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Studies of recombination-dependent replication (RDR) in the T4 system have revealed the critical roles played by mediator proteins in the timely and productive loading of specific enzymes onto single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) during phage RDR processes. The T4 recombination mediator protein, uvsY, is necessary for the proper assembly of the T4 presynaptic filament (uvsX recombinase cooperatively bound to ssDNA), leading to the recombination-primed initiation of leading strand DNA synthesis. In the lagging strand synthesis component of RDR, replication mediator protein gp59 is required for the assembly of gp41, the DNA helicase component of the T4 primosome, onto lagging strand ssDNA. Together, uvsY and gp59 mediate the productive coupling of homologous recombination events to the initiation of T4 RDR. UvsY promotes presynaptic filament formation on 3' ssDNA-tailed chromosomes, the physiological primers for T4 RDR, and recent results suggest that uvsY also may serve as a coupling factor between presynapsis and the nucleolytic resection of double-stranded DNA ends. Other results indicate that uvsY stabilizes uvsX bound to the invading strand, effectively preventing primosome assembly there. Instead, gp59 directs primosome assembly to the displaced strand of the D loop/replication fork. This partitioning mechanism enforced by the T4 recombination/replication mediator proteins guards against antirecombination activity of the helicase component and ensures that recombination intermediates formed by uvsX/uvsY will efficiently be converted into semiconservative DNA replication forks. Although the major mode of T4 RDR is semiconservative, we present biochemical evidence that a conservative "bubble migration" mode of RDR could play a role in lesion bypass by the T4 replication machinery.  相似文献   

Double-strand break (DSB) repair and DNA replication are tightly linked in the life cycle of bacteriophage T4. Indeed, the major mode of phage DNA replication depends on recombination proteins and can be stimulated by DSBs. DSB-stimulated DNA replication is dramatically demonstrated when T4 infects cells carrying two plasmids that share homology. A DSB on one plasmid triggered extensive replication of the second plasmid, providing a useful model for T4 recombination-dependent replication (RDR). This system also provides a view of DSB repair in T4-infected cells and revealed that the DSB repair products had been replicated in their entirety by the T4 replication machinery. We analyzed the detailed structure of these products, which do not fit the simple predictions of any of three models for DSB repair. We also present evidence that the T4 RDR system functions to restart stalled or inactivated replication forks. First, we review experiments involving antitumor drug-stabilized topoisomerase cleavage complexes. The results suggest that forks blocked at cleavage complexes are resolved by recombinational repair, likely involving RDR. Second, we show here that the presence of a T4 replication origin on one plasmid substantially stimulated recombination events between it and a homologous second plasmid that did not contain a T4 origin. Furthermore, replication of the second plasmid was increased when the first plasmid contained the T4 origin. Our interpretation is that origin-initiated forks become inactivated at some frequency during replication of the first plasmid and are then restarted via RDR on the second plasmid.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage T4 helix-destabilizing protein, the product of gene 32, has been immobilized on an agarose matrix and used for affinity chromatography of lysates of T4-infected Escherichia coli cells. At least 10 T4-encoded early proteins and 3 or 4 host proteins are specifically retained by this gene 32 protein column. Nine of the T4 proteins have been identified as being involved in either DNA replication or genetic recombination. Notably, the T4 DNA polymerase (gene 43 protein) and two major proteins in the recombination pathway (the products of genes uvsX and uvsY) are specifically bound. On a preparative scale, the column is useful for purification of the bound proteins.  相似文献   

We show that bacteriophage T4 has two alternative mechanisms to initiate DNA replication; one dependent on Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (RNA nucleotidyltransferase, EC, and one dependent on general recombination. Continued DNA synthesis under recombination-defective conditions was sensitive to rifampin, an inhibitor of RNA polymerase. On the other hand, DNA synthesis accelerated in spite of the present of rifampin if recombination occurred.  相似文献   

Experiments reported here show that some UV-irradiated wild-type T7 phage markers can be rescued efficiently by coinfection with T7 amber mutant phage in a permissive host. Other results show that the segments of a UV-irradiated genome that replicate efficiently are those that also are rescued efficiently during a marker rescue experiment. At higher doses, fewer markers are rescued efficiently and fewer segments of the genome replicate efficiently. The results clearly indicate that the probability of marker rescue is correlated with the ability of the DNA containing the marker to replicate. Sucrose density gradient analysis shows that UV irradiation does not produce double-strand scissions in T7 DNA at doses used here. Therefore, the partial replication and rescue of markers from the left end of the genome is not due simply to injection of only the left end of the T7 DNA.  相似文献   

Heat mutagenesis in bacteriophage T4: the transition pathway.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
G-C leads to A-T transitions are induced by heat, and arise from the deamination of cytosine (5-hydroxymethylcytosine in the case of bacteriophage T4) generating uracil. The reaction is proton-catalyzed, and is also characteristic of acid mutagenesis. Mutation rates and activation energies of mutation are site-specific, and are presumably influenced by neighboring bases. Rates of heat-induced mutation in bacteriophage T4 under conditions of temperature, pH, and ionic strength similar to those prevailing in higher eukaryotic cells suggest that heat mutagenesis may present a serious challenge to organisms with large genomes, and may comprise an important determinant of the rates of spontaneous mutation.  相似文献   

Heat induces transversions (as well as transitions) at G-C base pairs in bacteriophage T4. The target base for transversions is guanine,which is converted to a product which is sometimes replicated and transcribed as a pyrimidine.A model for this process is proposed in which the deoxyguanosine glycosidic bond migrates from N9 to N2: the resulting deoxyneoguanosine may pair with normal guanine to produce G-C leads to C-G transversions.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli strain with a mutation in the optA gene restricts the growth of bacteriophage T4 strains partially defective in gene 43 (DNA polymerase) or missing gene dda (DNA-dependent ATPase). The mutations in the dda gene inactivate a DNA-dependent ATPase that has been shown to have DNA helicase activity in vitro. We show that the restriction of phage growth after infection of the optA bacterium is the result of a block in DNA replication. We infer that the block arises from a defect in DNA unwinding.  相似文献   

DNA primases provide oligoribonucleotides for DNA polymerase to initiate lagging strand synthesis. A deficiency in the primase of bacteriophage T7 to synthesize primers can be overcome by genetic alterations that decrease the expression of T7 gene 5.5, suggesting an alternative mechanism to prime DNA synthesis. The product of gene 5.5 (gp5.5) forms a stable complex with the Escherichia coli histone-like protein H-NS and transfer RNAs (tRNAs). The 3'-terminal sequence (5'-ACCA-3') of tRNAs is identical to that of a functional primer synthesized by T7 primase. Mutations in T7 that suppress the inability of primase reduce the amount of gp5.5 and thus increase the pool of tRNA to serve as primers. Alterations in T7 gene 3 facilitate tRNA priming by reducing its endonuclease activity that cleaves at the tRNA-DNA junction. The tRNA bound to gp5.5 recruits H-NS. H-NS alone inhibits reactions involved in DNA replication, but the binding to gp5.5-tRNA complex abolishes this inhibition.  相似文献   

T7 gene 5 DNA polymerase (gp5) and its processivity factor, Escherichia coli thioredoxin, together with the T7 gene 4 DNA helicase, catalyze strand displacement synthesis on duplex DNA processively (>17,000 nucleotides per binding event). The processive DNA synthesis is resistant to the addition of a DNA trap. However, when the polymerase-thioredoxin complex actively synthesizing DNA is challenged with excess DNA polymerase-thioredoxin exchange occurs readily. The exchange can be monitored by the use of a genetically altered T7 DNA polymerase (gp5-Y526F) in which tyrosine-526 is replaced with phenylalanine. DNA synthesis catalyzed by gp5-Y526F is resistant to inhibition by chain-terminating dideoxynucleotides because gp5-Y526F is deficient in the incorporation of these analogs relative to the wild-type enzyme. The exchange also occurs during coordinated DNA synthesis in which leading- and lagging-strand synthesis occur at the same rate. On ssDNA templates with the T7 DNA polymerase alone, such exchange is not evident, suggesting that free polymerase is first recruited to the replisome by means of T7 gene 4 helicase. The ability to exchange DNA polymerases within the replisome without affecting processivity provides advantages for fidelity as well as the cycling of the polymerase from a completed Okazaki fragment to a new primer on the lagging strand.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage T4 recombination "hotspots" were first detected by the rescue of genetic markers from UV-irradiated phage particles. These hotspots have since been detected following treatments that yield other forms of DNA damage, and at least one is active in the absence of damage. The previous mapping of phage replication origins near the peaks of two recombination hotspots suggested that the origins cause the localized enhancement of recombination. Here we show that deletion of one origin eliminates the corresponding recombination hotspot, as judged by rescue of markers from UV-irradiated phage. Furthermore, insertion of either origin into a recombination "coldspot" enhances rescue of nearby markers. We conclude that these origins are necessary, and very likely sufficient, for the generation of recombination hotspots. We also show that the hotspots are active in the absence of both phage-encoded UvsY and host-encoded RecA proteins, suggesting that some of the stimulated recombination occurs by a synaptase-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

Deletion mutants of bacteriophage T7 have been used to identify and to map, by electron microscopy, the origins of T7 DNA replication. The primary origin of phage T7 DNA replication lies within a 100-base-pair region located 14.75-15.0% of the distance from the genetic left end of the DNA molecule. T7 phage whose DNA contains a deletion of this region initiate replication at secondary origins, the predominant one of which is located at a distance approximately 4% from the left end of the molecule.  相似文献   

We measured the in vivo incorporation of 2-aminopurine into DNA of T4 bacteriophage allelic for gene 43 (DNA polymerase), mutator (L56), 43+, and antimutator (L141). The magnitude of incorporation (mol/mol of Thy) was 1/1500 in L56, 1/1600 in 43+, and 1/8900 in L141. The incorporation ratio L56:43+:L141 in vivo was equal to that mediated by the purified DNA polymerases of these allelic phages in vitro. A model for 2-aminopurine-induced A-T in equilibrium G-C transitions is discussed. The model is used to predict the magnitudes of replication errors (C mispairing with a template 2-aminopurine) and incorporation errors (2-aminopurine mispairing with a template C) per round of replication and to investigate the asymmetry in 2-aminopurine-induced transitions favoring the A-T leads to G-C pathway over G-C leads to A-T. We suggest that the fidelity of L56 and L141 DNA polymerases exemplifies one-step and two-step editing, respectively.  相似文献   

In the presence of single-stranded DNA, the bacteriophage T4 gene 41 and gene 61 proteins catalyze the synthesis of a group of pentaribonucleotides which are homogeneous in chain length but heterogeneous in nucleotide sequence. When single-stranded T4 DNA is used as template, a unique dinucleoside sequence, pppApC, is found at the 5' end of these pentaribonucleotides with the general sequence pppApCpNpNpN. In the presence of the remaining five T4 replication proteins, the pentaribonucleotides can be utilized with high efficiency to prime de novo DNA chain starts; as a result, the vast majority of them can be detected at the 5' end of newly made DNA molecules in an unaltered form. There are multiple, but specific, sites at which new DNA chains are primed in this way on a natural single-stranded DNA. Because identical RNA primers have been isolated from the 5' end of the Okazaki fragments made in T4-infected cells, we suggest that the T4 gene 41 and gene 61 proteins also make the pentaribonucleotides that prime de novo T4 DNA chain starts in vivo during lagging strand DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The seven-protein bacteriophage T4 DNA replication complex can be manipulated in vitro to study mechanistic aspects of the elongation phase of DNA replication. Under physiological conditions, the processivity of DNA synthesis catalyzed by the T4 polymerase (gp43) is greatly increased by the interaction of this enzyme with its accessory proteins (gp44/62 and gp45) and the T4 single-stranded DNA binding protein (gp32). The assembly of this T4 holoenzyme requires hydrolysis of ATP by the gp44/62 complex. We demonstrate here that processive T4 holoenzyme-like DNA synthesis can be obtained without hydrolysis of ATP by simply adding gp45 to the T4 DNA polymerase at extremely high concentrations, effectively bypassing the ATPase subunits (gp44/62) of the accessory protein complex. The amount of gp45 required for the gp43-gp45 heteroassociation event is reduced by addition of the macromolecular crowding agent polyethylene glycol (PEG) as well as gp32. A chromatographic strategy involving PEG has been used to demonstrate the gp43-gp45 interaction. These results suggest that gp45 is ultimately responsible for increasing the processivity of DNA synthesis via a direct and functionally significant interaction with the T4 DNA polymerase. A corollary to this notion is that the specific role of the gp44/62 complex is to catalytically link gp45 to gp43.  相似文献   

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