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目的 建立广西防城港地区健康成年男性血清铁蛋白的参考值范围,探讨血清铁蛋白水平的影响因素.方法 通过电化学发光免疫法测定1 872例20~69岁的健康成年男性血清铁蛋白浓度.结果 血清铁蛋白浓度呈偏态分布.20~29岁、30~39岁、40~49岁、≥50岁四个不同年龄组成年男性血清铁蛋白95%参考值范围分别为(82.9~590.8)、(89.2~656.8)、(90.6~655.9)、(39.7~648.4)ng/ml,不同年龄组间血清铁蛋白浓度差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).体重指数(BMI)、饮酒与血清铁蛋白水平独立相关,但吸烟不相关.结论 广西防城港地区健康成年男性血清铁蛋白的参考值明显高于目前采用的参考值.  相似文献   

脉冲振荡法 (IOS)呼吸阻抗正常值的建立 ,可作为健康普查、心肺疾病早期诊断与研究的依据 ,提供对心肺疾病治疗及预后进行评估的依据。对象与方法 久居滨海地区 ,13~ 18周岁青少年 6 2 2名 ,男 312名 ,女 310名 ,体检心肺发育正常 ,近 4周无呼吸道感染及吸烟史。采用德国Jaeger公司生产的Master IOS测定仪。 (1)主要测试参数 :呼吸阻抗 (Zrs)、共振频率 (Fres)、中心气道阻抗 (Rc) ,包括粘性阻力、弹性阻力和惯性阻力。外周气道阻力 (Rp)、粘性阻力 (R)、弹性阻力 (X)值代表弹性阻力 ,表示肺顺应性的指标 …  相似文献   

[摘要] 目的 建立河池市金城江区健康成人促甲状腺激素(TSH)正常参考值范围。方法 选择2015年1月至2022年8月于河池市中医医院进行健康体检的健康成人273名进行TSH检测,以第2.5百分位数至第97.5百分位数范围(P2.5~P97.5)确定正常参考值范围。结果 河池市金城江区健康成人TSH正常参考值范围为0.48~4.26 μIU/ml,与试剂盒厂家提供的正常参考值范围(0.4~4.5 μIU/ml)相近,但范围更狭窄。男性TSH正常参考值范围为0.49~4.12 μIU/ml;女性TSH正常参考值范围为0.47~4.09 μIU/ml。男性和女性的TSH水平差异有统计学意义(Z=2.296,P=0.022)。TSH正常参考值范围与年龄的关联性不显著(P>0.05)。结论 河池市金城江区健康成人TSH正常参考值范围可以作为区域性参考标准,有利于提高当地甲状腺疾病诊断的准确性。  相似文献   

贵阳地区5280例心电图Q-T离散度正常参考值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的为研究正常人12导联同步心电图QT间期离散度(QTd)的平均值。方法采用美国产MarquittMAC1200型12导联同步心电图自动分析记录仪对5280例正常国人进行检测,并根据性别及年龄分组,将自动测量所得数据输入计算机进行统计学处理。结果5280例男女QTd平均值为(43.43±18.41)ms,QTcd平均值为(48.31±22.45)ms;男组性QTd(43.43±19.32)ms,QTcd(48.20±23.72)ms,女性组QTd(43.35±14.24)ms,QTcd(48.76±16.42)ms,两组比较均无显著差异。各年龄组之间的QTd与QTcd亦无显著差异;男女各组之不同年龄组的QTd均<50ms,QTcd<55ms。结论正常国人QTd平均值<50ms,QTcd<55ms,其与性别和年龄无明显关系。  相似文献   

目的建立北京地区健康成年女性的跟骨骨超声速率(speed of sound,SOS)的正常参考值。方法用日本吉野电器公司生产的CM-100型跟骨骨超声测定仪对912名北京地区健康女性志愿者进行跟骨SOS测定,并对其中110名志愿者用双能X线骨密度仪(DXA)进行腰椎I_(2-4)和髋部的骨密度测定。结果健康女性跟骨SOS在26~30岁年龄组达到峰值[(1 533.4±34.2)m/s],达峰值后开始下降,46~50岁后下降速度加快。绝经期前、后跟骨SOS差异有统计学意义。跟骨SOS下降分为快速下降期、稳定下降期和再下降期。经DXA测定的骨密度值与跟骨SOS值相关(r=0.323~0.506,P0.01)。结论本研究建立了北京地区健康妇女跟骨SOS正常值,跟骨SOS和DEXA测定骨密度之间存在良好的相关性。  相似文献   

目的建立广西防城港地区汉族健康成年男性血清叶酸和维生素B12的正常参考值范围。方法通过电化学发光法测定2 021例20~69岁的健康成年男性血清叶酸和维生素B12水平。结果广西防城港地区汉族健康成年男性的血清叶酸各年龄段正常参考值范围分别为20~29岁8.56(4.97~14.71)ng/ml,30~39岁9.25(5.24~15.42)ng/ml,40~49岁9.66(5.35~16.38)ng/ml,50~59岁9.31(5.49~16.60)ng/ml,60~69岁9.44(4.58~14.86)ng/ml。广西防城港地区汉族健康成年男性的血清维生素B12各年龄段正常参考值范围分别为20~29岁639.80(295.68~1 196.75)pg/ml,30~39岁665.10(325.70~1 201.00)pg/ml,40~49岁690.70(250.55~1 214.50)pg/ml,50~59岁710.30(331.34~1 343.70)pg/ml,60~69岁699.85(180.42~1 446.88)pg/ml。结论各地区各实验室应建立各自的健康人群的正常参考值范围,尤其是那些具有特殊饮食和生活习惯的地区。  相似文献   

目的 为制定中国老年女性用力肺活量(FVC)正常参考值的统一标准提供科学依据.方法 收集了中国48个单位测定的9 530例老年女性FVC正常参考值,应用SPSS统计软件,运用相关分析和回归分析的方法,研究了其与8项地理环境因素指标的关系.结果 发现老年女性FVC正常参考值与中国地理环境因素之间有很显著的相关关系 (F=4.864,P=0.003).用逐步回归分析的方法推导出了一个回归方程:Y=9.167 7-0.000 196 1X1-0.043 84X3-0.067 88X6 0.239 9X8±0.309.结论 如果知道了中国某地的地理环境因素数值,就可以用回归方程计算这个地区的老年女性FVC正常参考值.依据老年女性FVC正常参考值与地理环境因素的依赖关系,把中国分为8个区.  相似文献   

目的 为制定中国老年前期女性用力肺活量正常参考值的统一标准提供科学依据.方法 收集了中国38个单位测定的8 604例老年前期女性用力肺活量正常参考值,应用SPSS统计软件,运用相关分析和回归分析的方法 ,研究了其与8项地理因素指标的关系.结果 发现老年前期女性用力肺活量正常参考值与中国地理因素之间有很显著的相关关系(F=5.070,P=0.002).用逐步回归分析的方法推导出了一个回归方程:Y=13.286=-0.000 345 4X<,1>-0.084 13X<,3>-0.039 91X<,4>-0.097 13X<,6>+0.479 8<,8>±0.265.在以上的回归方程中,Y是老年前期女性用力肺活量正常参考值(L),X<,1>是海拔高度(m),X<,3>是年日照百分率(%),X<,4>是年平均气温(℃),X<,6>是年平均相对湿度(%),X<,8>是年平均风速(m/s);0.265是剩余标准差的值.结论 如果知道了中国某地的地理因素,就可以用回归方程计算这个地区的老年前期女性用力肺活量正常参考值.依据老年前期女性用力肺活量正常参考值与地理因素的依赖关系,把中国分为8个区.  相似文献   

老年男性红细胞计数正常参考值与环境因素的回归分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的为制定中国老年男性红细胞计数正常参考值的统一标准提供科学依据。方法收集中国301个单位测定的37685例老年男性红细胞计数正常参考值,运用相关分析和回归分析的方法,研究其与八个地理因素的关系。结果老年男性红细胞计数正常参考值与中国地理因素之间有很显著的相关关系(F=246.91,P=0.000)。采用逐步回归分析的方法推导出了一个回归方程:Y^=2.590 0.0003800X1 0.007702X3 0.02821X5 0.009705X6 0.0003191X7±0.54。结论可以用回归方程计算不同地区的老年男性红细胞计数正常参考值。  相似文献   

Lung-function reference values play a vital role in the management of respiratory disorders. There are many proposed reference equations for pediatric spirometry. Recently, spirometric reference equations were proposed, using data from people aged 8-80 years living in the US compiled by the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Our objective was to compare the predictive value of wider age-range reference equations to established pediatric reference equations for the pediatric population. Spirometry, height, and weight were obtained from 70 normal children aged 6-18 years. The difference between measured and predicted values as suggested by different reference equations was compared. Predicted values from general equations significantly differed from those generated from pediatric equations and from measured values in this population. The difference between measured and predicted values from the wider age-range equations varied between 7-16% for forced expired volume in 1 sec (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC). The difference between measured and predicted values for the pediatric equations varied between 1-4%. Although wider age-range equations provide continuity through age ranges, their predictive accuracy may be low in the pediatric age group, especially for the youngest, smallest children. Extrapolating reference equations beyond the age range of subjects used to generate then is not recommended.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Normal lung function has been shown to be population specific. The aim of this study was to derive normal reference spirometric values for Omani children and adolescents. METHODOLOGY: Forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV(1)), peak expiratory flow and forced mid-expiratory flow were measured in 837 healthy Omani school children aged 6-19 years. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed for each spirometric parameter against age, height and weight for boys and girls separately. RESULTS: All measured spirometric parameters increased with age and height and were significantly higher in boys than girls. Height explained the maximum variance for all parameters. After accounting for height in the prediction equations, the contribution of age and weight was minimal. The expiratory ratio (FEV(1)%FVC) was independent of age and height and its mean values (+/- standard deviation) were slightly higher in girls (91.1 +/- 6.1%) than boys (86.5 +/- 7.1%; P < 0.001). The predicted normal values of the subjects using the derived equations were between 5 and 10% lower than the respective values for subjects in Caucasian sample groups. CONCLUSION: The developed prediction equations can be used in clinical practice in Oman and can be considered for use in neighbouring Arab countries.  相似文献   

动态血糖参数正常参考值的建立及临床应用   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
Zhou J  Jia WP  Yu M  Yu HY  Bao YQ  Ma XJ  Lu W  Hu C  Xiang KS 《中华内科杂志》2007,46(3):189-192
目的建立动态血糖评估参数的正常参考值,为临床应用提供依据。方法采用动态血糖监测系统(CGMS)对48例正常糖调节者进行连续3d的血糖监测,并分析24h的平均血糖水平(MBG)及其标准差(SDBG)、餐前1h及餐后3h的MBG、血糖的时间百分比(PT)、血糖的曲线下面积(AUC)、最大血糖波动幅度(LAGE)、平均血糖波动幅度(MAGE)及日间血糖平均绝对差(MODD)。各参数非正态分布者以百分位数法估计95%的正常参考值范围,呈正态分布者按x±1.96s计算。结果(1)除血糖的frr及AUC呈非正态分布外(P〈0.05),其余参数均呈正态分布(P〉0.05),各参数在不同性别间的差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。(2)动态血糖参数的正常参考值上限:24hMBG〈6.5mmol/L,早、中及晚餐前1hMBG分别〈6.0mmol/L、〈6.3mmol/L和〈6.0mmol/L,早、中及晚餐后3hMBG分别〈7.0mmol/L、〈6.7mmol/L和〈7.0mmol/L,血糖≥7.8mmol/L及≤3.9mmol/L的PT分别〈9%和〈20%,血糖≥5.6mmol/L的AUC〈0.9d·mmol·L^-1,SDBG〈1.4mmol/L,LAGE〈5.7mmol/L,MAGE〈3.4mmol/L,MODD〈1.4mmol/L。(3)24hMBG与MAGE、MODD及SDBG均不相关(P〉0.05),MAGE与SDBG显著正相关(r=0.93,P〈0.01)。结论初步建立了CGMS各血糖参数的正常参考值,应用上述参数能较全面地反映受试者整体血糖水平和血糖稳定性的特征。  相似文献   

ObjectivesAssay of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), the main carrier protein for sexual steroids, is prescribed mainly by endocrinologists and performed in specialized laboratories. This study aimed to evaluate the analytic performance of an automated immunochemiluminescent assay (ImmunoDiagnostic Systems (IDS), Boldon, United Kingdom) compared to a manual radioimmunoassay (Cisbio Bioassays, Codolet, France). It further aimed to assess the suitability of the reference values proposed by IDS.Materials and MethodsOne hundred and forty sera were used to assess the analytic performance of the IDS kit. The coefficients of variation (CV%) for within- and between-run precision were calculated. The reference values provided by IDS were recalculated based on the regression curve equation obtained by comparing the IDS and Cisbio values on Passing-Bablok regression. The new sex-based reference values were then established and their concordance with clinical status was evaluated on Kappa coefficient.ResultsThe new kit correlated strongly with the reference technique (R2 = 0.96). Based on the regression line equation, the new reference values for IDS were [20.9–50.6] nmol/L for men and [33.8–71.1] nmol/L for women. Agreement with the reference values we established was 0.933 for men and 0.825 for women, compared with 0.606 and 0.286 for the supplier's values.ConclusionThe performance of the IDS kit met the current recommendations and correlated strongly with the Cisbio method. The calculation of new sex-based reference values was needed to correctly classify patients according to androgen status, underlining the importance of systematically checking the reference values provided by suppliers.  相似文献   

Health and disease can only be distinguished by accurate and reliable reference values of a particular laboratory test. It is now a proven fact that there is considerable variation in hematology reference intervals depending on the demographic and preanalytical variables. There are evidences that values provided by manufacturers do not have appropriate application for all populations. Moreover, reference ranges provided by different laboratory manuals and books also do not solve this problem. We are presenting here normal reference ranges of Malaysian population. These values were determined by using Sysmex XE-2100 and ACL 9000 hematology and coagulation analyzers. Results from this study showed that there were considerable differences in the reference values from manufacturers, western population or laboratory manuals compared with those from the local population.  相似文献   

BackgroundReference values for lung function tests should be periodically updated because of birth cohort effects and improved technology. This study updates the spirometric reference values, including vital capacity (VC), for Japanese adults and compares the new reference values with previous Japanese reference values.MethodsSpirometric data from healthy non-smokers (20,341 individuals aged 17–95 years, 67% females) were collected from 12 centers across Japan, and reference equations were derived using the LMS method. This method incorporates modeling skewness (lambda: L), mean (mu: M), and coefficient of variation (sigma: S), which are functions of sex, age, and height. In addition, the age-specific lower limits of normal (LLN) were calculated.ResultsSpirometric reference values for the 17–95-year age range and the age-dependent LLN for Japanese adults were derived. The new reference values for FEV1 in males are smaller, while those for VC and FVC in middle age and elderly males and those for FEV1, VC, and FVC in females are larger than the previous values. The LLN of the FEV1/FVC for females is larger than previous values. The FVC is significantly smaller than the VC in the elderly.ConclusionsThe new reference values faithfully reflect spirometric indices and provide an age-specific LLN for the 17–95-year age range, enabling improved diagnostic accuracy. Compared with previous prediction equations, they more accurately reflect the transition in pulmonary function during young adulthood. In elderly subjects, the FVC reference values are not interchangeable with the VC values.  相似文献   

AIM: To renew the echocardiographic reference values of heart dimensions in healthy children. METHODS AND RESULTS: Group 1 consisted of 587 children, of which 361 boys and 226 girls, age from birth to 18 years, body weight over 2500 g, who visited the Pediatric Cardiology outclinic during the period January 2000 till March 2004. All included children were diagnosed as normal, or as having innocent heart murmur. The second group was taken from an earlier study and comprised 160 children (77 boys and 83 girls). The echocardiographic measures were taken from conventional M-mode recording of the left ventricle (LV) parasternal long axis view. End diastolic septal (IVS) and LV posterior wall thickness (LVPW) and end diastolic as well as end systolic LV intracavity dimensions were retrospectively analyzed. The regression lines from all measured sizes are significantly different from those collected in the early eighties. Especially the thickness of the IVS is smaller. The regression lines are independent of gender. CONCLUSIONS: New reference values have been found which should replace the presently used ones. There is no difference between boys and girls. Why the muscular wall thicknesses are thinner than found 20 years ago needs to be further explored.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to establish haematological reference ranges for the West African subregion using a Gambian cohort. We analysed full blood counts from 1279 subjects aged > or =1 year. Anthropometric and body composition measurements were performed. Haematological mean values, medians and 90% reference values were calculated and related to malnutrition in children and thinness and/or obesity in adults. Haemoglobin (Hb) and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) significantly increased with age (P < 0.00001). There were gender-related changes in Hb from 15 years of age (P = 0.001) and for MCV only in adults (P = 0.0002). Hb was significantly reduced in underweight and stunted children (P = 0.0001 and 0.0002, respectively) but was unaffected by thinness or obesity in adults. White blood cell (WBC) and platelet counts were highest under 5 years and declined significantly with age (P < 0.0001 and 0.0001). While, there were no gender-related differences with WBC, there were higher WBC counts in underweight (P = 0.0001) and stunted (P < 0.0001) children. Adult females had significantly higher mean platelet counts compared with males (P = 0.006). The mean and median values of haematological parameters in The Gambia are similar to other standards but the 90% reference range for each parameter encompasses lower values when compared with Western standards.  相似文献   

Introduction: International recommendations state that reference values for lung function should derive from cross‐sectional studies of healthy nonsmokers and be renewed from time to time because of cohort effect and newer, more accurate, technical equipment. In 1986, the Danish Lung Society published reference values for spirometry based on 570 individuals aged 30–70 years. Objectives: To produce new reference values for lung function and to extend the existing values by including individuals between 20 and 30 years of age and older than 70 years of age. Methods: Two similar but independent studies was used: The 2001–2003 examination of the Copenhagen City Heart Study and the 2003–2010 examination of the Copenhagen General Population Study. Of a total of 69 822 individuals, we included 11 288 healthy never‐smoking white individuals to produce the reference values: 6307 women and 4981 men, 20 years of age or older with adequate lung function. Results: We used sex‐stratified multiple linear regression analysis to find prediction formulas for forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), forced vital capacity (FVC) and FEV1/FVC adjusted for age and height. The cutoff value of normal lung function was defined as the fifth percentile (also named the 5% quantile) according to gender, age and height. The robustness of the data was tested and validated in several ways. Conclusion: Compared with the 1986 data, our 2001–2010 material contributes with a substantial number of individuals in the more extreme groups of age and height, and in general, our dataset shows that in most subgroups, the lung function level has improved during the last two decades. Please cite this paper as: Løkke A, Marott JL, Mortensen J, Nordestgaard BG, Dahl M and Lange P. New Danish reference values for spirometry. Clin Respir J 2013; 7: 153–167.  相似文献   

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