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Hereditary lymphedema: evidence for linkage and genetic heterogeneity 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
Ferrell RE; Levinson KL; Esman JH; Kimak MA; Lawrence EC; Barmada MM; Finegold DN 《Human molecular genetics》1998,7(13):2073-2078
Hereditary or primary lymphedema is a developmental disorder of the
lymphatic system which leads to a disabling and disfiguring swelling of the
extremities. Hereditary lymphedema generally shows an autosomal dominant
pattern of inheritance with reduced penetrance, variable expression and
variable age at onset. Three multigeneration families demonstrating the
phenotype of hereditary lymphedema segregating as an autosomal dominant
trait with incomplete penetrance were genotyped for 366 autosomal markers.
Linkage analysis yielded a two-point LOD score of 6.1 at straight theta =
0. 0 for marker D5S1354 and a maximum multipoint LOD score of 8.8 at marker
D5S1354 located at chromosome 5q34-q35. Linkage analysis in two additional
families using markers from the linked region showed one family consistent
for linkage to distal chromosome 5. In the second family, linkage to 5q was
excluded for all markers in the region with LOD scores Z < -2.0. The
vascular endothelial growth factor C receptor ( FLT4 ) was mapped to the
linked region, and partial sequence analysis identified a G-->A
transition at nucleotide position 3360 of the FLT4 cDNA, predicting a
leucine for proline substitution at residue 1126 of the mature receptor in
one nuclear family. This study localizes a gene for primary lymphedema to
distal chromosome 5q, identifies a plausible candidate gene in the linked
region, and provides evidence for a second, unlinked locus for primary
Locus heterogeneity is a common phenomenon in complex diseases and is one of the most important factors that affect the power of either linkage or linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis. In linkage analysis, the heterogeneity LOD score (HLOD) rather than LOD itself is often used. However, the existing methods for detecting linkage disequilibrium, such as the TDT and many of its variants, do not take into account locus heterogeneity. We propose two novel likelihood-based methods, an LD-Het likelihood and an LD-multinomial likelihood, to test linkage disequilibrium (LD) that explicitly incorporate locus heterogeneity in the analysis. The LD-Het is applicable to general nuclear family data but requires a working penetrance model. The LD-multinomial is only applicable to affected sib-pair data but does not require specification of a trait model. For affected sib-pair data, both methods have similar power to detect LD under the recessive model, but the LD-multinomial model has greater power when the underlying model is dominant or additive. 相似文献
In linkage analysis of recessive traits, parental relationship is important. For the case that it is unknown, the question is investigated as to whether estimating parental relationship and using the estimated relationship in linkage analysis is beneficial. Results show that estimating parental relationship can reliably be carried out on the basis of 50–100 genetic marker loci (analysis based on theory by Thompson [1975: Am J Hum Genet 39:173–188]). Misspecification of parental relationship leads to a loss of linkage informativeness, but not to false-positive evidence for linkage. An asymptotic bias in the recombination fraction estimate occurs when parents are unrelated and falsely taken to be related, but no such bias is seen when related parents are taken to be unrelated. Results from this investigation suggest that an estimated parental relationship may be used in linkage analysis as if it were the correct relationship, when evidence for the estimated relationship is supported by a likelihood ratio of at least 10:1 against the parents being unrelated. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
The Gm-Pi linkage heterogeneity in view of Pi M subtypes 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
T. GEDDE-DAHL JR R. R. FRANTS† B. OLAISEN† A. W. ERIKSSON† E. VAN LOGHEM§ L. LAMM¶ 《Annals of human genetics》1981,45(2):143-153
In this study linkage between the loci for Gm (γ-type heavy-chain immunoglobulin markers) and Pi (α1 -antitrypsin/α1 -protease inhibitor) has been shown in families segregating for the Pi M subtypes (Ml, M2, M3 and Msal) as identified by separator isoelectric focusing. The estimate for the Gm-Pi (M-type) recombination is 0-29 (95% limits 0-24-O37) at a peak lod score of 4-31 and with no sex difference. This value is not significantly different from updated recombination frequency estimates for Gm-Pi in Pi MS (0-26) and Pi MZ, SZ and FZ families (0 21). The overall Gm-Pi recombination fraction estimate of 0 26 (95 % limits O23-0-30) at a peak lod score of 20-75 must now be considered as solid. There is a significant heterogeneity within the male Pi MZ families in that the new Finnish families show a higher recombination between Gm and Pi. There is also a possible segregation distortion (Z:M = 23:8). The heterogeneity is discussed in terms of haplotypes, the behaviour of which could be determined by linked genes or chromosomal rearrangements. The possibility that the α1 -antitrypsin level influences recombination frequency has not been ruled out, but cannot explain the heterogeneity within Pi MZ families. 相似文献
Genetic linkage studies in non-epidermolytic palmoplantar keratoderma: evidence for heterogeneity 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Kelsell David P.; Stevens Howard P.; Ratnavel Ravi; Bryant Stephen P.; Bishop D. Timothy; Leigh Irene M.; Spurr Nigel K. 《Human molecular genetics》1995,4(6):1021-1025
The palmoplantar keratodermas (PPK) are a group of skin diseasescharacterized by thickening of the skin of the palms and solesdue to abnormal keratinization. We have performed linkage analysison families affected with three distinct forms of non-epidermolyticPPK (NEPPK): focal, diffuse and punctate. Genetic heterogeneitywas demonstrated, with focal NEPPK linked to the region on chromosome17 harbouring the type I keratin cluster, diffuse NEPPK linkedto the region on chromosome 12 containing the type II keratincluster, and in the punctate NEPPK pedigrees, linkage was excludedto both of these keratin clusters. This study provides evidencefor genetic differences between these forms of NEPPK and alsobetween NEPPK and epidermolytic PPK (EPPK) in which mutationsin keratin 9 have been demonstrated. 相似文献
Genetic linkage studies with neurofibromatosis: the question of heterogeneity. 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0

M A Spence R S Sparkes D M Parry S J Bale V Cortessis J J Mulvihill 《Journal of medical genetics》1987,24(9):527-529
Three new families are reported for standard gene linkage markers and classical peripheral neurofibromatosis (Von Reckling-hausen disease). Additional data are summarised for the exclusion map. One family gives slight evidence of close linkage with the Gc locus on chromosome 4, raising again the question of possible genetic heterogeneity in NF. 相似文献
Previously, we showed genetic heterogeneity for linkage between the fra(X) locus and a factor IX DNA RFLP (Brown et al, 1985). When fra(X) families were predivided into two classes, one containing those with non-penetrant (NP) males and one with apparent full penetrance (P), evidence of significant heterogeneity was present. We have now extended this analysis by adding DNA linkage information on 2 additional probes, 52A and ST14, studied in 16 fra(X) kindreds. These data were combined with information on 16 published fra(X) families. There were 7 NP families and 25 P families. We confirmed our previous findings of a higher recombination fraction between factor IX and fra(X) in P families (0 = .32 with lod of .67) compared to as NP families (0 = .06 with lod of 6.11) which was significant at p less than .01. In comparing recombination fractions for the additional probes, more recombination between 52A and the other loci was consistently seen in P compared to NP families which suggested that there may be a higher rate of recombination proximal to the fra(X) locus in P kindreds. A strikingly higher recombination fraction between 52A and factor IX was present in comparing all fra(X) families (.18) to normal families (.02) which was significant at p less than .001. These results suggest genetic heterogeneity with respect to recombination is present both among fra(X) pedigrees and between fra(X) and normal pedigrees. 相似文献
Douglas F. Levinson 《American journal of medical genetics. Part A》1993,48(2):94-102
Computer simulation methods were used to investigate the power of genetically homogeneous or heterogeneous samples of nuclear families to detect linkage of a rare dominant disease allele to flanking DNA markers (threepoint analysis, admixture text). Phase was assumed to be unknown (no grandparents available), and unaffected siblings were not considered. A sample of 95 families with an ill parent and two ill offspring, or 45 families with three ill offspring, demonstrated 90% power to detect a lod score of 3.0 when 50% of families were assumed to be segregating for a disease allele located midway between two DNA markers (PIC = .70) that were .05 M apart. When the proportion of linked families (α) = .25, 90% power required 380 and 160 families, respectively. For α < .25, sample size requirements become prohibitive. Issues are reviewed concerning the use of the admixture test in the case of more complex disease models. Screening of the genome with adequate sample sizes for low values of α is likely to require multiple large collaborative efforts. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Autosomal dominant congenital cataract; linkage relations; clinical and genetic heterogeneity 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
Congenital cataract is a heterogeneous disorder. Approximately one third of the cases are hereditary. A large family with autosomal dominant congenital cataract is described here. Clinical examinations showed variable expressivity, but all affected persons were eventually operated, most of them in the first or second decade of life. Linkage relations with a number of polymorphic marker systems were studied, all of them being negative. Among the 21 systems studied were Fy, HP, D16S4 and CRYG. The present autosomal dominant congenital cataract is termed the Volkman cataract, after the ancestor in the pedigree, and is genotypically different from the Marner cataract found in another large Danish pedigree. 相似文献
A genome-wide linkage scan of familial benign recurrent vertigo: linkage to 22q12 with evidence of heterogeneity 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Lee H Jen JC Wang H Chen Z Mamsa H Sabatti C Baloh RW Nelson SF 《Human molecular genetics》2006,15(2):251-258
Benign recurrent vertigo (BRV) is a common disorder affecting up to 2% of the adult population and may be etiologically related to migraine because of similarities in the clinical spectrum of the phenotypes and a high co-morbidity within families. Many families have multiple-affected genetically related individuals suggesting familial transmission of the disorder with moderate to high penetrance. While clinically similar to episodic ataxias, there are currently no genes identified that contribute to BRV and no systematic linkage studies performed. In an initial effort to genetically define BRV, we have selected from our Neurology Clinic population a subset of 20 multigenerational families with apparent autosomal dominant transmission, and performed genetic linkage mapping using both parametric and non-parametric linkage (NPL) approaches. The Affymetrix 10K SNP Mapping Assay was used for the genotyping. Heterogeneity LOD (HLOD) analysis reveals the evidence of genetic heterogeneity for BRV and evidence of linkage in a subset of the families to 22q12 (HLOD = 4.02). An additional region was identified by NPL analysis at 5p15 (LOD = 2.63). As migraine is observed substantially more commonly both within the BRV-affected individuals and the related family members, it is possible that a form of migraine is allelic to the BRV locus at 22q12. However, testing linkage or the chromosome 22q12 region to a broader migraine/vertigo phenotype by defining affectation status as either migrainous headaches or BRV greatly weakened the linkage signal, and no significant other peaks were detected. Thus, BRV and migraine does not appear to be allelic disorders within these families. We conclude that BRV is a heterogeneous genetic disorder, appears genetically distinct from migraine with aura and is linked to 22q12. Additional family and population-based linkage and association studies will be needed to determine the causative alleles. 相似文献
Primary ciliary dyskinesia: a genome-wide linkage analysis reveals extensive locus heterogeneity 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
Blouin JL Meeks M Radhakrishna U Sainsbury A Gehring C Saïl GD Bartoloni L Dombi V O'Rawe A Walne A Chung E Afzelius BA Armengot M Jorissen M Schidlow DV van Maldergem L Walt H Gardiner RM Probst D Guerne PA Delozier-Blanchet CD Antonarakis SE 《European journal of human genetics : EJHG》2000,8(2):109-118
Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD), or immotile cilia syndrome (ICS), is an autosomal recessive disorder affecting ciliary movement with an incidence of 1 in 20000-30000. Dysmotility to complete immotility of cilia results in a multisystem disease of variable severity with recurrent respiratory tract infections leading to bronchiectasis and male subfertility. Ultrastructural defects are present in ciliated mucosa and spermatozoa. Situs inversus (SI) is found in about half of the patients (Kartagener syndrome). We have collected samples from 61 European and North American families with PCD. A genome-wide linkage search was performed in 31 multiplex families (169 individuals including 70 affecteds) using 188 evenly spaced (19cM average interval) polymorphic markers. Both parametric (recessive model) and non-parametric (identity by descent allele sharing) linkage analyses were used. No major locus for the majority of the families was identified, although the sample was powerful enough to detect linkage if 40% of the families were linked to one locus. These results strongly suggest extensive locus heterogeneity. Potential genomic regions harbouring PCD loci were localised on chromosomes 3p, 4q, 5p, 7p, 8q, 10p, 11q, 13q, 15q, 16p, 17q and 19q. Linkage analysis using PCD families with a dynein arm deficiency provided 'suggestive' evidence for linkage to chromosomal regions 8q, 16pter, while analyses using only PCD families with situs inversus resulted in 'suggestive' scores for chromosomes 8q, and 19q. 相似文献
P. Mandich G. Restagno G. Novelli E. Bellone L. Potenza O. Varetto B. Dallapiccola A. Carbonara F. Ajmar 《American journal of medical genetics. Part A》1990,35(4):579-581
A survey of 29 families with Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) was performed to evaluate the genetic heterogeneity of the disease in Italy. The approach was through the linkage between the disease and 2 polymorphic DNA fragments as detected by the probes 3′HVR and 24.1. Linkage between the polymorphic markers and the disease was confirmed, with the following lod scores: between 3′HVR and ADPKD1 = 12.974 at θ = 0.02; between 24.1 and ADPKD = 1.716 at θ = 0.07; between 3′HVR and 24.1 = 2.738 at θ = 0.09. No evidence of significant genetic heterogeneity in the examined Italian regions was detected. 相似文献
Kathleen M. Gates Lisa M. Gatzke‐Kopp Maria Sandsten Alysia Y. Blandon 《Psychophysiology》2015,52(8):1059-1065
One of the primary tenets of polyvagal theory dictates that parasympathetic influence on heart rate, often estimated by respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), shifts rapidly in response to changing environmental demands. The current standard analytic approach of aggregating RSA estimates across time to arrive at one value fails to capture this dynamic property within individuals. By utilizing recent methodological developments that enable precise RSA estimates at smaller time intervals, we demonstrate the utility of computing time‐varying RSA for assessing psychophysiological linkage (or synchrony) in husband‐wife dyads using time‐locked data collected in a naturalistic setting. 相似文献
X-linkage and genetic heterogeneity in bipolar-related major affective illness: reanalysis of linkage data 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
It has been suggested that an X-linked dominant allele operates in the genetic transmission of bipolar (manic-depressive) illness. Linkage studies with X-chromosome markers have remained inconclusive, showing both positive and negative results. Some of the ambiguity may be attributed to imprecise analytic methods and genetic heterogeneity. In this report, recently published pedigree series are reanalysed for linkage using a systematic method of pedigree analysis (Liped 3) with an accurate age-of-onset correction. Linkage heterogeneity is assessed through a two-recombination fraction heterogeneity test suggested by Smith (1963). The results are as follows: (1) Close linkage of bipolar illness to colourblindness (deutan and protan) and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency appears to be present in some pedigrees, with estimated recombination fractions of θ= 0.05 and 0.00, respectively; (2) Linkage with the Xg blood group cannot be supported. These results are consistent with known linkages on the X chromosome. 相似文献
Genetic heterogeneity for Duchenne-like muscular dystrophy (DLMD) based on linkage and 50 DAG analysis 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
Passos-Bueno M.Rita; Oilvelra Joao R.; Bakker Egbert; Anderson Richard D.; Marie Sueli K.; Vainzof Mariz; Roberts Steven; Campbell Kevin P.; Zatz Mayana 《Human molecular genetics》1993,2(11):1945-1947
Duchenne-like muscular dystrophy (DLMD) is an autosomal recessive(AR) muscular dystrophy which presents a clinical course Indistinguishablefrom the Xp21 Duchenne muscular dystrophy or DMD. Recently,Othmane et al. (11), based on a linkage study with 13q12 markersin 3 highly inbred DLMD families from Tunisia, suggested thatthe gene for this myopathy lies in the pericentromeric regionof chromosome 13q. It is unknown if there is genetic heterogeneitycausing the DLMD phenotype. Therefore, the aim of the presentreport is to describe the results of linkage analysis in 4 BrazillanDLMD families with 13q12 markers (D13S115 and D13S120), whichwere also tested for 50DAG. It was possible to exclude the 13qgene at = 0.10 as responsible for the DLMD phenotype in ourfamilies using both 13q12 markers, if the lod scores of eachfamily were added up. Interestingly, 3 families were deficientfor 50 DAG while one showed a positive pattern for this glycoproteln.Therefore, these results suggest: a) the DLMD phenotype is causedby more than one recessive gene; b) a gene, not located at 13q,causes deficiency of 50 DAG as a primary or secondary defect. 相似文献
Olson JM Song Y Dudek DM Moser KL Kelly JA Bruner GR Downing KJ Berry CK James JA Harley JB 《Genes and immunity》2002,3(Z1):S5-S12
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) appears to be the consequence of complex genetics and of only partly understood environmental contributions. Previous work by ourselves and by others has established genetic effects on 1q, 2q, 4p, 6p, and 16p using SLE as the phenotype. However, individual SLE affecteds are extraordinarily different from one another by clinical and laboratory measures. This variation may have a genetic basis; if so, it is advantageous to incorporate measures of between-family clinical variability as covariates in a genetic linkage analysis of affected relative pairs (ARPs) to allow for locus heterogeneity. This approach was applied to genome scan marker data from 160 pedigrees multiplex for SLE and containing 202 ARPs. Because the number of potential covariates was large, we used both ad hoc methods and formal principal components analysis to construct four composite covariates using the SLE classification criteria plus age of onset, ethnicity, and sex. Linkage analysis without covariates has detected evidence for linkage at 1q22-24, 2q37, 4p16, 12p12-11, and 17p13. Linkage analysis with these covariates uncovered linkage at 13p11, 17q11-25, and 20q12 and greatly improved evidence for linkage at 1q22-24, 2q37, 12p12-11, and 17p13. Follow-up analysis identified the original variables contributing to locus heterogeneity in each of these locations. In conclusion, allowing for locus heterogeneity through the incorporation of covariates in linkage analysis is a useful way to dissect the genetic contributions to SLE and uncover new genetic effects. 相似文献
Estimating locus heterogeneity in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) in the Spanish population. 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3

B Peral J L San Millán C Hernández A Valero G M Lathrop J S Beckmann F Moreno 《Journal of medical genetics》1993,30(11):910-913
Although most mutations causing ADPKD in European populations have been mapped to the PKD1 locus on chromosome 16, some of them appear to be unlinked to this locus. To evaluate the incidence of unlinked mutations in Spain we have typed 31 Spanish families from different geographical sites for six closely linked DNA polymorphic marker loci flanking PKD1 detected by probes D16S85, D16S21, D16S259, D16S125, D16S246, and D16S80. Multilocus linkage analysis indicated that in 26 families the disease resulted from PKD1 mutations, whereas in three families it resulted from mutations in a locus other than PKD1. The two other families were not informative. Using the HOMOG test, the incidence of the PKD1 linked mutations in Spain is 85%. Multipoint linkage analysis in the 26 PKD1 families showed that the disease locus lies in the interval between D16S259(pGGG1) and D16S125(26.6). 相似文献
Computer simulation of linkage and heterogeneity in tuberous sclerosis: a critical evaluation of the collaborative family data.

The existence of locus heterogeneity for a genetic disease may complicate linkage studies considerably, especially when very few large families with the disease are available. In this situation a modest collection of families is unlikely to be sufficient for successful localisation of one or more disease genes. Recently, eight research groups working on tuberous sclerosis (TSC) brought together linkage data pertaining to the candidate chromosomes 9, 11, and 12 for a large group of families. In a series of simulation studies we determined the probability of detecting linkage and linkage heterogeneity in this set of families. On average TSC families are very small; in most cases there are fewer than two informative meioses. The size distribution of chromosome 9 linked families was similar to that of non-linked families. This indicates that a dramatic difference in the clinical severity of major genetic forms of TSC is unlikely. The results of our simulation studies show that this set of families can generate highly significant evidence for linkage and heterogeneity. When two TSC genes are equally common, the strongest evidence for linkage and heterogeneity could be obtained using a method based on the incorporation of multiple candidate regions in a single analysis, with an average lod score of 24.27. 相似文献