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龈下牙折在临床上较为常见,如何进行完善的修复治疗是摆在临床医师面前的一个难题.目前已得到认可的修复方法包括用常规固定矫治器对残根进行正畸牵引,或进行临床牙冠延长术,或将断根拔出后进行修复.本文报道了采用磁力正畸对龈下牙折的断根进行正畸牵引,配合修复治疗获得了良好的临床效果,综合满足了患者美观和功能的需要.  相似文献   

处理龈下冠根折裂时.若修复不符合生物学宽度的要求.常会引发一系列临床问题。目前已得到认可的修复方法包括用常规矫治器对残根进行正畸牵引,或进行临床冠延长术.再就是将残根拔出后进行修复。综合考虑美观和功能的因素.使用磁体进行正畸牵引也是一个可行措施。该病例即展示了简捷的磁体正畸牵引的方法。  相似文献   

前牙龈下冠折正畸牵引断根后烤瓷修复   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
临床上常有外伤或龋齿引起的前牙龈下冠折,其牙根根长适合桩冠修复,但治疗较为困难。我们对此类患者,采取将根向牵引后烤瓷桩冠修复的方法,效果满意。现报告如下。1.一般资料自1990年3月—2001年10月接诊的冠折断面在龈下2mm以下,根长超过11mm的患牙15颗,其中中切牙9颗,侧切牙6颗。2.方法常规根管治疗,对照X线片确定根管长轴方向,在根管内用裂钻加深5-6mm,用磷酸锌粘固剂粘固于根管内,用0.8-0.9mm的不锈钢丝,根内端长5-6mm,外侧弯制牵引勾。唇弓在相对断根处形成一个倒“V”形曲,将牵引勾和唇弓间用橡皮圈牵引,使其向萌出。…  相似文献   

目的:评价预置临时桩冠的正畸牵引术治疗前牙龈下根折,使其与龈缘平齐的效果。方法:6例9颗龈下根折前牙应用预置临时桩冠的正畸牵引术使根折断面暴露,观察患牙牵引前后及固定保持3个月后的牙龈形态及牙根的稳固性,通过X线片分析牙周膜健康情况。结果:患牙应用预置临时桩冠的正畸牵引术不仅根折断面能安全的到达与龈缘平齐的位置,且固定保持后3个月无复发。结论:预置临时桩冠的正畸牵引术能安全稳定使龈下根折的前牙达到修复前标准。  相似文献   

前牙龈下牙折的处理,因需保持健康的牙周组织而较为复杂。在这类牙折的治疗设计中,牙折的泣置和范围很重要,而严重的龈下牙折之治疗设计更重要。本文根据龈下牙折的深度,分为四种类型。提出各类型的治疗选择,并重点指出为取得良好的龈关系而作的最佳预先处理。分类(如图) 1型:龈下牙折的折断线位于附着龈平面  相似文献   

牙折裂的临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据对582例冠折、冠根折、隐裂患牙的临床分析,从不同牙位发生折裂机率不同的角度,提出了作者的一些观点和建议。  相似文献   

前牙龈下冠折根牵引后的桩冠修复   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的 :研究临床龈下冠折低于牙龈 2mm以上断面牙根的桩冠修复方法。方法 :在根管内磷酸锌粘固一个小于根长 1/ 2的 1 0mm不锈钢丝 ,通过橡皮圈 ,固定在唇弓上牵引 ,2~ 4周后 ,当断牙根面与相邻牙龈缘平齐或龈下 0 5mm位置时 ,用金属丝固定 3月后 ,修整断牙根周牙龈组织后 ,桩冠修复。结果 :1988年至 1998年临床前牙冠根折唇断面在龈下 2mm以上且经完善根管治疗后共治疗 12 6例患者 ,14 7颗牙齿 ,通过信函调查发现 4 9例烤瓷桩冠有 3例牙根再次折断后拔除 ,其余患者均满意。结论 :前牙龈下冠折牙根牵引后桩冠修复克服了以往在断根处直接修复易引起牙龈牙周疾病的缺点 ,比切除唇侧牙龈使牙根暴露更能获得较为满意的功能及美学效果。  相似文献   

目的:研究隐裂牙牙尖斜度对其折裂模式的影响,并制定折裂危险等级评分及治疗方案。方法:将40颗上颌前磨牙随机分为4组,前3组制备成不同牙尖斜度的隐裂牙模型,第4组不做处理作为对照组。所有试样进行压应力实验,记录折裂模式和危险等级,进行统计学分析。结果:就折裂模式:第1、2组试样发生冠根折数目较冠折多,第3组全部发生冠根折,第4组全部为冠折;就折裂危险分级:第1、2组发生III级折裂较多,第3组发生IV级折裂较多,第4组仅发生Ⅰ、Ⅱ级折裂,经随机区组秩和检验,第3组和第4组折裂危险等级与其余各组间有显著统计学差异(P<0.05),第1、2组间无统计学差异。结论:隐裂牙比正常牙齿更易发生复杂折裂。隐裂牙随着牙尖斜度增大到一定角度,折裂模式更加复杂,折裂危险等级也愈高,治疗预后越差。  相似文献   

牙折裂治疗修复后的追踪观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

牙体牵引术保留断面位于龈下患牙的初步效果   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 探讨牙体牵引术在治疗断面位于龈下患牙的作用和效果。方法 对15例患者,要奶管治疗后采用正畸牵引或可摘式铸造牵引装置牵引牙根1.5-3mm,固定1-2月后常规桩核+烤瓷冠修复。结果 15例患者, 牵引距离最长的1例,1年后因松动度增大(Ⅱ度)及再次外伤后拔除,其余14例功能恢复良好。结论 牙体牵引术能有效地使断缘位于龈下2.5mm以内的患牙露出龈缘,从而为后续修复创造出良好的固位条件以及健康的牙周环境。  相似文献   

Abstract – Traumatic injuries to the chin are not uncommon in children. Nevertheless, crown fractures, which are common sequelae to this type of injury, might be overlooked, especially if dental care is not sought immediately after a visit to a non‐dental facility. The present case report reviews the delayed diagnosis and treatment outcome of a bilateral posterior complicated crown fracture affecting mandibular second primary molars in a young child. Pharmacologic and orthodontic considerations are also discussed in the paper.  相似文献   



To present a long term follow up clinical case in which a compromised anterior tooth was saved by a surgical extrusion procedure.


Although different techniques have been suggested for clinical crown lengthening in the anterior zone, some of them have limitations in terms of aesthetics and procedural requirements. The current case report demonstrates how a simplified surgical extrusion procedure was successfully performed for saving a severely damaged anterior tooth; furthermore, it is possible to apply the technique described in this case using minimum and simple armamentarium like a scalpel, elevators, forceps and splinting flexible cord.

Key-learning points

Saving severely compromised anterior teeth is possible by applying surgical extrusion techniques when crown-root ratio allows it. Risk of root resorption or ankylosis is minimum.  相似文献   

Facial prosthesis is generally considered over surgical reconstruction to restore function and appearance in patients with facial defects that resulted from cancer resection. Retention of the prosthesis is challenging due to its size and weight. Retention can be achieved by using medical grade adhesives, resilient attachments, clips and osseointegrated implants. It can also be connected to obturator by magnets. This clinical report highlights the rehabilitation of a lateral midfacial defect with a two piece prosthesis that included an extra oral facial prosthesis and an intraoral obturator with the use of magnets.  相似文献   

Root fractures involve damage to pulp, cementum, dentin, and periodontal ligaments. These injuries affect 0.5% to 7% of permanent teeth. Cervical root fractures are less frequently seen and have a worse prognosis compared with the fractures in the apical or middle third of the root. This case report describes the treatment of a cervical root fracture in a maxillary central incisor. After removal of the coronal fragment, the root was filled temporarily with calcium hydroxide and orthodontic extrusion was initiated. The remaining root portion was elevated above the epithelial attachment and a successful coronal restoration was made using the natural crown of the traumatized tooth.  相似文献   

《Journal of orthodontics》2013,40(3):156-160

This paper is the first to describe dental findings and orthodontic characteristics of a young adult patient with Lowe syndrome. This syndrome is a rare genetic disorder inherited by a sex-linked pattern, involving primarily the kidneys, eyes and nervous system, which also present oral manifestations. This paper also present the results of careful extra and intra-oral evaluations and the findings of panoramic and cephalometric radiographs of an 18-year-old male with Lowe syndrome.  相似文献   

We report the case of 27-year-old female patient applied to our clinic with several pain at her upper teeth and weakness complaints. Anamnesis revealed that she experienced laser gingivectomy to have remarkable teeth. Clinical examination showed that maxillar alveolar bone was partially uncovered with gingivae and periosteum. Interproximal necrosed area was observed. She had sensitivity at her maxillar anterior teeth. Furthermore, she was so anxious and depressed. In order to ensure more blood supply and clot formation, perforations on uncovered cortical bone was prepared. Avoiding from infection antibiotic, antiseptic gel and for epithelization vitamin E gel were prescribed. During one month she was recalled every third day. Recall times diminished periodically, as new tissue evolves. Although laser’s irreversible photothermal effects on soft and hard tissue, after a year all denuded areas were covered with healthy tissues without any surgical procedures. Histopathologic comparing showed severe lymphocyte infiltration and increased fibrosis and kollagenization in restored gingiva, additionally epithelial loss was observed. Since there is not a case report about the complications of laser gingivectomy in literature, we tried to represent a treatment plan that may be elucidative for clinicians.  相似文献   

Abstract – A case report of the treatment of permanent incisors with crown and root fractures is presented. A radiolucent lesion at the fracture lines was treated with calcium hydroxide in the coronal fragments for 18 months. Clinically, the teeth became firm and the radiographic results after 2 years showed healing of the lesion and hard tissue filling in the space at the fracture lines.  相似文献   

低位近中阻生的下颌第二磨牙常由于牙冠暴露不足及第三磨牙的影响较难矫治,本病例利用下颌舌弓增强支抗,自制颊侧弹簧加力竖直阻生的下颌第二磨牙,操作简单,治疗速度快,效果好。  相似文献   

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