系中的一个重要组成部分,内蒙古自治区自2005年实施此项制度以来,对缓解城市居民“因病致贫、因病返贫”起到了积极的促进作用。但同时,这一制度在运行中也存在着一些棘手的问题,需要通过社会调研提出相应的对策与措施。  相似文献   

浅谈医疗设备验收   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
医疗设备的验收是设备管理的重要组成部分,是确保引进医疗设备的质量,使用和安全的核心环节。根据近年工作经历,对于如何验收医疗设备浅谈自身体会。  相似文献   

机动卫生装备舱室温度环境与超压集体防护研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
运用计算流体动力学理论和有限元方法,对机动卫生装备的舱室温度环境进行了仿真研究,形成了合理的气流组织形态,温度分布满足(25±3)℃、气流速度小于0.5m/s;按照监测预警、报警控制、滤毒净化、建立超压、超压监测5个控制环节建立了不小于300Pa的超压集体防护技术体系,能有效防止大气环境中的有毒有害生物气溶胶、化学毒气和放射性物质进入舱室,保证了舱室环境的安全性;对建立超压之前进入舱室的污染物,模拟了其在滤毒通风装置作用下的运动扩散规律,结果表明:在130s时间内污染物浓度能从5 000ppmv迅速衰减至10ppmv。  相似文献   

Context Medical student numbers in England have increased by more than 60% over the last decade. The capacity of universities and the National Health Service (NHS) to deliver education and training to these expanded cohorts is not clear. Methods We carried out an interview study in three English medical schools, involving 60 academic, administrative, clinical and managerial staff, sampled across disciplines. Results Given the expansion in medical student numbers, capacity in medical schools must increase. This requirement has become even more immediate in light of the shift towards more resource‐intensive curricula. However, the aims of the Research Assessment Exercise and NHS policies are at odds with attempts to build teaching capacity. Although monies have been made available to recruit new staff and to backfill clinical time spent teaching, the success of these strategies is questioned by interviewees. Other initiatives, such as the new consultant contract and educational quality assurance processes, have the potential to promote the importance of teaching but are presently perceived as being inadequate so to do. As was consistently expressed by interviewees, within the competing triad of research, service delivery and teaching, the latter is perceived as taking a poor third place. Conclusions That research, service delivery and education are in competition will come as no surprise to UK academic staff. However, our results show a striking uniformity of opinion. We would question whether existing NHS and higher education policies enable medical schools and health care organisations to deliver education of the highest quality to the enlarged student population.  相似文献   

AIMS: This study examined the relationship between the performance of first year medical students at the University of Newcastle, Australia, and admission variables: previous educational experience, and entry classification (standard -- academic or composite, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, or overseas), age and gender. METHODS: Admission and demographic information was obtained for students who entered first year medicine at Newcastle between the years 1994 and 1997 inclusive. Academic performance was measured according to results of first assessment ('satisfactory' vs. 'not satisfactory') and the final assessment of the first year ('satisfactory' vs. 'not satisfactory'). Logistic regression was used to examine the relationship between predictor variables and outcomes. RESULTS: Assessment and admissions information was obtained for 278 students, 98% of all students who entered the medical course between 1994 and 1997. Regression analysis of first assessment indicated that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and overseas students were significantly more likely to be 'not satisfactory' than all other students (RR=3.1,95% CI: 1.4. - 6 7 and RR=1.5, 95% CI: 1.2-1.8, respectively). Analysis of final assessment indicated these two student groups were also significantly more likely to be 'not satisfactory' than all other students (RR=4.5, 95% CI: 1.4-13.5 and RR=3.5, 95% CI: 1.2-10.8, respectively). At first assessment, students entering via the standard academic pathway and older students were less likely to be 'not satisfactory' (RR=0.6, 95% CI: 0.5-0.7 and RR=0.8, 95% CI: 0.7-0.9, respectively). However both these differences were not evident at final assessment. There were no significant relationships between performance in first year and the remaining variables. CONCLUSIONS: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, and overseas medical students had academic difficulties in the first year of the course, suggesting the need for extra course support. The result may reflect the educational and other obstacles these students must overcome in order to enter and progress through their medical degree. More research is warranted to explore the extent to which these differences persist throughout the medical degree.  相似文献   

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