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[目的 ]评价某新建购物广场内有害因素的危害程度及其控制效果。 [方法 ]按规范布点 ,现场采样 ,对其检测、检验结果进行卫生学分析。 [结果 ]项目设计施工遵照了《商店建筑设计规范》、《采暖通风与空气调节设计规范》等一系列国家标准 ,卫生设施配套 ,符合国家有关要求 ;1层的温度、相对湿度、风速、CO2 、CO、可吸入颗粒物、空气细菌数、照度符合《商场 (店 )、书店卫生标准》 ,3层、4层甲醛浓度超标 ,2~ 4层氨、甲苯和二甲苯浓度超标 ,1~ 4层苯浓度全超标 ,1层、4层部分点噪声强度超标 ;根据本项目的新风量 ,购物广场最多能容纳 2 419人。 [结论 ]该购物广场甲醛、氨、甲苯、二甲苯的浓度以及噪声强度均有超标现象 ,需要进一步采取卫生防护措施。  相似文献   

建材市场室内空气质量卫生学调查研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

目的 评估兰州市某城区住宅室内空气质量.方法 对2020年采暖季和非采暖季兰州市某城区30户住宅卧室和客厅进行空气质量检测,检测指标包括PM2.5、PM10、NO2、甲醛、苯、甲苯和二甲苯;采用空气质量指数法进行住宅室内空气质量综合评价.结果 30户住宅室内空气中主要超标指标为PM2.s、PM10和甲醛,超标率分别为7...  相似文献   

[目的]评价某新建购物广场内有害因素的危害程度及其控制效果。[方法]按规范布点,现场采样,对其检测、检验结果进行卫生学分析。[结果]项目设计施工遵照了《商店建筑设计规范》、《采暖通风与空气调节设计规范》等一系列国家标准.卫生设施配套.符合国家有关要求;1层的温度、相对湿度、风速、CO2、CO、可吸入颗粒物、空气细菌数、照度符合《商场(店)、书店卫生标准》,3层、4层甲醛浓度超标,2~4层氨、甲苯和二甲苯浓度超标,1~4层苯浓度全超标,4层、4层部分点噪声强度超标;根据本项目的新风量,购物广场最多能容纳2419人。[结论]该购物广场甲醛、氨、甲苯、二甲苯的浓度以及噪声强度均有超标现象,需要进一步采取卫生防护措施。  相似文献   

安徽省农村寄宿制学校教室宿舍厕所卫生学评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 了解安徽省农村寄宿制学校卫生安全现状,探讨存在的问题及解决办法.方法 在安徽省东西南北中5个地区,分别选取全椒县、岳西县、绩溪县、濉溪县及长丰县的25所农村寄宿制中小学,对251间教室的人均面积、采光照明、课桌椅符合率以及学生宿舍和厕所等进行卫生学评价.结果 25所学校教室、宿舍及厕所多项卫生指标不合格.中小学人均教室面积合格率分别为69.0%和29.2%,环境噪声合格率为0,课桌、椅符合率分别为14.5%和14.3%,教室采光系数合格率为21.3%,宿舍人均面积合格率为6.1%,厕所蹲位合格率男女分别为48.0%和20.0%.结论 农村寄宿学校教室、宿舍和厕所的卫生安全亟待进一步改善.  相似文献   

赵瑞兰  张立敏 《职业与健康》2011,27(20):2365-2366
目的了解顺义区中小学教室卫生状况,探讨存在的问题及解决办法。方法对顺义区现有74所中小学校进行调查,每所学校抽取2间教室,共计检测148间。结果人均面积合格率为95.27%,课桌椅符合率分别为37.03%和50.81%,教室采光合格率为94.59%,课桌面及黑板面平均照度合格率为48.65%和8.11%,环境噪声合格率为85.14%,二氧化碳浓度合格率为87.16%。结论中小学校教室多项卫生学指标良好,但课桌椅符合率、教室照明问题较突出,卫生部门要进一步加强学校卫生技术指导与监督管理工作。  相似文献   

本文从室内空气质量的定义出发,探讨了当前普遍关心的室内空气质量的评价与预评价问题,阐述了进行评价工作所依据的法规和标准,分析了各种评价方法,并对开展评价与预评价所涉及的一些问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

随着人们卫生意识的增强和生活质量的提高 ,对生活饮用水的卫生要求也越来越高。学校供应学生的饮水正逐步由桶装净水取代沙滤水 ,针对饮水器供应的净水卫生状况 ,我们进行了专项调查。1 材料与方法1.1 材料 随机抽取上海市卢湾区供应桶装净水的 12所学校的饮水器。1.2 方法 每所学校抽查饮水器 1台 ,对该台饮水器冷、热水龙头做环节采样 ,并对通过冷、热水龙头的净水采样 5 0 0ml,做微生物检验。2 结果2 .1 环节采样检测情况 对饮水器冷、热水龙头做环节采样 ,送实验室 2 4份样品 ,微生物检验结果均合格。2 .2 水样检测情况 桶…  相似文献   

目的对某酒店建设项目竣工验收进行卫生学评价。方法通过现场调查、公共场所检测等,结合该酒店提供的技术资料,依据相关法律法规、标准和技术规范运用检查表法进行综合列表检查,逐项检查符合情况,对该项目进行卫生学综合评价。结果该建设项目的选址、建筑布局基本合理,公共场所卫生检测基本符合国家相关标准,集中空调通风系统的供风管系统留有安全隐患,卫生管理制度不够健全。结论该酒店部分设置不符合国家相关规定,需经整改后,使该建设项目设置、公共场所卫生检测、公共场所卫生管理符合国家相关卫生要求方可运行。  相似文献   

目的 了解广州市宾馆客房的室内空气污染状况。方法 采用SPSS12.0进行数据分析和空气质量综合指数法进行综合评价。结果 客房内物理性参数夏季大部分在合格范围内,冬季温度和相对湿度有部分超过标准;客房内的空气属于未污染,各参数实测的平均浓度均在室内空气质量标准所规定的范围之内,各参数指数在0.27-0.63,超标率较低。结论 客房应加强通风除湿,空气质量综合指数法简捷适用,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的分析空调系统对室内空气品质的影响。方法通过对某建筑物空调系统的测试,对空调机组新风量、空气调节区域的送风量、回风量、气流组织、送回风口设置情况进行分析,评价空调系统对室内空气品质的作用。结果室内温度为22.0~26.2℃、相对湿度45.5~59.2%、风速0.01~0.56 m/s、二氧化碳浓度604~878ppm,满足相关标准要求。一层指挥中心、二层会商中心换气次数为0.74、0.6次/h,低于相关标准要求。五层弧形办公室送风口风速低、回风口风量不满足要求。结论合理的气流组织及空调系统的维护管理对室内空气品质起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

Nail salons are an important business and employment sector for recent immigrants offering popular services to a diverse range of customers across the United States. However, due to the nature of nail products and services, salon air can be burdened with a mix of low levels of hazardous airborne contaminants. Surveys of nail technicians have commonly found increased work-related symptoms, such as headaches and respiratory irritation, that are consistent with indoor air quality problems. In an effort to improve indoor air quality in nail salons, the state of New York recently promulgated regulations to require increased outdoor air and “source capture” of contaminants. Existing indoor air quality in New York State salons is unknown. In advance of the full implementation of the rules by 2021, we sought to establish reliable and usable baseline indoor air quality metrics to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of the requirement. In this pilot study, we measured total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in 10 nail salons located in New York City to assess temporal and spatial trends. Within salon contaminant variation was generally minimal, indicating a well-mixed room and similar general exposure despite the task being performed. TVOC and CO2 concentrations were strongly positively correlated (ρ = 0.81; p < 0.01) suggesting that CO2 measurements could potentially be used to provide an initial determination of acceptable indoor air quality for the purposes of compliance with the standard. An almost tenfold increase in TVOC concentration was observed when the American National Standards Institute/American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ANSI/ASHRAE) target CO2 concentration of 850 ppm was exceeded compared to when this target was met.  相似文献   

Present study reports the characterization results of settled dust particles in different indoor micro-environments of an academic institution in India. Field emission scanning electron microscope analysis of indoor dust revealed the presence of mineral particles, fly ash, and soot particles of different morphologies. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis of indoor dust indicated that crystal particles are comprised of elements such as C, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Cl, K, Ca, Fe, and Ti. These elements accounted for more than 99% of the samples. The average content of O (42.7%) and C (18.9%) in the dust particles was found to be higher than their natural abundances. The concentrations of PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 were observed in the range of 88–58, 37–33, 23–29 µg/m3, respectively. Except temperature, other parameters such as volatile organic carbon, carbon dioxide concentration, and relative humidity were found to be within comfort limits of American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers.

Abbreviations: ASHRAE: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers; CO2: carbon dioxide; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; EDX: energy-dispersive X-ray; FESEM: field emission scanning electron microscope; FTIR: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; IAP: indoor air pollution; IAQ: indoor air quality; HAP: household air pollution; OAP: outdoor air pollution; PM: particulate matter; VOC: volatile organic carbon; WHO: World Health Organization  相似文献   

Summary The presence of organic solvents was investigated by means of environmental monitoring of the indoor air during one workweek in each of ten selected small screen printing plants and the houses surrounding them in the inner city of Amsterdam. In the indoor air of the screen printing plants, 14 to 17 organic solvents were identified. The concentrations of the identified organic solvents varied widely from sampling location and period. In the indoor air of the houses situated above the plants, zero to fifteen organic solvents were identified. The concentration of organic solvents in the indoor air of the houses situated above was related to the type of construction materials. The highest concentrations were found in the houses situated above moderately maintained screen printing plants with wooden floors and ceilings (n = 5). The concentration of organic solvents in the indoor air of the houses situated above well maintained screen printing plants with wooden floors and ceilings (n = 3) was much smaller, while the plants situated in concrete new buildings (n = 2) were not a source of organic solvents. The calculated effect specific exposure index (EI), assuming an additive effect and based on the effect specific limit values (ESLVs) for two critical effects [irritation mucous membranes and (pre) narcotic effects] exceeded unity in one workroom in two of the screen printing lants. The calculated EIs for the residents of the houses on the first floor, based on the same ESLVs, but adjusted to potential continuous exposure and interindividual differences in susceptibility, did not exceed unity. However, episodes of irritation of mucous membranes and (pre) narcotic effects may occur.  相似文献   

目的提高项目地区人群对室内空气污染危害的认识,改变不健康行为,减轻室内空气污染。方法选择贵州省贵定县燃煤地区为研究现场。以室内空气污染预防控制为核心信息,以农村社区和小学为干预对象,进行干预。选择其中154户居民和288名小学生以问卷调查形式评价干预效果。结果成年人中认为室内空气污染能够危害健康的人群由48.1%上升到94.8%。烟囱出屋率由38.1%上升到78.9%,使用煤火烘干辣椒的家庭由70.1%下降到9.6%。小学生室内空气污染来源知晓率由7.8%上升到94.8%,室内空气污染控制方法知晓率由66.5%上升到95.8%。结论本次干预效果明显,室内空气污染预防控制知识知晓率有明显提高,煤火烘烤辣椒等行为也有一定改变。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Good school indoor air quality (IAQ) can affect the health and functioning of school occupants. Thus, it is important to assess the degree to which schools and districts employ strategies to ensure good IAQ management. We examined and compared the patterns of IAQ management strategies between public elementary schools and their school districts in New York State. METHODS: District‐level information obtained from surveys of district facilities managers in 326 districts was described and stratified by district size and socioeconomic status. School‐level information obtained from surveys of head custodians in 770 elementary schools was then compared with the district‐level information in 241 districts. RESULTS: About 47% of participating school districts reported having a district‐wide IAQ program, with a large range in the prevalence of specific IAQ management strategies. Airing out newly painted areas was the most commonly reported (92%) and having a classroom animal policy was the least commonly reported (29%). Larger districts and districts with a district‐wide IAQ program were more likely to report certain IAQ strategies than other districts. Elementary schools and their districts were most likely to report airing out newly painted areas (76%). The most common area of disagreement was construction after hours (50%). The top strategy not reported at either level was having an IAQ coordinator (53%). CONCLUSIONS: Many school districts lack key IAQ management strategies, and differences exist between district‐level policy and school‐level practice. Districts and schools should work together to formalize and expand existing IAQ policies and inform stakeholders about these strategies.  相似文献   

上海地铁某号线地下车站室内空气品质分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的] 了解上海市地铁某号线地下车站的室内空气状况。[方法] 对某号线每个地下车站的站台、站厅公共区域及室外对照点进行采样检测。[结果] 除温度、风速存在超标现象外, 噪声、CO、CO2、PM10、细菌总数均符合《公共交通等候室卫生标准》的要求。[结论] 上海地铁某号线地下车站室内环境质量良好, 新风对于确保室内环境有重要的意义。  相似文献   

目的 了解河北省唐山市某港口工业区部分投产期间的大气污染状况,为进行连续性环境监测和环境科学研究提供基础资料.方法 采用功能分区布点,在工业区内的钢铁厂、电厂、原油码头、矿石码头、煤炭码头和对照区采集大气样品,测定SO2、NO2、CO、O3总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)和可吸入颗粒物(PM10)等指标,计算各采样点大气质量综合指数.结果 各采样点以及整个工业区空气中各种污染物浓度均未超标;与对照区(0.193 mg/m3)比较,煤炭码头区TSP浓度(0.416 mg/m3)较高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);钢铁厂、电厂、原油码头、矿石码头、煤炭码头污染区的大气质量综合指数分别为0.486、0.451、0.350、0.314、0.475,空气质量分级均为Ⅰ级,空气质量清洁.结论 某港口工业区空气质量分级为Ⅰ级,大气质量状况为清洁.  相似文献   

Twenty nine organic air pollutants including carbonyl compounds, alkanes, aromatic hydrocarbons and terpenes were measured in the indoor environment of different houses together with the corresponding outdoor measurements in Puertollano, the most industrialized city in central Iberian Peninsula. VOCs were sampled during 8 weeks using Radiello® passive samplers, and a questionnaire on potential VOCs sources was filled out by the occupants. The results show that formaldehyde and hexanal was the most abundant VOCs measured in indoor air, with a median concentration of 55.5 and 46.4 μg m−3, respectively followed by butanal (29.1 μg m−3), acetone (28.4 μg m−3) and acetaldehyde (21.4 μg m−3). After carbonyls, n-dodecane (13.1 μg m−3) and terpenes (α-pinene, 13.4 μg m−3 and limonene, 13.4 μg m−3) were the compounds with higher median concentrations. The indoor/outdoor (I/O) ratios demonstrated that sources in the indoor environment are prevailing for most of the investigated VOCs especially for limonene, α-pinene, hexanal, formaldehyde, pentanal, acetaldehyde, o-xylene, n-dodecane and acetone with I/O ratio >6. Multiple linear regressions were applied to investigate the indoor VOC determinants and Spearman correlation coefficients were used to establish common sources between VOCs. Finally, the lifetime cancer risk associated to formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and benzene exposure was estimated and they varied from 7.8 × 10−5 to 4.1 × 10−4 for formaldehyde, from 8.6 × 10−6 to 3.5 × 10−5 for acetaldehyde and from 2.0 × 10−6 to 1.5 × 10−5 for benzene. For formaldehyde, the attributed risk in most sampled homes was two orders of magnitude higher than the one (10−6) proposed as acceptable by risk management bodies.  相似文献   

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