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Cancer is a serious health problem and the third leading cause of death in the occupied Palestinian territory, both in adults and children. For most children younger than 18 years who have cancer, there is no obvious cause. The aim of this study was to identify the main risk factors for paediatric cancer in the Gaza Strip.


This case-control study was done in five Gaza Strip governorates. We enrolled children diagnosed with paediatric cancer and receiving treatment at oncology departments at Ranteesy Specialised Paediatric Hospital, Al Shifa Hospital, and at the European Gaza Hospital in 2012 and 2013. Controls were children who visited primary health-care centres and matched for locality, age, and sex. We used face-to-face questionnaires to interview the children's parents and χ2 tests for analyses.


292 children were enrolled in this study. 146 children had been diagnosed with paediatric cancer (70 [48%] children had a solid tumour, 50 [35%] had haematological cancer, and 25 [17%] had a lymphoma tumour). 146 children were enrolled as controls. The main risk factors associated cancer were exposure to ultrasound during gestational period (p<0·0001) and family cancer history (p=0·001). For environmental factors, we found associations of paediatric cancer with family history of smoking (p=0·016), exposure in pregnancy to passive smoking (p=0·018), and white phosphorus (p<0·0001). Agriculture pesticides and herbicides were not associated with paediatric cancer. Furthermore, the parents' educational level and occupation and the mother's exposure to x-rays were not associated with paediatric cancer.


The study presents data on several potentially avoidable environmental risk factors for paediatric cancer in the Gaza Strip.


None.  相似文献   



Chronic diseases are the greatest public health concern worldwide, contribute to a large burden of disease in the developed world, and are increasing rapidly in prevalence in developing countries. The aim of this study was to quantify the burden of reported chronic diseases in the occupied Palestinian territory.


We used the global burden of disease (GBD) approach and its templates to quantify disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). To estimate years of life lost, we used mortality data from Ministry of Health materials, and we used local morbidity data from the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (heath survey 2010) to estimate years lived with disability. The study was approved by the Palestinian Health Research Council.


In 2010, DALYS lost due to selected chronic diseases were estimated as 60 per 1000 DALYs in the West Bank and 57 per 1000 DALYs in Gaza Strip, with each DALY defined as 1 year of optimum healthy life lost. Ischaemic heart disease and hypertension contributed the highest proportion of DALYs in men and women in 2010, followed by lung cancer in men and breast cancer in women. Respiratory disease also contributed a high proportion of DALYs, with a small difference in rank between the Gaza Strip and West Bank. Cancer was ranked the third largest contributor and respiratory disease the fourth largest contributor to DALYs in the Gaza Strip, whereas respiratory disease was the third and cancer the fourth largest contributors to DALYs in the West Bank. We also found differences by sex and region. Heart disease and cancer continued to rank highly as causes of years of life lost in the West Bank and Gaza Strip for both sexes in 2010, indicating the major causes of chronic disease burden in the occupied Palestinian territory in 2010.


The burden of chronic disease is increasing substantially in the occupied Palestinian territory, and interventions are needed to tackle these burdens. Further studies using recent data and increasing attention to chronic non-communicable diseases are needed in the occupied Palestinian territories.


None.  相似文献   



Dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of untreatable, progressive central vision loss, social isolation, and disability in older people. Evidence suggests that diet (eg, the Mediterranean dietary pattern or increased oral carotenoid intake) might protect against dry AMD progression. The aim of this pilot study was to test the feasibility of a participant-informed community kitchens intervention (Eating for Eye Health project) to implement dietary behaviour change, to benefit macular health of older adults.


Adults (≥50 years) with documented visual impairment due to dry AMD were invited, with a partner, carer, or friend for support, via a National Institute of Health Research mailing list, to participate in a focus group and pilot intervention in London, UK. The intervention was an ice-breaker session and a cookery activity with integrated health promotion information; it was participant codesigned to increase capability and opportunity for implementing dietary change for macular health. For the cookery activity, participants were divided into small groups, with different groups preparing different courses of a three-course meal containing carotenoid-rich foods, which they ate together. The primary outcome was participants' self-reported capability in cooking skills for eye health, evaluated before and after the intervention, using a ten-point confidence score (10=most confident). Secondary outcomes were participant-rated taste acceptability of the food, evaluated by a two-point (a physical thumbs-up or thumbs-down motion) scale for each course, and subjective experience of the intervention (thematic analysis of written qualitative feedback consisting of unstructured feedback using post-it notes immediately after the event and a standardised email questionnaire 1 week later).


12 adults (ten with dry AMD and two partners or friends) participated. All participants reported increased confidence scores, with improvement in scores ranging from 2 to 6 points, with all giving a score of 7 points or higher after the intervention, and rated food as acceptable in taste. Thematic analysis of qualitative written feedback, immediately and 1 week after the intervention, identified positive subjective experiences of “social participation” and “peer support”.


This pilot study provides evidence to support the feasibility of National Health Service social prescribing of community cookery programmes for older people with dry AMD to increase their capability and social opportunity to implement dietary behaviour change for eye health.


University College London Beacon Bursary (for RG to support Eating for Eye Health public engagement work).  相似文献   



After being neglected for decades, increasing international attention has been focused on adolescent health. Data for adolescent health financing is needed to inform policies to allocate adequate resources, set strategic priorities, and ensure sustainable funding for adolescent health programmes and strategies. To prepare and inform national adolescent health and development strategies in China, we aimed to quantify and describe adolescents' current health expenditures, and to determine the financial burden to provide a framework for policy discussion.


We did a quantitative analysis of current health expenditures of adolescents in China. We collected primary data for adolescent health expenditures and service provision from ad-hoc institution surveys, and secondary data, such as national aggregate expenditures and government programmes, over 2014. On the basis of the principles and definitions of the System of Health Accounts 2011, we used a top-down approach to estimate adolescent health expenditures in China, and examined it by multiple dimensions, including financing schemes, health providers, health functions, and diseases that were based on primary diagnosis.


The adolescents' current health expenditures amounted to CNY82·1 billion, or 2·6% of the current health expenditures for the whole population in China. In per capita terms, adolescent health expenditures were CNY525, which were less than the average amount of the whole population (CNY2349). The expenditures mainly occurred in hospitals (56·7%), whereas primary health-care institutions shared a smaller portion (10·5%). Curative care represented the largest share of the total adolescent health expenditures, approximately 73·1% of the total expenditures. Adolescent health expenditures was mainly financed by household out-of-pocket payment, accounting for 57·9%. Respiratory, digestive, and genitourinary diseases, injury and poisoning, and neoplasms accounted for 59·8% of adolescent curative care expenditures.


Medical financing burden on households was substantial; allocation of medical resources remained irrational. Health interventions targeting key diseases need to be intensified to avoid or decrease the occurrence of related health expenditures in adolescents.


Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF.  相似文献   



The increasing prevalence of non-communicable diseases in the occupied Palestinan territory accounts for a large part of general mortality. WHO recommends a 30% reduction in mean population intake of salt or sodium as a cost-effective option to decrease the burden of cardiovascular disease. Results of surveys show that salt consumption is 7 g per day in Palestine, almost 50% higher than the recommended daily amount per person. Bread is consumed in large amounts and is an important contributor to salt intake. The aim of this study was to assess the content of salt in the bread sold in the West Bank with the aim of setting a reliable salt reduction target.


In this cross-sectional study, ad-hoc trained inspectors from the ministry of mealth visited 135 bakeries in all West Bank's Governorates in August, 2015. Data were collected through a structured questionnaire administered to bakers with questions about the amount of salt added to flour during the preparation of 281 bread products. The sample size was calculated for a level of accuracy of 7%. Data were analysed using SPSS 17.0.


The average amount of salt added to flour during bread preparation was 1·33 g per 100 g of flour (SD 0·62; range 0·00–4·00), corresponding to 1?11 g salt per 100 g bread.


Salt content in bread sold in the West Bank was highly variable. The salt reduction target for 2016 was set by the Palestine Standard Institute at 1·3 g of salt per 100 gram of flour, with a gradual reduction of 0·1 g of salt per year in the next 3 years to adjust consumers' palates to less salty products. The compliance to the regulation is monitored by the ministry of health and the Palestine food producers association assures full support. According to the available literature, the occupied Palestinian territory is the first Arab country to establish a mandatory programme for salt reduction in foods.


The Italian Cooperation.  相似文献   



At a time of record global forced displacement, the health needs of migrant populations pose a challenge to our existing health-care systems. Unaccompanied refugee children have specific health-care needs, particularly in terms of sexual health education. Our study aimed to explore health literacy in asylum-seeking girls in the UK to help identify the specific health needs and barriers to care that exist for this population.


Our team of doctors, who volunteer with asylum seeking children in London, conducted a series of educational sessions. This work draws material from the first of a series of ongoing sexual health workshops that explore the existing barriers to care, gaps in knowledge, and myths surrounding sexual health for these teenagers. Informed verbal consent was obtained and semi-structured interviews were carried out in an informal group setting to facilitate discussion. Field notes were taken throughout the session, which were later used for a thematic content analysis. The group consisted of seven girls (aged 13–19 years), who were predominantly from east Africa and the Middle East.


The domains that emerged from our analysis included puberty, female anatomy and female genital mutilation, pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and relationships. Group discussion demonstrated vast gaps in knowledge of female anatomy, contraception, and sexually transmitted diseases, and, of particular importance, relationships and sexual consent.


Migrant teenage girls have huge gaps in knowledge about their health. Our study highlights the need for further research into the discrepancies between the health literacy of migrant and non-migrant children and targeted public health interventions for these teenagers.


None.  相似文献   



There is increasing emphasis on involving intended beneficiaries and other stakeholders in the development of public health interventions to maximise acceptability and remove barriers to adoption, implementation, and maintenance before costly implementation. Yet the processes whereby key actors are engaged in intervention development are rarely reported, and frameworks for carrying out such work remain limited. We outline our approach to involving stakeholders in the optimisation of two school-based relationships and sex education programmes (Project Respect and Positive Choices) and reflect on the challenges of co-producing with teachers, students, and other partners.


Systematic optimisation of both interventions involved a review of existing literature on effective approaches; consultation with staff and students on intervention content and delivery; drafting of intervention materials; further consultation with schools; and then intervention refinement in preparation for a pilot. Seven focus groups took place in southeast and southwest England involving 75 students aged 13–15 years and 22 school staff. A group of young people trained to advise on public health research were consulted on two occasions and a wide range of sexual health and sex education practitioners and policy makers shared their views at a stakeholder event.


Consultation provided useful insights to inform intervention adaption in relation to who should deliver the programmes in schools; whether lessons should be taught in single sex classes; the format that guidance and lesson plans should take; the relevance and acceptability to students and teachers; and the need for the flexibility for materials to adapt to different school contexts. Genuine consultation and incorporation of school stakeholder views was challenging where stakeholder availability was limited and intervention development and implementation timelines were tight. Challenges also arose in relation to the weight to give divergent opinions among stakeholders and between stakeholders and researchers.


Carrying out structured stakeholder engagement activities can yield valuable insights that can improve the applicability of interventions to local contexts before they are formally trialled. To genuinely engage stakeholders in intervention development requires sufficient time to both consult and adapt. In such consultations, it is important to attend not just to the voices of those who are the loudest and most powerful.


National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).  相似文献   



From 2016 to 2017, the UK saw a 22% increase in crime with knives and sharp weapons. Admission to hospitals with stabbing injuries is now at its highest rate for 7 years with a shift towards younger victims, the youngest victim being just 13 years old. We aimed to explore young people's knowledge and consequences of knife crime to inform public health interventions.


As a team of doctors running health workshops with refugee children in London we have access to this marginalised cohort of teenagers. Our study draws from a workshop that focused on knife crime. Participants were recruited voluntarily to join a first-aid session and discussion exploring perceptions of knife crime in an informal setting. 16 boys aged 12–17 years took part. Semi-structured interviews were used to explore ideas and knowledge. Field notes were taken throughout and thematic content analysed to extract the most commonly vocalised ideas.


We identified three key themes: distrust of public services, a lack of knowledge of the justice system, and differing perspectives on the underlying causes of crime. Anxieties around the role of the police were heightened because of the children's experience within the asylum system. Like previous work, we found common misconceptions around the consequences of knife violence.


Our study highlights gaps in knowledge, areas of vulnerability, and the need for targeted public health interventions to support these teenagers.


None.  相似文献   



In most developed countries, the prevalence of smoking remains stubbornly high in lower socioeconomic groups. Male manual workers in England are more than twice as likely as those in managerial and professional occupations to smoke (26% vs 11%), find it more difficult to quit, and have the highest relapse rates. We sought to determine perceived factors in smoking cessation and relapse in this hard-to-reach group to inform the development of effective stop smoking services and public health efforts to reduce the health inequality caused by smoking.


In this qualitative study in southeast England, 12 male manual workers (aged 18–65 years), who had accessed the Sussex Community NHS Trust Stop Smoking Service during the previous 12 months, were recruited into two focus groups (FG 1, n=4; FG 2, n=8). The focus group discussions were guided by structured and prompt questions. The Brighton East Research Ethics Committee approved the study, and written informed consent was obtained from all participants.


Participants identified three broad themes that influenced their smoking cessation efforts and relapse. First, personal and behavioural factors included effect of smoking on current physical fitness as a stronger motivating factor to quit than long-term health risks, risk of relapse associated with use of recreational substances (drugs, alcohol), positive impact of changing one's daily routine or habits to control smoking triggers, negative impact on children, negative social impact of “smelling of cigarettes”, and perception that women have more willpower and find it easier to quit smoking. Second, environmental factors included triggering effect of stressful life events, increased risk of relapse because of the availability of packs of ten cigarettes, and the beneficial effect of a ban on point-of-sale display and smoking in pubs and bars. Third, social factors included positive impact of support from friends, family, or the local community, and negative impact of perceived greater “social acceptability” of smoking in men and “social acceptability” of smoking versus other addictions (eg, recreational drugs, heroin, alcoholism).


This new insight informs the development of public health interventions, which need to address these social norms and attitudes in this group of disadvantaged smokers. Carefully targeted and effective campaigns with appropriate content and tone may reduce the health inequality caused by smoking.


Brighton and Sussex Medical School.  相似文献   



Childhood obesity is a rapidly-growing global concern, with huge impacts on health in childhood and later life. Within the London Borough of Newham, about 25% of children aged 4–5 years and 40% of those aged 10–11 years are overweight. Early intervention strategies are key to targeting childhood obesity. As part of their Childhood Obesity Action Plan, Newham Council, London, introduced an early years nutrition programme in May, 2017. We aimed to assess the implementation of this programme through an audit of Newham's children's centres.


Newham's 11 children's centres were invited to participate in this audit. Our objectives were to determine whether centres are displaying the UNICEF breastfeeding logo, to audit what information about healthy eating is displayed in early years settings, to determine what sessions the centres offer in their timetable for parents, and to conduct a face-to-face interviews on early years nutrition with staff members at each children's centre. Interaction with parents or children was out of scope for this research. Data collection, from Jan 1, to March 31, 2018, was conducted through photographs and field notes. We assessed whether nutrition activities of each centre complied with guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).


Eight (72·7%) centres participated. All centres displayed the UNICEF breastfeeding logo. The most frequent display board topics related to generic health and wellbeing (four centres, 50·0%), and breastfeeding (three, 37·5%). The most frequent sessions offered were oral health (four, 50·0%) and nutrition (three, 37·5%) workshops. Staff regarded health visitors and parental engagement as the most important factors for delivering effective early years nutrition.


This audit indicates that Newham's early years nutrition programme is consistent with NICE guidelines, meeting all 18 relevant recommendations. Future acquisition of data on obesity, tooth decay, and breastfeeding will help determine the programme's effectiveness. Additional research on the importance of health visitors in delivery of early years nutrition will further characterise their role in such programmes and inform the implementation of similar programmes in Newham and elsewhere.


Newham Council.  相似文献   



No data exist about the oral health status, beliefs, and practices of women living in the occupied Palestinian territory generally and in pregnant women in particular. The aim of this study was to investigate pregnant women's oral health status, beliefs, and practices and the barriers to access to dental care.


Pregnant women visiting prenatal programmes at Ministry of Health centres in Jerusalem governorates were screened using the Decayed, Missed and Filled Teeth (DMFT) index to quantify their dental caries experience. A structured interview was also done to assess oral health beliefs and practices, demographic characteristics, and mothers' stress level and social support. Ethical approval was obtained from Al-Quds University Ethics Committee.


119 pregnant women agreed to participate in this study. 103 (87%) women were housewives with mean age 26 years (SD 5). 30 (25%) women had a household monthly income less than US$380, and 54 (45%) women did not finish their high school education. The sample had a mean DMFT index score of 14 (SD 5). 42 (35%) women had not visited a dentist in the past 3 years, and 61 (51%) women were advised by family and friends not to visit the dentist while pregnant. 96 (81%) women had no dental insurance, and 33 (28%) women considered cost to be a barrier to accessing dental care. 42 (35%) women brushed their teeth sometimes, and 106 (89%) women never flossed their teeth. 29 (24%) women perceived their oral health to be poor, and 65 (55%) women believed that a woman can lose a tooth just because she is pregnant. 60 (50%) women did not know the connection between poor oral health and adverse birth outcomes, and 25 (21%) women believed that cavities in baby teeth do not matter.


Women in this study had a high prevalence of dental caries and reported substantial barriers to obtaining dental care. Findings from this study suggest the need for preventive and educational interventions to be incorporated in prenatal health-care programmes to improve maternal and child oral health in Palestine.


Partially funded by a L'Oréal/UNESCO “For Women in Science” 2014 Fellowship.  相似文献   



Acute meningococcal septicaemia is a fulminant disease, and mortality and long-term morbidity can be very high if not treated appropriately. We aimed to evaluate case fatality rate of all children admitted with acute meningococcal septicaemia.


We did a retrospective cohort study of all paediatric cases of acute meningococcal septicaemia admitted to Al-Nasser Paediatric Hospital, the largest paediatric hospital in the Gaza Strip. Acute meningococcal septicaemia was diagnosed clinically and confirmed on the basis of results from skin smears and blood cultures, and meningitis was diagnosed clinically and confirmed by bacteriological examination of cerebrospinal fluid. Sociodemographic and clinical data and outcome information were obtained from hospital records. Outcome measures were predicted mortality using Paediatric Risk of Mortality score III (PRISM-III), actual mortality, and standardised mortality ratio (SMR).


Between Jan 1, 2009, and Sept 31, 2015, 240 children were admitted with acute meningococcal septicaemia. 113 (47%) children were boys, and the average age was 3·15 years (SD 2·6). The number of admitted children with acute meningococcal septicaemia decreased from 47–59 cases per year in 2009–11, to 21–22 cases per year in 2012–15. Similarly, there were fewer deaths in 2012–15 (n=14) than in 2009–11 (n=35). The total mortality predicted by PRISM-III was 25·6%, whereas the actual overall mortality was 21% (standardised mortality ratio 0·814; n=49). 41 (82%) children died within 24 h of admission, 69 (29%) children received corticosteroid, 85 (35%) children received inotropic medications, and 46 (19%) children required mechanical ventilation for a median of 24 h (IQR 6–48]. Acute meningococcal septicaemia was associated with meningitis in 75 (31%) children. The most common complications were multiorgan failure (22 [9%] children), skin necrosis or scarring (13 [5%]), convulsions or seizures (13 [5%]), and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (ten [4%]). Mortality was independently associated with age (odds ratio per 1-year decreased age 1·06, 95% CI 1·03–1·10; p=0·0006), shock (3·83, 1·32–11·70; p=0·015), absence of meningitis on presentation (9·55, 3·25–28·07; p=0·0013), and mechanical ventilation (9·85; 4·31–22·54; p<0·0001).


The mortality and morbidity associated with meningococcemia are improving but remain high. Timely identification of acute meningococcal septicaemia in primary care as well as in emergency departments is crucial.


None.  相似文献   



Secondary hospitals in Shanghai received less support for conducting medical residency programmes than tertiary hospitals, until the programmes became standardised in 2010. If standardisation succeeds, it may reduce the disparities in the quality of the physician workforce and health care among different hospitals. This study examined whether residents at secondary hospitals had the same perception of the magnitude of their improvement in competence as those at tertiary hospitals after standardised residency training.


We recruited all 2283 residents who started their residency in 2013 at 47 hospitals in Shanghai. One week before graduation, residents reported their perceived improvement in competence as the primary outcome. Hospital of residency, awareness of the program requirements, and demographic information were treated as explanatory variables. We ran linear regressions to examine whether hospital type and the university to which the hospital is affiliated were associated with the extent of perceived improvement. Fudan University Institutional Review Board approved the study. All participants who submitted responses provided informed consent.


Of the 2283 residents recruited, 2208 (96·71%) completed the survey. The mean score of perceived improvement in competence was 3·418 on a scale of 1–5 (SD 0·690). Although the adjusted multilevel analysis showed that scores at tertiary specialty hospitals (β=?0·044, SE 0·098, p=0·653) and tertiary general hospitals (β=?0·041, SE 0·081, p=0·612) were lower than at secondary general hospitals, the association was not statistically significant. No variance in improvement scores could be explained by hospital type or university affiliation.


The Shanghai standardised residency training has achieved standardisation of training and of professional competence across different hospitals for the residents who started residency in 2013. Continual evaluation with objective data will be necessary as the programme proceeds, to determine whether these findings are reliable, and whether Shanghai's model remains an exemplar for standardised residency training programmes in the rest of China.


No funding.  相似文献   



The consumption of complementary and herbal products is increasing in many parts of the world. The purpose of this study was to investigate the knowledge and attitudes among pharmacists in West Bank towards the use of herbal products.


This cross-sectional study was done in the four largest cities in occupied Palestinian territory (Ramallah, Hebron, Bethlehem, and Nablus) between Dec 10, 2014, and March 30, 2015. Pharmacists from all specialties (community pharmacists, hospital pharmacists, and medical representatives) were invited to complete a questionnaire after giving informed consent. The responses to the questionnaire were reviewed by four research experts for face validity and piloted with 12 pharmacists to test for clarity. The questionnaire had two sections. The first section requested details of the participant's demographic information (eg, age, sex), whereas the second section included open-ended questions about the participant's behaviours towards and knowledge about use of herbal remedies.


350 pharmacists completed the questionnaire. The mean age of pharmacists was 32·9 years (SD 6·5). 238 (68%) pharmacists worked in community pharmacies, and their experience in practice ranged from 1–26 years. Only 133 (38%) pharmacists believed that herbal products are very effective, and 171 (49%) pharmacists believed that herbal remedies are very safe. Product packaging and product representatives were the sources of information most consulted by the pharmacists (154 [44%] for product packaging vs 89 [25%] for product representatives). General health tonic preparations were the most widely dispensed drugs, followed by cough preparations (19%). 227 (65%) pharmacists believed that herbal remedies were effective, but 175 (50%) pharacists reported concern about their safety. The knowledge about indications for herbal medicines was good, but the pharmacists' awareness of interactions and adverse effects was inadequate. 308 (88%) pharmacists believed that regulation of herbal products should be increased, whereas 262 (75%) pharmacists believed that available information about herbal products is inadequate.


Many pharmacists in West Bank believed that herbal remedies were an effective alternative therapeutic option. Continued education of herbal medicine for practicing pharmacists should be encouraged to enable pharmacists to provide competent, effective, and holistic patient care.


None.  相似文献   



With the increasing use of yoga and meditation in youth education, it is important to examine the evidence of their effect. This study aimed to assess the effect of meditation or yoga programmes on the education of youth and adolescence in a systematic review of the present literature.


Systematic review methodology aligned to the PRISMA-R guidelines was used to identify scientific research on the effect of meditation or yoga on youth education. PubMed, Education Resources Information, and the Cochrane Library were searched. Keywords and text words were “meditation” or “yoga” in combination with “education” or “learning”, and “youth” or “adolescent”. across those databases for English language publications with healthy human participants in the past 5 years (June 16, 2013, to June 16, 2018). Studies not associated with yoga or meditation, youth, or education were excluded. A narrative synthesis with a tabulation system was used to analyse studies for their diverse research designs, methods, and outcomes.


Of 3096 initial papers, 34 met the inclusion criteria. Included studies were conducted in the USA (28), China (2), India (2), Germany (1), and Thailand (1), and they applied various designs: randomised controlled trial (13, including classroom, group, or individual randomisation), quasi-experimental (11), single group pre–post test (3), qualitative interview (2), survey (1), and systematic review (4). Participants were primary school students, secondary school students, university students, and a few faculty or community members. Interventions differed in duration (a single class to 5 years) and composition (one yoga or meditation intervention to multi-intervention programmes combining physical activity, diet, activities for general health, and wellbeing). Of 28 quantitative studies, 23 (82%) had fewer than 100 participants in the intervention group. Outcomes used included cognition; academic performance; psychosomatic, social, and physiological measures; and measurements specific to the meditation or yoga intervention. Positive effects of yoga or meditation on outcomes were reported in most of the studies; negative findings and adverse effects (false memory with mindfulness meditation) were also reported.


This study indicates a potential beneficial effect of yoga and meditation on youth education; however, given the risk of bias, heterogeneity, and weakness of methodology, further evidence is required.


None.  相似文献   



On Saturday, June 3, 2017, a terrorist attack at London Bridge and Borough Market in the London borough of Southwark resulted in the death of 11 individuals, including the three perpetrators. 48 people were injured. A mental health and wellbeing subgroup of the Humanitarian Assistance Steering Group was immediately formed, co-chaired by the Director of Public Health, to assess and respond to the mental health and wellbeing needs of those affected by the attack. We report on key aspects of this response.


The public health response was developed at pace amid a dynamic operational environment. Drawing on the evidence base and professional opinion, the public health team led and coordinated a comprehensive needs assessment to assess and anticipate the mental health and wellbeing needs of the groups affected. A gap analysis then identified whether services were available locally to meet identified needs, and what further support was required. Development of the needs assessment and gap analysis was informed by rapid literature review that focused on deriving learning from previous similar events. Operational and clinical academic expertise was utilised from partners within and outside the organisation.


Public health assisted with three key aspects of the response: development and delivery of appropriate, effective, and timely interventions to address mental health and wellbeing needs based on psychosocial support; development of evidence-based messaging to the public and health-care providers; and documented learning throughout to contribute to the evidence-base and improve management of future events. Further work by an independent research team to evaluate the mental health and wellbeing response is underway. Early findings suggest that a more comprehensive approach to identifying the full breadth of community needs would have been useful. Although the response addressed the needs of groups with established representation, other groups did not receive proactive advice and support. More focus is also needed on addressing the wellbeing needs of council staff.


Public health leadership can strengthen a local humanitarian response by providing system leadership and coordination, engaging expertise and drawing on the evidence-base to support decision making, and facilitating evaluation strategies to derive learning from the process.


None.  相似文献   

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