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A Last Gift     
Here at the Center, we had the privilege of seeing how Dan Callahan lived out his last days and weeks. True to his nature, Dan never stopped thinking or writing. Indeed, his wife Sidney told me that he finished his last essay one day before his death, on July 16th, insisting that she help him get to the computer so he could discuss it with a colleague. “It's my last one,” he told her with his characteristic self‐awareness. Dan also chose the last topic he would focus on: climate change. At a December 2018 board meeting, Dan presented his desire to develop a workshop to explore the ways in which bioethics in general, and The Hastings Center in particular, might be able to make a valuable contribution to addressing the problem of global warming.  相似文献   

As a student in bioethics, I knew that The Hastings Center and its founders were the height of excellence in this field, and therefore I found them both intimidating and intriguing. When I began working there, Dan Callahan was supportive of my endeavors to provide a venue for students and other young writers to express their views on bioethics. I started my own blog called Bioethx under 25 that featured short essays by anyone who wished to submit, generally individuals who had a genuine philosophical interest but were not yet at the level of pursuing a Ph.D. Dan's support of my project culminated in his sponsorship of the Daniel Callahan Young Writer's Prize, an essay contest run through the blog. This was one of the many ways he demonstrated that making theoretical contributions to bioethics should not be limited to a select few.  相似文献   

Over email a few days after the death of Daniel Callahan, cofounder of The Hastings Center and for many years its director and then president, Joseph Fins, a longtime Hastings colleague, offered this comfort: “[H]enceforth every issue of the Report is a living memorial to Dan the writer, editor, and institution builder.” In the Hastings Center Report's first issue, published in June 1971, Dan stated, “To say that [the work of the Report] must be multi‐disciplinary is only to say the issues [it will address] are as complex as human beings themselves.” This July–August 2019 issue continues the tradition Dan began. An essay by Laura Guidry‐Grimes expands on the importance of interdisciplinary conversations and problem solving—and attends to the complexity of human beings—in recalling a patient who was failed by multiple social institutions. In the lead article, a team of authors led by James Sabin identifies a challenge to conducting ethical research within learning health organizations, where research and care are integrated with the aid of patient data from health insurance providers.  相似文献   

For someone with an outsized influence on a field he helped to create, Dan Callahan was anything but overbearing. Physically compact, thin, and wiry in older age, he spoke at the rapid speed of his mind. Soon after I met him—when I was on the cusp of what would become a year‐long residency at The Hastings Center—I found myself seated in his decidedly quaint living room. Dan told a story that evening, one of many that has stuck in my head. It seemed to encapsulate his moral mindset and, in a way, his broader vision for bioethics. I am sure he has told the story many times to many people, but here it is as I recall it.  相似文献   

The authors of “A Conceptual Model for the Translation of Bioethics Research and Scholarship” argue that bioethics must respond to institutional pressures by demonstrating that it is having an impact in the world. Any impact, the authors observe, must be “informed” by the goals of the discipline of bioethics. The concept of bioethics as a discipline is central to their argument. They begin by citing an essay that Daniel Callahan wrote in the first issue of Hastings Center Studies. Callahan argued in this 1973 piece that bioethics had yet to attain the status of a discipline, and he lauded the freedom of being able to define a new discipline. Callahan's essay shares with Mathews and colleague's a peculiarity: neither ever defines what it means to refer to something as a “discipline.” To define a discipline does mean attending to the intended end product of scholarly activity, so I concur with Mathews et al.’s focus on outcomes. But I am concerned that in their argument they confusingly entangle their understanding of an academic discipline's internal goals, its telos, with its potential to have an impact on the external world, its praxis. The confusion that this can bring exposes what I believe is a profound problem within bioethics, the discipline's peculiar and at times intellectually hazardous relationship with its institutional hosts.  相似文献   

This January-February 2020 issue marks the start of the Hastings Center Report's fiftieth volume. The issue introduces the column Looking Back, Looking Forward, which we plan to run in this volume only. Conceived by Hastings Center fellows Douglas Diekema and Lainie Friedman Ross, the column will explore the significance of landmark publications from the first fifty years of bioethics. For the first installment, Diekema looks at the unconventional moral position Hans Jonas took in his 1969 essay “Philosophical Reflections on Experimenting with Human Subjects.” In the lead article, “Trust, Risk, and Race in American Medicine,” Laura Specker Sullivan contextualizes patient mistrust within a history of racism in general and in the nation's biomedical research and clinical institutions specifically. Specker Sullivan proposes ways for individual clinicians to improve relationships with distrustful patients and their families. Two commentaries provide additional insights and recommendations about the work of earning patient trust.  相似文献   

This year marks The Hastings Center's fortieth anniversary. These essays examine the four core issues that the early Center identified as its domain. Cofounder Daniel Callahan takes up population control, noting that the concern has shifted from overpopulation to underpopulation, but that the central issue remains—respect for procreative freedom and recognition of its profound social effects. Writing on behavioral control, cofounder Willard Gaylin recalls that this issue arose alongside early discoveries about the brain‐behavior link and the desire to find ways to modify undesirable behavior, causing a reassessment of what is “normal.” Robert Veatch, among the Center's first staff members, discusses death and dying—including the ongoing controversy over defining death. Thomas Murray, president, revisits the Center's work on ethical issues in human genetics. Though that work began in 1971, when genetic counseling was in its infancy and genetic engineering was unheard of, Murray finds it “remarkably prescient.”  相似文献   

I met Dan Callahan in 1986—when I came to pitch him. Coming from a sleek office setting near Boston, I was intrigued by The Hastings Center's higgledy‐piggledy environment where so many smart people got to work in a relaxed, inviting atmosphere. I had noticed that the Center was producing a great deal of policy work on a wide range of topics but didn't seem to go further than publishing the highly valuable guidance developed under Dan Callahan's leadership. I ended my pitch, “Look, Dan, where Hastings gets bored and wants to go on to the next topic, my group in Boston gets interested.” To my great pleasure, and despite his skepticism, Dan accepted the pitch. Beyond his generous responsiveness to unproven young people, Dan had many other virtues. For one, he was a boundary crosser.  相似文献   

My thirteen years as president of Hastings have been rich in solidarity. Now for some solitude, and a new adventure: Cynthia and I will relocate to Cape Cod, a place rich in family memories. I'll explore the roads and trails on my bicycle and, if I can become a competent kayaker, the waterways. Some of my best thinking has come while riding. I'll have a study there, a place to think and write. I will continue to support the initiatives we've begun at the Center, especially bioethics in the public interest and the flourishing of bioethics internationally. The challenge is to balance solitude and solidarity. Next year I'll be the Terry Visiting Scholar at Yale, a wonderful chance to discuss ideas with students and faculty there. I'm considering other opportunities to share what I've learned and to learn from others. To everyone, thanks for your patience, wisdom, and support. May your next adventure be surprising and fulfilling.  相似文献   

Susan Gilbert 《The Hastings Center report》2020,50(2):inside_front_cover-inside_front_cover
Shortly after Wuhan, the city where the novel coronavirus was first identified, was placed on lockdown in January, I received an email from two Hastings Center fellows in China: Renzong Qiu, of Renmin University of China in Beijing, and Ruipeng Lei, of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan. Attached was a post for our blog, Hastings Bioethics Forum, that raised ethical and legal questions about China's response. “Hegel says, ‘We learn from history that we do not learn from history,’” their piece began. “The recurrence of the coronavirus epidemic in China proves his insight to be right.” This bold report from bioethicists in China was courageous and eye-opening. It was among the first discussions in bioethics of what has since become a global crisis, and it turned out to be the first in a string of commentaries in Hastings Bioethics Forum with insights about the crisis, the issues it raises, and how the world should respond to it.  相似文献   

Did Dan Callahan know the calling he was displaying in his own work and offering to others in the special intellectual garden of The Hastings Center, which he cocreated, with Will Gaylin, and went on to prune and tend for nearly four decades? I would say, yes, he knew what he was about. Successful people usually have self‐confidence and drive in abundance, but in Dan's case, there was something more profound and interesting at work. Having gone through the endnotes of his latest book one day, I asked him how he found time to read so widely. He said he had learned to be an efficient skimmer who could pull out the nuggets he valued from another's work because he had a few magnetic ideas from which he would brook no distraction.  相似文献   

Solomon MZ 《The Hastings Center report》2012,42(4):2p preceeding 2
When Dan Callahan and Will Gaylin began The Hastings Center, they saw and sought to study the unseen. They were among the very first to recognize that remarkable advances in biomedical technology were generating questions our society had never before faced. As I take the helm of The Hastings Center forty‐plus years later, it's now my job to be sure we see, name, grapple with, and act on today's questions. Over the next two years, the Center will engage its scholars, our Fellows, other bioethicists, scientists, social science and humanities scholars, health care policy‐makers, and key stakeholders such as journalists, educators, and patients in defining today's set of critical questions.  相似文献   

In the September‐October 2001 issue of the Hastings Center Report, editor Gregory Kaebnick encouraged bioethicists to turn their attention toward “easily overlooked, relatively little‐talked‐about societal topics” such as race. In 2000 the president of the American Society for Bioethics had called for a more socially conscious bioethics. Race was risky territory, Kaebnick pointed out, but this challenge did not justify avoidance. Over the next fifteen years, the response to this editor's invitation to examine the racial dimensions of medicine in the Report was limited both in quantity and in terms of the range of topics covered. All told, the bioethics community has not responded to the editor's call for bioethicists to engage with the racial dimension of medicine, and the Report has not really come through on the tacit commitment made in 2001. The lack of interest in race matters evidenced in the Report as well as the American Journal of Bioethics has also prevailed in medical humanities journals, whose few pieces on race have tended to remove race relations from our current realities in two ways: some articles locate medical racism in the American past or in colonial Africa, while others analyze the medical disorders of fictional characters. Bioethicists have not embraced the opportunity to create a sociologically and historically informed bioethics that might be applied to the lives of black Americans and their unending health crisis.  相似文献   

In 2019, The Hastings Center will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary. It is more than a bit staggering to think how far we have come since 1969. When I floated the idea of a center on bioethics to my friend and neighbor, psychiatrist Willard Gaylin, at a Christmas party in 1968—even before the word “bioethics” was used—I had only the fuzziest idea of where that would take us. Neither Will nor I had run anything, nor did we know how to raise money to support an organization. We would and did learn how, but much of what we did in those early years was made up on the fly. We not only had to invent an organization but no less to invent a field of research and education on issues still little noticed by the public or academics. Out of curiosity, I recently googled “bioethics.” I was astonished at what I found and by the sheer quantity of what is going on.  相似文献   

As part of the celebrations of The Hastings Center’s fiftieth anniversary, we are launching an annual prize, The David Roscoe Award for an Early‐Career Scholar’s Essay on Science, Ethics, and Society. The award is named in honor of David Roscoe, an accomplished essayist and recent past chair of the Hastings board. The award is intended to highlight the good scholarship that will take the field of bioethics forward into the next fifty years. It will recognize an early‐career scholar—someone who either is currently pursuing a relevant academic degree or has earned one within the last six years—for a published essay on the social and ethical implications of advances in science and technology. More information about the award, along with online submission forms, is available on The Hastings Center’s website.  相似文献   

The social and medical ethos within which bioethics emerged in the late 1960s and early 1970s was constituted in part by religious questions and religious thinkers. However, this identifiably religious influence on bioethics subsequently seemed to decline. How has this diminished impact come about, and what significance, if any, does it hold for the ways we now do bioethics? What difference, finally, do religious perspectives make for bioethics? These were the overarching questions that led the Hastings Center to initiate a research project on the relation of Religion and Bioethics, culminating in this special supplement to the Hastings Center Report.  相似文献   

In May 2016, right around the time that this issue of the Hastings Center Report should be published, The Hastings Center is holding a conference in New York City titled “Bioethics Meets Moral Psychology.” The goal of the conference is to consider the lessons that bioethicists should learn from the raft of literature now accumulating on how the mental processes of perception, emotion, and thinking affect things that bioethicists care about, from the education of health care professionals to the conflicts that arise in clinical care, the “culture wars” over bioethical policy issues, the status of different cultures’ value systems, and the very understanding of the values that are foundational in moral thinking. The articles in this issue simply provide more evidence that bioethics is meeting moral psychology.  相似文献   

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