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The olfactory bulb and medial hemisphere wall of the rat-fish, Chimaera   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Chimaerae are phylogenetically old cartilagenous fish which are included in the class Chondrichthyes with the sharks and rays. The telencephalon of these fish is connected to the diencephalon by a unique fibrous stalk. The telencephalic hemispheres are united only ventrally at midhemisphere levels in the region of the hippocampal and anterior commissures. The lateral ventricles join the midline ventricle through the interventricular foramen at this level. Each olfactory bulb is divided into a dorsal and ventral part and each has a dorsal and a ventral accessory olfactory bulb. A dorsal and a ventral olfactory nerve unite the respective parts of the bulb with a nasal sac. The cup-shaped mitral cell laminae share a common granular cell layer where they are in apposition. The granular lamina is replaced caudally by the anterior olfactory nucleus. The medially situated primordial hippocampal formation consists of the anterior continuation, the primordial subiculum, the cornu ammonis and the dentate gyrus. Septal nucleu recognizable in this form include: a medial and a lateral septal nucleus, a septohippocampal nucleus, a nucleus triangularis, an accumbens nucleus, and a nucleus of the diagonal band. The medial zone of the olfactory tubercle occupies the ventromedial hemisphere wall. Major fiber connections of the medial limbic lobe include: the medial olfactory tract, the fornix, the medial forebrain bundle and the medial corticohabenular tract.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was 1) to compare the development of AOB in male and female rats before birth, early after birth, and at later stages of sexual immaturity and maturity 2) to examine the effects of early and delayed castration after birth on AOB development in the male rat. A significant increase of the surface area of AOB was observed in both sexes from birth until postnatal day 7, but AOB was found to be larger in males than in females. From the end of the first postnatal week AOB stopped growing until day 40 in both males and females. After this time AOB resumed its development until day 60 in males, while no changes occurred in females over the same period. Castration of males at birth or six hours later impaired development of AOB. Castration of males on postnatal days 20 or 30 also impaired AOB development until day 60. The results strongly suggest that the development of AOB in the male rat is dependent on the two well known "perinatal" and "adult" phases of the endocrine activity of the testes.  相似文献   

Virgin rabbits exposed to foster pups for 14 days did not show maternal responsiveness. However, surgical removal of the accessory olfactory bulbs (AOB) activated maternal responsiveness (crouching over the litter inside the nest box for about 3min, which is the normal duration of a nursing bout) in 37% of virgin rabbits (P < 0.007). This behavior appeared abruptly and was first observed between days 3 and 13 of pup exposure. This variation in the latency to respond maternally was not related with the number of sniffings or entrances into the nest box displayed by a female on the days that preceded crouching over the litter. Maternal responsiveness was not observed in any AOB-lesioned animals that were also ovariectomized (P < 0.02 versus AOB-lesioned with ovaries). These results indicate a tonic inhibitory action of the AOB over the expression of maternal behavior in virgin rabbits and a stimulation of maternal responsiveness by ovarian hormones following AOB lesions.  相似文献   

The efferents and centrifugal afferents of the hamster olfactory bulbs were studied using orthograde and retrograde tracing techniques. Following injections of tritiated amino acids which were restricted to the main olfactory bulb (MOB), autoradiographic grains were observed ipsilaterally over layer IA of the entire anterior olfactory nucleus (AON), the ventral portion of the hippocampal rudiment (HR), the entire prepyriform cortex and olfactory tubercle, the anterior and posterolateral cortical amygdaloid nuclei and the lateral entorhinal cortex. An ipsilateral projection to the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract (nLOT) was also indicated. No subcortical or contralateral projections were observed. Amino acid injections into the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) revealed ipsilateral projections to the superficial plexiform layer of the medial and posteromedial cortical amygdaloid nuclei and to the bed nucleus of the accessory olfactory tract (nAOT) and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (nST). Following injections of HRP which were restricted to the MOB, contralateral HRP-positive neurons were found predominantly in pars externa and to a lesser extent in the other subdivisions of the AON. Centrifugal projections to the MOB were identified ipsilaterally from the entire AON, the ventral portion of the HR, the anterior portion of the prepyriform cortex, and the nLOT. No labelled neurons were found in the olfactory tubercle, the anterior and posterolateral cortical amygdaloid nuclei or the entorhinal cortex. Centrifugal projections to the MOB were also identified from subcortical structures of the ipsilateral basal forebrain and from midline structures of the midbrain. Labelling occurred in the fusiform neurons of the diagonal band near the medial base of the forebrain at the level of caudal olfactory tubercle. Heavy labelling was seen in a distinct group of large, predominantly multipolar neurons (magnocellular preoptic area) that continued from the level of caudal olfactory tubercle to the level of the nLOT. This band of HRP-positive neurons could be followed more caudally to a position dorsal and medial to the nLOT near the lateral margin of the lateral anterior hypothalamic area. The midbrain projections to the MOB originated in the dorsal and median raphe nuclei. After injections of HRP into the AOB, centrifugal projections were identified from the nAOT and the posteromedial cortical amygdaloid nucleus. In addition, isolated neurons were labelled in the medial cortical amygdaloid nucleus but no labelled neurons were found in the nST. These results support the notion of two anatomically distinct olfactory systems and demonstrate two previously unreported pathways through which the limbic system may modulate sensory processing in the olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that the main olfactory system processes common odors and the accessory olfactory system is specifically for pheromones. The potential for these two systems to respond simultaneously to the same stimuli has not been fully explored due to methodological limitations. Here we examine this phenomenon using high-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to reveal simultaneously the responses in the main (MOB) and accessory olfactory bulbs (AOB) to odors and pheromones. Common odorants elicited strong signals in the MOB and weak signals in the AOB. 2-Heptanone, a known mouse pheromone, elicited strong signals in both the MOB and AOB. Urine odor, a complicated mixture of pheromones and odorants, elicited significant signals in limited regions of the MOB and large regions of the AOB. The fMRI results demonstrate that both the main and the accessory olfactory systems may respond to volatile compounds but with different selectivity, suggesting a greater integration of the two olfactory pathways than traditionally believed.  相似文献   

Male hamsters were exposed to the female pheromone, aphrodisin (APH), its cloned protein backbone (rAPH), and the homologous lipocalin, beta-lactoglobulin (beta-LG). Of these, only APH elicited mating behavior. Enhanced c-fos protein was found in the nuclei of neurons in the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) after exposure to these stimuli. Relative to beta-LG, both rAPH and APH produced significant increases in AOB labeling. The modest labeling elicited by rAPH was evenly distributed, but the heavier staining elicited by APH was concentrated in the caudal region of the AOB. Thus, pheromone receptor neurons in the basal compartment of the vomeronasal epithelium, which project to the caudal region of the AOB, may respond to APH and provide the input which drives mating behavior.  相似文献   

The "transmitter-specific" retrograde axonal tracer 3H-D-aspartate has been used to demonstrate neurons in the olfactory bulb which putatively utilize aspartate and/or glutamate as their neurotransmitter and which send an axon either to the piriform cortex or within the bulb itself. Injections of 3H-D-aspartate into layer I of the anterior piriform cortex, in the zone of termination of axons from the olfactory bulb, labeled only a few cells in the main olfactory bulb, located in the mitral and external plexiform layers. Although these cells resembled mitral and tufted cells, they tended to have smaller somata than other mitral or tufted cells and apparently form a distinct subpopulation of relay cells. In contrast, many of the mitral cells of the accessory olfactory bulb were labeled by the same injections of 3H-D-aspartate, probably as a result of involvement of the accessory olfactory tract or its bed nucleus in the injection site. Similar injections of the "nonspecific" tracer HRP into the anterior piriform cortex labeled most of the cells in the mitral cell layer of both the main and accessory olfactory bulbs, and some tufted cells in the external plexiform layer. It is concluded that only a small, distinct subpopulation of the mitral or tufted cells of the main olfactory bulb are aspartatergic and/or glutamatergic, while many (at least) of the mitral cells of the accessory olfactory bulb use the excitatory amino acids as transmitters. Injections of 3H-D-aspartate directly into the main olfactory bulb also failed to label the mitral and deeply situated tufted cells. However, a few cells were labeled in the periglomerular region, the superficial external plexiform layer, and the granule cell layer near the injection site. These labeled cells were smaller than mitral and tufted cells but generally larger than periglomerular or granule cells. They may represent a population of glutamatergic or aspartatergic short axon cells. In addition, small cells of an unknown type were labeled in the olfactory nerve layer following injections in the deepest part of the bulb. These cells do not correspond to any of the well characterized cell types of the olfactory bulb.  相似文献   

Projections from the olfactory bulbs have been traditionally described as 'nontopographically organized'. Olfactory and vomeronasal projections have been reported to reach nonoverlapping cortical areas. Four receptor expression zones have been described in the olfactory epithelium, maintained in the main olfactory bulb, but none in the olfactory cortex. Recent data have demonstrated convergence in the basal telencephalon of olfactory and vomeronasal projections. Injections of methanesulfonate hydroxystilbamidine (FluoroGold) in the chemosensory cortex were done to map retrograde labeling in the bulbs. Topography was not observed in the four zones of the main olfactory bulb. Areas of the rostral telencephalon were shown to receive simultaneous inputs from the main and accessory olfactory bulbs.  相似文献   

The olfactory bulbs in Alzheimer''s disease.   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The olfactory bulbs have been examined in patients with Alzheimer's disease and compared with those in elderly undemented and younger undemented control patients. In Alzheimer's disease neurofibrillary tangles were found in the anterior olfactory nucleus but not elsewhere in the olfactory bulb. Cell loss in the anterior olfactory nucleus was also found in Alzheimer's disease. It is clear that the olfactory sensory pathway is pathologically affected in Alzheimer's disease and would merit further study.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to examine by light and electron microscopy the localization of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in the main (MOB) and accessory (AOB) olfactory bulbs of the normal mouse. Evidence from the literature for cholinergic innervation of the mammalian olfactory bulb was then assessed in light of possible correlation between reported sites of termination of centrifugal fibers to the olfactory bulb and the localization of AChE. AChE-positive nerve fibers were concentrated in the periglomerular region and internal plexiform layer of the MOB. Stained fibers were also present in the granule cell, mitral cell, and external plexiform layers as well as within glomeruli. A few neurons in all layers of the MOB contained AChE reaction product. Unlike the MOB, AChE-positive fibers were not present in the glomerular layer of the AOB. AChE-positive fibers were concentrated in the inner plexiform layer, whereas fewer stained fibers were observed in the external plexiform and mitral cell layer and granule cell layer. Lightly stained neurons were found in the deeper portions of the external plexiform and mitral cell layer and granule cell layer. Ultrastructurally, AChE reaction product in the MOB and AOB was predominantly associated with small unmyelinated axons. Reaction product was also observed adjacent to axon terminals and dendrites. Occasionally within the MOB, AChE activity was found within periglomerular, tufted, short-axon, mitral, and granule cells. In the AOB, however, intracellular AChE activity was observed within some mitral/tufted cells and only a few granule cells. In conclusion, the AChE reaction product was mainly associated with axons in regions of the MOB where centrifugal fibers have been reported. Accessory olfactory bulb AChE localization was different from that of the MOB, suggesting a different pattern of cholinergic input to the AOB. The small amounts and sites of intraneuronal AChE reaction product in cells of the olfactory bulb indicate cholinoceptive rather than cholinergic function.  相似文献   

The distribution of cholinergic markers was studied in the main olfactory bulb (MOB) and accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) of the western European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) by using choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunocytochemistry and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) histochemistry. A dense network of AChE-containing and ChAT-immunoreactive fibers was observed innervating all layers of the MOB except the olfactory nerve layer, where neither AChE- nor ChAT-labeled elements were found. The highest density of AChE- and ChAT-positive axons was found in the glomerular layer (GL)/external plexiform layer (EPL) boundary, and in the internal plexiform layer. This general distribution pattern of ChAT- and AChE-stained axons resembled the distribution pattern found in rodents. Nevertheless, some interspecies differences, such as the lack of atypical glomeruli in the hedgehog, were also found. In addition to fibers, a population of noncholinergic and presumably cholinoceptive AChE-active neurons was observed in the hedgehog. All mitral and tufted cells of the hedgehog MOB showed a dark AChE staining unlike previous observations in the mitral and tufted cells of rodents. As in other species previously reported, subpopulations of external tufted cells and short-axon cells were also AChE-active. Finally, a population of small AChE-containing cells was observed in the EPL of the hedgehog MOB. The size, shape, and location of these cells coincided with those of satellite and perinidal cells, two neuronal types described previously in the EPL of the hedgehog and not present in the rodent MOB. The AOB of the hedgehog showed a distribution of AChE- and ChAT-positive fibers similar to the rodent AOB. Nevertheless, a heterogeneous innervation of vomeronasal glomeruli by bundles of AChE- and ChAT-labeled axons found in the hedgehog has not been previously found in any other species. As in the MOB, all mitral cells in the AOB showed a strong AChE activity. These results demonstrate some similarities but also important differences between the distribution of ChAT and AChE in the MOB and AOB of rodents and this primitive mammalian. These variations may indicate a different organization of the cholinergic modulation of the olfactory information in the insectivores.  相似文献   

The central projections of the "classical" olfactory system of the cod, Gadus morhua were examined with horseradish peroxidase and cobalt tracing techniques. Label was applied to the olfactory bulb or selectively to central stumps of sectioned individual olfactory tract bundlets. The olfactory bulb projects bilaterally to restricted areas of the dorsolateral, ventromedial and basolateral telencephalon, anterior commissural and preoptic areas, habenular nuclei, dorsal thalamus and to the nucleus posterior tuberis in the diencephalon. An interbulbar connection courses in the medial olfactory tract (MOT). Contralateral projections were less pronounced than on the ipsilateral side. More specifically, the lateral olfactory tract (LOT) projects ipsilaterally to the telencephalon into the Dlv, Dc, Vs and Dp areas. The lateral bundlet of the medial olfactory tract (IMOT) terminates in the Dlv and Dc areas. The medial bundlet of the medial olfactory tract (mMOT) terminates in Vv and Vd. The fused lMOT and mMOT project to the caudal telencephalon in the Vs and Dp. Neurons projecting to the olfactory bulb were located bilaterally in the telencephalon. The majority of the bulbopetal fibers course via the lateral part of the MOT; a few neurons also project to the bulb through the other bundlets of the olfactory tract. The results are compared with previous studies on the olfactory projections of other teleost species and discussed with respect to the reported functional differentiation of the olfactory system in teleosts.  相似文献   

Reciprocal putative connections of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) (agranular insular, ventral and lateral orbital region) with the ipsi and contralateral main olfactory bulb (IOB; COB), the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (MD), the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus (BLA) and the piriform cortex (PC) were investigated with electrophysiological techniques. Evoked field responses and orthodromic unit driving, generated in PFC following electrical stimulation of the above mentioned structures, were abolished following topical application of KCl, except for COB evoked mass potentials. Thus, locally generated activity was elicited in agranular insular cortex following IOB activation, the same region where recently, the taste cortex in the rat was localized. Since gustatory-visceral afferent information reaches insular cortex via 2-3 synaptic relays, autonomic, olfactory and gustatory inputs may interact at this level, and, as suggested previously for the mouse, play a key integrative role in flavor perception. Antidromically invaded neurons, 47% of which were identified by the collision-extinction technique, were also found in PFC areas which overlapped to a considerable extent with those from which orthodromic unit responses were obtained. In particular, closely spaced neurons in ventrolateral orbital (VLO) and lateral orbital (LO) regions were antidromically invaded following IOB and PC shocks; some neurons antidromically discharged by IOB were also transsynaptically activated following PC stimulation. These findings are in agreement with recent neuroanatomical studies which demonstrate axonal projections from PFC neurons to the IOB and COB in the rat and South American armadillo. In addition, stimulation of PFC regions dorsal to the rhinal fissure mostly inhibited spontaneous unit discharges recorded at the mitral cell layer of the IOB, suggesting that this effect may be partially mediated by excitatory inputs of prefrontal axons onto granule cells. The conduction properties, antidromic thresholds and activity-dependent variations in conduction velocity (CV) of bulbopetal neurons in prefrontal cortex were found to be similar to those exhibited by cells projecting to the IOB from olfactory peduncle regions, but not to those present in bulbopetal neurons of the horizontal limb of diagonal band, indicating that the OB may be subjected to centrifugal control by at least two cell groups differing in both histochemical and electrophysiological properties.  相似文献   

H. Schnyder   《Brain research》1984,296(1):139-144
The source and pattern of innervation of the accessory lateral rectus muscle has been re-investigated in 3 Macaca fascicularis monkeys by means of a tracing method employing [125I] wheat germ agglutinin and a morphological analysis of the myo-neuronal junctions. The present findings suggest that this muscle is composed of exclusively singly innervated fibers and that its motoneurons are situated in the accessory abducens nucleus. This is in contrast to a previous study, where the monkey accessory lateral rectus was found to be composed of singly and multiply innervated fibers and to be innervated by a group of motoneurons lying within principle and accessory abducens nucleus. It is concluded that the monkey accessory lateral rectus reflects in principle the organization of the retractor bulbi of other vertebrates, although this muscle is gradually vanishing in primate evolution and remains vestigial in the macaque monkey. The absence of comparable motor units in man is more likely to mean an actual loss of structure and function than their integration into the lateral rectus system.  相似文献   

The afferent olfactory connections of the lateral hypothalamus of the rat were studied by producing lesions of olfactory cortex and staining for degeneration by the method of Fink and Heimer ('67) and by electropysiological recording of responses to olfactory bulb shock and odor stimulation. Direct connections from olfactory areas were found only in a ventrolateral part of the medial forebrain bundle. In the posterior hypothalamus the olfactory fibers turned dorsally and terminated in a more medial area. The region from which strong olfactory responses could be recorded coincided with the path of degenerating axons. Lesions of the olfactory tuercle of hamsters and mice produced a similar restricted pattern of degeneration.  相似文献   

Biotinylated dextran amine and fluorescent carbocyanine dye (DiI) were used to examine connections of the lateral (Dl) and medial (Dm) divisions of the goldfish pallium. Besides numerous intrinsic telencephalic connections to Dl and Dm, major ascending projections to these pallial divisions arise in the preglomerular complex of the posterior tuberculum, rather than in the dorsal thalamus. The rostral subnucleus of the lateral preglomerular nucleus receives auditory input via the medial pretoral nucleus, lateral line input via the ventrolateral toral nucleus, and visual input via the optic tectum, and it projects to both Dl and Dm. The anterior preglomerular nucleus and caudal subnucleus of the lateral preglomerular nucleus receive auditory input via the central toral nucleus and project to Dm. This pallial division also receives chemosensory information via the medial preglomerular nucleus. The central posterior (CP) nucleus, which receives both auditory and visual inputs, also projects to Dm and is the only dorsal thalamic nucleus projecting to the pallium. Thus, both Dl and Dm clearly receive multisensory inputs. Major projections of CP and projections of all other dorsal thalamic nuclei are to the subpallium, however. Descending projections of Dl are primarily to the preoptic area and the caudal hypothalamus, whereas descending projections of Dm are more extensive and particularly heavy to the anterior tuber and nucleus diffusus of the hypothalamus. The topography and connections of Dl are remarkably similar to those of the hippocampus of tetrapods, whereas the topography and connections of Dm are similar to those of the amygdala.  相似文献   

Removal of the olfactory bulbs of male golden hamsters results in a marked increase in tonic gonadotropin, prolactin and testosterone secretion which counteracts inhibitory effects of manipulations such as maintenance on short photoperiod, food restriction or treatment with gonadal steroids. The bulbectomy-induced increase in hormone secretion is interpreted to reflect a tonic inhibitory influence of the olfactory bulbs. This inhibition is not dependent upon chemosensory stimulation and may be mediated by olfactory bulb fibers projecting through the lateral olfactory tract to or through the olfactory tubercle. This review will relate these studies conducted on hamsters to results in other species, such as the rat, where the olfactory bulbs enhance serum gonadotropin levels.  相似文献   

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