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目的:总结和分析奉贤东部地区居民大肠癌筛查情况,提出推动远郊地区大肠癌筛查工作的相关建议.方法:利用问卷调查和粪便隐血试验(FOBT)对奉贤东部4个社区50~74岁居民进行初筛,初筛出的高危人群做大肠镜检查,对结果进行临床分析.结果:4个社区共作大肠癌筛查9168人,初筛出高危人群1629人,阳性率为17.77%,其中586人接受肠镜检查,检出结直肠疾病124例,检出率为21.16%,其中大肠癌7例、息肉116例、肠炎1例.结论:在社区开展问卷调查联合FOBT可以有效地发现结直肠癌及癌前病变的高危人群,再作肠镜检查,达到早期诊断,但肠镜检查的顺应性偏低,需加强宣教动员,并优化配套方案及制定政策保障.  相似文献   

目的 :分析社区居民结直肠癌筛查情况,并提出推动社区结直肠癌筛查工作的相关建议。方法 :2013年采用危险度评估问卷调查和粪便隐血试验(FOBT)对黄浦区打浦桥社区45~95岁年龄段居民2 405人进行结直肠癌初筛,并对初筛高危人群行肠镜检查和分析。结果 :初筛中高危人群451人,阳性率为18.75%,其中115人(25.5%)接受肠镜检查,确诊结直肠癌3人,腺瘤、息肉59人。结论 :在社区开展筛查有利于结直肠癌及癌前病变的早期诊断及治疗。但社区居民结直肠癌肠镜检查率偏低,需加强居民结直肠癌癌筛查的宣教动员工作。  相似文献   

目的:探讨危险度评估和粪便隐血试验(FOBT)对社区大肠癌筛查的效果.方法:通过危险度评估和FOBT联合方法进行社区大肠癌筛查,初筛高危人群(初筛阳性)经全结肠镜检查,分析检查结果.结果:2014年5月至2015年5月四团社区共接受大肠癌筛查者2784例,收回有效数据2680份,确定高危对象539例,初筛阳性率20.11%(539/2680);高危对象接受全结肠镜检查344例,肠镜应答率63.82%(344/539),全结肠镜检查出有大肠病变(大肠癌、息肉等)99例,肠镜病变检出率28.78%(99/344).确诊大肠癌4例,大肠癌检出率149.25/10万(4/2680).结论:危险度评估结合FOBT可以有效地检出大肠的病变,有助于大肠癌的早期发现.  相似文献   

目的:了解南翔社区中老年人群大肠癌发病情况。方法:对50岁以上的常驻退休人群,采用问卷调查和粪便潜血试验相结合的方法进行初筛,全结肠镜检查进行复筛。结果 :实际参加初筛6 812人,初筛顺应率为98.1%,阳性率24.1%;应复筛1 642人,实际复筛712人,复筛顺应率为43.4%,阳性率30.4%。大肠病变肠镜检出率男高于女。检出大肠癌患者10例,其中早期癌1例,中晚期癌9例,大肠癌检出率为1.4%。大肠腺瘤11例,非腺瘤性息肉162例。结论:大肠癌综合筛查发现南翔地区居民大肠癌发病率较高;综合筛查方案对中老年人群大肠癌早发现有较好的作用和效果。  相似文献   

目的:进行小昆山镇高危年龄段结直肠癌筛查,了解顺应率、发病率。方法:以全国大肠癌早诊早治项目规定的大肠癌筛查技术方案为依据,对45~74岁户籍居民进行结直肠癌筛查。以危险因素数量化评估问卷调查及大便隐血试验作为初筛,阳性者复筛行结肠镜检查。结果:应筛查12694人,实际参加筛查9167人,初筛顺应率为72.2%,阳性人数2234人;复筛人数571人,复筛顺应率为25.6%。发现结直肠癌10例,结直肠息肉及腺瘤190例,肠炎25例,其它2例。结论:结直肠癌筛查方案能够有效的从无症状人群中发现早期结直肠癌和癌前病变;小昆山地区结直肠癌筛查顺应性高于其它城市社区。  相似文献   

目的:探讨半定量粪隐血试验最佳隐血阈值、能否区分不同的大肠出血性疾病以及对大肠癌筛检的作用.方法:连续截取100例门诊结肠镜检查患者,并于肠镜检查前收集两次新鲜粪便标本,同时进行半定量Baso Fecal OBⅡ(B试验)和Hemoccult(H试验)隐血检查.B试验的阳性结果按每克粪便血红蛋白含量记为(-)、( )(50~200 μ,g/g)、(2 )(200~2 000μg/g)、(3 )(2 000~4 000μg/g)及(4 )(>4 000μg/g).H试验为定性试验,其结果记为(-)和( ).P<0.05为具有统计学意义.结果:在B试验中,以≥( )为大肠癌的阳性检出阈值,对大肠癌的检出敏感性和特异性均为90%,其检出敏感性高于H试验,是最佳敏感阈值.B试验结果显示,右半结肠癌出血量多于左半结肠癌(P<0.05).结论:B试验有助于确定不同人群大肠癌的阳性检出阈值.如联合免疫化学隐血试验,将获得最佳的大肠癌检出效果.  相似文献   

目的:探讨半定量粪隐血试验最佳隐血阈值、能否区分不同的大肠出血性疾病以及对大肠癌筛检的作用.方法:连续截取100例门诊结肠镜检查患者,并于肠镜检查前收集两次新鲜粪便标本,同时进行半定量Baso Fecal OBⅡ(B试验)和Hemoccult(H试验)隐血检查.B试验的阳性结果按每克粪便血红蛋白含量记为(-)、(+)(50~200 μ,g/g)、(2+)(200~2 000μg/g)、(3+)(2 000~4 000μg/g)及(4+)(>4 000μg/g).H试验为定性试验,其结果记为(-)和(+).P<0.05为具有统计学意义.结果:在B试验中,以≥(+)为大肠癌的阳性检出阈值,对大肠癌的检出敏感性和特异性均为90%,其检出敏感性高于H试验,是最佳敏感阈值.B试验结果显示,右半结肠癌出血量多于左半结肠癌(P<0.05).结论:B试验有助于确定不同人群大肠癌的阳性检出阈值.如联合免疫化学隐血试验,将获得最佳的大肠癌检出效果.  相似文献   

目的:分析社区居民结直肠癌筛查结果,以降低结直肠癌的发病率和死亡率。方法:2013年5月—2015年8月对金山工业区辖区内50~74岁社区常住人群采用问卷危险度评估和大便潜血试验(FOBT)进行初步筛查,对初筛阳性者进一步作结肠镜检查。结果:7647人参与了结直肠癌筛查,参与率为52.51%,初筛阳性1512人,阳性率19.77%,其中600人接受结肠镜检查,240例检出病变,病变检出率为40.00%,其中结直肠癌7例(1.17%),息肉153例(25.50%),肠炎74例(12.33%),其他肠道病变6例(1.00%)。结论:结直肠癌筛查对结直肠癌的早发现、早诊断、早治疗具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的 探讨采用粪隐血试验筛查中老年人消化道出血性疾病的临床意义.方法 对5655例门诊、住院及常规体检的军队和地方中老年人同时进行化学法粪隐血试验(CFOBT)及免疫法粪隐血试验(IFOBT),阳性者结合病史及临床表现进一步行相关医技检查确诊.结果 本组粪隐血试验阳性548例,其中CFOBT阳性316例,检出率为5.59%,IFOBT阳性232例,检出率为4.10%,经临床、消化道内镜、腹部彩超及其他医技检查证实为上消化道疾病295例,占53.83%,主要有急性胃黏膜病变、消化性溃疡、胃癌等;下消化道疾病201例,占36.68%,主要有痔、结肠息肉、结(直)肠癌等;其他疾病52例,占9.49%,主要有急性胃肠炎、肾功能不全、非消化系肿瘤等.结论 消化道出血性疾病在中老年人中发病率较高,常规用CFOBT和IFOBT 2种方法检测可筛查上、下消化道隐性出血,早期发现相关疾病,及时治疗,改善预后.  相似文献   

目的:探讨大肠癌的病理特点及临床、内镜诊断方法。方法:回顾性分析近5年来经肠镜检出并行病理确诊的86例大肠癌患者的临床、肠镜及病理资料。结果:86例大肠癌中男49例,女37例。直肠癌51例,结肠癌35例(包括乙状结肠癌19例,升结肠癌8例,降结肠癌5例,横结肠癌3例),直结肠癌之比1.46:1。结论:直肠癌发病率大于结肠癌,病理仍以腺癌为主。结肠镜联合病理检查是诊断大肠癌可靠、有效的方法。  相似文献   

Background  Faecal occult blood testing (FOBT), flexible sigmoidoscopy (FS) and colonoscopy are recommended for subjects above 50 years of age for screening for colorectal cancer (CRC).
Aim  To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of FOBT, FS and colonoscopy on the basis of disease prevalence, compliance rate and cost of screening procedures in Asian countries.
Methods  A hypothetical population of 100 000 persons aged 50 undergoes either FOBT annually, FS every 5 years or colonoscopy every 10 years until the age of 80 years. Patients with positive FOBT or polyp in FS are offered colonoscopy. Surveillance colonoscopy is repeated every 3 years. The treatment cost of CRC, including surgery and chemotherapy, was evaluated. A Markov model was used to compare the cost-effectiveness of different screening strategies.
Results  Assuming a compliance rate of 90%, colonoscopy, FS and FOBT can reduce CRC incidence by 54.1%, 37.1% and 29.3% respectively. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) for FOBT (US$6222 per life-year saved) is lower than FS (US$8044 per life-year saved) and colonoscopy (US$7211 per life-year saved). When the compliance rate drops to 50% and 30%, FOBT still has the lowest ICER.
Conclusion  FOBT is cost-effective compared to FS or colonoscopy for CRC screening in average-risk individuals aged from 50 to 80 years.  相似文献   

目的:对某社区2013年1月~2013年12月居民大肠癌筛查情况进行分析。方法:采用免疫法粪便潜血FOBT检测以及问卷调查对某社区居民进行筛查,通过初筛和精筛两个步骤来完成大肠癌的筛查,对结果进行分析。结果:823例患者属于高危人群,其阳性率为22.85%;粪便潜血FOBT检测223例患者呈现为阳性,阳性率为6.19%,经过上述两项初次筛查其结果表现为综合分析,最终明确2551人列入到高危人群,其高危阳性率为70.82%;1500例患者接受了电子结肠镜检查,受检率为58.80%,发现息肉、息肉样增生近1000例,发现直、结肠癌40例,中重度异型增生等癌前病变110例,肠镜检查率为76.67%。在40~49岁年龄组中其大肠病变的检出率为30.21%,年龄≥70岁中大肠病变的检出率最高,达到了58.37%。男性患者肠镜检出率达到了56.37%,而女性患者明显较低,只有37.65%。结论:某社区居民大肠癌的发病率相对来说较高,并且年龄越大发病率越高,男性发病率高于女性,应加大宣传力度,提高防治意识。  相似文献   

目的研究大便隐血与大肠疾病的关系,说明大便隐血检测在大肠疾病诊断中的作用。方法收集2012年3月~2014年3月份在上海市松江区九亭医院内镜室行肠镜检查患者粪便隐血实验结果 ,并与肠镜检查结果结合分析粪便隐血与大肠疾病的关系。结果大便隐血在大肠癌、异型增生、炎症性肠病、腺瘤、非腺瘤息肉、肠道炎症及无异常中的阳性率分别为83.33%、83.33%、66.67%、61.67%、39.22%、33.33%、6.16%。大肠癌大便隐血阳性率分别高于非腺瘤息肉、肠道炎症、正常肠黏膜(P〈0.05)。癌前病变(异型增生、腺瘤)大便隐血阳性率分别高于非腺瘤息肉、肠道炎症、正常肠黏膜(P〈0.05)。结论粪便隐血与大肠癌及癌前病变有重要的关系,因此大便隐血实验对于大肠癌及癌前病变的早期筛查有重要意义。  相似文献   

Aliment Pharmacol Ther 31 , 523–533


Background Common reasons for elective screening and surveillance colonoscopy, at predetermined intervals, are family or personal history of colorectal cancer (CRC) or advanced adenoma (AAP). Quantified, human haemoglobin (Hb)‐specific, immunochemical faecal occult blood tests (I‐FOBT) detect bleeding. Aim To determine I‐FOBT sensitivity for CRC or AAP before elective colonoscopy in patients at high‐risk of cancer or advanced adenoma. Methods Prospective double‐blind study of 1000 ambulatory asymptomatic high‐risk patients (555 family history of CRC, 445 surveillance for past neoplasm), who prepared three I‐FOBTs before elective colonoscopy. I‐FOBTs quantified as ngHb/mL of buffer by OC‐MICRO instrument and results ≥50 ngHb/mL considered positive. Results At colonoscopy, eight patients had CRC, 64 others had AAP. Sensitivity for CRC and/or AAP was the highest, 65.3% (95% CI 54.3, 76.3), when any of the three I‐FOBTs was ≥50 ngHb (15.4%), with specificity of 87.5% (95% CI 86.4, 90.5) identifying all CRCs and 62% of AAPs. Conclusions All cancers or an AAP were detected every third I‐FOBT‐positive colonoscopy (47/154), so colonoscopy was potentially not needed at this time in 84.6% (846 patients). I‐FOBT screening might provide effective supervision of high‐risk patients, delaying unnecessary elective colonoscopies. This favourable evaluation needs confirmation and cost–benefit study by risk‐group.  相似文献   

Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2010; 32: 74–82


Background Preferences to choose immunochemical faecal occult blood test (FIT) and colonoscopy as colorectal cancer (CRC) screening modalities among asymptomatic Chinese subjects remain unknown. Aim To evaluate the preference of choosing colonoscopy vs. FIT among CRC screening participants. Methods From a community‐based CRC screening programme for asymptomatic Hong Kong Chinese aged 50–70 years, participants attended standardized educational sessions and chose the options of annual FIT for 5 years or direct colonoscopy once. Factors associated with choosing colonoscopy were evaluated by multivariate regression analysis. Results Among 3430 participants [mean age 56.8 years (s.d. 5.0); female 55.1%, male 44.9%], 51.3% chose colonoscopy and 48.7% chose FIT. Older participants (65–70 years) were less likely to choose colonoscopy [adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 0.731, P = 0.041]. Subjects who chose colonoscopy were those disagreed screening would lead to discomfort (aOR 1.356, P < 0.001), had relatives or friends who had CRC (first degree relatives aOR 1.679, P < 0.001; second degree relatives aOR 1.304, P = 0.019; friends or others aOR 1.252, P = 0.026) and those who self‐perceived their health as poor (aOR 1.529, P = 0.025). Conclusions Faecal occult blood test and direct colonoscopy were equally preferable to Chinese. Colonoscopy was preferred among the younger subjects, those with positive family history of CRC and self‐perceived poor health status.  相似文献   

目的探讨采用粪隐血试验筛查中老年人消化道出血性疾病的临床意义。方法对5655例门诊、住院及常规体检的军队和地方中老年人同时进行化学法粪隐血试验(CFOBT)及免疫法粪隐血试验(IFOBT),阳性者结合病史及临床表现进一步行相关医技检查确诊。结果本组粪隐血试验阳性548例,其中CFOBT阳性316例,检出率为5.59%,IFOBT阳性232例,检出率为4.10%,经临床、消化道内镜、腹部彩超及其他医技检查证实为上消化道疾病295例,占53.83%,主要有急性胃黏膜病变、消化性溃疡、胃癌等;下消化道疾病201例,占36.68%,主要有痔、结肠息肉、结(直)肠癌等;其他疾病52例,占9.49%,主要有急性胃肠炎、肾功能不全、非消化系肿瘤等。结论消化道出血性疾病在中老年人中发病率较高,常规用CFOBT和IFOBT 2种方法检测可筛查上、下消化道隐性出血,早期发现相关疾病,及时治疗,改善预后。  相似文献   

目的 统计南昌市西湖区结直肠癌筛查情况,同时构建列线图预测模型,评价其对进展期结直肠腺瘤的预测价值。方法 选取进行结直肠癌筛查的40~74岁人群,共计10 618例。所有研究对象经2次粪便隐血试验(FOBT)及调查问卷确定高危人群。高危人群接受结肠镜检查,统计5年间结直肠疾病的检出情况。根据筛检结果,比较进展期和非进展期结直肠腺瘤患者的临床特征差异,Logistic回归分析罹患进展期结直肠腺瘤的危险因素,根据筛选出的危险因素,构建列线图预测模型,并评价其预测价值。结果 10 168例参与筛查者中,初步筛查确定高危人群2 078例,其中1 573例(75.7%)完成结肠镜检查。1 573例中共检出结直肠疾病584例(37.1%),包括结直肠癌18例(1.1%),进展期腺瘤79例(5.0%),非进展期腺瘤224例(14.2%),非腺瘤性息肉254例(16.2%),炎症性肠病9例(0.6%)。单因素分析及多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,男性、高龄、肥胖、有结肠癌家族史、饮酒、吸烟、喜食红肉、腺瘤大体形态呈有蒂或无蒂是进展期结直肠腺瘤的主要危险因素。纳入上述指标绘制列线图,预测受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线下面积(AUC)为0.798(95%CI:0.737~0.859),内部验证C指数为0.797。校准曲线显示,该列线图预后模型预测的发生率与实际观察的发生率一致性良好(χ2=5.169,P=0.739)。结论 南昌市西湖区40~74岁人群结肠癌和进展期结直肠腺瘤检出率均较低。高龄、男性、肥胖、饮酒、吸烟、有结直肠肿瘤家族史对出现进展期结直肠腺瘤的风险明显升高,根据上述因素构建的列线图模型预测价值较好。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Colorectal cancer screening by guaiac faecal occult blood test has been shown to reduce the incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer in Western populations. The optimal faecal occult blood test, whether guaiac or immunochemical, for colorectal cancer screening in the Chinese population remains to be defined. AIM: To compare the performance characteristics of a sensitive guaiac-based faecal occult blood test (Hemoccult SENSA) and an immunochemical faecal occult blood test (FlexSure OBT) in a Chinese population referred for colonoscopy. METHODS: One hundred and thirty-five consecutive patients who were referred for colonoscopy and who met the study inclusion criteria took samples for the two faecal occult blood tests simultaneously from three successive stool specimens, with no dietary restrictions. All tests were developed and interpreted by a single experienced technician who was blind to the clinical diagnosis. The sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value for the detection of colorectal adenomas and cancers were estimated for the two tests. RESULTS: The sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value for the detection of significant colorectal neoplasia (adenomas > or = 1.0 cm and cancers) were 91%, 70% and 18% for Hemoccult SENSA and 82%, 94% and 47% for FlexSure OBT. The specificity and positive predictive value were significantly higher for FlexSure OBT than for Hemoccult SENSA (P < 0.001 and P = 0.016, respectively). Combining the positive results from both faecal occult blood tests did not improve the accuracy. CONCLUSION: The positive predictive value of the immunochemical faecal occult blood test for the detection of significant colorectal neoplasia was 29% better than that of the sensitive guaiac-based test. This may relate to the Chinese diet and requires further study. The poor specificity of the sensitive guaiac-based test, without dietary restriction, makes it less useful for colorectal cancer screening in a Chinese population.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Patients at risk for non-syndromic (Lynch or polyposis) familial colorectal neoplasia undergo colonoscopic surveillance at intervals determined by clinically ascertained protocols. The quantitative immunochemical faecal occult blood test for human haemoglobin is specific and sensitive for significant colorectal neoplasia (cancer or advanced adenomatous polyp). AIM: To determine immunochemical faecal occult blood test efficacy for identifying significant neoplasia in at-risk patients undergoing elective colonoscopy. METHODS: We retrospectively identified consecutive at-risk patients who provided three immunochemical faecal occult blood tests before colonoscopy. Quantitative haemoglobin analysis was performed by the OC-MICRO automated instrument using the 100 ng Hb/mL threshold to determine positivity. RESULTS: In 252 at-risk patients undergoing colonoscopy; five had cancer, 14 an advanced adenoma and 46 a non-advanced adenoma. The immunochemical faecal occult blood test was positive in 31 patients (12.3%). Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values for cancer were: 100%, 90%, 16% and 100%, and for all significant neoplasia: 74%, 93%, 45% and 98%. With 88% fewer colonoscopies, all colorectal cancers and 74% of all significant neoplasia would have been identified by this one-time immunochemical faecal occult blood test screening. CONCLUSIONS: A sensitive, non-invasive, interval screening test might be useful to predetermine the need for colonoscopy in this at-risk population and minimize unnecessary examinations. This favourable retrospective evaluation will be extended to a prospective study.  相似文献   

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