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Using the Schedule for Interviewing Borderlines and the MMPI, 20 subjects diagnosed as borderline and/or schizotypal personality disorder were examined to determine 1) whether having one diagnosis affected the likelihood of having the other, 2) the amount of diagnostic overlap between the two diagnoses, and 3) whether different MMPI profiles could be found. The results indicated some overlap but also some differentiation between the borderline and schizotypal disorders. The modest overlap in diagnostic criteria was consistent with other studies and justifies the continued separation of the two diagnoses. The MMPI may be used as an initial screen to identify persons who warrant further evaluation for a borderline personality disorder but would not be appropriate as a screen for a schizotypal personality disorder.  相似文献   

Objective. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is associated with high lifetime prevalence rates of substance abuse as well as higher-than-expected rates of charges for various drug-related crimes and criminal behavior in general. However, whether criminal charges for assault and disorderly conduct are related specifically to drug misuse remains unknown — the focus of the present study. Methods. Using a cross-sectional sample and a self-report survey methodology among a sample of 237 consecutive internal medicine outpatients, we examined: (1) BPD symptomatology using two self-report measures and (2) five charges for illegal behaviors defined as related to drugs. Results. While there were no between-group differences with regard to drug-abuse violations (i.e., possession, sale, or use of illegal drugs), in participants with BPD symptomatology there was more probability to be charged with assault and disorderly conduct related to drug use as well as driving under the influence and drunkenness/public intoxication. Conclusions. The criminal behaviors of assault and disorderly conduct observed in BPD appear to be related, at least in part, to comorbid substance abuse.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Orbitofrontal cortex lesions produce disinhibited or socially inappropriate behavior and emotional irregularities. Characteristics of borderline personality disorder include impulsivity and affective instability. The authors investigated whether aspects of borderline personality disorder, in particular impulsivity, are associated with orbitofrontal cortex dysfunction. METHOD: Measures of personality, emotion, impulsivity, time perception, sensitivity to reinforcers, and spatial working memory were administered to patients with borderline personality disorder (N=19), patients with orbitofrontal cortex lesions (N=23), patients with lesions in the prefrontal cortex but not in the orbitofrontal cortex (N=20), and healthy comparison subjects (N=39). RESULTS: The patients with orbitofrontal cortex lesions and the patients with borderline personality disorder performed similarly on several measures. Both groups were more impulsive and reported more inappropriate behaviors, borderline personality disorder characteristics, and anger and less happiness than the two comparison groups, and both groups were less open to experience and had a faster perception of time (underproduced time) than the healthy comparison subjects. The patients with orbitofrontal cortex lesions and the borderline personality disorder patients performed differently on other measures. The borderline personality disorder patients were less extraverted and conscientious and more neurotic and emotional than all other groups. Patients with orbitofrontal cortex lesions had deficits in reversing stimulus-reinforcer associations and a faster perception of time (overestimated time) than the healthy comparison subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Orbitofrontal cortex dysfunction may contribute to some core characteristics of borderline personality disorder, in particular impulsivity. Other characteristics of borderline personality disorder, such as high levels of emotionality and personality irregularities, do not appear to be related to the type of dysfunction produced by orbitofrontal cortex damage. The similarities and differences found between the borderline personality disorder patients and the patients with orbitofrontal cortex lesions may lead to a better understanding of the etiology of borderline personality disorder and the functions of the orbitofrontal cortex.  相似文献   

Objective: The relationship between borderline personality symptomatology and employment disability has undergone limited study. Four previous studies indicate a possible relationship, but each has its own inherent limitations. In the present study, we examined this relationship among 94 internal medicine outpatients. Method: Using a sample of convenience, we administered 2 self-report measures for borderline personality (the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-4th Edition, which is based on DSM criteria, and the Self-Harm Inventory, which correlates with scores on the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines) and inquired about the lifetime presence and length of either psychiatric or medical disability. The study was active from February 2003 through January 2005. Results: There was a significant and positive correlation between scores on both borderline personality measures and the length of psychiatric disability for women (r = .33, r = .36, p = .05); however, no significant relationship was found between scores on either measure for borderline personality and the length of either psychiatric or medical disability for men. Conclusions: These findings suggest that, in contrast to men, there may be a relationship between borderline personality symptomatology and psychiatric disability only among women (i.e., there may be a gender difference). We discuss the possible implications of these results.  相似文献   

The relationship between Kernberg's psychodynamic model of personality organization (PO) and dissociation has not yet been explored. Seventy-two nonclinical subjects and 222 psychiatric patients completed the Dissociative Experiences Scale and the Inventory of Personality Organization. Its Reality Testing subscale emerged as the most important predictor for all facets of dissociation. Discussing our results in the framework of Fonagy and coworkers' model of mentalization, we suggest that dissociation may reflect the preoedipal "pretend" mode of psychic functioning while impaired reality testing and psychotic experiences might be indicative of the "psychic equivalent" mode.  相似文献   

Borderline personality and eating disorders   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is an Axis II disorder that is characterized by an intact fa?ade, longstanding self-regulation difficulties and self-harm behavior, and unstable interpersonal relationships and mood. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV; American Psychiatric Association, 1994), the prevalence of BPD in the general population is around 2%. The symptoms of the disorder appear to be influenced by gender. Despite defined diagnostic criteria, BPD tends to have polymorphic clinical presentations with both multiple psychological and somatic symptoms. The etiology of BPD appears to be related to genetic predisposition, early developmental trauma, and biparental failure, although other contributory factors may be involved. We discuss, through the use of several models, the possible relationships between BPD and eating disorders.  相似文献   



Starting from the semiological heterogeneousness of borderline patients, we try to understand the everyday life of such subjects, and to determine the psychopathological structure of Borderline Personality Disorder.


This article's principal focus is lived time. We explore diverse meanings of the notions of immediacy and instantaneity, considered as key components of borderline patients’ lived time. We also consider other existential concepts from phenomenological psychopathology, such as space, emotion, identity, and the body.


The fragmented self hypothesis (Fuchs, 2007) clarifies the way in which borderline patients relate to the main psychic functions, and reveals a being-in-the-world in excess of the spatio-temporal situation. In addition, Kimura's notion of the intra festum (1992), closely correlated to the notions of instantaneity and immediacy, is put into a fruitful dialogue with the notions of the fragmented self and of the exceeding of the spatio-temporal situation.


The growing prevalence of BPD, along with the quality of the experiences narrated by borderline patients, allow us to suggest a link between a borderline being-in-the-world and our society's incessant technological advances, which contain the possibility of modifying the coordinates of space and time.


The different concepts explored in this article ultimately appear to link back up with the notions of instantaneity and immediacy. These two terms, closely related but calling upon different points of view, are closely connected with a certain hypo-reflexivity, whose expression differs according to whether one situates it in the “normal” or the in the pathological. Hypo-reflexivity appears in the context of a social world characterized by the constant need for hyper-flexibility (which notion brings us back to immediacy and instantaneity). Thus, the borderline experience overlaps with our postmodern lifestyle, which in turn reveals the potentially adaptive dimensions of this personality disorder.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence have raised the question of whether Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is an independent disease entity or it might be better conceptualized as belonging to the spectrum of mood disorders. This study explores a wide array of lifetime mood features (mood, cognitions, energy, and rhythmicity and vegetative functions) in patients with BP and mood disorders. The sample consisted of 25 BPD patients who did not meet the criteria for bipolar disorders, 16 bipolar disorders patients who did not meet the criteria for BPD, 19 unipolar patients who did not meet the criteria for BPD, and 30 non-clinical subjects. Clinical diagnoses were determined by administering the structured clinical interviews for DSM-IV disorders. The Mood Spectrum Self-Report (MOODS-SR) was used for measuring lifetime mood phenomenology. Clinical subjects displayed higher mean scores than normal subjects in all domains of the MOODS-SR, and BPD patients displayed higher scores than unipolar patients in the Mood and Cognition depressive subdomains. Differences between patients with BP and bipolar disorders on MOODS psychopathology did not attain statistical significance for any (sub)domain considered. The results of this study are consistent with previous findings suggesting the importance of mood dysregulations in patients with BPD.  相似文献   

The central characteristics of borderline personality disorder (BPD) are bound to be associated with the development and maintenance of couple dysfunction. Although seven of the nine diagnostic criteria of BPD in the DSM-IV-TR refer directly to interpersonal functioning, very few empiric studies have addressed the exact nature of the relationship between BPD and couple functioning. This article examines recent studies describing couple outcomes—union formation and durability, partner choice, relationship satisfaction, intimate violence, attachment security, and sexual functioning—associated with BPD. The relationship between couple dynamics (including partner personality characteristics) and BPD symptomatology is probably bidirectional or reciprocal. The review concludes with an exploration of diagnostic and treatment implications.  相似文献   

Borderline personality in serious delinquents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seventy-one seriously delinquent adolescents (40 male, 31 female) were evaluated by two of the authors (an interviewer and an observer) using the Social Adaptation and Interpersonal Relations sections of the DIB (Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines) in combination with the SADS (Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia). DIB scores and DSM-III diagnoses were assigned to each subject by the consensus of the two evaluators. Twenty-six subjects received a primary DSM-III diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Nineteen (73%) of these subjects were also identified as borderline by the DIB. The DIB was generally successful in differentiating the DSM-III borderlines from subjects with other DSM-III diagnoses on DIB total, subscale and statement scores. Subjects with a DSM-III diagnosis of major affective disorder were frequently inappropriately categorized as borderline by the DIB, however, reasons for the difficulty of the DIB in distinguishing delinquent adolescents with borderline personalities from those with major affective disorder are discussed, comparisons with adult studies using the DIB are made and directions for future research are indicated.  相似文献   

Decreased serum cholesterol has been associated with impulsive aggressive behaviors. This study was designed to explore the relationship between serum cholesterol levels and measures of impulsive aggression in personality disordered patients. Forty-two personality disordered patients (14 borderline personality disorder, 28 other personality disorders) were included. Fasting serum cholesterol was measured by standard enzymatic assay. An ANOVA was performed with factors of gender and diagnosis, looking at two-way interactions between the factors and serum cholesterol. Patients with borderline personality disorder were found to have significantly lower serum cholesterol than non-borderline personality disorders. A significant interaction effect was also seen between gender and diagnosis with the male patients having lower cholesterol levels. This study suggests there may be a relationship between borderline personality disorder and low serum cholesterol.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study is to demonstrate the traits of the psychopathology of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) compared with hysterical neurosis. A total of 48 subjects with BPD and 40 subjects with hysterical neurosis both defined by DSM-III-R were assessed by Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines (DIB). Statistical analysis was done by quantification of the second type, a multivariate data analysis. The total scores of DIB were BPD group, 6.13 +/- 1.52; hysterical neurosis group, 4.9 +/- 2.12 (t = 3.05, P = 0.0016). The correlation ratio (index of to what extent the two groups are discriminated) was 0.2442. Among the four parameters of: (i) affect, (ii) cognition, (iii) impulse-action pattern, (iv), and interpersonal relationships, the partial coefficient correlations of (iii) and (iv) were significantly high (0.342, 0.287, P < 0.01). The question items with high independent coefficients were manipulation (0.4416), intolerance of aloneness (0.3797), demanding nature (0.3768), self-mutilation (0.3609), visual hallucination (0.3395). Those with low score of independent coefficients were counterdependency (0.0533), identity disturbance (0.1010), depression (0.1551), loneliness (0.1752), hypomanic episode (0.1936). Both of BPD and hysterical neurosis groups were not so fairly well discriminated. However, these results suggested that impulse-action pattern and disorder of interpersonal relationships were traits of borderline personality disorder. We could admit manipulation, intolerance of aloneness as its symptoms. In addition, counterdependency, identity disturbance were comparatively common to both. There were some borderline personality traits symptomatically in hysterical neurosis.  相似文献   

Records of eight elderly patients identified as BPD by a geriatric team were analyzed for compliance with DIB-R and DSM-III-R criteria. A nonborderline control group was randomly selected and matched for age, gender and residence. Clinicians experienced in geriatric mental health performed retrospective chart reviews and found that not one clinically diagnosed BPD patient was identified by either instrument. Although there appear to be a number of constant features of BPD throughout life, this study delineated two major areas of change in BPD in late life.  相似文献   

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