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More nations are joining the human embryonic stem cell (hESC) ??race?? by aggressively publishing in the peer-reviewed journals. Here we present data on the international use and distribution of hESC using a dataset taken from the primary research literature. We extracted these papers from a comprehensive dataset of articles using hESC and human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC). We find that the rate of publication by US-based authors is slowing in comparison to international labs, and then declines over the final year of the period 2008?C2010. Non-US authors published more frequently and at a significantly higher rate, significantly increasing the number of their papers. In addition, international labs use a more diverse set of hESC lines and Obama-era additions are used more in non-US locations. Even considering the flood of new lines in the US and abroad, we see that researchers continue to rely on a few lines derived before the turn of the century. These data suggest ??embargo?? effects from restrictive policies on the US stem cell field. Over time, non-US labs have freely used lines on the US registries, while federally funded US scientists have been limited to using those lines approved by the NIH.  相似文献   

姜振 《中国组织工程研究》2012,16(14):2597-2606
背景:神经营养因子与神经干细胞的增殖、分化密切相关,在神经干细胞的诱导分化中起重要作用。 目的:通过对汤森路透Web of Science数据库收录2002/2011有关神经营养因子与神经干细胞增殖分化作用相关文献的计量学分析,得出神经营养因子与神经干细胞增殖分化影响的国际动态研究的趋势。 设计:文献计量学分析。 资料提取:由第一作者检索汤森路透Web of Science数据库有关神经营养因子与神经干细胞增殖分化的文献,分析其研究进展。检索文献时间范围为2002-01/2011-12。 入选标准:纳入标准:经同行评议的神经营养因子与神经干细胞增殖分化研究的已发表文章,包括研究原著,综述,会议记录,会议摘要。排除标准:①需采用手工检索和电话检索方式收集的文章。②未正式出版的文章。③在收录数量之外排除勘误类文献类型。 主要数据的判断指标:①文献收录总量。②文献类型。③学科类型。④国家分布。⑤发文单位。⑥来源期刊。⑦高被引文章。 结果:①汤森路透Web of Science数据库过去10年共收录神经营养因子与神经干细胞增殖分化研究相关文献257篇,其中神经生长因子与神经干细胞增殖分化研究相关的文献88篇,脑源性神经营养因子与神经干细胞增殖分化研究相关文献127篇,神经营养素3与神经干细胞增殖分化研究相关文献42篇。2002年仅发表并收录神经营养因子与神经干细胞增殖分化相关研究7篇,从2007年开始文献数量成倍增长,2010年收录该领域的相关文献达到顶峰,为43篇。其中研究类文章共收录225篇,综述类文章30篇。研究文字的学科领域集中在神经科学和细胞生物学方向。②目前已发表的文献美国为主,占全球相关领域发稿量的36.12%。中国在过去10年间被收录文章总量中位居第2名,共发表60篇相关文章,占全球相关文章的23.34%。其高被引文章主要发表在Cell Transplantation《细胞移植》、Journal of Neuroscience Research《神经科学研究杂志》、Neuroscience Letters《神经科学快报》和Brain Research《脑研究》杂志。 结论:文献分析显示,近几年来神经营养因子与神经干细胞增殖分化研究趋于成熟,发文量稳定并且呈逐渐上升趋势,是目前该领域研究的热点。  相似文献   

背景:美国在干细胞领域的研究居世界顶级水平,但其相关的监管及政策一直在变化。 目的:研究美国政府及企业对干细胞研究政策和投入的变化,及其可能对世界格局产生的重大影响。 方法:由第一作者检索2000-01/2010-10 SCI数据库,万方数据库,维普数据库,美国国家卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health,NIH)的官方网站,及GBI Research公司的研究报告。英文检索词为“stem cell,USA,policy,invest”,中文检索词为“干细胞,美国”。共收集到128篇有关美国干细胞政策和投入的相关的文献,排除发表时间较早、重复及类似研究,共有30篇符合标准的文献。 结果与结论:美国对于干细胞研究政策及投入的争议,主要集中在联邦经费是否可以用于人类胚胎干细胞研究,但对非联邦资助的人类胚胎干细胞研究没有太多限制。奥巴马总统上任后对联邦政府资助胚胎干细胞研究的限制较以前有了部分松绑,但目前政策的后继影响还不明显。美国虽然在联邦政府层面对干细胞的研究投入有限,但地方政府以及私人资金对其大力支持,加上产业界对于干细胞治疗的巨大投入,美国的干细胞研究和产业前景乐观,胚胎干细胞可能成为以后的优先发展领域。  相似文献   

背景:造血干细胞移植是目前根治地中海贫血的最佳方法,造血干细胞移植包括骨髓移植、脐血移植、宫内造血干细胞移植、外周血造血干细胞移植。 目的:利用SCI数据库文献检索和深度分析功能,对造血干细胞移植的研究文献进行多层次探讨分析。 方法:以“造血干细胞(hematopoietic stem cell or HSC);移植(transplantation);地中海贫血(thalassaemia or thalassemia);β型地中海贫血(beta thalassaemia or beta thalassemia or β thalassaemia or β thalassemia)”为关键词,检索SCI数据库2002-01/2011-12的相关文献,并将分析结果及资料导出,以文字和图表的形式进行统计和计量分析,描述其分布特征。纳入标准:检索与造血干细胞移植治疗地中海贫血相关的文献。文献类型包括:①研究原著。②会议摘要。③综述。④会议文章。⑤快报。⑥编辑素材。⑦勘误。⑧章节。⑨新闻。排除标准:①与文章目的无关的文献。②大于10年较陈旧的文献。③未发表的文章。 结果与结论:SCI数据库2002/2011共检索到8 981篇造血干细胞移植相关的文献,研究原著以4 922篇位居首位,其中有7篇可以确定为经典文献,文献数量在2002/2011呈总体上升趋势,Blood《血液》杂志发表文献量最多, 1 515篇,占全部文献的16.87%。通过文献计量学方法对来源于SCI数据库关于造血干细胞移植的文献进行分析,可为了解该领域的现状、趋势和研究者进一步确定热点难点提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

In 2011, courts in both the United States and European Union handed down decisions related to human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research. In both cases, the definition of research was challenged – but the two courts reached different opinions. In the US case, Sherley v. Sebelius, research was defined as a specific project. The US District Court of Appeals did not link research utilizing existing hESC lines to the act of destroying a human embryo in order to create the line, which is not eligible for federal funding. In contrast, the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Brüstle v. Greenpeace case determined inventions related to hESCs were unpatentable since they resulted from research that involved the destruction of human embryos. In this article, we will compare and contrast these two court cases, the politics related to the rulings, and their impacts. We find that these cases significantly impacted current research and have the potential to negatively impact future stem cell research and development. However, the long-term effects of the cases remain to be seen, and there is a chance that these cases could actually strengthen this area of science. Ultimately, we feel that stem cell polices must be straightforward and supported by the public to prevent courts and judges from making decisions on science, which are disruptive to the progression of research.  相似文献   

The term "stem cell exceptionalism" has been used to characterize the policy response to controversies surrounding human embryonic stem cell research. For example, governments and funding agencies have adopted policies governing the derivation and use of human embryonic stem cell lines. These policies have effectively served to fill gaps in existing guidelines and regulations and signal that scientists are committed to a responsible framework for the conduct of research involving human embryos. Recent publications discuss whether ethical and policy issues associated with induced pluripotent cells (iPSCs) from non-embryonic sources create a need for further policy intervention. We suggest many of the issues identified by commentators may be addressed through the application of established policy frameworks governing the use of tissue, human stem cells, and research participation by human research subjects. To the extent, iPSC research intersects with hESC research (e.g. the creation of human gametes and/or embryos), the policy framework governing hESC appears sufficiently robust at this time.  相似文献   

In August 2004, Stojkovic and Murdoch from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, were granted the UK's first license to create human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) using cell nuclear replacement. While this news made headlines around the globe, a spokesman for the German Ministry of Research warned scientists in his country of the illegality of advising their English colleagues on hESC research. Meanwhile, US Members of Congress had asked President Bush to revoke his decision to limit federal funding to research on a limited number of hESC lines created before 9 August, 2001 (a decision that he confirmed in July 2006, while nonfederally funded research on hESC continues to be unrestricted). In Israel, where hESC research is legal and has never been a contested political issue, a bioethicist argued that, in light of the potential to alleviate human suffering, "banning research is against human dignity". How can such striking differences in the regulation of hESC research be explained?  相似文献   

背景:脊髓损伤是中枢神经系统的严重创伤,是目前公认的疑难病之一。组织工程细胞移植为脊髓损伤治疗提供了新的思路,使损伤轴突修复、再生和恢复脊髓部分神经功能成为可能。  目的:利用SCI数据库文献检索和深度分析功能,对神经干细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤研究的10年文献资料进行多角度的探讨分析。 设计:文献计量学分析。 资料提取:由第一作者以“neural stem cells (神经干细胞),spinal cord injury or spinal injury (脊髓损伤),cell transplantation (细胞移植),spinal transection (脊髓横断)”为关键词检索SCI数据库2002-01/2011-12的相关文献,并将分析结果及资料导出,以文字和图表的形式进行统计和计量分析,描述其分布特征。 入选标准:纳入标准:检索神经干细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤研究相关的文献。文献类型包括研究原著、综述、会议记录及摘要、快报文章、编辑素材。排除标准:与文章目的无关的文献,大于10年较陈旧的文献,未发表的文章以及需电话追踪和手工检索逐一分析的文献。 主要数据判定指标:以文献的类型、出版时间、发表文献的作者分布、学科类别、机构分布、国家地区分布、来源期刊、文献被引情况及基金资助机构进行相关分析。 结果:SCI数据库2002/2011收录的文献中共检索到500篇神经干细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤研究相关的文献,研究原著以348篇位居首位,其中有15篇可以确定为经典文献。在时间分布上,文献数量2002/2011总体呈上升趋势,来源出版物呈分散情况,其中Journal of Neurotrauma《神经外伤杂志》发表文献量22篇,占全部文献的15.09%。其次为Journal of Neuroscience Research《神经科学研究杂志》21篇。 《神经外伤杂志》发表文献量22篇,占全部文献的15.09%。其次为Journal of Neuroscience Research《神经科学研究杂志》21篇。 结论:通过文献计量学方法对来源于SCI数据库关于神经干细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤研究的文献进行分析,可为了解该领域的概貌、现状和研究者进一步确定该领域研究的热点难点提供有价值的参考。   相似文献   

Studies of public views on stem cell research have traditionally focused on human embryonic stem cells. With more recent scientific research on developing other stem cell sources, a series of focus group studies was undertaken with Canadian adults to examine their views on different stem cell sources (adult, umbilical cord blood, human embryonic stem cells, somatic cell nuclear transfer or SCNT, and interspecies nuclear transfer, or iSCNT). Views on three different policy models—a permissive, middle-of-the-road and restrictive policy approach—were also explored. Participants were recruited from several different social groups including patients, young adults, seniors, members of two ethnic communities, and a mixed group of adults. Participants were generally supportive of the use of adult stem cell sources. While there was also majority support for the use of hESC and SCNT, this was conditional on strict regulatory oversight. There was also majority support for a permissive policy which allows research on hESC and SCNT. General themes that cut across different groups included the potential cost of new technologies to the health care system, issues around who would gain access to these technologies, and trust in the scientific establishment and regulatory systems. A diversity of viewpoints was found as participants justified their positions on stem cell sources and policy approaches, showing more complexity and nuance than has been generally portrayed. The authors acknowledge support for this study from the project “Towards the clinic: ethical, legal, and social issues relevant to emerging stem cell therapies” funded by the Stem Cell Network of Canada.  相似文献   

The use of human embryos in human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research raises significant ethical and policy issues associated with their donation. Recent research conducted in several countries assesses the percent of persons with cryopreserved and fresh supernumerary embryos willing to donate them for research, their reasons for considering this option, and the concerns they raise about its personal import. Such research provides new insights into rising ethical and policy questions associated with embryo donation for hESC research that should be addressed. In response to such questions, it is argued here that consent to the donation of supernumerary embryos for hESC research should be sought in two or three stages, depending on whether fresh or frozen embryos are at issue, in order to provide patients and their partners with sufficient time and information before they make a final decision. In addition, steps should be taken to support the voluntariness of their decisions by having personnel other than the treating reproductive specialist or stem cell investigators solicit their consent. Prospective embryo donors should also be given a choice about the uses to which hESCs derived from their donated embryos will be put in order to honor their ethical convictions and ensure that there are sufficient embryos for this research. The well-being and rights of those who donate embryos for this research require the sort of support and protection that can be provided by an ethical and policy framework that allows hESC investigations to move forward according to standards that are transparent and that resound with public values.  相似文献   

During recent years, attention has been given to the potential of therapeutic approaches using stem cells obtained from dental pulp tissue. The aim of this study, therefore, was to give an overview of the papers produced during the last 10 years that have described the use of stem cells obtained from human deciduous teeth in cell therapy or bioengineering. The PubMed database was investigated from January 2002 until July 2011 and the papers published during this period were analyzed according to criteria previously established, using the methodology of systematic review. The measurements were done using “stem cell” as the primary keyword, and “human deciduous teeth dental pulp cell” and “human exfoliated deciduous teeth” as the secondary keywords. Four hundred and seventy‐five papers were found. The first screening resulted in 276 papers, from which 84 papers were selected. However, only 11 of them attained the aim proposed in our approach. There were few scientific studies related to direct therapeutic application using stem cells of human deciduous teeth and none of them had been applied to humans. However, the results indicated important and promising applications of the pulp stem‐cells in cell therapy and bioengineering as demonstrated by studies in animal models of muscular dystrophy, Parkison's disease, and lupus erythematosus. Anat Rec, 296:1923–1928, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The generation of cardiomyocytes from human embryonic stem cells (hESC) boasts a variety of potential applications including cell transplantation for myocardial repair. Unfortunately, advancements in the field has been challenged by the low efficiency of cardiomyocyte differentiation from hESC. Recently, Kattman et al. 2011 showed that individual hESC lines require a precise balance of the Activin A and BMP4 signaling for efficient cardiac differentiation. This group also presented differentiation protocols for several human and mouse ESC lines, however; two of the most utilized hESC lines, the H9 and H7 ESC, were not included. Here, we provide protocols, based on the work from Kattman et al. 2011, for generating cardiomyoctyes from H7 and H9 hESC. These hESC line-specific protocols reproducibly direct approximately 50?% of hESC towards the cardiac lineage.  相似文献   

背景:肿瘤干细胞是存在于肿瘤组织中的一小部分具有干细胞性质的细胞群体,具有自我更新能力和不定向分化潜能,肿瘤干细胞学说认为,肿瘤干细胞是肿瘤形成及其不断生长的根源。 目的:通过对汤森路透Web of Science数据库、美国NIH基金及北美临床试验注册库有关肿瘤干细胞相关文献的计量学分析,得出成肿瘤干细胞国际动态的研究趋势。 设计:文献计量学分析。 资料提取:由第一作者检索汤森路透Web of Science数据库,美国NIH基金在线查询网站(NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools)及北美临床试验注册库(ClinicalTrials.gov)有关肿瘤干细胞的文献,基金资助项目,以及专利情况,分析其研究进展。检索文献时间范围为2002-01/2011-12。数据下载日期为2011-12-18。 入选标准:纳入标准:①经同行评议的肿瘤干细胞研究的已发表文章,包括研究原著,综述,会议记录,会议摘要。②与肿瘤干细胞相关的基金资助项目。③与肿瘤干细胞研究相关的临床试验注册数据库。排除标准:①需采用手工检索和电话检索方式收集的文章。②未正式出版的文章。③在收录数量之外排除勘误类文献类型。 主要数据的判断指标:①文献收录总量。②文献类型。③学科类型。④国家分布。⑤基金资助机构。⑥发文机构。⑦高被引文章。⑧来源期刊。⑨NIH在研资助项目和机构。⑩北美临床试验注册数据信息。 结果:①汤森路透Web of Science数据库过去10年共收录肿瘤干细胞研究相关文献3 642篇,2002年仅发表并收录肿瘤干细胞相关研究10篇,从2007年开始文献数量成倍增长,2011年收录该领域的相关文献927篇,已是2002年92.7倍。其中研究类文章共收录2 033篇。且集中以细胞生物学、生物化学分子生物学和动物实验研究类文献为主要研究方向。②目前已发表的文献美国为主,占全球相关领域发稿量的44.878%。中国在过去10年间被收录文章总量中排名第2,共发表375篇相关文章,占全球相关文章的10.299%。相关研究主要由美国国立卫生研究院、中国国家自然科学基金和美国国立癌症研究所资助。其高被引文章主要发表在Nature《自然》、Cancer Research《癌症研究》、Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America《美国科学院院刊》和Cell Stem Cell《细胞干细胞》。③美国国立卫生研究院目前持续对肿瘤干细胞研究提供大量的资金资助,目前仍在资助365项研究,总资助金额超过1亿5千万美元。④全球在北美临床试验注册中心注册肿瘤干细胞相关研究2 958项,其中美国相关研究共注册2 080项,居世界首位。来 自中国的肿瘤干细胞研究的注册项目为30项。 结论:文献分析显示了肿瘤干细胞研究领域的国际发展趋势,为针对肿瘤干细胞的药物研发和治疗方法及癌症的临床治疗提供了可借鉴的参考建议。  相似文献   

Given the significant controversy over human embryonic stem cell (hESC) isolation and research, regulation of such work around the world has proceeded in an uncoordinated manner. In general, advances in science cause a need or desire for regulation; however, it has been the opposite for hESC research--regulation and policy have set certain boundaries for scientific research and defined other research questions. This is especially evident in the USA, where federal funding policies have engendered specific research towards novel methods for isolating such cells that do not require destruction of human embryos. Due to the multiplicity of national policies, it will be almost impossible to reach global consensus in the near future. Nonetheless, this paradigm of regulation leading science may have significant implications for future research projects. Changes in hESC policy in the short term will influence longer-term research potential.  相似文献   

背景:随着生命科学发展,利用干细胞来源的组织工程技术,有可能使受损的神经组织恢复再生能力。 目的:针对较为重要的几种干细胞在神经系统修复中的临床应用做一综述,以期阐明各自适用范围和临床效度,为临床医师按需选择提供参考。 方法:应用计算机检索PubMed 数据库中1998至2011年期间的关于干细胞移植在神经修复方面研究的文章,检索词为“Stem cells, Transplantation, Nerve repair”,限定语种为“English”。同时,检索万方数据库中2006至2011年期间的相关文章,检索词为“干细胞,移植,神经修复”,限定语种为中文。 结果与结论:初次检索得到288篇文章,选择与移植干细胞的来源、分化、特征及其在神经修复方面相关的文章,包括基础研究和临床研究,观察对象无论为人或动物,均进行审校。根据纳入标准,在排除重复和个案报道类文章之后,重点选择32篇文章进行综述。说明干细胞移植为神经系统疾病的治疗提供了一条新途径,使传统认为的不可修复、不可再生的神经组织的结构修复和功能重建成为可能。干细胞移植是一个全新的领域,还有许多问题亟待解决。  相似文献   

Among the major obstacles impeding successful derivation and continuous culture of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) for therapeutic purposes, are the presence of feeder cells and feeder-conditioned media of animal origin. The risk of contamination with xenopathogens makes hESC cultured in this way unsafe for future use in regenerative medicine. A holy grail for investigators in the field will be to establish and maintain new hESC lines in completely feeder-free and serum-free defined conditions. Recently, propagation of hESC has become possible, using mammalian- or human-derived extracellular matrix (ECM) and conditioned medium from feeder cells. In addition, providing a three-dimensional ECM environment can even support the derivation of new hESC. In this review, we examine recent advances in the use and development of substrates suitable for the derivation and maintenance of hESC, and our current understanding of the effects of a three-dimensional ECM milieu on cellular behavior.  相似文献   

Research in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) is a rapidly developing scientific field. In this study we collect and evaluate a thorough body of data on the current number of publicly disclosed hESC lines and the extent and impact of scientific work involving the use of these cells. These data contribute to the substantiation of the discussion on the current status of hESC research, provide a basis for the analysis of the status of such research, and uncover further needs in terms of registration, banking, standardization, and tracing.  相似文献   

陈娟 《中国组织工程研究》2012,16(19):3576-3583
背景:缺血性脑血管病严重危害人类的健康,但现有的治疗措施对许多患者还未取得理想的效果,如何促进脑缺血患者受损神经功能的修复仍是目前研究的重点。 目的:利用CNKI数据库文献检索,对干细胞移植在缺血性脑卒中治疗中的应用的文献资料趋势进行多层次探讨分析。 设计:文献计量学分析。 资料提取:以电子检索方式对CNKI数据库2006-01/2011-12有关干细胞移植在缺血性脑卒中治疗中的应用的文献进行分析,检索词“干细胞(stem cells);移植(transplantation);脑缺血(cerebral ischemia)”,对检索的相关文献运用数据库的分析功能结合Excel软件绘制图表的功能进行分析,通过文字和图表的形式将统计和计量数据分析来描述其分布特征。 入选标准:纳入标准:与干细胞移植在缺血性脑卒中治疗中的应用相关的基础和临床研究论文。排除标准:①与文章目的无关的文献。②重复研究的文献。③刊社信息。④未发表的文献。⑤需电话追踪和手工检索逐一分析的文献。⑥年鉴。 主要数据判定指标:文献出版时间、文献数量、学科类别、研究机构、来源期刊、文献被引频次、文献下载频次、作者分布、基金资助情况和主要关键词进行相关分析。并对不同来源的干细胞移植在缺血性脑卒中治疗中应用的研究进行对比分析。 结果:在CNKI数据库学术期刊收录2006/2011的文献中,共检索到231篇与干细胞移植在缺血性脑卒中治疗中的应用相关的文献。文献数量产出呈现波动状态,其中2007年和2009年文献产出数量最多;骨髓间充质干细胞,神经干细胞,羊膜间充质细胞是目前在缺血性脑卒中治疗中的应用中研究最多的细胞种类。《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》杂志发表文献量为36篇,占全部文献的15.6%。44篇干细胞移植在缺血性脑卒中治疗中应用的相关文献获得国家自然科学基金的资助。脑缺血,神经干细胞及骨髓间充质干细胞是发表文章使用最多的关键词。 结论:CNKI数据库学术期刊关于干细胞移植在缺血性脑卒中治疗中应用的文献分析,可为中国从事脑血管病治疗的基础研究和临床实施的医务工作者进一步确定科研思路提供有价值的参考。   相似文献   

背景:脊髓损伤是中枢神经系统的严重创伤,一些研究认为,干细胞移植可为脊髓损伤治疗提供新的思路。  目的:利用Scopus数据库文献检索和深度分析功能,对干细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤研究的6年文献资料进行多角度的探讨分析。 设计:文献计量学分析。 资料提取:由第一作者以“neural stem cells (干细胞),spinal cord injury or spinal injury (脊髓损伤),cell transplantation (细胞移植),spinal transection (脊髓横断)”为关键词检索Scopus数据库2006-01/2011-12的相关文献,并将分析结果及资料导出,以文字和图表的形式进行统计和计量分析,描述其分布特征。 入选标准:纳入标准:检索干细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤研究相关的文献。文献类型包括研究原著、综述、会议记录及摘要、快报文章、编辑素材。排除标准:与文章目的无关的文献,大于6年较陈旧的文献,未发表的文章以及需电话追踪和手工检索逐一分析的文献。 主要数据判定指标:以文献的类型、出版时间、发表文献的作者分布、学科类别、机构分布、国家地区分布、来源期刊、及文献被引情况进行相关分析。 结果:Scopus数据库2006/2011收录的文献中共检索到1 080篇干细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤研究相关的文献,研究原著以607篇位居首位,其中有15篇可以确定为经典文献。在时间分布上,文献数量2006/2011总体呈上升趋势,来源出版物呈分散情况。高被引研究原著类文章主要发表在Journal of Neuroscience (《神经科学杂志》)上,目前已发表文献中以美国为主,占全球相关领域发稿量的28.5%。中国在过去6年间在数据库中收录文章总量中排在第2名,共发表212篇相关文章,占全球相关文章的19.6%。 《神经外伤杂志》发表文献量22篇,占全部文献的15.09%。其次为Journal of Neuroscience Research《神经科学研究杂志》21篇。 结论:通过文献计量学方法对来源于Scopus数据库关于干细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤研究的文献进行分析,可为了解该领域的概貌、现状和研究者进一步确定该领域研究的热点难点提供有价值的参考。   相似文献   

Human therapeutic cloning or nuclear transfer stem cells (NTSC) to produce patient-specific stem cells, holds considerable promise in the field of regenerative medicine. The recent withdrawal of the only scientific publications claiming the successful generation of NTSC lines afford an opportunity to review the available research in mammalian reproductive somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) with the goal of progressing human NTSC. The process of SCNT is prone to epigenetic abnormalities that contribute to very low success rates. Although there are high mortality rates in some species of cloned animals, most surviving clones have been shown to have normal phenotypic and physiological characteristics and to produce healthy offspring. This technology has been applied to an increasing number of mammals for utility in research, agriculture, conservation, and biomedicine. In contrast, attempts at SCNT to produce human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) have been disappointing. Only one group has published reliable evidence of success in deriving a cloned human blastocyst, using an undifferentiated hESC donor cell, and it failed to develop into a hESC line. When optimal conditions are present, it appears that in vitro development of cloned and parthenogenetic embryos, both of which may be utilized to produce hESCs, may be similar to in vitro fertilized embryos. The derivation of ESC lines from cloned embryos is substantially more efficient than the production of viable offspring. This review summarizes developments in mammalian reproductive cloning, cell-to-cell fusion alternatives, and strategies for oocyte procurement that may provide important clues facilitating progress in human therapeutic cloning leading to the successful application of cell-based therapies utilizing autologous hESC lines. According to the International Society for Stem Cell Research’s (ISSCR) Nomenclature Statement (September 2, 2004).  相似文献   

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