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Skin taken from patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and control patient groups were immunolabelled using antisera against either purified native cerebral β protein or synthetic β peptide. Native amyloid antiserum frequently labelled vascular walls in AD skin but rarely in control skin. Semi-quantitative analysis of the positive vessels showed a significant difference between the two groups. Sweat glands and dermal nerves were labelled in both groups. However, synthetic β peptide antiserum showed no significant difference. Vascular wall labelling in skin with native amyloid antiserum is useful in the differential diagnosis of AD.  相似文献   

With each failure of anti-amyloid-β therapy in clinical trials, new trials are initiated with no hint of slowing down. This may be due, in part, to the fact that the amyloid cascade hypothesis has been so modified over time that it is now impossible to confirm or deny. The hypothesis now states, in effect, that invisible molecules target invisible structures. Still relevant, however, are multiple factors that surely cast some doubt but have either been rationalized or overlooked. Among these are the poor correlation between amyloid-β deposits and disease, the substantial differences between familial and sporadic disease, pathological assessment that indicates the secondary nature of lesions/proteins/cascades, the fact that soluble species are poorly reproducible laboratory phenomena, and the irrelevance of synaptic assessment to pathological interpretation. Although not yet dogma, the premature addition of mild cognitive impairment as the implied in vivo homologue to the soluble toxin-synapse interaction is also problematic. In either case, the amyloid cascade hypothesis continues to dominate the Alzheimer's disease literature and grant applications. The more the neuroscience community perseverates along these lines in the face of accumulating outcome data to the contrary, the more one is left to wonder whether the hypothesis is too big to fail.  相似文献   

A recombinant Fab antibody, designated 1E8-4b, which reacts with the Alzheimer's disease (AD)-related Abeta peptides, Abeta[1-40], Abeta[1-42] and Abeta[1-43] has been developed. The 1E8-4b Fab was constructed by cloning the V(H)C(H1) and V(L)C(L) domains from the parent hybridoma 1E8 antibody, reported previously to recognize these Abeta peptides. Briefly, a C-terminal Flag tag sequence was incorporated into this construct, which was ligated into the vector pHFA2 and expressed in Escherichia coli. Following purification on an M2 anti-Flag affinity column, the 1E8-4b recombinant Fab antibody was shown to bind plaques within sections of brain tissue from CERAD-defined AD patients by immunohistochemistry. ELISA, epitope mapping and immunoblotting confirmed the recognition of the Abeta1-40/42/43] peptides by the 1E8-4b Fab. The 1E8-4b Fab did not recognize APP695 or APP770 which contain the Abeta sequence. The Abeta specificity of the recombinant 1E8-4b Fab antibody was identical to the parent 1E8 monoclonal antibody.  相似文献   

We investigated the alterations in autophagy-related molecules in neurons differentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells obtained from patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Consistent with our previous microarray data, ATG4A protein was upregulated in the neurons derived from a familial AD patient with an APP-E693Δ mutation who showed accumulation of intracellular amyloid β peptide (Aβ). This upregulation was reversed by inhibiting Aβ production, suggesting that the intracellular Aβ may be responsible for the upregulation of ATG4A. The LC3B-II/LC3B-I ratio, an index of autophagosome formation, was lower in the neurons derived from the AD patient with APP-E693Δ as well as the neurons derived from other familial and sporadic AD patients. These findings indicate that dysregulation of autophagy-related molecules may accelerate the pathogenesis of AD.  相似文献   

Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) affects both leptomeningeal and parenchymal blood vessels and is common in Alzheimer's disease (AD). In some vessels, CAA is accompanied by localized neuritic dystrophy around the affected blood vessel. The aim of this study was to assess the distribution and severity of perivascular neuritic dystrophy in primary visual and visual association cortices. The severity of perivascular neuritic dystrophy and Abeta deposition was scored in an association cortex (Brodmann area 18) and a primary cortex (Brodmann area 17) with double labeling immunohistochemistry for tau and Abeta in 31 cases of AD with severe CAA. The perivascular tau neuritic dystrophy score was significantly worse in visual association cortex than in primary visual cortex. On the other hand, there was no difference in the perivascular Abeta score between the two cortices. There were positive correlations between the severity of perivascular tau and perivascular Abeta scores for both primary and association cortices. The results suggest that the local neuronal environment determines the severity and nature of the perivascular neuritic pathology more than the severity of the intrinsic vascular disease and suggest a close association between perivascular amyloid deposits, so-called dyshoric angiopathy, and perivascular neuritic dystrophy.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia, with prevalence progressively increasing with aging. Pathological hallmarks of the disease include accumulation of amyloid β‐protein (Aβ) peptides and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain associated with glial activation and synaptotoxicity. In addition, AD involves peripheral and brain endogenous inflammatory processes that appear to enhance disease progression. More than a decade ago a new therapeutic paradigm emerged for AD, namely the activation of the adaptive immune system directly against the self‐peptide Aβ, aimed at lowering its accumulation in the brain. This was the first time that a brain peptide was used to vaccinate human subjects in a manner similar to classic viral or bacterial vaccines. The vaccination approach has taken several forms, from initially active to passive and then back to modified active vaccines. As the first two approaches to date failed to show sufficient efficacy, the last is presently being evaluated in ongoing clinical trials. The present review summarizes the immunogenic characteristics of Aβ in humans and mice and discusses past, present and future Aβ‐based immunotherapeutic approaches for AD. We emphasize potential pathogenic and beneficial roles of CD4 T cells in light of the pathogenesis and the general decline in T‐cell responsiveness evident in the disease.  相似文献   

Generation and accumulation of fibrillar amyloid beta (Abeta) is widely considered as the pathogenic basis of neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Both active immunization with fibrillar Abeta and passive immunization with anti-Abeta antibodies in transgenic mouse models of AD result in prevention/dissociation of Abeta plaque formation and restoration of cognitive functions. However, similar immunization studies in humans had to be halted because 6% of the AD patients developed acute meningoencephalitis, likely due to anti-Abeta specific autoimmune Th1 cells. Hence, making Abeta immunotherapy successful requires production of strong antibody responses without Th1-type immunity. In an attempt to develop safer vaccines, we examined the influence of oligodeoxynucleotides as adjuvant on the Th1 and Th2 immune response to Abeta in aged rats. We further investigated whether a DNA prime-protein boost strategy could elicit a more robust Th2 response. The results of the present study showed that all the animals injected with either Abeta peptide alone or Abeta encoding plasmid alone or plasmid DNA prime followed by peptide boost have elicited specific anti-Abeta antibodies. When co-administered, synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides (ODN) further enhanced the anti-Abeta titres. More importantly, the IgG subclasses of the antibodies generated by DNA prime-peptide boost regimen with ODN as adjuvant were primarily of IgG2b and IgG1 isotypes, suggesting that heterologous immunization strategy along with ODN would be advantageous in eliciting more beneficial Th2-type humoral immune response.  相似文献   

Leucocyte-endothelial adhesion molecules have been implicated in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases. To evaluate their role as markers of disease activity in tuberculosis, we have used an antigen capture ELISA to measure the serum concentrations of circulating intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (cICAM-1), E-selectin (cE-selectin) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (cVCAM-1) in 34 patients with active tuberculosis (27 with pulmonary disease and seven with lymph node disease) before the commencement of standard chemotherapy, 15 subjects who had previously completed treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis, and 27 healthy volunteers. Circulating ICAM-1 and E-selectin levels were significantly elevated in patients with active tuberculosis when compared to those with treated disease (P < or = 0.01), and healthy controls (P < 0.02). Circulating VCAM-1 was raised in patients with active or old pulmonary tuberculosis (P < 0.02 versus healthy controls) but not in those with tuberculous lymphadenitis. Significant correlations were observed between the levels of cICAM-1 and cE-selectin (p = 0.63, P = 0.0001), and between cICAM-1 and cVCAM-1 (p = 0.28, P = 0.016). Taking the mean +2 s.d. of the serum level in healthy controls as the upper limit of normal range, circulating ICAM-1 had the best discriminative power in identifying active tuberculosis, being elevated in about 80% of patients but was raised in only 6.7% of subjects with treated disease and in 3.7% of normal subjects. Our data support the possibility that three adhesion molecules may be involved in the pathogenesis of tuberculosis and cICAM-1 may be a useful marker of disease activity.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia. Accumulation of amyloid-beta (Aβ) peptides is regarded as the critical component associated with AD pathogenesis, which is derived from the amyloid precursor protein (APP) cleavage. Recent studies suggest that synaptic activity is one of the most important factors that regulate Aβ levels. It has been found that synaptic activity facilitates APP internalization and influences APP cleavage. Glutamatergic, cholinergic, serotonergic, leptin, adrenergic, orexin, and gamma-amino butyric acid receptors, as well as the activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc) are all involved in these processes. The present review summarizes the evidence for synaptic activity-modulated Aβ levels and the mechanisms underlying this regulation. Interestingly, the immediate early gene product Arc may also be the downstream signaling molecule of several receptors in the synaptic activity-modulated Aβ levels. Elucidating how Aβ levels are regulated by synaptic activity may provide new insights in both the understanding of the pathogenesis of AD and in the development of therapies to slow down the progression of AD.  相似文献   

A simple inductively coupled microcoil has been designed to image tissue samples placed on a microscope slide, samples which can subsequently be stained histologically. As the exact same tissue is used for MRI and histology, the two data sets can be compared without the need for complicated image registration techniques. The design can be integrated into any MRI system using existing commercial hardware. Compared with a commercial 25-mm-diameter birdcage, the signal-to-noise ratio was increased by a factor of 3.8, corresponding to an approximate 15-fold reduction in the data acquisition time. An example is shown of ex vivo samples from patients with Alzheimer's disease, in which the coregistration of highly sensitive iron staining and amyloid-β deposits is confirmed.  相似文献   

Dysregulation of neural iron is known to occur during the progression of Alzheimer's disease. The visualization of amyloid‐beta (Aβ) plaques with MRI has largely been credited to rapid proton relaxation in the vicinity of plaques as a result of focal iron deposition. The goal of this work was to determine the relationship between local relaxation and related focal iron content associated with Aβ plaques. Alzheimer's disease (n = 5) and control tissue (n = 3) sample slices from the entorhinal cortex were treated overnight with the iron chelator deferoxamine or saline, and microscopic gradient‐echo MRI datasets were taken. Subsequent to imaging, the same slices were stained for Aβ and iron, and then compared with regard to parametric R2* relaxation maps and gradient‐echo‐weighted MR images. Aβ plaques in both chelated and unchelated tissue generated MR hypo‐intensities and showed relaxation rates significantly greater than the surrounding tissue. The transverse relaxation rate associated with amyloid plaques was determined not to be solely a result of iron load, as much of the relaxation associated with Aβ plaques remained following iron chelation. The data indicate a dual relaxation mechanism associated with Aβ plaques, such that iron and plaque composition synergistically produce transverse relaxation.Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Aluminum is a ubiquitously abundant nonessential element. Aluminum has been associated with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (AD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and dialysis encephalopathy. Many continue to regard aluminum as controversial although increasing evidence supports the implications of aluminum in the pathogenesis of AD. Aluminum causes the accumulation of tau protein and Aβ protein in the brain of experimental animals. Aluminum induces neuronal apoptosis in vivo and in vitro, either by endoplasmic stress from the unfolded protein response, by mitochondrial dysfunction, or a combination of them. Some, people who are exposed chronically to aluminum, either from through water and/or food, have not shown any AD pathology, apparently because their gastrointestinal barrier is more effective. This article is written keeping in mind mechanisms of action of aluminum neurotoxicity with respect to AD.  相似文献   

Beta-site amyloid precursor protein-cleaving enzyme-1 (BACE1) initiates generation of amyloid beta (Abeta), a pathological hallmark of Alzheimer's disease. We investigated the impact of BACE1 protein level on endogenous Abeta. Endogenous Abeta and BACE1 protein levels were concurrently and significantly reduced during early life. However, Abeta levels were similar between BACE1 transgenic and wildtype mice. This suggests that BACE1 protein level has a minimal effect on the level of endogenous Abeta. Consequently, other factors must be involved in modulation of Abeta production in adult and ageing brain and investigation of such factors may yield therapeutic targets. Further, these results suggest that substantial inhibition of BACE1 in brain may be required for clinical benefit in Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

It has been reported that the binding of some antiphospholipid antibodies (APA) to phospholipids requires the presence of beta 2-glycoprotein I (beta 2-GPI). Using a new ELISA, in which well coated phospholipids were treated with a constant amount of purified beta 2-GPI, we tried to detect the presence of APA which binds to phospholipid/beta 2-GPI complex or to phospholipids such as cardiolipin (CA) and phosphatidylserine (PS) in preeclampsia, and to check for clinical abnormalities in antibody-positive cases. Serum samples were taken from 43 cases of preeclampsia, including 26 cases of the severe type, and 47 normal pregnant women. Positive rates of anticardiolipin antibody (ACA) by ELISA using CA/beta 2-GPI complex in mild, severe and total preeclampsia were 20.0, 17.4% and 18.4% respectively. No antibody-positive cases were found in normal pregnancies. ACA was detected much more frequently when cardiolipin/beta 2-GPI complex was used in ELISA compared with ELISA without beta 2-GPI. Positive rates of antiphosphatidylserine antibody (APSA) in mild, severe and total preeclampsia were 5.9%, 11.5% and 9.3% respectively. APSA was also detected much more frequently when the phosphatidylserine/beta 2-GPI complex was used in ELISA. The frequency of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) in the ACA-positive subjects was higher than that of ACA negatives. We suggest that the ACA and APSA which bind to phospholipid/beta 2-GPI complex are detectable in preeclampsia, and that these antiphospholipid antibodies are related to fetal growth.  相似文献   

We determined the specificity and sequence of immunoglobulin molecules synthesized by monoclonal B cells from a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) who presented with a number of clinical and biological autoimmune symptoms. Heterohybrids obtained by fusion of CLL cells with the mouse X63-Ag 8.653 myeloma produced IgM lambda MoAbs directed to the cardiolipin/beta 2 glycoprotein I (beta 2GPI) complex and ssDNA. They were devoid of polyreactivity. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the variable domain of the mu chain indicated the utilization of the VH4 71.2 gene or one allotypic variant, DXP4 and JH3 segments. The lambda light chain used the single gene from the V lambda 8 subfamily, J lambda 3 and C lambda 3 genes. The VH gene displayed 11 nucleotide changes in comparison with its putative germline counterpart. However, these nucleotide changes correspond to variations observed in other published VH4 sequences, suggesting gene polymorphism rather than somatic mutation. DXP4 and JH3 were also in germline configuration. The VL gene exhibited a single replacement mutation in CDR1. These data suggest that the monoclonal CLL B cells in this patient retained VH and VL genes in germline configuration although they secreted a pathogenic anti-cardiolipin antibody associated with clinical symptoms, vasculitis and thrombosis, which may be provoked by antibodies to the phospholipid/beta 2GPI complex.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the leading cause of dementia. Currently, no definitive diagnostic test for AD exists. An accurate, convenient and objective test to detect AD is urgently needed for efficient drug development and effective clinical use of emerging therapies. The aim of the present work is to investigate the usefulness of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) beta-amyloid protein (Abeta1-42) and total tau protein (t-tau) analyses in the diagnosis of AD and whether apolipoprotein E (ApoE) epsilon4 allele is a factor for AD affecting Tunisian people. Abeta1-42 and t-tau levels were measured in CSF from AD patients (n=73), non-Alzheimer dementia (nAD, n=35) and healthy controls (HC, n=38) by sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Abeta1-42 levels were decreased and t-tau increased in AD patients. The combination of Abeta1-42 and t-tau at baseline yielded a sensitivity of 87.4% for detection of AD. The specificities were 97.3% for controls and 82.7% for other dementia. The ApoE epsilon4 allele frequency (29.5%) was significantly higher in the AD patients than in the nAD patients (17.1%) or in the control groups (9.5%). AD patients carrying ApoE epsilon4 allele had lower Abeta1-42 (p<0.001) levels than those without a epsilon4 allele. The combination of t-tau and Abeta1-42 is a robust and reliable assay that may be useful in discriminating cases at risk for AD such as ApoE epsilon4 allele carriers from nAD patients or from age-matched control subjects.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of anti-CD4 MoAb treatment on lymphocyte phenotype and function and correlated these changes with the prolongation of cardiac allograft survival in adult mice. Indefinite survival of heterotopic cardiac allografts was obtained in several fully allogeneic strain combinations when two doses of the anti-CD4 MoAb, YTS 191.1, were given at the time of transplantation. A dose response analysis in the C57BL/10 to C3H/He strain combination showed that very low doses of YTS 191.1 (25 micrograms/dose) were able to induce prolonged allograft survival when administered perioperatively. At the time of transplantation the immunosuppression induced by administration of the anti-CD4 MoAb is not antigen-specific, as heart grafts from different donor strains, mismatched for both major and minor histocompatibility antigens, showed prolonged survival in treated recipients. Immunocompetence was restored by 6 weeks after MoAb treatment, as recipients regained the ability to reject a cardiac allograft transplanted at this time point. However, while recovery of immunocompetence could be demonstrated in vivo, leucocytes isolated from the peripheral lymphoid organs of treated mice continued to be hyporesponsive in mixed leucocyte culture (MLC). Phenotypic analysis of the peripheral lymphoid tissues showed that C3H/He recipients treated with 25 micrograms/dose of YTS 191.1 had a marked, but not complete, elimination of the CD4+ subset at the time of transplantation, which was gradually restored to 50% of normal by 6 weeks after treatment. Thus, complete elimination of the CD4+ subset was not required to achieve indefinite allograft survival, and immunocompetence, as assessed in vivo, returned even when the CD4+ subset was present at half the normal level. Low doses of anti-CD4 MoAb (25 micrograms) had no effect on the expression of the CD4 molecule by thymocytes, and yet thymocytes were hyporesponsive to alloantigen in vitro. At higher doses of YTS 191.1, immature CD4+8+ thymocytes were selectively depleted. These results suggest that anti-CD4 MoAb therapy may modulate the intrathymic T cell selection process. These studies provide further insight into the mechanism of action of low dose, depleting anti-CD4 MoAb therapy in allograft rejection, and form a basis from which rational modifications to therapeutic protocols in transplantation models can be made.  相似文献   

In Alzheimer's disease, amyloid‐β (Aβ) accumulates as insoluble plaques in the brain and deposits in blood vessel walls as cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA). The severity of CAA correlates with the degree of cognitive decline in dementia. The distribution of Aβ in the walls of capillaries and arteries in CAA suggests that Aβ is deposited in the perivascular pathways by which interstitial fluid drains from the brain. Soluble Aβ from the extracellular spaces of gray matter enters the basement membranes of capillaries and drains along the arterial basement membranes that surround smooth muscle cells toward the leptomeningeal arteries. The motive force for perivascular drainage is derived from arterial pulsations combined with the valve effect of proteins present in the arterial basement membranes. Physical and biochemical changes associated with arteriosclerosis, aging and possession of apolipoprotein E4 genotype lead to a failure of perivascular drainage of soluble proteins, including Aβ. Perivascular cells associated with arteries and the lymphocytes recruited in the perivenous spaces contribute to the clearance of Aβ. The failure of perivascular clearance of Aβ may be a major factor in the accumulation of Aβ in CAA and may have significant implications for the design of therapeutics for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Clusterin, also known as apoJ, is a lipoprotein abundantly expressed within the CNS. It regulates Aβ fibril formation and toxicity and facilitates amyloid‐β (Aβ) transport across the blood‐brain barrier. Genome‐wide association studies have shown variations in the clusterin gene (CLU) to influence the risk of developing sporadic Alzheimer''s disease (AD). To explore whether clusterin modulates the regional deposition of Aβ, we measured levels of soluble (NP40‐extracted) and insoluble (guanidine‐HCl‐extracted) clusterin, Aβ40 and Aβ42 by sandwich ELISA in brain regions with a predilection for amyloid pathology—mid‐frontal cortex (MF), cingulate cortex (CC), parahippocampal cortex (PH), and regions with little or no pathology—thalamus (TH) and white matter (WM). Clusterin level was highest in regions with plaque pathology (MF, CC, PH and PC), approximately mirroring the regional distribution of Aβ. It was significantly higher in AD than controls, and correlated positively with Aβ42 and insoluble Aβ40. Soluble clusterin level rose significantly with severity of cerebral amyloid angiopathy, and in MF and PC regions was highest in APOE ɛ4 homozygotes. In the TH and WM (areas with little amyloid pathology) clusterin was unaltered in AD and did not correlate with Aβ level. There was a significant positive correlation between the concentration of clusterin and the regional levels of insoluble Aβ42; however, the molar ratio of clusterin : Aβ42 declined with insoluble Aβ42 level in a region‐dependent manner, being lowest in regions with predilection for Aβ plaque pathology. Under physiological conditions, clusterin reduces aggregation and promotes clearance of Aβ. Our findings indicate that in AD, clusterin increases, particularly in regions with most abundant Aβ, but because the increase does not match the rising level of Aβ42, the molar ratio of clusterin : Aβ42 in those regions falls, probably contributing to Aβ deposition within the tissue.  相似文献   

Brain glucose metabolism is impaired in Alzheimer's disease (AD), the most common form of dementia. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is reported to increase the risk for dementia, including AD, but the underlying mechanism is not understood. Here, we investigated the brain insulin-PI3K-AKT signalling pathway in the autopsied frontal cortices from nine AD, 10 T2DM, eight T2DM-AD and seven control cases. We found decreases in the levels and activities of several components of the insulin-PI3K-AKT signalling pathway in AD and T2DM cases. The deficiency of insulin-PI3K-AKT signalling was more severe in individuals with both T2DM and AD (T2DM-AD). This decrease in insulin-PI3K-AKT signalling could lead to activation of glycogen synthase kinase-3β, the major tau kinase. The levels and the activation of the insulin-PI3K-AKT signalling components correlated negatively with the level of tau phosphorylation and positively with protein O-GlcNAcylation, suggesting that impaired insulin-PI3K-AKT signalling might contribute to neurodegeneration in AD through down-regulation of O-GlcNAcylation and the consequent promotion of abnormal tau hyperphosphorylation and neurodegeneration. The decrease in brain insulin-PI3K-AKT signalling also correlated with the activation of calpain I in the brain, suggesting that the decrease might be caused by calpain over-activation. Our findings provide novel insight into the molecular mechanism by which type 2 diabetes mellitus increases the risk for developing cognitive impairment and dementia in Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

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