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Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) and Hirschsprung's disease (HSCR) are two dominantly inherited neurocristopathies ascribed to mutations in the RET gene [Chakravarti, 1996; Pasini et al., 1996; Eng and Mulligan, 1997]. MEN2 is a cancer syndrome comprising three related clinical subtypes: (1) MEN type 2A (MEN2A; MIM# 171400) characterized by the association of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), pheochromocytoma (Pheo), and hyperparathyroidism; (2) MEN type 2B (MEN2B; MIM# 162300), which includes MTC, Pheo, mucosal neuromas, ganglioneuromatosis of the digestive tract, and skeletal abnormalities; and (3) familial MTC (FMTC; MIM# 155240), defined by the sole occurrence of MTC. HSCR (MIM# 142623) is a congenital malformation caused by the absence of enteric plexuses in the hindgut, leading to bowel obstruction in neonates. The RET gene (MIM# 164761) codes for a transmembrane tyrosine kinase, a component of a multimeric complex that also comprises one of four members of a novel family of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored receptor, GFRalpha((1-4) (e.g., GFRA1, MIM# 601496; references are detailed in Baloh et al. [1998]. Four structurally related soluble factors-glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), neurturin, persephin, and artemin-are the ligands of these multimolecular receptors in which the nature of the GFRalpha determines the ligand specificity of the complex [see Baloh et al., 1998, for references]. It is well documented that RET/GFRalpha-1/GDNF delivers a signal critical for the survival of the early neural crest-derived precursors that colonize the intestine below the rostral foregut and give rise to the enteric nervous plexuses [Gershon, 1997; Cacalano et al., 1998; Enomoto et al., 1998].  相似文献   

Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by recurrent attacks of serositis. To date more then 18 mutations responsible for the disease were identified in the MEFV gene, one such a mutation is E148Q in exon 2 of the gene. While screening FMF patients for mutations in the MEFV gene, we have identified 2 individuals parents of 2 unrelated FMF patients, who were homozygous for E148Q mutation. Upon clinical examination they were absolutely disease free and therefore raised the possibility that this mutation is a benign polymorphism rather than a mutation causing disease. To further investigate the role of the E148Q in FMF we analyzed 25 parents of FMF patients and a control group of 70 individuals, Jews of Moroccan extraction to match for ethnicity of the patients. The rate of E148Q in the control group was 6.4%, being 7.8% among the patient group. Among the parents group (obligatory carriers), in addition to the 2 parents that were homozygous E148Q, in 2 families one of the parents was heterozygote for E148Q but transmitted the other allele (apparently with unknown FMF mutation) to the affected child. Two healthy sibs of one of the E148Q homozygous were also homozygous E148Q. These observations are not in accordance to the notion that E148Q is a mutation causing disease.  相似文献   

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a disease characterized by pathological remodeling of the pulmonary vasculature causing elevated pulmonary artery pressures and ultimately, right ventricular failure from chronic pressure overload. Heterozygous pathogenic GDF2 (encoding bone morphogenetic protein 9 (BMP9)) variants account for some (>1%) adult PAH cases. Only three pediatric PAH cases, harboring homozygous or compound heterozygous variants, are reported to date. Ultra-rare pathogenic GDF2 variants are reported in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia and overlapping disorders characterized by telangiectasias and arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). Here, we present two siblings with PAH homozygous for a GDF2 mutation that impairs BMP9 proprotein processing and reduces growth factor domain availability. We confirm an absence of measurable plasma BMP9 whereas BMP10 levels are detectable and serum-dependent endothelial BMP activity is evident. This contrasts with the absence of activity which we reported in two children with homozygous pathogenic GDF2 nonsense variants, one with PAH and one with pulmonary AVMs, both with telangiectasias, suggesting loss of BMP10 and endothelial BMP activity in the latter may precipitate telangiectasia development. An absence of phenotype in related heterozygous GDF2 variant carriers suggests incomplete penetrance in PAH and AVM-related diseases, indicating that additional somatic and/or genetic modifiers may be necessary for disease precipitation.  相似文献   

Increasingly sophisticated and precise molecular genetic tools are applied to mice in order to study the cellular mechanisms underlying higher brain functions, including learning and memory. However, several studies have produced unclear or conflicting results. One reason for this is that performance in the behavioural tests used to assess learning and memory is influenced by various non-cognitive phenomena and can thus easily be affected by mutations through mechanisms unrelated to memory function. We conducted principal component analysis on data from 3003 mice tested using a standardized protocol to demonstrate this for the Morris swimming navigation test, one of the most widely used paradigms to assess memory and hippocampal function. In addition, we present a meta-analysis showing that genetic background and environment alone produce sufficient variation to span the range of most, if not all, behavioural variables and can thus easily mask or fake mutation effects if genetic studies are not designed properly. We suggest that the chance of obtaining useful results is maximized if behavioural deficits are differentiated by combining complementary behavioural protocols and by analysing multiple complementary parameters in each of them. Mutation effects must be contrasted statistically against the influences of genetic background and environment. In many situations, this is most efficiently achieved if (i) mutations are backcrossed to and maintained in one or (preferably) two well-characterized, commonly available inbred strains and (ii) if mutant and wild-type littermates are analysed on a hybrid or mixed genetic background, that is in F1 or F2 generations derived from the inbred stocks.  相似文献   

Facial hemangioma is usually isolated but its association with craniocervical arterial anomalies and structural brain malformations is well known. The acronym PHACE syndrome (posterior fossa malformation, facial hemangiomas, arterial anomalies, cardiac/aortic anomalies, and eye abnormalities) has been used to indicate that disorder in which brain anomalies are mainly represented by the Dandy-Walker malformation. We report on a 10-month-old boy affected by facial hemangioma and a complex cortical dysplasia located in the left frontal region. The lesion was characterized by a deeply infolding pachygyric cortex and a band of gray matter lining the wall of the lateral ventricle. The entire left cerebral hemisphere appeared hypoplastic. No anomalies of the posterior fossa structures or cardiac/aortic malformations were present. An overlapping clinical/pathological pattern was previously reported in another patient with facial hemangioma and cerebrovascular anomalies. These observations seem to indicate that the facial hemangiomas may be associated with disorders of the cortical development.  相似文献   

A unique case of hypervascular pseudotumor in the liver consisting of central angiodysplasia surrounded by atrophic liver tissue is described. A 45-year-old woman was referred for the incidentally found hepatic lesion. Computed tomography with contrast showed strong enhancement of the lesion in the arterial phase, and the effect persisted to the parenchymal phase. Doppler ultrasonography showed winding dilated blood flows into the lesion. Because the pathological examination of the biopsy specimen showed the possibility of a well-differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma, she underwent surgery. Final pathological findings showed that the lesion demonstrated atrophic change of the liver tissue with a cluster of abnormal vessels of various sizes in the center. Although there was no primary liver disease, multiple liver metastases from laryngeal carcinoma were found coincidentally. The present lesion could represent a new entity or a variant (or an unknown stage of development) of focal nodular hyperplasia.  相似文献   

We present a 27-year-old girl with short trunk stature, generalized rectangular platyspondyly and strike precocious calcification of costal cartilage. She had also brachydactyly, small nails, strabismus and delay of menarche. Her 16-year-old sister had also short trunk stature with severe kyphoscoliosis, hearing loss, brachydactyly, platyspondyly and mild precocious calcification of costal cartilages. Their 12-year-old brother had short trunk stature, kyphoscoliosis, brachydactyly, and platyspondyly but did not show precocious calcification of costal cartilage. The patients shared the following features: short trunk stature, brachydactyly, severe rectangular platyspondyly, broad and short femoral necks and hypoplasia of the ileum. In addition, the older sister had strike precocious calcification of costal cartilage while her sister and brother had severe kyphoscoliosis. Although short trunk stature and severe rectangular platyspondyly without significant epiphyseal or metaphyseal changes were in favor of Hobaek type brachyolmia, this diagnosis was not considered, both because, there were no specific radiological findings of this syndrome, such as elongated vertebral bodies extending beyond the pedicles laterally and all of the patients had brachydactyly which was not present in Hobaek type brachyolmia. The parents were healthy and first cousins signifying autosomal recessive inheritance. We considered that the patients could be affected by a new distinct autosomal recessive type brachyolmia or a new skeletal dysplasia.  相似文献   

Monkeypox, a milder disease compared to smallpox, is caused by a virus initially discovered and described in 1958 by the prominent Danish virologist von Magnus, who was investigating an infectious outbreak affecting monkey colonies. Currently, officially starting from May 2022, an outbreak of monkeypox is ongoing, with 51 000 cases being notified as of September 1, 2022—51 408 confirmed, 28 suspected, and 12 fatalities, for a grand total of 51 448 cases. More than 100 countries and territories are affected, from all the six World Health Organization regions. There are some striking features, that make this outbreak rather unusual when compared with previous outbreaks, including a shift on average age and the most affected age group, affected sex/gender, risk factors, clinical course, presentation, and the transmission route. Initially predominantly zoonotic, with an animal-to-human transmission, throughout the last decades, human-to-human transmission has become more and more sustained and effective. In particular, clusters of monkeypox have been described among men having sex with men, some of which have been epidemiologically linked to international travel to nonendemic countries and participation in mass gathering events/festivals, like the “Maspalomas (Gran Canaria) 2022 pride.” This review will specifically focus on the “emerging” transmission route of the monkeypox virus, that is to say, the sexual transmission route, which, although not confirmed yet, seems highly likely in the diffusion of the infectious agent.  相似文献   

Mutations in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 1, 2 and 3 (FGFR1, -2 and -3) and TWIST genes have been identified in several syndromic forms of craniosynostosis. There remains, however, a significant number of patients with non-syndromic craniosynostosis in whom no genetic cause can be identified. We describe a novel heterozygous mutation of FGFR2 (943G --> T, encoding the amino acid substitution Ala315Ser) in a girl with non-syndromic unicoronal craniosynostosis. The mutation is also present in her mother and her maternal grandfather who have mild facial asymmetry but do not have craniosynostosis. None of these individuals has the Crouzonoid appearance typically associated with FGFR2 mutations. However, the obstetric history revealed that the proband was in persistent breech presentation in utero and was delivered by Caesarean section, at which time compression of the skull was apparent. We propose that this particular FGFR2 mutation only confers a predisposition to craniosynostosis and that an additional environmental insult (in this case foetal head constraint associated with breech position) is necessary for craniosynostosis to occur. To our knowledge, this is the first report of an interaction between a weakly pathogenic mutation and intrauterine constraint, leading to craniosynostosis.  相似文献   

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