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Transplant data: sources, collection, and caveats   总被引:10,自引:10,他引:0  
By examining the sources, quality and organization of transplant data available, as well as making observations about data reporting patterns and accuracy, we hope to improve understanding of existing results, help researchers with study design and stimulate new exploratory initiatives.
The primary data source, collected by the OPTN, has benefited from extensive recent technological advances. Transplant professionals now report patient and donor data more easily, quickly, and accurately, improving data timeliness and precision. Secondary sources may be incorporated, improving the accuracy and expanding the scope of analyses. For example, auxiliary mortality data allows more accurate survival analysis and conclusions regarding the completeness of center-reported post-transplant follow-up. Furthermore, such sources enable examination of outcomes not reported by centers, such as mortality after waiting list removal, providing more appropriate comparisons of waiting list and post-transplant mortality.
Complex collection and reporting processes require specific analytical methods and may lead to potential pitfalls. Patterns in the timing of reporting adverse events differ from those for 'positive' events, yielding the need for care in choosing cohorts and censor dates to avoid bias. These choices are further complicated by the use of multiple sources of data, with different time lags and reporting patterns.  相似文献   

Transplant data: sources, collection and research considerations, 2004   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:0  
The process of collecting and analyzing transplant data is complex. Familiarity with how these data are collected is crucial to a thorough understanding of the information. This article focuses on available OPTN-SRTR data and the continuing evolution of data collection mechanisms; how that data collection system is improving the data quality and reducing the data collection burden; how additional ascertainment of outcomes both completes and validates existing data; and caveats that remain for researchers. This year's article focuses further on research considerations related to cohort choice, timing of data submission, and potential biases in follow-up data. Ongoing improvements in data collection timeliness and scope are covered. The impact of extra ascertainment of outcomes, particularly for post-transplant kidney graft failure from Medicare data, are also examined. A section on graft failure reporting among different sources traces the steps by which the SRTR reconciles different data sources in its analyses. It is important that those reading and conducting transplant research understand the origin, structure, and scope of the available data. All of these issues should be carefully considered when choosing cohorts and data sources for analysis.  相似文献   

This article highlights trends in heart and lung transplantation between 1997 and 2006, drawing on data from the OPTN and SRTR. The total number of candidates actively awaiting heart transplantation declined by 45% over the last decade, dropping from 2414 patients in 1997 to 1327 patients in 2006. The overall death rates among patients awaiting heart transplantation declined over the same period. The distribution of recipients among the different status groups at the time of heart transplantation changed little between the inception of the new classification system in 1999 and 2005. Deaths in the first year after heart transplantation have steadily decreased. At the end of 2006, 2885 candidates were awaiting a lung transplant, up 10% from the 1997 count. The median time-to-transplant for listed patients decreased by 87% over the decade, dropping from 1053 days in 1997 to 132 days in 2006. Selection for listing and transplantation has shifted toward more urgent patients since the May 2005 implementation of a new lung allocation system based on survival benefit and urgency rather than waiting time. Only 31 heart-lung transplants were performed in 2006, down from a high of 62 in 1997.  相似文献   

Kidney and pancreas transplantation in 2005 improved in quantity and outcome quality, despite the increasing average age of kidney graft recipients, with 56% aged 50 or older. Geography and ABO blood type contribute to the discrepancy in waiting time among the deceased donor (DD) candidates. Allocation policy changes are decreasing the median times to transplant for pediatric recipients. Overall, 6% more DD kidney transplants were performed in 2005 with slight increases in standard criteria donors (SCD) and expanded criteria donors (ECD). The largest increase (39%) was in donation after cardiac death (DCD) from non-ECD donors. These DCD, non-ECD kidneys had equivalent outcomes to SCD kidneys. 1-, 3- and 5-year unadjusted graft survival was 91%, 80% and 70% for non-ECD-DD transplants, 82%, 68% and 53% for ECD-DD grafts, and 95%, 88% and 80% for living donor kidney transplants. In 2005, 27% of patients were discharged without steroids compared to 3% in 1999. Acute rejection decreased to 11% in 2004. There was a slight increase in the number of simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplants (895), with fewer pancreas after kidney transplants (343 from 419 in 2004), and a stable number of pancreas alone transplants (129). Pancreas underutilization appears to be an ongoing issue.  相似文献   

This article examines the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network/Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients data on heart and lung transplantation in the United States from 1996 to 2005. The number of heart transplants performed and the size of the heart waiting list continued to drop, reaching 2126 and 1334, respectively, in 2005. Over the decade, post-transplant graft and patient survival improved, as did the chances for survival while on the heart waiting list. The number of deceased donor lung transplants increased by 78% since 1996, reaching 1407 in 2005 (up 22% from 2004). There were 3170 registrants awaiting lung transplantation at the end of 2005, down 18% from 2004. Death rates for both candidates and recipients have been dropping, as has the time spent waiting for a lung transplant. Other lung topics covered are living donation, recent surgical advances and changes in immunosuppression regimens. Heart-lung transplantation has declined to a small (33 procedures in 2005) but important need in the United States.  相似文献   

Kidney and pancreas transplantation in 2005 improved in quantity and outcome quality, despite the increasing average age of kidney graft recipients, with 56% aged 50 or older. Geography and ABO blood type contribute to the discrepancy in waiting time among the deceased donor (DD) candidates. Allocation policy changes are decreasing the median times to transplant for pediatric recipients. Overall, 6% more DD kidney transplants were performed in 2005 with slight increases in standard criteria donors (SCD) and expanded criteria donors (ECD). The largest increase (39%) was in donation after cardiac death (DCD) from non‐ECD donors. These DCD, non‐ECD kidneys had equivalent outcomes to SCD kidneys. 1‐, 3‐ and 5‐year unadjusted graft survival was 91%, 80% and 70% for non‐ECD‐DD transplants, 82%, 68% and 53% for ECD‐DD grafts, and 95%, 88% and 80% for living donor kidney transplants. In 2005, 27% of patients were discharged without steroids compared to 3% in 1999. Acute rejection decreased to 11% in 2004. There was a slight increase in the number of simultaneous pancreas‐kidney transplants (895), with fewer pancreas after kidney transplants (343 from 419 in 2004), and a stable number of pancreas alone transplants (129). Pancreas underutilization appears to be an ongoing issue.  相似文献   

Organ transplantation remains the only life-saving therapy for many patients with organ failure. Despite the work of the Organ Donation and Transplant Collaboratives, and the marked increases in deceased donors early in the effort, deceased donors only rose by 67 from 2006 and the number of living donors declined during the same time period. There continues to be increases in the use of organs from donors after cardiac death (DCD) and expanded criteria donors (ECD). This year has seen a major change in the way organs are offered with increased patient safety measures in those organ offers made by OPOs using DonorNet©. Unfortunately, the goals of 75% conversion rates, 3.75 organs transplanted per donor, 10% of all donors from DCD sources and 20% growth of transplant center volume have yet to be reached across all donation service areas (DSAs) and transplant centers; however, there are DSAs that have not only met, but exceeded, these goals. Changes in organ preservation techniques took place this year, partly due to expanding organ acceptance criteria and increasing numbers of ECDs and DCDs. Finally, the national transplant environment has changed in response to increased regulatory oversight and new requirements for donation and transplant provider organizations.  相似文献   

Turndowns of offers of deceased donor kidneys for transplantation can contribute to inefficiencies in the organ distribution system and inequality in access to donated organs. Match run data were obtained for 4967 'good' kidneys placed and transplanted in 2005 after fewer than 50 offers. These kidneys were not recovered from donation after cardiac death or expanded criteria donors, or from donors with a history of substance abuse. On average, these good kidneys were not accepted until after seven offers to candidates and after offers to 2.4 programs. Models for the likelihood of acceptance found several donor and candidate characteristics to be significantly related to acceptance rates (p < 0.05). After accounting for these variables, there remained 2- to 3-fold differences among transplant programs in acceptance rates. These models could be used to identify kidney transplant centers with exceptional acceptance practices. Several strategies might be employed to increase acceptance rates for good organs.  相似文献   

Collection of data on transplant candidates and recipients for the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) and the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR) is a burden that falls primarily on the transplant centers. We examined the cost of data collection at one large transplant center. The average number of forms per year submitted more than 3 years was 5245. For the 3 years, 2.46 full time equivalents (FTEs) were committed to this data collection. Annual salaries in addition to benefits (calculated at 22% of salary) for these FTEs were US$143 026.22. The calculated annual cost per form submitted amounted to US$27.27. Collection of data on transplant candidates and recipients is expensive and the cost of data collection should be understood before the institution of new data collection requirements for the transplant centers .  相似文献   

The success of clinical transplantation as a therapy for end-stage organ failure is limited by the availability of suitable organs for transplant. This article discusses continued efforts by the transplant community to collaboratively improve the organ supply. There were 7593 deceased organ donors in 2005. This represents an all-time high and a 6% increase over 2004. Increases were noted in deceased organ donation of all types of organs; notable is the increase in lung donation, which occurred in 17% of all deceased donors. The percentage of deceased donations that occurred following cardiac death has also reached a new high at 7%. The number of living donors decreased by 2%, from 7003 in 2004 to 6895 in 2005. This article discusses the continued efforts of the Organ Donation Breakthrough Collaborative and the Organ Transplantation Breakthrough Collaborative to support organ recovery and use and to encourage the expectation that for every deceased donor, all organs will be placed and transplanted.  相似文献   

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