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英国药学教育及医疗体制对我国临床药学发展的启示   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的 通过介绍英国医疗体系、药师的教育培训和工作内容,以及药学教育的模式,对照我国的情况,分析我国药学教育及临床药学服务存在的问题,提出加快发展我国临床药学的建议。方法 结合笔者在英国伦敦大学学院参加的临床药师培养班所获知识及参考文献,总结英国的医疗体系、药师工作内容,并以伦敦大学药学院的药学教育项目为例介绍课程设置、教学模式和评价方式等,找出两国的不同和差距,提出促进中国临床药学发展、药学教育改革和临床药师培养的建议。结果与结论 英国的药学教育以培养临床药师为目的,学制4年,药学硕士学位,教学内容偏重临床实践。我国的药学教育模式比较单一,药学人才培养模式与课程设置重理论而轻临床;我国现行的医疗体制及药师配套法规不完善,阻碍了我国临床药学的发展。英国的药学教育模式、药学人才培养体系及医疗体制对其临床药学服务发展具有重要的作用,对我国药学人才培养模式与课程设置改革有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

高杰 《中国药房》2011,(34):3241-3243
目的:探讨临床药师培养中值得注意的问题。方法:结合带教经验和自身成长经历,从学制、课程体系和教材、专业招生、师资、实习安排、沟通能力等方面,对临床药师的培养方法进行分析。结果与结论:我国临床药师的学校培养存在学制不统一、教材不配套、师资缺乏等问题,建议尽快在临床药学学科建设和临床药师培养体制上进行相关改革,临床药师培养不妨以5年制本科教育为主,合理设置课程和编写专用教材、加强师资培养、合理安排实习,以适应临床药学的发展要求,培养出合格的临床药师。  相似文献   

加强专业管理及教育水平,促进我国临床药学发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着医药卫生事业的深化改革,使以提供药物为特点的传统医院药学工作模式面临生存危机,以服务于病人为宗旨的临床药学将成为未来我国医院药学的主要发展方向。解决临床药师缺乏的问题是我国医院药学工作模式转变的关键,临床药师的培养成为药学教育的迫切任务。高等医药院校应针对临床药物应用人才培养目标、培养要求及课程设置上的迫切需要进行调整,以适应新时期对临床药师人才培养的要求。同时建议政府加快制定相关法规,明确临床药师的定位,促进我国临床药学的全面发展,以提供更好的临床药学服务。  相似文献   

昝旺  昝加禄  蒋学华 《中国药房》2011,(32):3070-3072
目的:为临床药学专业的课程设置提出建议。方法:通过访谈法、问卷法考察当前我国临床药师在实际工作中反映出的人文素质情况,并对我国临床药学专业课程设置进行分析,探讨临床药学专业人文课程设置的必要性。结果:临床药师在实际工作中的现实表现折射出其人文底蕴不足,且其自我评价中也反映出对自身人文素质并不满意,我国临床药学专业的人文课程设置有待加强和完善。结论:临床药学学生需要加强人文素质的培养,人文课程的设置十分必要且需要逐步完善。  相似文献   

我国开展临床药学工作的现状与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
黄帮华 《医药导报》2009,1(1):51-52
通过分析我国开展临床药学工作的现状,提出我国的临床药学工作方向,应从建立健全临床药师各项政策法规入手,转变教育模式,加快临床药师培养,加强业务指导,促进临床药学工作健康发展.  相似文献   

目的:为改进临床药学人才培养模式提出建议。方法:采用调查研究法,对四川省部分医院的临床药学利益相关方和四川省开设了临床药学专业(或方向)的高校进行问卷调查。结果:共发出问卷511份,收回有效问卷495份,有效回收率为96.87%。调查显示,临床药师的工作得到了医疗团队成员的肯定。大部分临床药师或在读的临床药学专业学生对目前的知识结构和培养方案表示认可,但仍认为应加强临床药学实践以及相关交叉学科知识的学习;现行的学科体系基本可以满足需求,只是在实践与理论教学比重、学科交叉、部分课程设置、教师资源整合上有待完善。结论:①应制定准则,促进临床药学工作的规范化发展;②合理调整专业课程内容,有效进行学科交叉;③设置统一的课程标准,进行专业认证标准分层;④设置长学制临床药学本硕连读专业,增加实践课程比例;⑤整合师资力量,充分发挥医院临床药师的潜能。  相似文献   

张锦林 《安徽医药》2010,14(4):481-482
建立临床药师制不仅是医院临床的需要,也是医院药师自身发展的需要,符合医院药学的发展方向。但是,由于此前我国药学人才培养一直沿用化学教育模式,缺乏对医学知识的进一步学习,使得药学人员深入临床时面对浩瀚的临床医学知识往往感到方向不明、专业不精、信心不足。另外,药学同样是一个博大精深的体系,要想把所有临床药物理解透彻,需花费大量的时间和精力,“全科药师”往往会造成临床药师工作广而不深的结果。  相似文献   

姚毅  庞会明 《中国药师》2015,(6):961-991
摘 要 本文从我国中药临床药学工作开展的现状分析了中药临床药师的培养情况,其存在中药临床药师人员不足、水平不高的现象。为了促进我国中药临床药学工作的开展,必须大力培养高素质中药临床药师。文中就如何培养高素质中药临床药师,从高校教育制度的改革和临床培养两方面给出了建议:①改革现有的教育制度 ,建立合理的中药临床药学高等教育体制。包括学制的改革、课程的调整、实习方向的转变等内容;②各方重视,从临床培养实用型中药临床药学专业人才。包括国家应启动中药临床药师培养工作、医院应培养实用性的中药临床药师和开展相应的中药临床药学工作、人员自身素质的提高等方面。  相似文献   

2011年3月国家卫生部颁布《医疗机构药事管理规定》,明确药学部门开展"以患者为中心,以合理用药为核心的临床药学工作"。目前,临床药师培养模式尚未有统一规范,我国临床药师的培训以专科培养为主,强调以专科患者为主要服务对象,因为分科室、分专业设置临床药师比较切实可行,使临床药师在短期内可全面、深入地掌握本专科的药学知识[1]。那么,年轻的临床药师如何更快地融入临床治疗团队,开展临床药学实践,成为关注的焦点。  相似文献   

临床药师培养的几点建议   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
谢东浩  凌芳 《药学服务与研究》2007,7(3):175-175,218,228
以保障药品供应和药物调剂为特点的传统医院药学工作模式已不能完全满足当前医院药学发展的需要,以病人为中心的临床药学服务工作将成为未来医院药学发展的主要方向,而拥有合格的临床药师是这一服务模式成功转变的关键。然而,目前我国缺乏真正的临床药师,更缺乏培养符合临床需要的临床药师的体系,因此,建立培养临床药师的体系已成为药学教育的迫切任务。  相似文献   

高等临床药学人才教育模式与培养课程设置的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着我国经济的迅速发展和医疗体制改革的深化,临床药师的需求将会不断增长。现阶段可采用培养药学博士、临床药学硕士和在职培训等多种方式来改善临床药师短缺的状况。长期来看,应在我国的主要医药高等院校建立完善的药学博士教育体系,建立安全合理用药的人才体系。药学博士的课程应包括生物医学、药学、临床医药学、中医药学和社会管理科学等几方面的内容,教学中应加强临床医药学、药物基因组学、药物经济学和医药信息检索知识的学习,并注重临床药学实践、与人沟通能力和获取新知识能力的培养,以使其能适应将来临床药师工作的需要。  相似文献   

以美国匹兹堡大学药学院Pharm D学位教育为例,评述美国药学服务型人才的学位设置、培养目标、课程设计、教学方法以及师资队伍建设等药师的培养体系及模式。审视我国当前药学教育的现状与执业药师转型发展,提出借鉴国外药学教育的成功模式和经验,推进我国高等药学职业教育,从人才培养源头提高我国执业药师的素质与能力。  相似文献   

The Tokai Regional Alliance Center for Recurrent Education supported by three public universities in Tokai area executes a continuing education program for pharmacists. One of the major features of this program is that it can deliver lectures easily to pharmacists using a web conferencing system. This system enables pharmacists to attend lectures at several remote places. The program consists of two learning courses. One is a lecture series given by teachers belonging to the university or university facilities. Another course is a training series using the university equipment. This training course incorporates the contents of a new 6-year pharmacy education program. Moreover, this training course is intended to facilitate participation of pharmacists to the health care team. This continuing professional development for pharmacists will not only improve their pharmaceutical expertise, but also will provide the education necessary for pharmacists to perform well in actual medical practice. Through these efforts the continuing education of future pharmacists will be strengthened by new educational contents provided by pharmaceutical universities.  相似文献   

医疗机构药剂师任职技术(准入)条件的探讨   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
吴永佩  颜青  蒋学华  曾仁杰  甄健存 《中国药房》2006,17(19):1444-1447
目的初步建立医疗机构药剂师任职技术(准入)条件的标准体系,为高等院校药学专业教育和医疗机构药剂师在职教育培养标准的设立提供依据,为有关部门制定各级技术职务资格标准提供参考,也为医疗机构药剂师各级技术职务考试、考核提供参考。方法参考国外医疗机构药学工作的发展趋势,结合我国医疗机构药学工作现状,提出医疗机构药剂师任职技术(准入)条件的标准体系。结果与结论从专业理论知识、工作经历与能力、教学和科研4个方面分别对药剂师、主管药剂师、副主任药剂师和主任药剂师提出了任职技术(准入)条件。职称越高,对药剂师组织管理能力、促进临床合理用药及从事相关科研能力的要求应随之提高。  相似文献   

Background Community pharmacists’ role in screening of several chronic diseases has been widely explored. The global health burden of chronic kidney disease is high; however, the progression and adverse outcomes can be prevented or delayed by detecting and treating the disease in its initial stages 1–3. Therefore, a web-based training program was developed to enhance pharmacists’ knowledge and skills required to perform a chronic kidney disease screening service in a community setting. Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of a web-based training program on community pharmacists’ knowledge and skills associated with chronic kidney disease screening. As secondary aim, pharmacists’ satisfaction with the training program was assessed. Setting Community pharmacy practice. Method A web-based training program was developed by four pharmacists and a nephrologist. Quantitative data was collected by employing a self-administered, web-based questionnaire, which comprised a set of five multiple-choice knowledge questions and one clinical vignette to assess skills. A nine-item Likert scale was used to determine pharmacists’ satisfaction with the training program. Main outcome measure Pharmacists’ knowledge and skills scores at pre and post-training, reliability of the Likert scale, and the proportion of responses to the individual nine items of the satisfaction survey. Results Fifty pharmacists participated in the pre-questionnaire and 38 pharmacists completed the web-based training and post-questionnaire. Significant differences were observed in the knowledge scores (p < 0.001) and skills scores (p < 0.001) at pre- and post-training. Cronbach’s alpha for the nine-item satisfaction scale was 0.73 and the majority pharmacists (92.1–100 %) were satisfied with the various aspects of the training program. Conclusion The web-based training program positively enhanced pharmacists’ knowledge and skills associated with chronic kidney disease screening. These findings support further development and widespread implementation of the training program to facilitate health promotion and early identification of chronic kidney disease in a community setting.  相似文献   

目的: 适应上海市医政工作新形势和临床药学学科发展新需求,探索和实践上海市中医临床药师规范化培训模式。方法: 参考上海市西医通科临床药师在职规范化培训模式,制定上海市中医临床药师规范化培训方案,组织开展培训工作。培训工作结束后,对培训基地和学员进行了调研,参考调研结果对培训方案进行调整。部分基地在完成培训大纲要求外,对培训内容和形式进行了拓展与实践。结果: 培训工作主要由师资培训、基地遴选、学员培训、调研和改进四部分组成,其中学员培训包括集中理论知识培训、门诊抄方、审方实践和临床实践。首期遴选出4家医院作为首批中医临床药师培训基地,第一、二期分别有31名和40名学员通过考核取得培训合格证书。参考调研结果,增加了门诊审方、门诊抄方和临床实践时间,门诊审方增加了中药饮片处方点评内容。曙光医院基地通过课堂授课、知识手册学习以及参观实践,加强对学员理论知识和实践技能的培训。结论: 上海市中医临床药师规范化培训模式是可行的,为本市二、三级医院培养了一批中医临床药师,加强了医疗机构临床药师队伍建设,使临床药学服务体系更加完善。  相似文献   

儿童处于生长发育阶段,在用药上有其特殊性。然而目前我国儿童不合理用药现象仍较普遍。儿科药师在临床治疗中发挥着重要的作用,因此培养儿科药师,发挥其在儿科药物治疗领域的特殊作用尤为重要。然而,我国目前尚未确立儿科药师培养体系,儿科药师数量不足、资质还有待统一。美国儿科药师成长历程呈现进阶式,历经药学院教育、住院药师培训、在职培训、儿科药物治疗专家四个阶段,从药学院阶段到儿科药物治疗专家阶段对专业知识与实践经验的要求逐步提高。整个过程较为完整、系统,可供我国参考。  相似文献   

目的:介绍英国儿科药师培养及药学服务模式,为我国儿科药学工作者提供参考.方法:通过笔者在英国儿童专科医院培训的经历,介绍英国儿科药师培养模式和药学服务模式.结果:英国儿童专科医院儿科药师培养模式在组织架构、规范化培养等方面值得我们借鉴.结论:药师作为儿科医疗团队的一员,通过借鉴学习英国成熟经验,完善儿科药师专业素质培养...  相似文献   

A staff development program in total parenteral nutrition (TPN) is described. A 12-week education and training program was developed at a community hospital to enable staff pharmacists (those with B.S. degrees) to become involved in the pharmacy-based TPN service that has been in effect at the institution since 1978. Before 1987, the TPN pharmacist had always held a Pharm.D. degree. In the first four weeks of the program the trainee is allotted two hours per day for required reading. During the final eight weeks, the trainee accompanies a TPN pharmacist on daily rounds. A proficiency examination is given after week 10. Upon successful completion of the program, the pharmacist serves as a nutritional support therapy consultant to physicians who wish to have their patients evaluated, treated, and monitored by the TPN service. A quality assurance program was developed to enable the clinical coordinator in charge of the service to identify areas where further inservice education might be indicated and to satisfy requirements of the Joint Commission. Six staff pharmacists have completed the training program and are allowed to write TPN orders and conduct TPN rounds. The program has expanded the clinical roles of the staff pharmacists and has been well received by the medical staff. The quality assurance monitoring indicates that the service is excellent. A staff development program was successful in training staff pharmacists to participate in TPN therapy.  相似文献   

Objective To describe the development, implementation and outcomes of an anticoagulation education program for pharmacists participating in a community-based post-discharge warfarin management service. Setting Australian community pharmacy practice. Method Three education modules were developed in collaboration with medical experts and delivered electronically and via hands-on training sessions to pharmacists in three Australian states. Educational outcomes were assessed via a short answer assignment and evaluation of their warfarin dosing recommendations for five hypothetical scenarios. Consumer and pharmacist perceptions of the adequacy of the training were surveyed using a structured postal questionnaire. Main outcome measure Pharmacists’ score in the short answer assignment and evaluation of their responses to the hypothetical warfarin dosing scenarios. Results Sixty-two pharmacists successfully completed the training program with a mean score for the short answer assignment of 14.3 out of 15 (95.3%; 95% CI 13.8–14.7). The pharmacists’ warfarin management recommendations were very similar to those of two experienced medical specialists. Pharmacists and consumers expressed confidence in the adequacy of the training program. Conclusion This education program successfully up-skilled a cohort of pharmacists for involvement in a post-discharge warfarin management service. These findings support formalisation and further development of the program to facilitate widespread implementation of home-based post-discharge warfarin care.  相似文献   

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