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夜间1次起床排尿即可称为夜尿症,但是临床发现只有1次夜尿对患者生活质量影响较小,2次以上的夜尿更具备治疗的意义。中国成人(40岁以上人群)1次以上的夜尿症患病率为55%,2次以上的夜尿达22.8%。53.4%的夜尿症患者承认夜尿症导致的睡眠障碍干扰了他们正常的工作和社交。根据成因及临床表现差异,夜尿症可分为4大类:多尿症、夜间多尿、夜间膀胱容量下降、混合型。排尿日记是夜尿症最重要的诊断手段。改变生活方式和行为方式一直是治疗夜尿的一线治疗。去氨加压素能显著减少夜间尿量,提高患者生活质量。药物相关的唯一严重并发症一低钠血症的风险随着年龄的增加而增大,多数发生在65岁以上老年人。目前尚没有确切证据证明抗毒蕈碱剂能减少膀胱过度活动症患者的夜尿次数。国内一项多中心前瞻性随机实验证明,多沙唑嗪4mg与坦索罗辛0.2mg均能够缓解男性下尿路症状患者的夜尿症。  相似文献   

Primary tumors of the diaphragm are quite rare. About 150 cases have been reported in the literature. Fibrosarcomas are the commonest malignant neoplasms of the diaphragm; however, only a few(less than 20) cases have been reported to date. We present the case of an extremely rare tumor of the diaphragm mimicking a liver mass. The patient, a young 28-year-old woman, presented with an 8-month-history of mildly progressive upper abdominal pain and early fullness after meals. Computed tomography scan of the abdomen revealed a mass located in the region of the left lobe of the liver with non visualized left lobe and partial vascular supply of the mass from the left hepatic artery. The tumor was also seen to draw its vascularity from bilateral internal mammary arteries. Surgical excision and hepatectomy was planned, keeping in mind the diagnosis of an atypical left hepatic mass. Laparotomy revealed a left diaphragmatic tumor growing caudally into the upper abdomen, compressing and splaying the liver along the left medial surface where the tumorwas virtually adherent to it. Successful excision of the mass and subsequent histopathological and immunochemistry examination of the specimen revealed low grade fibromyxoid sarcoma of the diaphragm. This case highlights the unusual presentation of a diaphragmatic mesenchymal tumor and how it can be mistaken as an atypical liver mass. It also emphasizes the tumoral vascular supply as an indicator of its organ of origin.  相似文献   

目的:探讨CT增强扫描在肝脏少见肿瘤的诊断及治疗方案选择中的价值。方法:回顾性分析8例经手术及病理检查证实、2例经肝脏穿刺活检证实的肝脏少见肿瘤的CT增强表现特征,并对比分析相关的临床表现、实验室检查和手术所见。结果:病理组织学检查证实,本组10例中良性肿瘤3例、恶性肿瘤7例,CT增强扫描显示,5例为囊实性,5例为实质性;8例表现为不均匀强化,2例淋巴瘤无明显强化。CT可较准确地显示肿瘤与肝内血管的毗邻关系以及对肝邻近组织器官的推压与侵犯等,与手术所见一致。临床表现和实验室检查对肝脏少见肿瘤定性诊断价值不大,但有助于与肝细胞癌鉴别。结论:CT增强扫描对肝脏少见肿瘤定性诊断较困难,但结合临床表现与实验室检查仍有助于与肝细胞癌相鉴别;CT增强扫描可准确判断肿瘤的解剖部位及其对邻近组织器官侵犯的情况,从而帮助制定合理、详细的手术方案。  相似文献   

目的  分析儿童活体肝移植术后发生右侧膈疝的临床特点、致病原因和治疗经验。方法  回顾性分析3例儿童活体肝移植术后发生右侧膈疝受者的临床资料,分析其临床特点和诊疗经过,总结治疗经验。结果  3例活体肝移植术后发生膈疝患儿的原发性疾病均是胆道闭锁。膈疝发生时间为肝移植术后4~6个月。膈疝内容物包括腹膜内位和腹膜间位的组织和器官。膈肌缺损均位于右膈后内侧区,术中行一期间断缝合修补,长期随访无膈疝复发。结论  儿童活体肝移植术后发生右侧膈疝的临床表现多样,危险因素包括营养不良状态、低体质量、手术创伤、胆漏导致的化学腐蚀、局灶性感染以及胸膜-腹腔内压力梯度等。手术干预是肝移植术后膈疝的首选治疗策略。  相似文献   

The triad of hyperprolactinemia, ophthalmoplegia, and radiologic abnormalities of the sell turcica suggest a tumor in the area of the pituitary gland. A new association--bilateral intracavernous carotid aneurysms--is presented. Two elderly women had extraocular muscle palsies and elevated serum prolactin levels of 71 and 32 ng/ml (normal: less than 20 ng/ml). In the former, a high-resolution computed tomography scan made after contrast medium injection was incorrectly interpreted as demonstrating a pituitary tumor; cerebral arteriography revealed bilateral aneurysms. In the other patient, a computed tomography scan after contrast medium injection demonstrated the bilateral aneurysms, and these were confirmed by radionuclide angiography.  相似文献   

We herein describe a 74-year-old woman with a foreign-body granuloma mimicking a liver tumor. Imaging studies revealed a pedunculated left lobe mass in the setting of chronic liver disease. She had a past history of a cholecystectomy as well as a previous gynecological operation. A left lateral segmentectomy was performed because of the possibility of a rupture. The dissected specimen showed a foreign-body granuloma caused by gauze. We believe this case to be a very unique granuloma, which should be kept in mind whenever making a diagnosis of a liver tumor particularly in a patient with chronic liver disease, who has a past history of abdominal surgery.  相似文献   

目的探讨肝膈疝合并肺内异位肝的诊疗方案。 方法回顾性分析1例右侧肝膈疝合并肺内异位肝患者的临床表现、影像学特征、手术治疗方案及病理,对异位肝进行相关的探讨及文献复习。 结果患者接受胸腔镜肺楔形切除术+膈疝修补术,术中发现右肺下叶肿物,与疝入胸腔组织不连续。病理结果提示为异位肝组织。患者术后一年复查胸部CT未见异常,随访无特殊不适。 结论异位肝在临床上极为少见,病例结合相关文献复习,以提高对该病的认识,且腔镜微创手术不仅直观观察,也可直接切除明确诊断且治愈该病。  相似文献   

Undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma (UES) of the liver was first identified as an independent clinicopathologic type of sarcoma in 1978. It is an uncommon hepatic tumor, of mesenchymal origin, usually observed in children, and cases in adults are rare: to our best knowledge, reports of only 51 cases have been published in the past 50 years. We present a case of UES of the liver in a previously healthy 22 year-old woman, admitted to our hospital due to a palpable mass in the right upper abdomen. On admission, laboratory studies showed mildly elevated aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, and gamma-GPT. Hepatitis and tumor markers were negative. Ultrasonography (US), computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a large mass involving the right lobe and the medial segment of the liver, with compression of the bile duct. Right trisectionectomy with bile duct resection and reconstruction was performed. Microscopically, the tumor was composed of pleomorphic spindle cells in a myxoid stroma with focal staining of S-100 by immunohistochemistry. The histologic diagnosis was UES. Adjuvant therapy with vincristine, actinomycin-D, and cyclophosphamide was performed, and at 14 months of follow-up, the patient is alive without any evidence of recurrence. The clinical and histopathological features, as well as the therapeutic choices for adult UES, are described for this patient and in the literature of the past 50 years.  相似文献   

Liver transplantation is just as successful in infants as in older children, but more challenging. This relates to the low weight of the recipients and to their rapidly deteriorating clinical condition (malnutrition and end-stage liver disease) (J Pediatr 1990;117:205-210; BMJ 1993;307:825-828; Ann Surg 1996;223:658-664; Transplantation 1997;64:242-248; J Pediatr Surg 1998;33:20-23). In addition, higher rates of diaphragmatic complications have been shown to significantly correlate with a younger age (Transplantation 2002;73:228-232; Transpl Int 1998;11:281-283; Pediatr Transplant 2000;4:39-44), but diaphragmatic hernia has never been reported as a complication of liver transplantation. In this report, 2 patients who developed diaphragmatic hernia after liver transplantation are presented. The possible role of several contributing factors resulting in diaphragmatic hernia is discussed. These factors include (1) diaphragm thinness related to low weight and malnutrition, (2) direct trauma at operation (dissection and diathermy), (3) increased abdominal pressure after transplantation caused by the use of a slightly oversized liver graft, and (4) the medial positioning of the partial liver graft in the abdomen.  相似文献   

Osteoclast-like giant cell tumors (OCGTs) usually involve the bone and rarely affect the alimentary tract. Within the gastrointestinal tract the liver has been one of the most infrequently reported locations for this neoplasm to occur. In this article we report the occurrence of an OCGT arising in the liver of a 61-year-old woman. The patient presented with abdominal pain and a rapidly enlarging hepatic mass. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) indicated a multilocular solid lesion in the right lobe of the liver. A small extrahepatic lobulation at the lateral aspect of the lesion with penetration of the capsule was visible. Local extension into adjacent organs was not evident. Positron emission tomography (PET) did not indicate a tumor in the pancreas or elsewhere in the body. The tumor was removed by performing a formal right hepatic lobectomy. Histologic and immunohistochemical examinations revealed an OCGT. Within 3 months of the hemihepatectomy, widespread intraabdominal and pulmonary metastasis developed and the patient succumbed to her illness shortly thereafter. This report contributes further evidence to the aggressive biological behavior with regard to this rare neoplasm. The absence of metastatic disease indicated when using magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography does not seem to change the overall dismal prognosis of this tumor.  相似文献   

Extragastrointestinal stromal tumors are rare, so clinicopathologic features are not fully elucidated. We report a large extragastrointestinal stromal tumor of the lesser omentum mimicking a liver tumor.  相似文献   

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