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The concept of the alkaline activity of powdered materials introduced into cement compositions has been proposed, along with methods for its determination. The possibility of using waste glass as an active additive to Portland cement was evaluated from the standpoint of alkaline activity. Replacing the Portland cement component with glass waste in the form of glass powder at amounts from 1 to 35% made it possible to maintain the cement composition’s alkaline activity at a level that met the standard requirements. The previously unknown effects of mixed alkali in Portland cement in the presence of glass waste are described. Portland cement has a high potassium alkaline activity; however, container glass has a high sodium alkaline activity and a fairly low potassium alkaline activity. When glass waste is introduced into the structure of cement compositions, potassium alkaline activity is reduced.  相似文献   

This paper presents the scientific problem of the biological corrosion of Portland cements and its effects on the phase composition of cement pastes after the corrosion process in the environment of reactive media from the agricultural industry. Seven Portland cements produced from different cement plants exposed to pig slurry and water as a reference medium for a period of six weeks were tested. After the exposure process in both of the above-mentioned reaction environments, the hydrating cement pastes were characterized in terms of their phase composition using the XRD method and were also subjected to morphological observations and a chemical composition analysis with the application of SEM and EDS methods. The results of these studies indicate the presence of a biological corrosion product in the form of taumasite [C3S·CO2·SO3·15H2O], which is a phase formed as a result of the reaction of dead matter (cement paste) with living matter, caused by the presence of bacteria in pig slurry. In addition to taumasite, the tested samples also showed the presence of the hydration product of Portland cements named portlandite (Ca(OH)2). Moreover, unreacted phases of cement clinker, i.e., dicalcium silicate (C2S) and tricalcium aluminate (C3A), were detected. Based on microscopic observations and analyses of the chemical composition of selected areas of the samples, the presence of the taumasite phase and compact areas of pseudo-crystalline C-S-H phases with different morphological structures, derived from the hydration products of cements doped with ions originating from the corrosive environment, were confirmed.  相似文献   

Artificial cemented sand test samples were prepared by using ordinary Portland cement (OPC) as the cementing agent. Through uniaxial compression tests and consolidated drained triaxial compression tests, the stress-strain curves of the artificial cemented sand with different cementing agent contents (0.01, 0.03, 0.05 and 0.08) under various confining pressures (0.00 MPa, 0.25 MPa, 0.50 MPa and 1.00 MPa) were obtained. Based on the test results, the effect of the cementing agent content (Cv) on the physical and mechanical properties of the artificial cemented sand were analyzed and the Mohr-Coulomb strength theory was modified by using Cv. The research reveals that when Cv is high (e.g., Cv = 0.03, 0.05 or 0.08), the stress-strain curves of the samples indicate a strain softening behavior; under the same confining pressure, as Cv increases, both the peak strength and residual strength of the samples show a significant increase. When Cv is low (e.g., Cv = 0.01), the stress-strain curves of the samples indicate strain hardening behavior. From the test data, a function of Cv (the cementing agent content) with c′ (the cohesion force of the sample) and Δϕ′ (the increment of the angle of shearing resistance) is obtained. Furthermore, through modification of the Mohr-Coulomb strength theory, the effect of cementing agent content on the strength of the cemented sand is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Pore structure and composition of cement paste are the main two factors in controlling the sulfate attack on concrete, but the influence of carbonization on pore structure and composition is often ignored in sulfate attack. Therefore, will the damage performance of concrete partially exposed to sulfate solution be different avoiding the alterations of pore structure and composition due to carbonation? In this paper, the cement pastes were partially immersed in 5 wt. % sodium sulfate solution, with N2 as protective gas to avoid carbonation (20 ± 1°C, RH 65 ± 5%). Pore structures of cements were changed by introducing different contents of limestone powders (0 wt. %, 10 wt. %, 20 wt. %, and 30 wt. %) into cement pastes. The damage performance of the specimens was studied by 1H NMR, XRD and SEM. The results showed that the immersion zone of pure cement paste under N2 atmosphere remained intact while serious damage occurred in the evaporation zone. However, the damage of cement + limestone powders pastes appeared in the immersion zone rather than in the evaporation zone and cement pastes containing more limestone were more severely damaged. Compositional analysis suggested that the damage of the evaporation zone or the immersion zone was solely caused by chemical attack where substantial amount of gypsums and ettringites were filled in the pore volumes. Introduction of limestone powders led to the increase of the pore sizes and porosity of cement pastes, causing the damage occurred in the immersion zone not in the evaporation zone.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of research into the heat of hydration and activation energy of calcium sulphoaluminate (CSA) cement in terms of the dependence on curing temperature and water/cement ratio. Cement pastes with water/cement ratios in the range of 0.3–0.6 were tested by isothermal calorimetry at 20 °C, 35 °C and 50 °C, with the evolved hydration heat and its rate monitored for 168 h from mixing water with cement. Reference pastes with ordinary Portland cement (OPC) were also tested in the same range. The apparent activation energy of CSA and OPC was determined based on the results of the measurements. CSA pastes exhibited complex thermal behaviour that differed significantly from the thermal behaviour of ordinary Portland cement. The results show that both the w/c ratio and elevated temperature have a meaningful effect on the heat emission and the hydration process of CSA cement pastes. The determined apparent activation energy of CSA revealed its substantial variability and dependence, both on the w/c ratio and the curing temperature.  相似文献   

The ornamental stone industry generates large amounts of waste thus creating environmental and human health hazards. Thus, pastes with 0–30 wt.% ornamental stone waste (OSW) incorporated into ordinary Portland cement (OPC) were produced and their rheological properties, hydration kinetics, and mechanical properties were evaluated. The CO2 equivalent emissions related to the pastes production were estimated for each composition. The results showed that the paste with 10 wt.% of OSW exhibited similar yield stress compared to the plain OPC paste, while pastes with 20 and 30 wt.% displayed reduced yield stresses up to 15%. OSW slightly enhanced the hydration kinetics compared to plain OPC, increasing the main heat flow peak and 90-h cumulative heat values. The incorporation of OSW reduced the 1-, 3-, and 28-days compressive strength of the pastes. Water absorption results agreed with the 28 days compressive strength results, indicating that OSW increased the volume of permeable voids. Finally, OSW incorporation progressively reduced the CO2 emission per m3 of OPC paste, reaching a 31% reduction for the highest 30 wt.% OSW content. Overall, incorporating up to 10 wt.% with OSW led to pastes with comparable fresh and hardened properties as comported to plain OPC paste.  相似文献   

Carbon steel B450C and low-chromium stainless steel SS430 were exposed for 30 days to supersulfated “SS1” cement extract solution, considered as a “green” alternative for partial replacement of the Portland cement clinker. The initial pH of 12.38 dropped since the first day to 7.84, accompanied by a displacement to more negative values of the free corrosion potential (OCP) of the carbon steel up to ≈−480.74 mV, giving the formation of γ-FeOOH, α-FeOOH and Fe2O3, as suggested by XRD and XPS analysis. In the meantime, the OCP of the SS430 tended towards more positive values (+182.50 mV), although at lower pH, and XPS analysis revealed the presence of Cr(OH)3 and FeO as corrosion products, as well the crystals of CaCO3, NaCl and KCl. On both surfaces, a localized corrosion attack was observed in the vicinity of local cathodes (Cu, Mn-carbides, Cr-nitrides, among others), influenced by the presence of Cl ions in the “SS1” extract solution, originating from the pumice. Two equivalent circuits were proposed for the quantitative analysis of EIS Nyquist and Bode diagrams, whose data were correlated with the OCP values and pH change in time of the “SS1” extract solution. The thickness of the corrosion layer formed on the SS430 surface was ≈0.8 nm, while that on the B450C layer was ≈0.3 nm.  相似文献   

Sulfate attack in concrete structures significantly reduces their durability. This article reports the experimental findings on the effects of sodium sulfate on limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) in an alternate wet and dry media. The samples underwent wet–dry conditions of 28 cycles. Two types of LC3 were studied, one made from clay (LC3-CL) and the other made from fired rejected clay bricks (LC3-FR). The composition of each LC3 blend by weight was 50% clinker, 30% calcined clay, 15% limestone, and 5% gypsum. The reference compressive strength was evaluated at 2, 7, and 28 days of age. Then, ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and LC3-CL blends were subjected to alternate wet–dry cycle tests, immersion in a 5% sodium sulfate solution, or in water. For all exposed samples, sorptivity tests and compressive strength were done. The results showed that LC3 blends met the requirements for KS-EAS 18-1:2017 standard, which specifies the composition and conformity criteria for common cements in Kenya. The LC3 blend also had a lower rate of initial absorption compared to OPC. Additionally, LC3 blend also showed good resistance to sodium sulfate when exposed to alternating wetting and drying environment. OPC showed higher compressive strength than LC3 blends for testing ages of 2, 7, and 28 days. However, the LC3 samples utilized in the sodium sulfate attack experiment, which were later tested after 84 days, exhibited higher compressive strengths than OPC tested after the same period.  相似文献   

The huge amount of solid waste from the brick manufacturing industry can be used as a cement replacement. However, replacement exceeding 10% causes a reduction in strength due to the slowing of the pozzolanic reaction. Therefore, in this study, the pozzolanic potential of brick waste is enhanced using ultrafine brick powder with hydrated lime (HL). A total of six self-compacting paste mixes were studied. HL 2.5% by weight of binder was added in two formulations: 10% and 20% of waste burnt brick powder (WBBP), to activate the pozzolanic reaction. An increase in the water demand and setting time was observed by increasing the replacement percentage of WBBP. It was found that the mechanical properties of mixes containing 5% and 10% WBBP performed better than the control mix, while the mechanical properties of the mixes containing 20% WBBP were found to be almost equal to the control mix at 90 days. The addition of HL enhanced the early-age strength. Furthermore, WBBP formulations endorsed improvements in both durability and rheological properties, complemented by reduced early-age shrinkage. Overall, it was found that brick waste in ultrafine size has a very high degree of pozzolanic potential and can be effectively utilized as a supplementary cementitious material.  相似文献   

Concrete sulfate attack is of great interest as it represents one of the main reasons of concrete deterioration and poor durability for concrete structures. In this research, the effect of different cement types on concrete sulfate resistance was investigated. This included three concrete classes, namely, low strength concrete, medium strength concrete, and high strength concrete. Blast furnace cement (BFC), sulfate resisting Portland cement (CEM I-SR5), and ordinary Portland cement (OPC) were used in a total of eighteen concrete mixes. Three binder contents of 250 kg/m3, 350 kg/m3, and 450 kg/m3 and a constant silica fume (SF) content were applied in this experimental study. The water/binder (w/b) ratio was varied between 0.4 and 0.8. Concrete specimens were immersed in highly severe effective sodium sulfate solutions (10,000 ppm) for 180 days after standard curing for 28 days. The fresh concrete performance was evaluated through a slump test to attain proper workability. Concrete compressive strength and mass change at 28 days and 180 days were measured before and after immersion in the solution to evaluate the long-term effect of sulfate attack on the proposed concrete durability. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis was conducted to study the concrete microstructure and its deterioration stages. The obtained results revealed that BFC cement has the best resistance to aggressive sulfate attacks. The strength deterioration of BFC cement was 3.5% with w/b of 0.4 and it increased to about 7.8% when increasing the w/b ratio to 0.6, which are comparable to other types of cement used. The findings of this research confirmed that the quality of concrete, specifically its composition of low permeability, is the best and recommended protection against sulfate attack.  相似文献   

The advanced tendencies in building materials development are related to the design of cement composites with a reduced amount of Portland cement, contributing to reduced CO2 emissions, sustainable development of used non-renewal raw materials, and decreased energy consumption. This work deals with water cured for 28 and 120 days cement composites: Sample A—reference (white Portland cement + sand + water); Sample B—white Portland cement + marble powder + water; and Sample C white Portland cement + marble powder + polycarboxylate-based water reducer + water. By powder X-ray diffraction and FTIR spectroscopy, the redistribution of CO32−, SO42−, SiO44−, AlO45−, and OH (as O-H bond in structural OH anions and O-H bond belonging to crystal bonded water molecules) from raw minerals to newly formed minerals have been studied, and the scheme of samples hydration has been defined. By thermal analysis, the ranges of the sample’s decomposition mechanisms were distinct: dehydration, dehydroxylation, decarbonation, and desulphuration. Using mass spectroscopic analysis of evolving gases during thermal analysis, the reaction mechanism of samples thermal decomposition has been determined. These results have both practical (architecture and construction) and fundamental (study of archaeological artifacts as ancient mortars) applications.  相似文献   

The assessment of the extent of carbonation and related phase changes is important for the evaluation of the durability aspects of concrete. The phase assemblage of Portland cements with different clinker compositions is evaluated using thermodynamic calculations. Four different compositions of cements, as specified by ASTM cements types I to IV, are considered in this study. Calcite, zeolites, and gypsum were identified as carbonation products. CO2 content required for full carbonation had a direct relationship with the initial volume of phases. The CO2 required for portlandite determined the initiation of carbonation of C-S-H. A continual decrease in the pH of pore solution and a decrease in Ca/Si is observed with the carbonation of C-S-H. Type II cement exhibited rapid carbonation at relatively less CO2for full carbonation, while type III required more CO2 to carbonate to the same level as other types of cement. The modeling of carbonation of different Portland cements provided insights into the quantity of CO2 required to destabilize different hydrated products into respective carbonated phases.  相似文献   

The study of the effect of cement type on the action of an admixture increasing the volume of concrete (containing aluminum powder), used in amounts of 0.5–1.5% of cement mass, was presented. The tests were carried out on cement mortars with Portland (CEM I) and ground granulated blast-furnace slag cement (CEM III). The following tests were carried out for the tested mortars: the air content in fresh mortars, compressive strength, flexural strength, increase in mortar volume, bulk density, pore structure evaluation (by the computer image analysis method) and changes in the concentration of OH ions during the hydration of used cements. Differences in the action of the tested admixture depending on the cement used were found. To induce the expansion of CEM III mortars, a smaller amount of admixture is required than in the case of CEM I cement. Using the admixture in amounts above 1% of the cement mass causes cracks of mortars with CEM III cement due to slow hydrogen evolution, which occurs after mortar plasticity is lost. The use of an aluminum-containing admixture reduces the strength properties of the cement mortars, the effect being stronger in the case of CEM III cement. The influence of the sample molding time on the admixture action was also found.  相似文献   

Chemical shrinkage (CS) is the reason behind early age cracking, a common problem for concrete with low water to cement ratios (w/c < 0.35) known as Ultra-High- and High-Performance Concrete (U-HPC). However, to avoid the crack development initiated by autogenous shrinkage, a precise measurement of CS is required, as the values obtained can determine the correct amount of internal curing agent to be added in the mixture to avoid crack formation. ASTM C1608 is the standardized method for performing CS tests. In this study, recommendations are provided to improve the reliability of results obtained with this standard method, such as good compaction of samples and the use of superplasticizer (SP) for low w/c ratios (≤0.2). Cement pastes with CEM I and CEM III have been tested at different w/c ratios equal to 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 with and without the addition of superplasticizer. CS results following ASTM-C1608 dilatometry showed that the presence of mineral additions such as silica fume and filler reduced the chemical shrinkage, while CS increased with increasing w/c. Low w/c ratio pastes of CEM III had slightly higher CS rates than CEM I, while the opposite was noticed at higher w/c. SEM images illustrated the importance of a careful compaction and SP use.  相似文献   

The present study concerns a development of calcium aluminate cement (CAC) concrete to enhance the durability against an externally chemically aggressive environment, in particular, chloride-induced corrosion. To evaluate the inhibition effect and concrete properties, CAC was partially mixed with ordinary Portland cement (OPC), ranging from 5% to 15%, as a binder. As a result, it was found that an increase in the CAC in binder resulted in a dramatic decrease in the setting time of fresh concrete. However, the compressive strength was lower, ranging about 20 MPa, while OPC indicated about 30–35 MPa at an equivalent age. When it comes to chloride transport, there was only marginal variation in the diffusivity of chloride ions. The corrosion resistance of CAC mixture was significantly enhanced: its chloride threshold level for corrosion initiation exceeded 3.0% by weight of binder, whilst OPC and CAC concrete indicated about 0.5%–1.0%.  相似文献   

Moisture distribution in cement-based materials is important from the durability point of view. In the present study, a portable three-magnet array with an elliptical surface radio frequency coil was used to undertake magnetic resonance measurements of moisture content in ordinary Portland cement mortar and concrete samples. Measurements along the length of the samples during capillary water absorption produced moisture content profiles that were compared with reference profiles acquired using a magnetic resonance imaging instrument. Profiles obtained with the three-magnet array were similar in shape and in penetration depth to those acquired with magnetic resonance imaging. The correlation coefficient between the moisture content measured with both techniques was r2 = 0.97. Similar values of saturated permeability of the mortars with identical w/c ratio were computed with the Hydrus 1D software based on the moisture content profiles. Additionally, inverse Laplace transformation of the signal decays provided the water-filled pore size distribution in saturated and unsaturated regions of the samples. The three-magnet array was successfully used to acquire nuclear magnetic resonance signal from a concrete sample, which was not possible with the magnetic resonance imaging instrument using the single-point imaging technique.  相似文献   

In the search for methods to incorporate Phase Change Materials (PCM) into Portland cement mortar mixtures, PCM based on paraffins adhered to a silica-based matrix appear as a suitable option. However, paraffin particles have been observed to escape from the silica matrix when water is added. There are only limited data on how the use of such PCM affects the behaviour of mortars. To evaluate the effect of this PCM addition, Portland mortar mixtures were elaborated with 5%, 10% and 15% of PCM content, and using CEM 42.5 I R and CEM I 52.5 R cement types. Physical properties such as density, open porosity, air content and water absorption were analysed for fresh and dry samples. The results obtained show that the PCM-added mixtures require greater water and cement amounts than the standard mortar mixtures to achieve similar compressive strengths. Compared to non-PCM mixtures the PCM-added mortars present a density lowering of 37% for fresh mixtures and near 45% for dry state forms. A maximum compressive strength of 15.9 MPa was reached for 15% PCM mixtures, while values beyond 40 MPa were achieved for 5% PCM mixtures. Thus, the proposed study contributes to broad the available knowledge of PCM cement mortar mixtures behaviour and their mix design.  相似文献   

The present study proposes nano-calcium oxide (NC) and nano-silica (NS) particles as healing agents in cement pastes, taking into account the curing conditions. Two series of specimens were treated in water and under wetting-drying cycles. The addition of NC (1.5%wt of binder) triggered early healing since cracks were healed within 14 days in underwater immersion and before 28 days at wetting-drying cycles. Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) spectroscopy and SEM analysis revealed that the healing products were mainly aragonite and calcite in water conditions and more amorphous carbonates under wetting-drying cycles. The combination of NS and NC (3.0%wt in total) offered healing under both curing conditions before 28 days. The presence of NS assisted toward porosity refinement and NC increased the carbonates’ content. The newly formed material was dense, and its elemental analysis by SEM revealed the C-S-H compounds that were also verified by ATR.  相似文献   

This paper introduces an innovative method for making cement-based composites from corn straw plants, and investigates the strength, thermal conductivity, and hydration characteristics of the composites. Corn straw is a natural, renewable, and breathable thermal insulation composite that contains cellular sealed pores. Corn straw contains a large amount of soluble cellulosic sugar, which hinders the hydration reaction of Portland cement and affects the use of corn straw as a building material. In this study, a 3 wt.% siliceous solution was used for surface treatment of corn straw particles to prevent cellulosic sugar from affecting the hydration performance of Portland cement. The composition of added cement-based composite materials with treated corn straw at the dosage of 11–20 wt.% was investigated. The test results showed that the corn straw cement-based composite (CSCC) had an optimal thermal conductivity of 0.102–0.112 (W/(m·K)) and a minimum compressive strength of above 1 MPa. The hydration performance of four typical CSCCs was examined using XRD, SEM, and EDS. The experimental results of this study may help to increase the comprehensive utilization of corn straw. The manufacturing method of the composite materials is simple, effective, and convenient for popularization and application, and it provides a new important technical measure to solve the problem of high energy consumption in rural houses.  相似文献   

Tricalcium aluminate (Ca3Al2O6: C3A) is the most reactive clinker phase in Portland cement. In this study, the effect of the sequence of mixing of C3A with gypsum and water on the hydration kinetics and phase assemblage is investigated. Three mixing sequences were employed: (i) Turbula mixing of C3A first with gypsum and then with water (T-mix); (ii) Hand mixing of C3A with gypsum before mixing with water (H-mix); (iii) Pre-mixing gypsum with water and then with C3A (P-mix). The results suggest that there is a considerable difference in the hydration kinetics and hydrate phase assemblage, particularly during the initial stages of hydration. P-mix promotes a higher degree of hydration in the initial minutes and considerably influences the main peak in the calorimetry curve of C3A hydration. Effects of calcium sulphate with different amounts of crystallisation water (anhydrite, hemihydrate and gypsum) on C3A hydration are also investigated, and it is found that the water of crystallisation does not have a significant impact on the kinetics of reaction or the formed hydrate phase assemblage.  相似文献   

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