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乳牙疾病与青少年错(牙合)畸形的关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
管玉蓉 《中国优生与遗传杂志》2002,10(2)
目的:了解青少年错糖畸形与乳牙疾病间的关系.方法:随机抽取无锡市新开河小学、东林学校、旺庄中心学较1734名在校学生进行检查,错(牙合)畸形患者共695人,(男343人,女352人)患病率40.1%.主要病因为乳牙龋病、乳牙早失和乳牙滞留等.并对调查结果进行统计学分析.结论:乳牙疾病是青少年错(牙合)畸形的主要病因.提示有效防治乳牙疾病对减少年错(牙合)畸形的发生有重要意义. 相似文献
目的:探讨正畸正颌联合治疗骨性Ⅲ类错牙合畸形对软组织的影响。方法:收集2012年1月至2014年1月来我院就诊的骨性Ⅲ类错牙合畸形患者68例,均给予正畸治疗和正颌外科手术,通过X线头颅定位侧位片检测患者矫正前、治疗后3个月、治疗后1年软组织变化。结果:治疗后3月与矫正前比较,除上下唇角外其余项目均有明显或显著的统计学意义(P<0.05);治疗后1年与治疗后3月比较,除下唇基角、面型角、Z角UL、软组织面角和面凸角外其余项目变化均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:正畸正颌联合治疗骨性Ⅲ类错牙合畸形在术后3个月内具有显著疗效,治疗后1年存在轻微复发,但对手术效果无本质影响。 相似文献
厦门市1198名中学生错(牙合)畸形的临床调查 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目的了解厦门市中学生牙列错牙合畸形情况。方法于厦门市市区3所普通中学中随机抽取12-16岁中学生1198名进行错牙合调查。结果错牙合畸形发病率以Ⅱ类最高,Ⅰ类次之,Ⅲ类最低;各类错牙合构成比,双颌前突所占比例最大(28.75%);其次分别为上颌骨前突(26.89%)、牙列拥挤(18.63%)。结论厦门市青少年错牙合畸形表现复杂多样,应加强对错牙合畸形的宣传教育及矫治工作。 相似文献
目的:探讨心理因素对16~22岁青年错畸形的正畸需要的影响。方法:应用一般人口调查问卷、正畸需要调查问卷、艾森克人格问卷简式量表(Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised,Short Scalefor Chinese,EPQ-RSC)、症状自评量表(Symptom Checklist90,SCL-90)、多维自我体像关系问卷(Multi-dimensional Body Self-Relations Questionnaire,MBSRQ)和正畸治疗难度、结果、需要指数(Index of Com-plexity,Outcome and Need,ICON),对南京陆军指挥学院门诊部就诊的204名16~22岁青年进行测查。结果:按研究对象是否有正畸需要分为无正畸需要组(n=144)和有正畸需要组(n=60)。两组在EPQ-RSC的各分题得分上差异均无统计学意义(Ps0.05),而在SCL-90评分上,无正畸需要组的躯体化[(1.47±0.47)vs.(1.67±0.5),P0.01]、抑郁[(1.46±0.45)vs.(1.66±0.69),P0.05]、焦虑[(1.51±0.41)vs.(1.66±0.61),P0.05]、恐怖[(1.32±0.41)vs.(1.45±0.43),P0.05]和总分[(137.57±38.12)vs.(149.85±37.62),P0.05]均低于有正畸需要组;在MBSRQ评分上,无正畸需要组的相貌评估[(3.40±0.50)vs.(3.22±0.49),P0.05]、舒适倾向[(3.75±0.54)vs.(3.56±0.51),P0.05]、健康评估[(3.99±0.59)vs.(3.72±0.59),P0.01]和身体部位满意[(4.04±0.68)vs.(3.71±0.63),P0.01]均高于有正畸需要组,超重[(1.97±0.68)vs.(2.24±0.73),P0.05]低于有正畸需要组;在ICON评分上,无正畸需要组得分低于有正畸需要组[(45.32±14.49)vs.(50.08±15.82),P0.05]。Logistic回归分析显示,健康评估(β=-0.677,P0.05)和身体部位满意(β=-0.840,P0.01)越低、ICON(β=0.033,P0.01)越高,正畸需要越强烈。结论:错畸形和体像影响着16~22岁青年的正畸需要。健康评估和身体部位满意越低、ICON越高,正畸需要越强烈。另外,较高的躯体化、抑郁、焦虑、恐怖、总分和超重,以及较低的相貌评估舒适倾向、健康评估和身体部位满意会使青年产生正畸需要。 相似文献
目的探讨错牙合畸形患者交往焦虑的状况及治疗联盟对错牙合畸形成年人交往焦虑的影响。方法 141名错牙合畸形儿童患者96名错牙合畸形成人患者分别接受儿童交往焦虑量表(SASC)和交往焦虑量表(IAS)调查,并对成人组进行三期治疗联盟干预治疗,分析其干预前后交往焦虑变化。结果 1在调查中,儿童在SASC上得分显著高于全国常模(t=28.43,P0.05),且男童与女童相比存在显著差异(t=3.67,P0.05);2成人错牙合畸形患者在交往焦虑量表上的得分显著高于正常人常模,且两者存在统计学差异(t=26.87,P0.05);3接受患患治疗联盟干预治疗患者,其交往焦虑得分低于未接受者且两者存在显著差异;接受患患和医患治疗联盟干预治疗的患者,其交往焦虑得分显著低于未接受干预治疗及仅接受患患治疗联盟干预治疗的患者(F=19.40,P0.05)。结论错牙合畸形能负面影响儿童、成人的人际交往;治疗联盟的干预方式可以有效减少成人交往焦虑,恢复其自信心。 相似文献
测量替牙期前牙反(牙合)患者治疗前后口周力的分布情况,为替牙期前牙反(牙合)的预防和临床治疗提供理论依据.临床选取30名替牙期前牙反(牙合)患者,年龄8岁~12岁,平均年龄10.8岁,其中男性15名,女性15名,测量其治疗前后姿势位时上、下中切牙区唇、舌侧,左右上、下第一前磨牙区颊舌侧,左右上、下第一磨牙区颊舌侧口周力值,分析姿势位时受试者牙弓周围口周力分布变化的情况及规律.治疗前后受试者口周力各区域的分布规律基本一致;值得注意的是治疗后下切牙舌侧不再存在负压现象;治疗前后上中切牙区口周力测量值存在着显著的差异(P<0.05).口周肌肉等软组织具有适应硬组织改变的功能,随着硬组织结构的改变,口周软组织通过发生相应的变化来维持口颌系统原有平衡、稳定状态. 相似文献
目的研究拔除77固定矫正技术矫治恒牙期严重骨性Ⅲ类错牙合畸形的疗效。方法14例恒牙期严重骨性Ⅲ类错牙合患者,男性4例,女性10例。年龄12.0~17.1岁,平均(13.3±0.8)岁。全部患者均被视为手术适应证,但患者均拒绝接受手术治疗。故采用拔除77结合固定矫治器进行非手术矫治。治疗前后头颅侧位片以常规头影方法及Pancher头影测量方法进行分析。结果与矫治前相比,矫治后下颌中切牙角减少11.7℃,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。上下唇凸点至SuPg′距离的差值,由矫治前的负值转变为矫治后的正值 差异有统计学意义(P<0001)。结论减数77结合矫正技术可成功矫治恒牙期严重骨性Ⅲ类错牙合畸形,并使患者软组织侧貌发生显著改变。 相似文献
目的 探讨直丝弓矫治器对前牙反(牙合)的矫治效果.方法 选择26例前牙反(牙合)患者,采用直丝弓矫治器配合下颌牙合垫对反覆(牙合)较深的前牙反(牙合)患者进行矫治.结果 26例反(牙合)患者均取得了满意的矫治效果.结论 直丝弓矫治器加下颌牙合垫的联合使用是矫治前牙深反牙合的有效方法.它能提高矫治效果的关键在于打开了上下前牙的锁结关系,消除了下前牙对上前牙的阻力干扰,而且使上前牙能尽早粘托槽,使上下牙能同时进行矫治,不仅缩短了疗程而且疗效显著. 相似文献
目的 研究Twin-block矫治器(TB)对下颌后缩安氏?类错(牙合)儿童咬肌影像学变化的影响.方法 选取下颌后缩安氏Ⅱ1类错(牙合)儿童9例,采用彩色多普勒超声诊断仪(CDE),在治疗前、治疗中、治疗后观察咬肌影像学变化.结果 治疗前超声检查示咬肌边界清楚、低回声像,肌肉中纤维纹理平直、流畅、边缘锐利;戴入TB后,咬肌回声增强,纹理变模糊,肌肉发生水肿样变,随后咬肌有恢复治疗前的趋势.能量多普勒显示,治疗前咬肌血流稀少,随着后牙的建(牙合),血流信号增强.结论 TB使下颌向前移位,在新的位置建(牙合),咬肌发生改建.其超声影像学变化为初期回声增强,纹理模糊,肌肉水肿,随着后牙的建(牙合),咬肌有恢复原来的趋势. 相似文献
Otsuki T Sakaguchi H Hatta E Hatayama T Hatada S Miura Y Takata-Tomokuni A Hyodoh F Tomomitsu T Fukunaga M Katsuyama H 《International journal of molecular medicine》2004,14(4):669-676
To estimate the genetic and dietary factors influencing bone mineral density (BMD) in young adults, a total of 53 healthy volunteers (HV) (age 20.89+/-1.34), from whom informed consent was obtained, answered a questionnaire on dietary factors and had DNA from peripheral blood mononuclear cells analyzed for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for vitamin (Vit) D receptor (VDR), estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha), interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL1RA), and apolipoprotein E (ApoE) genes. Daily intakes of Vit C, fiber, soybean and related foods, and green and yellow vegetables showed a correlation with % BMD. In addition, Vit B2 as well as Vit C, and vegetables were identified as important factors for BMD by Stepwise regression analysis. Among the SNPs analyzed, the B+ type of the VDR gene tended to be associated with a lower BMD, and pp type of the ER gene digested by the PvuII enzyme in females indicated a significantly lower BMD than that in males. In addition, these SNPs were also identified by factor analysis to be associated with BMD. These results suggested that a complex array of genetic factors, such as two or more SNPs or SNPs and gender, may be important to BMD. 相似文献
Although food allergy can have serious health consequences, little is currently known about people's perceptions of food allergy. The present study examined the differences in awareness and perceptions of food allergy and anxiety between young people with and without a food allergy. Participants completed a questionnaire which asked about their perceptions and knowledge of allergies, perceived health competence and anxiety. Of the 162 participants 24 reported they were allergic to at least one food; these people perceived that their allergy had significantly less of an impact on their lives than others believed it would. Allergy status interacted with perceived health competence to affect anxiety. People with an allergy and with high health competence reported the greatest anxiety levels. Very few of the sample knew the meaning of the term 'anaphylaxis'. Findings are discussed in terms of health education implications and possibilities. 相似文献
Bill Fyfe 《Journal of clinical psychology》1979,35(4):873-875
Twenty-two undergraduate students participated in a workshop for enhancing sexuality. This workshop involved small group discussion after viewing sexually explicit films. The effects of the sexual enhancement workshop were measured in three areas: Sexual attitudes, sex-role views, and sex-related anxiety. A two-group pre- and posttest design was employed. Analyses of covariance indicated that there were significant changes in attitudes that concerned masturbation and a lessening of sex-related anxiety. It appears that participation in this sexual enhancement workshop influenced attitude shifts in the direction of more accepting feelings about masturbatory activity and lessened anxiety related to sexual experiences. 相似文献
To retrospectively analyze the rate of multi-type abuse in childhood and the effects of childhood abuse and type of coping strategies on the psychological adaptation of young adults in a sample form the student population of the University of Mostar.Methods
The study was conducted on a convenience sample of 233 students from the University of Mostar (196 female and 37 male), with a median age of 20 (interquartile range, 2). Exposure to abuse was determined using the Child Maltreatment Scales for Adults, which assesses emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, neglect, and witnessing family violence. Psychological adaptation was explored by the Trauma Symptom Checklist, which assesses anxiety/depression, sexual problems, trauma symptoms, and somatic symptoms. Strategies of coping with stress were explored by the Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations.Results
Multi-type abuse in childhood was experienced by 172 participants (74%) and all types of abuse by 11 (5%) participants. Emotional and physical maltreatment were the most frequent types of abuse and mostly occurred together with other types of abuse. Significant association was found between all types of abuse (r = 0.436-0.778, P < 0.050). Exposure to sexual abuse in childhood and coping strategies were significant predictors of anxiety/depression (R2 = 0.3553), traumatic symptoms (R2 = 0.2299), somatic symptoms (R2 = 0.2173), and sexual problems (R2 = 0.1550, P < 0.001).Conclusion
Exposure to multi-type abuse in childhood is a traumatic experience with long-term negative effects. Problem-oriented coping strategies ensure a better psychosocial adaptation than emotion-oriented strategies.There is a high degree of overlap between adults’ reports of sexual abuse, physical abuse, psychological maltreatment, neglect, and witnessing family violence (1-4). These problems tend to occur together. Children who are ridiculed or subjected to verbal attacks are also likely to be physically punished or harmed, have their physical or emotional needs neglected, and witness violence toward other members of the family. Multi-type abuse can be defined as the concurrent exposure of a child or adult to more types of maltreatment, including sexual abuse, physical abuse, psychological (emotional) abuse, neglect, and witnessing family violence (5).Researchers who study the consequences of multi-type abuse believe that more types of stress experienced by children exposed to various types of abuse and neglect actually accumulate and interact in different ways, thus producing more serious and less reversible consequences than in cases of single-type abuse (2,6-9). Posttraumatic stress disorder is one of the most common immediate consequences of abuse and neglect of children (10). Arata et al (11) have found that persons exposed to multi-type abuse were more depressed and suicidal, and expressed more feelings of helplessness than non-abused persons. Experiencing physical and mental abuse in childhood is associated with low self-esteem (12,13), deviant sexual behavior, difficulties in coping with anger/aggression, and psychosocial malfunctioning in adult age (14). When they reach adult age, victims of childhood sexual or physical abuse have more pronounced psychosocial disorders, chronic somatic symptoms, respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses, increased risk of developing anxiety and depressive disorder, dissociative and trauma symptoms, as well as antisocial and asocial behavior (1,15,16). Edwards et al (17) have found a relationship between the number of different types of abuse and the consequences on mental health, ie, the more types of abuse a victim had experienced, the more serious were the consequences.Although the concept of coping with stress has been variously defined by different authors, coping can generally be conceived as a response to a stressful situation with the goal of psychosocial adaptation (18). Coping can involve problem-oriented strategies and emotion-oriented strategies. The former refer to attempts by a person to change the stressor, and specific strategies to achieve this are confrontation and planned problem-solving. In contrast, emotion-oriented coping refers to attempts to regulate negative emotional responses to a stressor, with self-control and distancing as specific strategies (19).Stressful life events are the most extensively studied environmental risk factors for the development of psychopathology in children and adolescents. These events can be everyday situations that pose irritating and frustrating demands on the child, events that are expected and desired by the child but that never take place, and intense stressful events such as traumas that are horrifying and very disturbing for the child. Stressful life events can precede various disorders, increase the risk of their occurrence, as well as appear as consequences of such disorders (20).Research on mechanisms that play a mediating role between the stressful events and occurrence of symptoms has yielded equivocal results. A number of variables such as age, sex, type of stressful event, reactions of parents and family, and coping strategies should all be taken into account when trying to answer why some individuals in certain situations react by developing symptoms of psychopathology, while others do not. Despite the complexity of this problem, one thing seems certain: how a child interprets and judges a certain event, and what strategies he or she uses to cope with stressful events, plays a decisive role in predicting future psychopathology (20).Research has still not established a reliable method for differentiating effective and non-effective coping strategies. Some studies indicate that emotion-oriented coping is associated with emotional and behavioral difficulties in children (21,22). At the same time, other researchers have failed to show that problem-oriented and active strategies contribute to the success of psychological adaptation (23,24). Indeed, the effectiveness of coping strategies depends on the specifics of the stressful situation. Strategies effective for one type of stress are not necessarily effective for other types (25).It has been shown that exposure to multi-type abuse in childhood is associated with more serious difficulties in psychological adaptation than exposure to single-type abuse (10-16). The question remains whether various protective factors, such as strategies of coping with stress (26-29), can mediate the psychological adjustment of people who were abused in childhood.The aim of this study was to perform a retrospective study on a sample of students of the University of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in order to explore the rate of multi-type abuse in childhood and the effects of the type of childhood abuse and choice of coping strategy on the students’ psychological adaptation. 相似文献15.
Siu KC Catena RD Chou LS van Donkelaar P Woollacott MH 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》2008,184(1):115-120
Research on attention and gait stability has suggested that the process of recovering gait stability requires attentional
resources, but the effect of performing a secondary task on stability during obstacle avoidance is poorly understood. Using
a dual-task paradigm, the present experiment investigated the extent to which young adults are able to respond to a secondary
auditory Stroop task (requiring executive attentional network resources) concurrently with obstacle crossing during gait when
compared with performing unobstructed walking or sitting (control task). Our results demonstrated that as the level of difficulty
in the postural task increased, there was a significant reduction in verbal response time from congruent to incongruent conditions
in the auditory Stroop task, but no differences in gait parameters, indicating that these postural tasks require attention,
and that young adults use a strategy of modulating the auditory Stroop task performance while keeping stable gait performance
under the dual-task situations. Our findings suggest the existence of a hierarchy of control within both postural task (obstacle
avoidance requires the most information processing resources) and dual-task (with gait stability being a priority) conditions. 相似文献
Effects of interparental violence on the psychological adjustment and competencies of young children 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
J W Fantuzzo L M DePaola L Lambert T Martino G Anderson S Sutton 《Journal of consulting and clinical psychology》1991,59(2):258-265
Preschool children (N = 107) were divided into 4 groups on the basis of maternal report; home and shelter groups exposed to verbal and physical conflict, a home group exposed to verbal conflict only, and a home control group. Parental ratings of behavior problems and competencies and children's self-report data were collected. Results show that verbal conflict only was associated with a moderate level of conduct problems: verbal plus physical conflict was associated with clinical levels of conduct problems and moderate levels of emotional problems; and verbal plus physical conflict plus shelter residence was associated with clinical levels of conduct problems, higher level of emotional problems, and lower levels of social functioning and perceived maternal acceptance. Findings suggests a direct relationship between the nature of the conflict and residence and type and extent of adjustment problems. 相似文献
Oxytocin and cortisol in romantically unattached young adults: associations with bonding and psychological distress 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Gordon I Zagoory-Sharon O Schneiderman I Leckman JF Weller A Feldman R 《Psychophysiology》2008,45(3):349-352
Despite extensive research on the involvement of oxytocin (OT) in mammalian bonding, less is known about its role in human social affiliation across the life cycle. Forty-five romantically unattached young adults participated. Plasma oxytocin and salivary cortisol were assessed using enzyme immuno-assay, and self-report measures of bonding, attachment, anxiety, and depression were collected. Oxytocin was associated with bonding to own parents and inversely related to psychological distress, particularly depressive symptoms. Cortisol was related to attachment anxiety. Regression analysis indicated that the adult's representations of bonding to parents predicted OT levels above and beyond cortisol, psychological distress, and attachment. Findings are consistent with antistress models of oxytocin and suggest that oxytocin may play a role in bonding-related cognitions across the life span. 相似文献
ABSTRACTBackground: Attachment Theory has become one of the leading theories in human development. Nonetheless, empirical studies focusing on how attachment unfolds during adolescence are still scarce particularly in Spain, due to the lack of adequate measures. Objective: This study aims to validate the Important People Interview (IPI) in a shorter questionnaire version (Important People- Questionnaire; IP-Q); to analyse the changes in different affiliative bonds to multiple figures -family, peers, romantic partners – over the course of adolescence; and to identify boys’ and girls’ hierarchical ordering of their specific attachment bonds. Method: 1025 Spanish adolescents, aged 12–17 years old completed the IP-Q. Results: The results showed that the IP-Q has convergent and divergent validity. Moreover, this measure indicated that peers overtake some family members in proximity-seeking and support-seeking, but not in the overall hierarchical ordering of the attachment bond during adolescence. Conclusions: The bond with the romantic partner increases in terms of scoring on the affiliative subscales as adolescence progresses. There are significant gender differences among the hierarchy patterns of attachment for boys and girls. Developmental changes in adolescent attachment are discussed. 相似文献
This study considers whether type of placement (foster care versus institutional care) is related to patterns of attachment representation and the quality of psychological adjustment in a sample of 48 young adults, who grew up either in foster care or in institutions. The subjects were interviewed using the Adult Attachment Interview (George, Kaplan, & Main, 1996, [2001]) and their psychological adjustment was assessed by using the Brief Symptom Inventory (Derogatis, 1993; German version by Franke, 2000). The results show significantly more positive effects of foster care when compared with institutional upbringing. These findings support the possibility of a beneficial effect of an alternative stable (foster) family relationship for children's psychological development. Implications for assessing placement options for children following severe traumatization are discussed. 相似文献