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Background Administration of propranolol can provoke bronchoconstriction only in asthmatic patients. Recently we developed an animal model for propranolol-induced bronchoconstriction (PIB). Our working hypothesis is that such bronchoconstriction may result from the inflammatory mediators released by an allergic reaction. Objectives Our goal in this study was to determine which products of arachidonate 5-lipoxygenase pathway are involved in the PIB. Methods Propranolol at a concentration of 10mg/mL was inhaled 20min after antigen challenge in passively sensitized, anaesthetized and artificially ventilated guinea-pigs. Two different sulfidopeptide leukotriene (s-LT) antagonists, ICI198 615 in the doses of 0.03 and 0.3 mg/kg and vehicle and KCA757 in the doses of 1 and 5 mg/kg and vehicle, and a LTB4 antagonist ONO4057 in the doses of 1 and 10 mg/kg and vehicle were injected intravenously 15min after antigen challenge. Effects of an anticholinergic agent atropine sulphate (5 mg/kg) and an α-adrenergic biocker pbentolamine (0.3 and 3 mg/kg) were exatnined in the same way. Results Bronchoconstriction occurred when 10 mg/mL of propranolol was inhaled 20 min after antigen challenge. Both ICI198 615 and KCA757 administered intravenously 15 min after antigen challenge reduced the PIB in a dose-dependent manner while ONO4057 did not alter the PIB . Atropine or phentolamine did not change the PIB . Conclusions These results suggest that mediator mechanism, but not cholinergic or α-adrenergic nerve, is important in the PIB which developed after the allergic bronchoconstriction in our guinea-pig model and that s-LTs but not LTB4 have an important role in the pathophysiology of the PIB.  相似文献   

Background Interleukin-8 (IL-8) hus been shown to be a chemotactic factor for netitrophils, T-lymphocytes and eosinophils. Repeated intranasal administration of IL-8 enhances bronchial responsiveness to inhaled histamine in guinea-pigs. Neuropeptides which arc released trotn C-fibre nerve-endings have been postulated to induce bronchial hyperresponsiveness through neurogenic inflammation. Objective This study was conducted to examine whether sensory neuropeptides are involved in the IL-8-induced bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Methods IL-8 at a dose of 5μg/kg was administered intranasally to guinea-pigs twice a week for 3 weeks. One day after the last administration, animals were anesthetized and artificially ventilaled through tracheal cannula, and lateral pressure at the tracheal cannula (Pao) was measured as an overall index of airway responses lo increasing concentrations of inhaled histamine (25, 50, 100, and 200 μg/mL). A NKI and NK2 dual antagonist FK224(10mg/kg), a selective NK1 antgonist FK888 (10mg/kg) or vehicle was intravenously administered 10min before measurement of bronchial responsiveness. Result The IL-8 treatment significantly enhanced bronchial responsiveness to histamine (ANOVA P < 0.01). FK224 or FK888 did not alter the IL-8-induced bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Conclusion We conclude that repeated intranasal administratioti of IL-8 causes bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) and that neuropeptides such as neurokinin A and substance P do not directly contribute to the development of BHR induced by IL-8.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of intravenous atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) on antigen-induced bronchoconstriction, propranolol-induced bronchoconstriction (PIB) after antigen challenge, and histamine-induced bronchoconstriction in guinea pigs. METHODS: Allergic bronchoconstriction was evoked by inhalation of ovalbumin (OA) and PIB was caused when 10 mg/mL of propranolol was inhaled 20 min after OA challenge in passively sensitized and artificially ventilated guinea pigs. 25, 50, 100 and 200 microg/mL of histamine were inhaled for 20 s at 5-min intervals in non-sensitized guinea pigs. RESULTS: Pretreatment with ANP in doses of 0.1 and 1.0 nmol/kg injected intravenously 15 min after antigen challenge reduced PIB in a dose-dependent manner, and 5 min before antigen challenge significantly attenuated PIB but not antigen-induced bronchoconstriction. Intravenous ANP significantly reduced bronchial responses to increasing concentrations of inhaled histamine in a dose-dependent manner. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that ANP possesses protective effects against propranolol-induced and histamine-induced bronchoconstriction, albeit by a non-specific mechanism in guinea pig in vivo.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although it has been reported that the concentration of interleukin (IL)-8 in nasal lavage fluid and sputum and its production in bronchial epithelium were increased in asthmatic subjects, the direct effects of IL-8 on the airways in vivo is unclear. METHODS: We examined bronchoconstriction in response to IL-8 inhalation through an endotracheal cannula in anesthetized, artificially ventilated guinea pigs. RESULTS: Inhalation of IL-8 at concentrations of 1 and 10 microg/ml caused significant bronchoconstriction, as revealed by the elevation of pressure at the airway opening. Moreover, the bronchoconstriction induced by IL-8 was significantly inhibited by the antihistamines diphenhydramine and terfenadine, suggesting the involvement of histamine release in the IL-8-induced bronchoconstriction. No significant leukocyte infiltration was observed in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid or histologic findings 25 min after the first IL-8 inhalation. CONCLUSIONS: IL-8 provokes bronchoconstriction without leukocyte accumulation in the airways, mediated in part by histamine release, in guinea pigs.  相似文献   

Engel A, Lundberg L, Faarup P, Faurschou P. Histamine-induced bronchoconstriction in conscious guinea pigs measured by strain-gauge transduction. A new method.
A new objective method for measuring histaminedihydrochloride-induced bronchoconstriction in conscious guinea pigs has been developed. The aim of the present work was to investigate whether identical results could be obtained when the clinical observation of conscious guinea pigs with symptoms of respiratory distress (bronchoconstriction) was compared to an objective measuring technique of this parameter. An evaluation of the repeatability of the method was made and the respiration frequence (fR) and histamincdihydrochloride challenge concentration were compared to see whether there was a correlation between the two. Consequently, an appartatus was built that allowed simultaneous recording of breathing pattern and clinical observation of the animal being challenged. The breathing pattern was recorded by a strain-gauge transducer, connected to a measuring bridge, and the curves obtained on a jet ink x-y writer were used for calculating changes in duration of expiratory phase (Te) and fR. During the attacks of histaminedihydrochloride-induced bronchoconstriction a significantly prolonged Te could be calculated from the respiration curves. A high degree of agreement was found between this objective measure and clinically observed respiratory distress. The repeatability of the method was comparable to that of corresponding methods used for histaminedihydrochloride challenge in man. No obvious correlation was found between changes in fR and histamincdihydrochloride challenge concentration.  相似文献   

K. Kurashima    M. Fujimura    M. Saito    S. Sakamoto    Y. Miyake    K. Nishi  T. Matsuda 《Allergy》1990,45(4):249-253
Slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis (SRS-A) is an important factor mediating bronchoconstriction in asthma. We developed a guinea pig model for SRS-A mediated bronchoconstriction induced by antigen inhalation. Using this model, we investigated the effect of inhaled WP871, a new anti-allergic drug, on bronchoconstriction. Aerosol WP871 (0.01 and 0.033%) to some extent inhibited the antigen-induced bronchoconstriction in a dose-dependent fashion, but high-dose WP871 (0.1%) inhalation itself produced a non-specific bronchoconstriction. However, aerosol WP871 (0.033%) showed no inhibitory effect on bronchoconstriction caused by direct inhalation of leukotriene C4, a component of SRS-A. These findings indicate that aerosol WP871 does not antagonize SRS-A, but inhibits synthesis and/or release of SRS-A and has some non-specific bronchoconstrictive effect in high concentration.  相似文献   

Background In the small airway, surfactant reduces surface tension, prevents liquid filling of bronchioles, thereby maintaining patency in the small airways. Recent reports demonstrated that surfactant dysfunction develops in experimental asthma in immunized guinea pigs. However, there are few reports concerning surfactant and lung function in an experimental asthma model. Objective To examine whether inhaled surfactant improves lung mechanics in antigen-induced bronchoconstriction in guinea pigs. Method We developed a passively immunized guinea pig model for allergic bronchoconstriction induced by antigen inhalation. Using this model, we investigated the effect of inhaled exogenous surfactant, surfactant TA. on the airway opening pressure (Pao) after antigen challenge. Results Aerosol antigen challenge produced a gradual and long-lasting increase in Pao. Twenty minutes after antigen challenge, aerosolized surfactant TA, 20 mg/ml. was inhaled for 90 s, and it significantly reduced the Pao by 32.8% in 12 min, while a 10.2% reduction was observed in a control group in the same period. When surfactant TA was administered by 90-s inhalation before antigen challenge, it inhibited the Pao increase in a dose-dependent manner: mean inhibitory rates of Pao were 33.6% in surfactant TA 10 mg/ml and 61.9% in surfactant TA 20 mg/mI, respectively. Conclusion Inhaled surfactant showed preventive and recovery effects on antigeninduced bronchoconstriction in an immunized guinea pig model.  相似文献   

We established a guinea-pig model of anaphylactic bronchoconstriction provoked in immunized animals by inhalation and intravenous administration of 4,4-methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride (MTHPA) and hexahydrophthalic anhydride (HHPA). Guinea pigs were immunized intradermally with either MTHPA ( n = 8) or HHPA ( n = 8) suspended in olive oil. Control animals ( n = 8) were injected with olive oil alone. After 4 weeks, the animals were challenged during mechanical ventilation by inhalation or intravenous administration of MTHPA or HHPA conjugated with guinea-pig serum albumin (GPSA). Airway flow, and airway and esophageal pressures were measured. Resistance ( R ) and static compliance (Cst) of the respiratory system (rs), lung (1), and chest wall were studied with the flow-interruption technique. After challenge with MTHPA-GPSA or HHPA-GPSA, R , rs and R , 1 increased dramatically while Cst, rs and Cst,1 decreased, and severe arterial hypoxia developed. The reaction occurred at a well-defined dose of anhydride and lasted about 30 min. When the same dose was repeated after 30 min, the response was much attenuated. MTHPA and HHPA can induce asthma in guinea pigs. The dose-response curve at antigen challenge is steep. Once a threshold dose is reached, a severe reaction occurs. The reactivity is then exhausted. This model may be suitable for assessing occupational asthma caused by acid anhydrides and possibly by other low-molecular-weight chemicals.  相似文献   

Junin virus infection in guinea pigs is known to be similar to human Argentine hemorrhagic fever (AHF). The guinea pig was chosen as a model for transplacental transmission of Junin virus, as both guinea pig and man have a similar placental structure. Pregnant guinea pigs were infected with the pathogenic XJ strain of Junin virus intramuscularly route at different stages of pregnancy. The group infected during the last third of pregnancy produced 16 newborn, but mortality reached 100%: 18% were born with typical AHF hemorrhagic signs, 54% without signs, and the remainder were stillborn. Virus was recovered from organs of newborns, as well as placental tissues. A second group, infected in the second third of pregnancy, died with intrauterine fetuses, all of which showed hemorrhagic signs and virus present. In a last group, infected in the first third of pregnancy, fetuses were free from macroscopic lesions. In order to determine whether lactation may be an alternative infection route in guinea pigs, mother guinea pigs were infected with Junin virus at different times postparturition. The 84% noninfected newborn housed together with their infected mothers died during the suckling period, half with typical AHF signs. Junin virus transmission from mother to fetus was thus proved, and lactation may be considered as an alternative perinatal infection route.  相似文献   

Lassa virus-immune plasma has been used to treat human Lassa fever patients; however, criteria for plasma selection were based arbitrarily on available serologic tools and protective efficacy was never directly assessed. To test the validity of plasma therapy for Lassa virus infections in an animal model, and to develop biologically relevant criteria for selection of protective immune plasma, inbred, strain 13 guinea pigs were infected with a lethal dose of Lassa virus and treated with various Lassa-immune plasmas obtained from guinea pigs, primates, and convalescent human patients. Neutralizing antibody titers were determined in a virus dilution, plaque reduction test, and were expressed as a log10 plaque-forming units (PFU) neutralization index (LNI). All guinea pigs treated with immune plasma 6 ml/kg/treatment on days 0, 3, and 6 after virus inoculation were protected, provided the LNI exceeded 2.0. Plasmas obtained from donors in early convalescence (32-45 days) had low titers of N-antibody (LNI less than 2) and failed to confer protection, despite high titers of Lassa antibody measured in the indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test. Higher doses of marginally titered plasma conferred increased protection. The degree of protection and suppression of viremia was closely associated with LNI an not IFA titers. Administration of low-titered plasma did not result in immune enhancement. A high dose of human plasma from Liberia (12 ml/kg/treatment) was required to confer complete protection to guinea pigs infected with a Lassa virus strain from Sierra Leone (LNI = 1.6), while a lower dose (3 ml/kg/treatment) was sufficient for protection against a Liberian strain (LNI = 2.8), suggesting that a geographic matching of immune plasma and Lassa virus strain origin may increase treatment success. These studies support the concept of plasma therapy for Lassa infection and suggest that the plaque reduction neutralization test is more appropriate than the IFA test for predicting protective efficacy of passively administered plasma.  相似文献   

Using a guinea pig model of allergic asthma, we investigated the effects of the inhaled, highly selective nonpeptide tachykinin NK1 and NK2 receptor antagonists SR 140333 and SR 48968, respectively, on allergen-induced early (EAR) and late (LAR) asthmatic reactions, airway hyperreactivity (AHR) after these reactions, and infiltration of inflammatory cells in the airways. Both SR 140333 (100 nM, 3 min) and SR 48968 (100 nM, 3 min) had no effect on the severity of the EAR, while the NK2 receptor antagonist SR 48968, but not the NK1 receptor antagonist SR 140333, caused significant inhibition of the LAR. SR 140333 significantly reduced the allergen-induced AHR to histamine, both after the EAR and the LAR. By contrast, SR 48968 did not affect the AHR after the EAR, but significantly attenuated the AHR after the LAR. Bronchoalveolar lavage studies performed after the LAR indicated that SR 140333 caused significant inhibition of allergen-induced infiltration of eosinophils, neutrophils and lymphocytes, while SR 48968 attenuated the infiltration of neutrophils and lymphocytes, but not of eosinophils. Both NK receptor antagonists tended to reduce the accumulation of ciliated epithelial cells in the airways. These results indicate that NK1 and NK2 receptors are importantly, but differentially, involved in the development of allergen-induced airways obstruction, AHR and infiltration of inflammatory cells in the airways. Therefore, both NK1 and NK2 receptor antagonists, or dual NK1 and NK2 antagonists, could be useful in the treatment of allergic asthma.  相似文献   

Increased sensitivity of cough reflex is a fundamental feature of bronchodilator resistant non-productive cough associated with eosinophilic tracheobronchitis. Our hypothesis is that cough sensitivity is increased by airway allergic reaction characterized by airway eosinophilic inflammation. The aim of this study was to elucidate the hypothesis and clarify the characteristics of the increased cough sensitivity. Number of coughs elicited by inhalation of increasing concentrations of capsaicin (10-8, 10-6 and 10-4 M) was counted 24 h after an aerosolized antigen or saline in actively sensitized or non-sensitized (naive) conscious guinea pigs and then bronchoalveolar lavage was performed. The cough response was also measured 1 day before and 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 days after an aerosolized antigen challenge in sensitized or naive animals. In addition, effect of procaterol (0.1 mg/kg), atropine (1 or 10 mg/kg), phosphoramidon (2.5 mg/kg) given intraperitoneally 30 min before the capsaicin challenge or capsaicin desensitization on the cough response was examined. Furthermore, the thromboxane A2 (TXA2) receptor antagonist S-1452 in a dose of 0.01 or 0.1 mg/kg or vehicle (saline) was given intraperitoneally at 24 and 1 h before the measurement of cough response. Number of coughs caused by capsaicin was extremely increased 24 h after an antigen challenge in sensitized guinea pigs compared with a saline or an antigen challenge in naive animals or a saline challenge in sensitized animals. The increased cough response disappeared at 3-7 days after the antigen challenge. Eosinophils in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid obtained after the measurement of capsaicin-induced coughs, which was performed 24 h after the antigen challenge, were significantly increased in sensitized guinea pigs. The eosinophil count was significantly correlated to the number of capsaicin-induced coughs. Procaterol or atropine did not alter the antigen-induced increase of cough sensitivity, whereas atropine did reduce the cough response in naive animals. Phosphoramidon increased the number of capsaicin-induced coughs in naive guinea pigs but not in sensitized and antigen-challenged animals. Capsaicin desensitization decreased the cough response in both antigen-challenged sensitized guinea pigs and naive animals. S-1452 reduced the antigen-induced increase of cough response in sensitized guinea pigs, but not in naive animals. Airway allergy accompanied with airway eosinophilia induces transient increase in cough sensitivity, which is not mediated by bronchoconstriction. The increased cough sensitivity may result in part from inactivation of neutral endopeptidase and TXA2, one of the inflammatory mediators.  相似文献   

Circulatory basophilia could be induced in inbred guinea pigs systematically immunized with ovalbumin and consequently provoked repeatedly with dissolved ovalbumin applied onto the mucosa of the nares or the outer eye. The degree of the increase in circulatory basophil granulocytes depended on the adjuvant used and was significantly more pronounced after immunization with Freund's complete adjuvant than with alhydrogel (A1(OH)3). The degree of basophilia was also dependent on the animal strain, but different in two strains selected for high-asthma trait.  相似文献   

We developed a model of herpetic orchitis in guinea pigs. Intratesticular inoculation of type 2 herpes simplex virus suspension results in infection of the testicular spermatocytes and spermatides. The possibility of viral infection dissemination from infected into intact testis is proven. __________ Translated from Byulleten’ Eksperimental’noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 144, No. 7, pp. 79–83, July, 2007  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: C-fibres have received considerable attention in the context of airway hyper-responsiveness (AHR), in fact several lines of evidence suggest that tachykinins might be involved in the pathogenesis of AHR. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the role of capsaicin-sensitive sensory C-fibres and tachykinins in rabbits sensitized to the major allergen of Parietaria judaica pollen (Par j1). METHODS: Airway responsiveness was determined by exposing sensitized rabbits to cumulative concentrations of aerosolized histamine before and after an allergic challenge and after a pre-treatment with either vehicle or capsaicin or tachykinin receptor antagonists. Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed following histamine challenge and total and differential cell counts were performed. RESULTS: In sensitized rabbits, an AHR to inhaled histamine was observed 24 h after a Par j1 challenge. Capsaicin pre-treatment inhibited the AHR achieved 24 h following antigen exposure (P < 0.01). Pre-treatment with the tachykinin NK2 receptor antagonist, SR 48968, significantly reduced the antigen-induced AHR (P < 0.05), while pre-treatment with tachykinin NK1 (SR 140333) and NK3 (SR 142801) receptor antagonists did not significantly modify it. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid obtained from vehicle and capsaicin-treated rabbits challenged with Par j1 exhibited no significant differences in total and differential cell counts. CONCLUSIONS: Parietaria judaica-induced AHR in immunized rabbits was shown to be inhibited by pre-treatment with capsaicin, an effect that is not related to an action on the associated pulmonary infiltration of eosinophils. The involvement of NK2 receptor stimulation in this phenomenon also suggests that NK2 receptor antagonists may be useful for investigating mechanisms of bronchopulmonary alterations in asthmatic patients.  相似文献   

The importance of thromboxane A2(TXA2), one of the arachidonate metabolites, in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma has been emphasized recently. Because aerosolized administration of antiasthmatic drugs is effective and safe, this study examined the effect of aerosolized TXA-2 receptor antagonist (S-1542) on allergic bronchoconstriction in passively sensitized and mechanically ventilated guinea pigs. Under the cover of antihistamine, antigen-induced bronchoconstriction was markedly inhibited by pretreatment with aerosolized S-1452 inhalation in a dose-dependent manner. Although aerosolized S-1452 itself provoked weak bronchoconstriction for its partial agonist effect, bronchial responsiveness to inhaled histamine did not change 10 min after S-1452 inhalation. These results indicate that aerosolized S-1452 may be useful in treating bronchial asthma.  相似文献   

The tryptophan metabolites 3-indolylacrylic acid and 2-aminoacetophenone, whose carcinogenic activity has been demonstrated by experiments on inbred mice, were injected into noninbred guinea pigs. Both substances induced tumors in the animals of the exprimental groups earlier than in the control and the tumors differed significantly in their morphology from those in animals of the control groups, evidence that both compounds have a carcinogenic effect. The results indicate that guinea pigs can be used to study the carcinogenic activity of weak carcinogens of the endogenous class.Experimental Animals Division, Oncologic Scientific Center, Academy of medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR L. M. Shabad.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 84, No. 8, pp. 200–202, August, 1977.  相似文献   

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