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A computational model of the mammalian spinal cord circuitry incorporating a two-level central pattern generator (CPG) with separate half-centre rhythm generator (RG) and pattern formation (PF) networks has been developed from observations obtained during fictive locomotion in decerebrate cats. Sensory afferents have been incorporated in the model to study the effects of afferent stimulation on locomotor phase switching and step cycle period and on the firing patterns of flexor and extensor motoneurones. Here we show that this CPG structure can be integrated with reflex circuits to reproduce the reorganization of group I reflex pathways occurring during locomotion. During the extensor phase of fictive locomotion, activation of extensor muscle group I afferents increases extensor motoneurone activity and prolongs the extensor phase. This extensor phase prolongation may occur with or without a resetting of the locomotor cycle, which (according to the model) depends on the degree to which sensory input affects the RG and PF circuits, respectively. The same stimulation delivered during flexion produces a temporary resetting to extension without changing the timing of following locomotor cycles. The model reproduces this behaviour by suggesting that this sensory input influences the PF network without affecting the RG. The model also suggests that the different effects of flexor muscle nerve afferent stimulation observed experimentally (phase prolongation versus resetting) result from opposing influences of flexor group I and II afferents on the PF and RG circuits controlling the activity of flexor and extensor motoneurones. The results of modelling provide insights into proprioceptive control of locomotion.  相似文献   

An obstacle contacting the dorsal surface of a cat's hind foot during the swing phase of locomotion evokes a reflex (the stumbling corrective reaction) that lifts the foot and extends the ankle to avoid falling. We show that the same sequence of ipsilateral hindlimb motoneuron activity can be evoked in decerebrate cats during fictive locomotion. As recorded in the peripheral nerves, twice threshold intensity stimulation of the cutaneous superficial peroneal (SP) nerve during the flexion phase produced a very brief excitation of ankle flexors (e.g., tibialis anterior and peroneus longus) that was followed by an inhibition for the duration of the stimulus train (10-25 shocks, 200 Hz). Extensor digitorum longus was always, and hip flexor (sartorius) activity was sometimes, inhibited during SP stimulation. At the same time, knee flexor and the normally quiescent ankle extensor motoneurons were recruited (mean latencies 4 and 16 ms) with SP stimulation during fictive stumbling correction. After the stimulus train, ankle extensor activity fell silent, and there was an excitation of hip, knee, and ankle flexors. The ongoing flexion phase was often prolonged. Hip extensors were also recruited in some fictive stumbling trials. Only the SP nerve was effective in evoking stumbling correction. Delivered during extension, SP stimulus trains increased ongoing extensor motoneuron activity as well as increasing ipsilateral hip, knee, and ankle hindlimb flexor activity in the subsequent step cycle. The fictive stumbling corrective reflex seems functionally similar to that evoked in intact, awake animals and involves a fixed pattern of short-latency reflexes as well as actions evoked through the lumbar circuitry responsible for the generation of rhythmic alternating locomotion.  相似文献   

Summary The reflex regulation of stepping is an important factor in adapting the step cycle to changes in the environment. The present experiments have examined the influence of muscle proprioceptors on centrally generated rhythmic locomotor activity in decerebrate unanesthetized cats with a spinal transection at Th12. Fictive locomotion, recorded as alternating activity in hindlimb flexor and extensor nerves, was induced by administration of nialamide (a monoamine oxidase inhibitor) and L-DOPA. Brief electrical stimulation of group I afferents from knee and ankle extensors were effective in resetting fictive locomotion in a coordinated fashion. An extensor group I volley delivered during a flexor burst would abruptly terminate the flexor activity and initiate an extensor burst. The same stimulus given during an extensor burst prolonged the extensor activity while delaying the appearance of the following flexor burst. Intracellular recordings from motoneurones revealed that these actions were mediated at premotoneuronal levels resulting from a distribution of inhibition to centres generating flexor bursts and excitation of centres generating extensor bursts. These results indicate that extensor group I afferents have access to central rhythm generators and suggest that this may be of importance in the reflex regulation of stepping. Experiments utilizing natural stimulation of muscle receptors demonstrate that the group I input to the rhythm generators arises mainly from Golgi tendon organ Ib afferents. Thus an increased load of limb extensors during the stance phase would enhance and prolong extensor activity while simultaneously delaying the transition to the swing phase of the step cycle.  相似文献   

It has been previously shown that phasic stimulation of group I afferents from ankle and knee extensor muscles may entrain and/or reset the intrinsic locomotor rhythm; these afferents are thus acting on motoneurones through the spinal rhythm generators. It was also concluded that the major part of these effects originates from Golgi tendon organ Ib afferents. Transmission in this pathway to lumbar motoneurones has now been investigated during fictive locomotion in spinal cats injected with nialamide and l-DOPA, and in decerebrate cats with stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region. In spinal cats injected with nialamide and l-DOPA, it was possible to evoke long-latency, long-lasting reflexes upon stimulation of high threshold afferents before spontaneous fictive locomotion commenced. During that period, stimulation of ankle and knee extensor group I afferents evoked oligosynaptic excitation of extensor motoneurones, rather than the classical Ib inhibition. Furthermore, a premotoneuronal convergence (spatial facilitation) between this group I excitation and the crossed extensor reflex was established. During fictive locomotion, in both preparations, the transmission in these group I pathways was phasically modulated within the step cycle. During the flexor phase, the group I input cut the depolarised (active) phase in flexor motoneurones and evoked EPSPs in extensor motoneurones; during the extensor phase, the group I input evoked smaller EPSPs in extensor motoneurones and had virtually no effect on flexor motoneurones. The above results suggest that the group I input from extensor muscles is transmitted through the spinal rhythm generator and more particularly, through the extensor half-centre. The locomotor-related group I excitation had a central latency of 3.5–4.0 ms. The excitation from ankle extensors to ankle extensors remained after a spinal transection at the caudal part of L6 segment; the interneurones must therefore be located in the L7 and S1 spinal segments. Candidate interneurones for mediating these actions were recorded extracellularly in lamina VII of the 7th lumbar segment. Responses to different peripheral nerve stimulation (high threshold afferents and group I afferents bilaterally) were in concordance with the convergence studies in motoneurones. The interneurones were rhythmically active in the appropriate phases of the fictive locomotor cycle, as predicted by their response patterns. The synaptic input to, and the projection of these candidate interneurones must be fully identified before their possible role as components of the spinal locomotor network can be evaluated.  相似文献   

 Developmental changes in the effects of quadriceps (Q) nerve stimulation on the locomotor rhythm induced by a mixture of N-methyl-d-aspartic acid and 5-hydroxytryptamine were examined using in vitro preparations from neonatal rats at postnatal days (P) 1–6. The effects of such stimulation on the rhythm were dependent both on stimulus strength and on the age of the animal. Low-intensity stimulation (≤3.0×T, where T=threshold for the monosynaptic reflex) during the flexor phase reset the rhythm via a prolongation of the flexor burst in most rats at P1–3, but via flexor burst truncation at P4–6. At any age, low-intensity stimulation during the extensor phase had no consistent effect on the ongoing rhythm. Activation of muscle afferents evoked via isometric contraction of the Q muscle caused effects similar to those obtained on low-intensity electrical stimulation in all age groups. In all age groups, high-intensity stimulation (≥5.0×T) caused resetting when delivered during the flexor phase via a prolongation of the flexor burst and during the extensor phase via a truncation of the extensor burst. These results suggest that the type of resetting evoked from low-threshold muscle afferents changes drastically during postnatal week1, while effects evoked from high-threshold afferents remain unchanged. Received: 13 May 1996 / Accepted: 17 September 1996  相似文献   

Pretibial flexor motoneurons were recorded intracellularly in anesthetized cats during unfused isometric contractions of a subpopulation of motor units from either tibialis anterior (TA) or extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles. The contractions elicited excitatory postsynaptic potentials in 23 of 28 pretibial flexor motoneurons. No effect was observed in the remaining motoneurons. In control experiments, the effects of electrical stimulation of afferents within the TA nerve were investigated to help identify afferents responsible for the contraction-induced positive feedback. This feedback was ascribed to actions of Ia fibers because the pattern of the contraction-induced excitatory potentials was consistent with the known pattern of Ia discharge; in control experiments, electrical stimulation of group I fibers elicited only monosynaptic excitatory potentials; and the distribution of both the contraction-induced positive feedback among motor nuclei as well as the electrically evoked Ia excitatory monosynaptic potentials were restricted to homonymous and synergic motoneurons. Observation of the Ia contraction-induced positive feedback was facilitated by the absence of Ib autogenic inhibition. This contraction-induced Ia excitatory feedback in ankle flexors might either reinforce Ia-induced reflexes when these muscles are lengthened or help to lift the leg over an obstacle.  相似文献   

1. Presynaptic activity of identified primary afferents from flexor, extensor, and bifunctional hindlimb muscles was studied with intra-axonal recordings during fictive locomotion. Fictive locomotion appeared spontaneously in decorticate cats (n = 9), with stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region (n = 4), and in spinal cats injected with clonidine or nialamide and L-DOPA (n = 4). Representative flexor and extensor muscle nerves, recorded to monitor the locomotor pattern and dorsal rootlets of the sixth and seventh lumbar segments, were recorded simultaneously to monitor dorsal root potentials (DRPs). 2. From responses to muscle stretches and, in some instances, twitch contractions of the parent muscle, 75% of the single units examined were putatively identified as spindle afferents (40/53). On the basis of conduction velocity and stimulation threshold, 73% of these were further classified as group I fibers (29/40), the rest as group II fibers. 3. All units (n = 53 with resting potential more negative than -45 mV) showed fluctuations of their membrane potential (up to 1.5 mV) at the rhythm of the fictive locomotion. Subsequent averaging of these fluctuations over several cycles revealed that 89% of all units displayed a predominant wave of depolarization during the flexor phase, followed by a trough of repolarization. In 79% of the units, there was also a second, usually smaller, depolarization during the extensor phase. The relative size of each wave of depolarization could vary with different episodes of fictive locomotion in the same unit and among various afferents from the same muscle in the same experiment. 4. The firing frequency of some afferents from the ankle flexor tibialis anterior (5/16) and the bifunctional muscle posterior biceps-semitendinosus (4/15) was phasically modulated along the fictive step cycle. The maximum frequency always occurred during the flexor phase, i.e., during the largest depolarization of the unit. Because of the absence of phasic sensory input in the curarized animal, we assume that the phasic discharges were generated within the spinal cord and antidromically propagated. Phasic firing was never encountered in afferents from extensor muscles such as triceps surae (0/15) and vastus lateralis (0/4). 5. The results demonstrate that the pattern of rhythmic depolarization accompanying fictive locomotion is similar for the majority of flexor, extensor, and bifunctional group I (and possibly group II) muscle spindle primary afferents. They further indicate that there is a specific phasic modulation of antidromic firing for some flexor and bifunctional muscle spindle afferents.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. We previously demonstrated in the spinal cat that superficial peroneal cutaneous nerve stimulation produced strong reflex contraction in tibialis anterior (TA) and semitendinosus (St) muscles but unexpectedly produced mixed effects in another physiological flexor muscle, extensor digitorum longus (EDL). The goal of the present study was to further characterize the organization of ipsilateral cutaneous reflexes by examining the postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) produced in St, TA, and EDL motoneurons by superficial peroneal and saphenous nerve stimulation in decerebrate, spinal cats. 2. In TA and St motoneurons, low-intensity cutaneous nerve stimulation that activated only large (A alpha) fibers [i.e., approximately 2-3 times threshold (T)], typically produced biphasic PSPs consisting of an initial excitatory phase and subsequent inhibitory phase (EPSP, IPSP). Increasing the stimulus intensity to activate both large (A alpha) and small (A delta) myelinated cutaneous fibers supramaximally (15-45 T) tended to enhance later excitatory components in TA and St motoneurons. 3. In EDL motoneurons, 2-3 T stimulation of the superficial peroneal nerve evoked initial inhibition (of variable magnitude) in 7/10 EDL motoneurons tested, with either excitation (n = 2) or mixed effects (n = 1) observed in the remaining EDL motoneurons. Saphenous nerve stimuli produced excitation either alone, or preceded by an inhibitory phase in EDL. Increasing the stimulus intensity enhanced later inhibitory influences from superficial peroneal and excitatory influences both from superficial peroneal and saphenous nerve inputs in EDL motoneurons. 4. Short-latency (less than 1.8 ms) EPSPs were observed in a few motoneurons in all reflex pathways examined, except for EPSPs in EDL motoneurons evoked by saphenous stimulation. IPSPs with central latencies less than 1.8 ms were also produced by both saphenous (TA, n = 1; EDL, n = 2) and superficial peroneal (EDL, n = 4) nerve stimulation. 5. The results, in comparison with other reports employing spinal and nonspinal preparations, suggest that removal of influences from higher centers reveals inhibitory circuits from the superficial peroneal and saphenous nerves to EDL motoneurons in the spinal preparation. The inhibitory inputs observed are thought to reflect the activation of "specialized" reflex pathways. Additionally, the demonstration of short-latency EPSPs and IPSPs suggest that the minimal linkage in both the excitatory and inhibitory cutaneous reflex pathways examined is disynaptic. The results are discussed in relation to previous studies on classically conditioned flexion reflex facilitation in spinal cat.  相似文献   

We have examined the linkage between patterns of activity in several hindlimb motor pools and the modulation of oligosynaptic cutaneous reflex pathways during fictive locomotion in decerebrate unanesthetized cats to assess the notion that such linkages can shed light on the structure of the central pattern generator (CPG) for locomotion. We have concentrated attention on the cutaneous reflex pathways that project to the flexor digitorum longus (FDL) motor pool because of that muscle's unique variable behavior during normal and fictive locomotion in the cat. Differential locomotor control of last-order excitatory interneurons in pathways from low-threshold cutaneous afferents in the superficial peroneal and medial plantar afferents to FDL motoneurons is fully documented for the first time. The qualitative patterns of differential control are shown to remain the same whether the FDL muscle is active in early flexion, as usually found, or during the extension phase of fictive locomotion, which is less common during fictive stepping. The patterns of motor pool activity and of reflex pathway modulation indicate that the flexion phase of fictive locomotion has distinct early versus late components. Observations during "normal" and unusual patterns of fictive stepping suggest that some aspects of locomotor pattern formation can be separated from rhythm generation, implying that these two CPG functions may be embodied, at least in part, in distinct neural organizations. The results are discussed in relation to a provisional circuit diagram that could explain the experimental findings.  相似文献   

Summary We examined modulation of transmission in short-latency, distal hindlimb cutaneous reflex pathways during fictive locomotion in 19 decerebrate cats. Fictive stepping was produced either by electrical stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR) or by administration of Nialamide and 1-DOPA to acutely spinalized animals. Postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) produced by electrical stimulation of low threshold afferents (< 2.5 times threshold) in the superficial peroneal (SP), sural, saphenous or medial plantar nerves were recorded intracellularly from various extensor (n = 28) and flexor (n = 24) motoneurons and averaged throughout the step cycle, together with voltage responses to intrasomatic constant current pulses (in order to monitor relative cell input resistance). Each motoneuron studied displayed rhythmic background oscillations in membrane potential and correlated variations in input resistance. The average input resistance of extensor motoneurons was lowest during mid-flexion, when the cells were relatively hyperpolarized and silent. Conversely, average input resistance of flexor motoneurons was highest during mid-flexion, when they were depolarized and active. The amplitude of the minimum-latency excitatory components of PSPs produced by cutaneous nerve stimulation were measured from computer averaged records representing six subdivisions of the fictive step cycle. Oligosynaptic EPSP components were consistently modulated only in the superficial peroneal responses in flexor motoneurons, which exhibited enhanced amplitude during the flexion phase. With the other skin nerves tested (sural, saphenous, and plantar), no consistent patterns of modulation were observed during fictive locomotion. We conclude that transmission through some, but not all, oligosynaptic excitatory cutaneous pathways is enhanced by premotoneuronal mechanisms during the flexion phase of fictive stepping in several cat hindlimb motor nuclei. The present results suggest that the patterns of interaction between the locomotor central pattern generator and excitatory cutaneous reflex pathways depend on the source of afferent input and on the identity of the target motoneuron population.  相似文献   

Summary Flexor (tibialis anterior, TA, and extensor digitorum longus, EDL) and extensor (soleus, SOL) muscles in the decerebrate cat were subjected to length changes and the force responses were measured. Resultant muscular stiffness, which arises from the mechanical reaction of muscle fibers contracting prior to the length change and from a change in force due to reflex action, was calculated by dividing the changes in force by the corresponding length changes. As shown previously in the premammillary preparation, resultant stiffness was usually higher in SOL than in TA or EDL. Following an intercollicular transection in some preparations, resultant stiffness increased markedly for TA but not substantially for SOL. During continuous electrical stimulation in the magnocellular red nucleus in premammillary preparations, resultant stiffness of SOL decreased for a wide range of forces while EDL responses were unaffected. These results show that reflex gain is not determined solely by the level of motoneuronal excitability but also by a descending control from the brainstem, and that the lower resultant stiffness in flexors compared to extensors in the decerebrate cat is set by this control system and not by inherent differences in the strength of autogenetic reflex pathways for the two muscles.  相似文献   

Summary NMDA has been shown to disclose spinal fictive locomotor activity in various in vitro preparations. In the present work the NMDA-mediated effects of endogenously released excitatory aminoacids (EAA) on fictive locomotion in the adult rabbit preparation were assessed in vivo using systemic injections of a non competitive NMDA-antagonist, MK-801. In acute low spinal and curarized preparations, the amplitude of the spontaneous fictive locomotor activities recorded from hindlimb muscle nerves after nialamide-DOPA pretreatment was much decreased in flexor and extensor nerves after MK-801 administration (0.25 mg/kg i.v.) whereas the locomotor period increased slightly. The more potent locomotor bursts, evoked by repetitive sural nerve stimulation at 10 Hz during 10 s, were differently affected after MK-801: the main effect was a lengthening of the locomotor period and a less drastic drop in the burst amplitude. These changes in the burst period were maximal for activities evoked by A fibre group stimulation (+100%) and less when C fibres were recruited (+70%). In decerebrate curarized preparations where the locomotor sequences were evoked either by sural nerve stimulation or by stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region, MK-801 (0.25 mg/kg i.v.) caused the same drop in burst amplitude (by at least 50%) as in the spinal preparation but, in constrast, it reinforced rhythmic bursting: this was revealed by a clear shortening (up to-65%) of the locomotor period and by the prolongation of rhythmic bursting after stimulation. All these effects obtained in decerebrate preparations were maximal 20–30 min after MK-801 injection. Among the spinal reflexes tested by dorsal root stimulation, the mono- and disynaptic reflexes were unaffected by MK-801; the effect was limited to flexor and extensor polysynaptic reflexes which were depressed. With regard to the lumbar locomotion generators, the interpretation of the above results leads us to propose three levels of NMDA-mediated controls of locomotion by endogenously released EAA: two frequency modulations respectively responsible for the activation of the spinal locomotion generator by group A cutaneous afferents and for the strong supraspinal depression of this spinal generator; finally an amplitude modulation, achieved at a spinal, probably interneuronal level, that can amplify the out-puts of the rhythmic generated signals without modifying the pattern.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the nature (i.e. static or dynamic) of fusimotor drive to the flexor hallucis longus (FHL) and flexor digitorum longus (FDL) muscles during locomotion we recorded Ia and group II muscle spindle afferent responses to sinusoidal stretch (0.25 and 1 mm amplitude, respectively, 4–5 Hz) in a decerebrate cat preparation. FHL Ia and group II afferents generally had increased discharge rates and decreased modulation to stretch throughout the step cycle, compared to rest, suggesting raised static γ drive at all locomotor phases. Although the modulation of Ia afferents was reduced during locomotion, most (13 of 18) showed a clear increasing trend during homonymous muscle activity (extension). This was consistent with phasic dynamic γ drive to FHL spindles linked with α drive. In agreement with previous reports, FHL gave a single burst of EMG activity during the step cycle while FDL α drive had two components. One was related to extension while the other comprised a brief burst around the end of this phase. Typically FDL Ia and group II afferents also had elevated firing rates and reduced modulation at all locomotor phases, again implicating static γ drive. Half the afferents (seven Ia, three group II) showed increased discharge during extension, suggesting phasic static γ drive. There was no γ drive associated with the late FDL α burst. In conclusion, the γ drives to FHL and FDL differed during locomotion. FHL, which has the α drive of a classic extensor, received γ drive that closely resembled other extensors. The γ drive of FDL, which exhibits both extensor and flexor α synergies, did not match either muscle type. These observations are compatible with the view that fusimotor drive varies in different muscles during locomotion according to the prevailing sensorimotor requirements.  相似文献   

Degtyarenko AM  Kaufman MP 《Neuroscience》2006,140(3):1041-1050
Some neural mechanism must prevent the full expression of the baroreceptor reflex during static exercise because arterial blood pressure increases even though the baroreceptors are functioning. Two likely candidates are central command and input from the thin fiber muscle afferents evoking the exercise pressor reflex. Recently, activation of the mesencephalic locomotor region, an anatomical locus for central command, was found to inhibit the discharge of nucleus tractus solitarius cells that were stimulated by arterial baroreceptors in decerebrated cats. In contrast, the effect of thin fiber muscle afferent input on the discharge of nucleus tractus solitarius cells stimulated by baroreceptors is not known. Consequently in decerebrated unanesthetized cats, we examined the responses of barosensory nucleus tractus solitarius cells to stimulation of thin fiber muscle afferents and to stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region, a maneuver which evoked fictive locomotion. We found that electrical stimulation of either the mesencephalic locomotor region or the gastrocnemius nerve at current intensities that recruited group III afferents inhibited the discharge of nucleus tractus solitarius cells receiving baroreceptor input. We also found that the inhibitory effects of both gastrocnemius nerve stimulation and mesencephalic locomotor region stimulation converged onto the same barosensory nucleus tractus solitarius cells. We conclude that the nucleus tractus solitarius is probably the site whereby input from both central command and thin fiber muscle afferents function to reset the baroreceptor reflex during exercise.  相似文献   

Summary The two long toe flexor muscles in the cat, flexor digitorum longus (FDL) and flexor hallucis longus (FHL), have essentially identical mechanical actions, yet are used very differently during locomotion (O'Donovan et al. 1982). We attempted to identify the origin of the synaptic drive responsible for this functional differentiation.The organization of peripheral and central synaptic drive to FDL and FHL motoneurons was examined using two basic paradigms. (1) In animals anesthetized with chloralose or after ischemic destruction of the brain, peripheral reflex circuits were studied by recording intracellular responses from -motoneurons produced by electrical stimulation of muscular and cutaneous nerves. (2) Fictive locomotion, the centrally generated rhythmic synaptic drive produced in paralyzed, decerebrate animals by stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region or intravenous injection of L-DOPA and Nialamide, was monitored by recording electro-neurograms from the central end of cut motor nerves.Despite their functional dissimilarity, FDL and FHL motoneurons received monosynaptic EPSPs from both FDL and FHL la afferents. Ipsilateral cutaneous afferents in the sural nerve and from the central plantar pad produced multiphasic PSPs which were not different in FDL and FHL cells. However afferents from the saphenous and superficial peroneal nerves did exert differential effects: the first component of the multiphasic PSP in most FDL cells was an EPSP, which was not present in most FHL cells. The central latency of this early EPSP in FDL motoneurons (0.8–1.5 ms) strongly suggests a disynaptic linkage. Cutaneous afferents from the ipsilateral forelimb produced IPSPs in most FHL cells but in only one of 18 FDL cells. Since some peripheral reflex circuits exerted differential effects on FDL and FHL cells, but others did not, the intracellular data did not demonstrate that the functional differences between FDL and FHL could be explained by differences in reflex organization.During fictive locomotion elicited by electrical or pharmacological stimulation, FHL motoneurons were coactive with ankle extensors during the extension phase of the fictive step cycle. In contrast, FDL motoneurons were most consistently activated in a brief burst at the onset of the flexion phase, showing much weaker and more variable coactivity with ankle extensors. These patterns were essentially identical to those reported for FDL and FHL motor pools during treadmill locomotion by O'Donovan et al. (1982).We conclude that the central pattern generator (CPG) for locomotion produces distinct and highly differentiated sets of instructions for FDL and FHL motoneurons. Peripheral and descending systems are important in initiating and biasing the activity of the CPG, but are not responsible for the intrinsic structure of the locomotor command signals.  相似文献   

 The incidence of recurrent inhibition and facilitation in motor nuclei innervating the dorsiflexors of the ankle and digits was examined in spinalized, decerebrate cats. Motoneurons innervating the anterior and posterior portions of the tibialis anterior (TAa and TAp, respectively) received strong recurrent inhibition following stimulation of either of the homonymous muscle nerves. Both motoneuron species received substantial recurrent inhibition from the semitendinosus (St), but stimulation of the nerve to the extensor digitorum longus (EDL), an ankle flexor synergist, evoked smaller recurrent IPSPs. TA motoneurons received mainly facilitation from hindlimb extensors of the hip and ankle. Motoneurons of the EDL and extensor digitorum brevis (EDB), synergists which share mechanical action at the metatarsophalangeal joint and the digits, received little recurrent inhibition in response to stimulation of the nerve to either muscle. Overall, stimulation of heteronymous flexor nerves (including TAa, TAp, and St) failed to evoke responses in most of the EDB and EDL neurons tested (50–83%), and the amplitude of recurrent inhibitory responses was small. Recurrent facilitation from the extensors was more common in these motor nuclei. Most responses recorded in EDB motoneurons following either flexor or extensor nerve stimulation were recurrent facilitations. The sensitivity of this facilitation in EDB motoneurons to injection of polarizing current and its central latency indicate that it is mediated by a disinhibitory, trisynaptic pathway. Stimulation of the nerve to EDB produced recurrent IPSPs in some flexor motoneurons, but these potentials were infrequent and their amplitude was usually small. Based on a comparison of the distribution of recurrent inhibition to published reports of the activities of TAa, TAp, EDL, and EDB during different forms of locomotion, we conclude that recurrent inhibition is large for motor nuclei that exhibit stereotypical activity, while motor nuclei that are activated independently receive and produce little recurrent inhibition. Despite the absence of recurrent inhibition in some motor nuclei, recurrent circuits may still participate in their control through disinhibitory, facilitatory mechanisms. Received: 18 November 1997 / Accepted: 23 November 1998  相似文献   

Summary Neurogenic changes of phrenic activity have previously been observed during periodic passive motions of one hindlimb in decorticate, unanaesthetized and curarized rabbit preparations before and after high spinal transection (Palisses et al. 1988). In decerebrate and spinal preparations, we aimed to determine, through rhythmic electrical stimulation of hindlimb muscle nerves, which muscle afferents are involved in these effects. In decerebrate preparations, these electrical stimulations (trains of shocks at 80 Hz for 300 ms every second for 20 s) produced ventilatory effects when group I+II afferent fibres of either flexor or extensor nerves were stimulated together and more powerful changes as soon as group III fibres were recruited. Stimulation of group I fibres alone induced no such effects. When present, these changes in respiratory activity consisted of a maintained decrease of the respiratory period due to both inspiratory and expiratory time shortening; in addition, the amplitude of the phrenic bursts greatly increased at the onset of electrical stimulation. After spinal transection at C2 level and pharmacological activation by nialamide and DOPA, only short-lasting phrenic bursts developed spontaneously; the electrical stimulation of group II and mainly group III flexor afferent fibres induced large amplitude phrenic activity whereas the stimulation of the same extensor afferents was relatively ineffective. The activation of phrenic motoneurones during group III flexor afferent stimulation was closely linked to each 300 ms period of stimulation. While the phrenic effects obtained in the spinal preparations by natural and by electrical periodic stimulation are quite similar to each other, those produced in decerebrate preparations differ substantially. It is concluded that the regulation of phrenic activity in decerebrate and spinal rabbit preparations by hindlimb proprioceptive afferents involves different muscle receptors; perhaps joint proprioceptors for the medullary resetting and muscle receptors connected to group III afferent fibres for the spinal reflex activation of phrenic motoneurones.  相似文献   

Reflex pathways from group II muscle afferents   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The interneuronally mediated reflex actions evoked by electrical stimulation of group II muscle afferents in low spinal cats have been reinvestigated with intracellular recording with motoneurones to knee flexors and ankle extensors. The results of Eccles and Lundberg (1959) have been confirmed and extended. There was wide convergence from flexors and extensors of group II excitation to flexor and group II inhibition to extensor motoneurones. Some quantitative differences in the effect from the different nerves are described. Latency measurements suggest that the minimal linkage is disynaptic in the excitatory interneuronal pathways and trisynaptic in the inhibitory pathways. Disynaptic group II EPSPs were found in 14% of the ankle extensor motoneurones but were much more common in unanaesthetized high spinal cats (Wilson and Kato 1965). From these results and corresponding ones on flexors (Holmqvist and Lundberg 1961) it is postulated that secondary afferents in addition to the weak monosynaptic connexions (Kirkwood and Sears 1975) have disynaptic excitatory pathways and trisynaptic inhibitory pathways to both flexor and extensor motoneurones. It is proposed that the group II actions of the flexor reflex pattern characterizing the anaesthetized low spinal cat are due to suppression of the inhibitory pathway to flexor motoneurones and the excitatory pathway to extensor motoneurones. In some ankle extensor motoneurones the disynaptic group II EPSPs occurred in combination with IPSPs from the FRA (including group II and III muscle afferents). The possibility is considered that these group II EPSPs are mediated by an interneuronal group II pathway with little or no input from group III muscle afferents but probably from extramuscular receptors. In other ankle extensor motoneurones group II EPSPs were combined with EPSPs from group III muscle afferents, cutaneous afferents and joint afferents. It is postulated that these group II EPSPs are mediated by an interneuronal pathway from the FRA which also supply interneuronal pathways giving inhibition to extensor or/and flexor motoneurones and excitation to flexors as postulated by Eccles and Lundberg (1959) and Holmqvist and Lundberg (1961).  相似文献   

 The generation of locomotor-like spinal rhythms has been proposed to involve two neural centres with mutual reciprocal inhibition (Graham Brown’s ”half-centre” hypothesis). Much later a particular set of segmental flexor reflex pathways were described as being organized in accordance with this half-centre hypothesis. As these pathways became operative following injection of monoaminoxidase inhibitors and l-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (l-dopa), i.e. under the same conditions under which a spontaneous locomotor activity may develop, it was assumed that these particular pathways and spinal rhythm generators involve the same neuronal networks. In order to give further evidence to this hypothesis, we investigated whether short trains to ”flexor reflex afferents” (FRA) reset the spinal locomotor rhythm, i.e. shorten or lengthen the stimulated cycle after which the regular rhythm is resumed with step cycles of the original duration. The experiments were performed in anaemically decapitated, high-spinal curarized cats. A steady locomotor rhythm was induced by injection of nialamide and l-dopa and the influence of electrical stimulation (trains of 50–1000 ms) of FRA (joint, cutaneous, and group II and III muscle afferents) onto this rhythm was tested. Stimulation of FRA induced a clear resetting of the locomotor rhythm, which was mainly characterized by a flexion reflex pattern: during the extension phase the extensor activity was interrupted and a flexion phase was initiated; during the late flexion phase mainly a prolongation of that phase with a variable change of the following extension phase was induced. In addition to this prevailing pattern, stimulation of some nerves (in particular nerves to more distal extensors and the sural nerve) could often prolong extension, when stimulated during the late extension, or terminate the flexor burst and initiate a new extension phase, when stimulated during the late flexion phase. This pattern is probably due to the concomitant stimulation of group I afferents in the case of the muscle nerves and to separate non-FRA pathways in the case of the sural nerve. The results demonstrate that the interneurones of the FRA pathways, which are operative during l-dopa-induced locomotion in spinal animals, can be considered as neuronal elements of the rhythm-generating network for locomotion. Received: 25 June 1996 / Accepted: 27 April 1998  相似文献   

Summary Extracellular recordings from interneurons located in the L4 spinal segment were made during fictive locomotion produced by electrical stimulation of the mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR) in the paralysed decerebrate cat. Only interneurons within the L4 segment which received group II input from quadriceps, sartorius or the pretibial flexor muscle afferents and which had axonal projections to motor nuclei in L7 were selected for analysis. During the fictive step cycle two thirds of these interneurons fired action potentials during the time of activity in the ipsilateral hindlimb flexor neurograms. These cells were also less responsive to peripheral input during the extension phase of the fictive locomotion cycle. The remaining one third of the interneurons examined were not rhythmically active during locomotion. The possible contributions of the midlumbar interneurons to motoneuron activity during locomotion are discussed.  相似文献   

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