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Thirty-seven lymphocytotoxic antisera, 27 of which were raised by immunization with skin grafts and blood from partially matched donors, were tested against cells obtained from 218 unrelated animals and 205 offspring from a colony of cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis). Evidence was obtained for the presence of at least 21 specificities defined by cluster analysis and segregation within families. Allelic relationships between 16 specificities was suggested by segregation patterns, the absence of triplets and statistical analysis of association in the unrelated population sample. The data support a two-locus model, with tentative assignment of seven specificities to the A locus and six to the B locus. That these lymphocyte alloantigens constitute the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) of the cynomolgus monkey is suggested by analogy with other known MHCs and by the increased survival times of skin grafts between paternally matched half sibs compared to haplodistinct full sibs.  相似文献   

This paper contains results of a study on HLA-DR antigens in Chinese-American families. DR2, DR4, DRw9, and DRw6Y were the most common DR specificities encountered, and DR1 occurred with the lowest frequency. All recognized DR antigens were observed. The frequency of a blank allele was 6.4–12.8%. Weak serologic reactions with sera primarily of Caucasian origin were not infrequently observed. These findings suggested that ethnic-related antigens were present in this population. Two families showed segregation of a new serologic pattern based on polyspecific sera. The gene frequencies of the BfF allele and the GLO1 allele were low as compared to Caucasians. A method is described for improving the yield of viable B cells from frozen B-lymphocyte preparations.  相似文献   

The specificity of 70 monoclonal anti-Ia monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) (18 mouse allo-induced and 52 rodent anti-human) was studied with a panel of 17 HLA-deletion mutants that were derived from a single parent line and vary in expression of Ia antigens due to deletion of different subregions of HLA. MoAb binding was analyzed both by ELISA and flow microfluorometry. Characterization of the MoAbs with respect to specificity for products of subregions of a DR1-DC1-SB2 haplotype revealed great complexity. Many antibodies were quite specific for DR-linked determinants (26 MoAbs), DC-linked determinants (5 MoAbs), or determinants indistinguishable from SB (4 MoAbs). However, many MoAbs bound to products of more than one subregion: DR + SB (± weak DC) (22 MoAbs); Dr + DC (3 MoAbs); or DR + DC + SB (1 MoAb). Furthermore, a number of the MoAbs bound unequally to products of the two HLA haplotypes analyzed, particularly among those recognizing DC1-linked determinants and the murine alloinduced MoAbs. Finally, despite strong structural homologies of murine I-A to human DC and murine I-E to human DR, the intraspecies cross-reactions of MoAbs do not closely follow that pattern. These data: (1) illustrate the usefulness of HLA-deletion mutant cell lines for analysis of the specificity of MoAbs and for delineation of HLA subregions; (2) demonstrate the great diversity of MoAbs specific for class II molecules and the high frequency of MoAbs that bind to products of more than one Ia subregion, particularly DR and SB. In view of such complexity, many (perhaps most) MoAbs cannot be relied on to unambiguously identify products of a particular Ia subregion, without extensive characterization.  相似文献   

Uninfected, as well as feline leukemia virus (FeLV) infected human cells cultured under high cell density conditions undergo changes in the expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigens, as determined by indirect trace binding radio immunoassay (RIA) using monoclonal anti-HLA antibodies and by decreased sensitivity to complement mediated cytotoxicity by anti-HLA alloantibodies. FeLV particles produced by the viral infected cells are also sensitive to neutralization by anti-HLA antibodies, suggesting that enveloped viral particles incorporated MHC antigens in the viral envelope. The amount of HLA antigens expressed in the viral enveloped, closely reflects the expression of HLA antigens by the virus-producer lymphoid cells. FeLV-infected HsB-2 (T) and SB (B) lymphoid cells cultured under high cell concentration condition show decreased expression of some HLA antigens (A2, B12, B17), and the viral particles produced by those cells also incorporate lower amounts of such antigens. Our results, based on the findings that human lymphoid cells (uninfected, as well as FeLV infected) show decreased expression of some HLA membrane determinants when growth under high cell density conditions, indicate that no viral selective mechanism operates in the incorporation of HLA determinants by enveloped viruses. Instead, our results suggest that viruses pick up MHC antigens from the host cell membrane according to the concentration of those antigens on the surface of the cells at the time of virus budding.  相似文献   

Splenocytes from B10 congenic mice of the k, p, d, and r haplotypes were radiolabeled with 3H- or 14C-arginine, lysine, leucine and tyrosine. The E/C sub-region products were precipitated from NP40 lysates with specific alloantisera and the la α and β sub-units of each of the above four haplotypes were isolated by gel electrophoresis. Molecules to be compared, one 3H-labeled and the other 14C-labeled, were mixed, digested with trypsin, and the acid soluble peptides analyzed by ion-exchange chromatography. The results indicate that the α sub-units of p, d and r are approximately 90% homologous to k. In contrast, β polypeptides of the above three haplotypes have only about 50% coincidence of peptides with the k allelic product. This degree of structural variation suggests that the β sub-unit of the E/C product is encoded by the major histocompatibility complex.  相似文献   

Changes in the expression of HLA and β2-microglobulin (β2-m) antigens by cultured human lymphoid cell lines were investigated. HLA expression was assayed by indirect trace binding radioimmunoassay (RIA) with monoclonal antibodies and by determining sensitivity to completement-dependent lysis by alloanitsera. Lymphoid cells in culture were found to undergo changes in the expression of HLA and β2-m antigens characterized by decreased membrane expression of these antigens at high cell densities or after a prolonged period of cultivation. The decreased expression of HLA and β2-m antigens apparently is due neither to a masking phenomenon nor to a lack of nutrients or an accumulation of metabolites in the culture media but is perhaps mediated by a cell-to-cell contact mechanism. Human interferon was found to enhance the expression of HLA and β2-m, apparently overriding the effects on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) expression induced by cell density.  相似文献   

We have utilized cloned T cell reagents and ionizing radiation-induced mutants of an HLA heterozygous lymphoblastoid cell line (LCL) to investigate the determinants detected by the cell-mediated lympholysis (CML) assay. Cells of an LCL clone, 721.501, an HLA haplotype loss mutant expressing the HLA-A2-Cw1-Bw51-DR1-Dw1-DQw1-DPw2-GLO haplotype were used as sensitizing cells for responder cells in vitro. "Cloned" reagents were generated by single-cell deposition of cells of a bulk reagent primed against 721.501 cells. Those clones were screened for cytolytic activity against HLA loss mutant targets (derived from LCL 721) of four different categories; HLA-A2 loss only, A2-Cw1-Bw51 loss, A2-Cw1-Bw51-DR1-DQw1 loss, and the entire HLA haplotype loss. Of 196 clones tested, 36 were cytolytic, including three anti-A2, five anti-Bw51/Cw1, 12 anti-DR1/DQw1, 13 anti-DP region associated with DPw2, and three of undetermined specificity, based on cytolytic patterns against the HLA loss mutant targets. Of 25 anti-HLA class II lytic clones, 23 (92%) fitted the characteristics of helper cell-independent cytolytic T cells (HITc), whereas only two of eight (25%) anti-class I clones were HITc. The 13 anti-DP region clones were divided into three subgroups defined by blocking by anti-FA and not Tü39 monoclonal antibodies (MoAb), by Tü39 and not anti-FA, and by both MoAbs.  相似文献   

Cell membrane proteins encoded for by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)1 are associated with the antigenic determinant(s) recognized on trinitrophenyl (TNP)-modified cells by syngeneic murine cytotoxic T lymphocytes and by hapten-reactive guinea pig T cells. To investigate the relationship of the TNP moiety on TNP-modified cells to these major histocompatibility antigens, peritoneal exudate cells or splenocytes from two inbred guinea pig strains and one inbred murine strain were TNP-modified, radioiodinated and lysed in detergent. TNP-derivatized proteins were then isolated using an anti-TNP immunoabsorbent, and the presence on TNP-derivatized histocompatibility antigens in the eluted proteins was determined by immunoprecipitation experiments and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis. Whereas most of the various histocompatibility antigens examined were found to be TNP-derivatized in amounts proportional to the degree of membrane protein derivation as a whole, only small amounts of TNP-modified strain 2 guinea pig Ia antigens were found, and no hapten-modified strain 13 guinea pig Ia antigens were detected. It is concluded that, in contrast to most MHC gene products, strain 13 Ia antigens are not derivatized on TNP-modified cells and, thus, represent an important exception demonstrating that histocompatibility antigens need not be directly TNP-derivatized for T cell recognition and activation.  相似文献   

DR antigens on melanoma cells: analysis with monoclonal antibodies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Two monoclonal antibodies (691-13-17 and 37-7) can precipitate DR antigens from radioiodinated, detergent solubilized melanoma cells. However, after complete depletion of lysates with one antibody (691-13-17) alpha-like chains can be still be precipitated from some melanoma cells by the other antibody (37-7). Antibody 37-7 also precipitates an additional distinct antigen from SK-MEL 37 but not from any five other melanoma cell lines.  相似文献   

The production and serologic, as well as immunochemical properties of a cytotoxic murine IgG monoclonal antibody (Tü109) that precipitates HLA-class I molecules, are described. In the microcytotoxicity assay Tü109 supernatant was demonstrated on a panel of 424 HLA-ABC, -DR, -DQ, -MT typed normal Caucasian blood donors to define an epitope on HLA-B locus molecules in great association with the supertypic specificity Bw4. Reactivity of supernatant showed MHC linked inheritance of the Tü109 determinant and discriminated the HLA-Bw4/Bw6 associated HLA-B locus split antigens. Weak or lack of binding on lymphocytes from some HLA-Bw4 heterozygous individuals, particularly typing for HLA-Bw44, appeared to be due to qualitative and/or quantitative variations of HLA-B locus molecules on the cell surface. With Tü109 ascites fluid, however, extra-reactivity on all HLA-Bw6+ cells was demonstrated. Preferential binding of supernatant to HLA-Bw4, but reactivity of ascites fluid with HLA-Bw6+ molecules in addition, was furthermore confirmed by IEF analysis of antigens immunoprecipitated with Tü109 from cell lysates. Thus the antibody may help to analyze the evolutionary relationship of the diallelic specificities Bw4 and Bw6.  相似文献   

A receptor, specific for the Fc portion of IgG, was purified from several lymphoblastoid cell lines using immunoadsorbents prepared from either immobilized antigen-antibody or heat aggregated immunoglobulin columns. Biochemical analysis revealed that the receptor is a multimeric glycoprotein with a subunit polypeptide mass of 46,000 daltons, held together by disulfide bonds. Integrity of these disulfide bonds is essential for successful binding of the receptor complexes to the Fc portion of complexed Ig. The association of receptor with immunoglobulin, once formed, was found to be highly stable even in the presence of low pH or high concentrations of chaotropic agents. The receptor, present on the surface of several human lymphoblastoid cell lines, was found to represent as much as 4–5% of the total cytoplasmic membrane proteins. The receptor showed no affinity to staphylococcal Protein A, but did bind to Protein A-immunoglobulin complexes, indicating separate binding sites for these proteins on the Fc portion of IgG. The purified receptor was found to be insoluble in aqueous buffers after detergent removal. Nevertheless, in functional assays, the precipitated receptor was able to agglutinate sheep erythrocytes sensitized with rabbit anti-SRBC IgG, but not unsensitized SRBC or SRBC sensitized with IgM. Antiserum against the receptor was found to react with a specific subclass of normal human or mouse peripheral blood lymphocyte, and with all Fc receptor positive but not with Fc receptor negative cell lines tested.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody, MHM.5, specific for HLA class I antigens, bound to lymphocytes of all donors tested and was thought to bind to a monomorphic determinant. When the antibody was used to precipitate 35S methionine labeled HLA class I molecules from lymphoid cells, which were then isoelectric focused, it was found that the HLA-A1,A2 and A3 antigens were not precipitated. Similarly, MHM.5, which is IgG1, failed to block complement mediated lysis by alloantisera specific for HLA-A1, 2 and 3, and most other HLA-A antigens. HLA-Aw24, A25, and A32, and all other HLA-B and C typing reactions tested were blocked. Thus the antibody binds to an epitope that is lacking on most A antigens, but present on Aw24, A25, A32 and all B and C locus antigens. Comparison of the published amino acid sequences of HLA-A2, A3, Aw24, A28, Cw3, B7, and B40 suggests some possible sites for this epitope.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody that binds specifically to HLA-B27, B7, and B22 is described. Binding to B27 appeared to be slightly stronger than to B7 and stronger than to B22 in an indirect binding assay, but no difference in B7 and B27 binding could be detected by Scatchard analysis. No distinction could be made between B27 on cells from normal and from ankylosing spondylitis patients in any assay system. The antibody, which was not cytotoxic, blocked complement-dependent cytolysis mediated by human HLA typing sera specific for B7 and B27. Competitive binding studies with other monoclonal antibodies showed that ME1 could block the binding of antibodies that recognized different antigenic sites on HLA. ME1 did not bind to Klebsiella pneumoniae. This reagent will be useful in further analysis of the relationship between B27 and ankylosing spondylitis.  相似文献   

A method for isolation of mast cells from murine peritoneal cell suspensions is described. Mast cells are isolated by velocity sedimentation at unit gravity on a linear gradient (generated in a discontinuous step fashion) of colloidal silica particles coated with polyvinyl pyrrolidone (Percoll) in Fischer's medium supplemented with 2% fetal bovine serum. The overall recovery of the peritoneal cells layered on the gradient is 90–95%, while the yield of mast cells is 77% with an average purity of 95%.  相似文献   

Fractionation of lactoperoxidase iodinated cell surface material on miniature DEAE-cellulose columns provided a rapid method for separating labeled lipid from cell surface antigens. The procedure also removed poorly solubilized aggregates yielding a labeled preparation which demonstrated stable, reproducible immunoprecipitation results. Using these fractionated antigens components tentatively designated as human 'T' cell specific antigens have been identified.  相似文献   

HLA antigens associated with susceptibility/resistance to HIV-1 infection   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We studied the distribution of HLA-A, B, C, DR and DQ antigens in a cohort of HIV-1+ individuals and their heterosexual HIV seropositive (concordant) or seronegative (discordant) partners of Black non-Hispanic, Hispanic or Caucasian non-Hispanic ethnicity. The prevalence of DQ7 and Cw7 was significantly higher in the HIV-1+ compared to seronegative Black and Hispanic individuals, respectively. The frequency of DQ4 was significantly elevated in the Black seronegatives, whereas B53 was increased in the Hispanic seronegatives in comparison to the seropositives. No significant differences were observed between the Caucasian HIV infected and non-infected individuals. Analysis of the primary concordant HIV+ and discordant HIV+ individuals showed a marked increase in the prevalence of B44 in the Hispanic discordant seropositives, whereas the Caucasian primary concordants had a marked increase in the prevalence of A26. The prevalence of DQ7 and Cw7 was significantly increased in the Black and Hispanic secondary concordant seropositives, respectively in comparison to the seronegatives. The proportion of couples with matching HLA antigens was similar among the HIV-1+ concordant and discordant groups. These results provide additional evidence that HLA polymorphism may confer a genetic risk or protection for HIV-1 infection in individuals of various ethnic backgrounds.  相似文献   

Normal human cells express a human-specific antigen, HuLy-m5 (defined by the E4.3 monoclonal antibody), cross-reactive with determinants of the primate retroviruses, MPMV(Mason Pfizer monkey virus) and GALV (gibbon ape leukemia virus). Purified virus preparations of MPMV and GALV absorbed E4.3 antibody activity while antisera to these retroviruses blocked the binding of E4.3 antibody to human target cells. Sequential immunoprecipitation and two-dimensional gel analysis both indicated that the anti-primate retrovirus sera recognize the same molecular entity (a two-chain glycoprotein of Mr60 and 69Kd) as does the E4.3 antibody. These results suggest that normal human cells express primate retroviral proteins (most probably viral envelope glycoprotein, gp69) at the cell surface.  相似文献   

LMP2 is a subunit of the 20S proteasome within the cellular cytosolic compartment that is thought to cleave proteins into approximately 9 amino acid long oligopeptides. It is hypothesized that changes in the low molecular mass protease (LMP) gene sequence may alter the activity or specificity in which the LMP genes cleave peptides. Currently, the typing method for LMP2 involves polymerase chain reaction (PCR), restriction enzyme digestion, and gel electrophoresis. To help reduce the cost and cumbersomeness of this method, a new typing method was adapted for the LMP2 gene. To establish this new amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS) typing method, primers have been defined, amplification conditions optimized, and control cell lines sequenced to validate testing parameters. Results are listed for selected 10th and 11th International Histocompatibility Workshop homozygous cell lines.  相似文献   

The structural characteristics of antigens recognized by a panel of monoclonal antibodies prepared against a rabbit T-lymphocyte cell line have been investigated. Those antigens which could be isolated using immunoadsorbents prepared from the monoclonal antibodies had mol. wts of 42,000, 90,000 and 120,000. The 42,000 mol. wt molecule is similar or identical to a rabbit class I major histocompatibility complex antigen and its characterization has been reported elsewhere. Three different 90,000 mol. wt proteins can be distinguished by their reactivity with lectins and by sequential immunoprecipitation. The 120,000 mol. wt protein is a very abundant surface glycoprotein that appears to be a specific marker for T-cells in the rabbit. It is the immunodominant antigen in a lentil lectin bound glycoprotein pool. Over half of the antibodies were directed against this antigen. All antigens detected by the panel of monoclonal antibodies have been detected on normal lymphoid cells.  相似文献   

The fixation of plasma vesicles at the surface of intact mouse spleen or tumor cells was studied in order to introduce the foreign alloantigens of the vesicles into the plasma membrane of these cells. A 3–6-fold increase of fixation of radioiodinated vesicles was obtained when cells and vesicles were incubated in the presence of polyethylene glycol 1500 (PEG 1500). The fixation of vesicles on the surface of cells was demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy. Cells treated with vesicles in the presence of PEG acquired the corresponding membrane alloantigens, as demonstrated by cellular binding radioimmunoassay. However, sensitivity to antibody-dependent lysis was obtained only when vesicle fixation was achieved in the presence of both wheat germ agglutinin and polyethylene glycol. The introduction of foreign alloantigens in the plasma membrane of the treated cells might help to define the functional properties of these molecules.  相似文献   

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