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Reaching movements made to targets during exposure to passive constant velocity rotation show significant endpoint errors. By contrast, reaching movements made during voluntary rotation of the torso are accurate. In both cases, as a consequence of the simultaneous motion of the arm and the torso, Coriolis forces are generated on the arm tending to deflect its path. Our goal in the present paper was to determine whether during voluntary torso rotations arm movement accuracy is preserved by feed forward compensations for self-generated Coriolis forces. To test this hypothesis we analyzed and quantified the contribution of torso rotation and translation to arm dynamics and compared the kinematics and kinetics of pointing movements during voluntary and passive torso rotation. Coriolis torques at the shoulder increase nearly sixfold in voluntary turn and reach movements relative to reaches made without torso rotation, yet are equally accurate. Coriolis torques during voluntary turn and reach movements are more than double those produced by reaching movements during passive body rotation at 60°/s. Nevertheless, the endpoints of the reaches made during voluntary rotation are not deviated, but those of reaches made during passive rotation are deviated in the direction of the Coriolis forces generated during the movements. We conclude that there is anticipatory pre-programmed compensation for self-generated Coriolis forces during voluntary torso rotation contingent on intended torso motion and arm trajectory.  相似文献   

When reaching movements are made during passive constant velocity body rotation, inertial Coriolis accelerations are generated that displace both movement paths and endpoints in their direction. These findings directly contradict equilibrium point theories of movement control. However, it has been argued that these movement errors relate to subjects sensing their body rotation through continuing vestibular activity and making corrective movements. In the present study, we evaluated the reaching movements of five labyrinthine-defective subjects (lacking both semicircular canal and otolith function) who cannot sense passive body rotation in the dark and five age-matched, normal control subjects. Each pointed 40 times in complete darkness to the location of a just extinguished visual target before, during, and after constant velocity rotation at 10 rpm in the center of a fully enclosed slow rotation room. All subjects, including the normal controls, always felt completely stationary when making their movements. During rotation, both groups initially showed large deviations of their movement paths and endpoints in the direction of the transient Coriolis forces generated by their movements. With additional per-rotation movements, both groups showed complete adaptation of movement curvature (restoration of straight-line reaches) during rotation. The labyrinthine-defective subjects, however, failed to regain fully accurate movement endpoints after 40 reaches, unlike the control subjects who did so within 11 reaches. Postrotation, both groups' movements initially had mirror image curvatures to their initial per-rotation reaches; the endpoint aftereffects were significantly different from prerotation baseline for the control subjects but not for the labyrinthine-defective subjects reflecting the smaller amount of endpoint adaptation they achieved during rotation. The labyrinthine-defective subjects' movements had significantly lower peak velocity, higher peak elevation, lower terminal velocity, and a more vertical touchdown than those of the control subjects. Thus the way their reaches terminated denied them the somatosensory contact cues necessary for full endpoint adaptation. These findings fully contradict equilibrium point theories of movement control. They emphasize the importance of contact cues in adaptive movement control and indicate that movement errors generated by Coriolis perturbations of limb movements reveal characteristics of motor planning and adaptation in both healthy and clinical populations.  相似文献   

When reaching movements involve simultaneous trunk rotation, additional interaction torques are generated on the arm that are absent when the trunk is stable. To explore whether the CNS compensates for such self-generated interaction torques, we recorded hand trajectories in reaching tasks involving various amplitudes and velocities of arm extension and trunk rotation. Subjects pointed to three targets on a surface slightly above waist level. Two of the target locations were chosen so that a similar arm configuration relative to the trunk would be required for reaching to them, one of these targets requiring substantial trunk rotation, the other very little. Significant trunk rotation was necessary to reach the third target, but the arm's radial distance to the body remained virtually unchanged. Subjects reached at two speeds-a natural pace (slow) and rapidly (fast)-under normal lighting and in total darkness. Trunk angular velocity and finger velocity relative to the trunk were higher in the fast conditions but were not affected by the presence or absence of vision. Peak trunk velocity increased with increasing trunk rotation up to a maximum of 200 degrees /s. In slow movements, peak finger velocity relative to the trunk was smaller when trunk rotation was necessary to reach the targets. In fast movements, peak finger velocity was approximately 1.7 m/s for all targets. Finger trajectories were more curved when reaching movements involved substantial trunk rotation; however, the terminal errors and the maximal deviation of the trajectory from a straight line were comparable in slow and fast movements. This pattern indicates that the larger Coriolis, centripetal, and inertial interaction torques generated during rapid reaches were compensated by additional joint torques. Trajectory characteristics did not vary with the presence or absence of vision, indicating that visual feedback was unnecessary for anticipatory compensations. In all reaches involving trunk rotation, the finger movement generally occurred entirely during the trunk movement, indicating that the CNS did not minimize Coriolis forces incumbent on trunk rotation by sequencing the arm and trunk motions into a turn followed by a reach. A simplified model of the arm/trunk system revealed that additional interaction torques generated on the arm during voluntary turning and reaching were equivalent to < or =1.8 g (1 g = 9.81 m/s(2)) of external force at the elbow but did not degrade performance. In slow-rotation room studies involving reaching movements during passive rotation, Coriolis forces as small as 0.2 g greatly deflect movement trajectories and endpoints. We conclude that compensatory motor innervations are engaged in a predictive fashion to counteract impending self-generated interaction torques during voluntary reaching movements.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that the point-to-point reaching movements of subjects seated in a dark, rotating room demonstrate errors in movement trajectories and endpoints, consistent with the direction of the Coriolis force perturbations created by room rotation. Adaptation of successive reaches and the presence of postrotation aftereffects have indicated that subjects form internal models of the Coriolis field dynamics in order to make appropriate movement corrections. It has been argued that these findings are inconsistent with predictions of peripheral stabilization assumed in equilibrium-point models of motor control. A possibility that has been raised, however, is that the Coriolis field findings may in fact stem from changes in control commands elicited due to the magnitude and destabilizing nature of the Coriolis perturbations. That is, it has been suggested that a perturbation threshold exists, below which central reactions are not necessary in order to maintain movement stability. We tested the existence of a perturbation threshold in normal-speed reaching movements. Twelve normal human subjects performed non-visually guided reaching movements while grasping a robotic manipulandum. The endpoints and trajectory deviations of their movements were measured before, during, and after a position-dependent force field (similar to a Coriolis field in terms of the time history of applied forces) was applied to their movements. We examined the responses to a range of perturbation field strengths from small to considerable. Our experimental results demonstrated a substantial adaptation response over the entire range of perturbation field magnitudes examined. Neither the amount of adaptation after 5 trials nor after 25 trials was found to change as disturbance magnitudes decreased. These findings indicate that there is an adaptive response even for small perturbations; i.e., threshold behavior was not found. This result contradicts the assertion that peripheral stabilization mechanisms enable the central controller to ignore small details of peripheral or environmental dynamics. Our findings instead point to a central dynamic modeler that is both highly sensitive and continually active. The results of our study also showed that subjects were able to maintain baseline pointing accuracies despite exposure to perturbation forces of sizeable magnitude (more than 7 N).  相似文献   

The ability of our sensorimotor system to adapt to changing and complex environmental demands has been under experimental scrutiny for more than a century. Previous works have shown that aimed arm movements adapt quickly and completely to Coriolis force, but incompletely to the combination of Coriolis and centrifugal forces without visual cues. Two hypotheses may be advanced to explain this discrepancy: the workspace-exploration hypothesis, and the degraded-proprioception hypothesis. The aim of this study was to distinguish between the above two alternatives by comparing adaptive improvement during off-axis rotation in subjects pointing at one, three or seven different targets in complete darkness. Two main results emerge: (a) off-axis rotation led initially to errors in the direction of Coriolis force and in the opposite direction of the centrifugal force; (b) the size of the visited workspace has no effect on the way the subjects adapt to a multi-force environment. The lack of a target-number effect and the persistence of lateral errors in the pointing movements performed during rotation of the platform, support the degraded-proprioception rather than the workspace-exploration hypothesis of adaptation to a multi-force environment.  相似文献   

Reaching movements made to visual targets in a rotating room are initially deviated in path and endpoint in the direction of transient Coriolis forces generated by the motion of the arm relative to the rotating environment. With additional reaches, movements become progressively straighter and more accurate. Such adaptation can occur even in the absence of visual feedback about movement progression or terminus. Here we examined whether congenitally blind and sighted subjects without visual feedback would demonstrate adaptation to Coriolis forces when they pointed to a haptically specified target location. Subjects were tested pre-, per-, and postrotation at 10 rpm counterclockwise. Reaching to straight ahead targets prerotation, both groups exhibited slightly curved paths. Per-rotation, both groups showed large initial deviations of movement path and curvature but within 12 reaches on average had returned to prerotation curvature levels and endpoints. Postrotation, both groups showed mirror image patterns of curvature and endpoint to the per-rotation pattern. The groups did not differ significantly on any of the performance measures. These results provide compelling evidence that motor adaptation to Coriolis perturbations can be achieved on the basis of proprioceptive, somatosensory, and motor information in the complete absence of visual experience.  相似文献   

We investigated whether pointing movements made with the torso would adapt to movement-contingent augmentation or attenuation of their spatial amplitude. The pointing task required subjects standing on a platform in the dark to orient the mid-sagittal plane of their torso to the remembered locations of just extinguished platform-fixed visual targets without moving their feet. Subjects alternated pointing at two chest-high targets, 60° apart, (1) in a baseline period with the stance platform stationary, (2) during exposure to concomitant contra or ipsiversive platform rotations that grew incrementally to 50% of the velocity of torso rotation, and (3) after return in one step to stationary platform conditions. The velocity and amplitude of torso movements relative to space decreased 25–50% during exposure to contraversive platform rotations and increased 20–50% during ipsiversive rotations. Torso rotation kinematics relative to the platform (as well as the platform-fixed targets and feet) remained virtually constant throughout the incremental exposure period. Subjects were unaware of the altered motion of their body in space imposed by the platform and did not perceive their motor adjustments. Upon return to stationary conditions, torso rotation movements were smaller and slower following adaptation to contraversive rotations and larger and faster after ipsiversive platform rotations. These results indicate a rapid sensory-motor recalibration to the altered relationship between spatial (inertial) torso motion and intended torso motion relative to the feet, and rapid re-adaptation to normal conditions. The adaptive system producing such robust torso regulation provides a critical basis for control of arm, head, and eye movements.  相似文献   

We have developed an inverse dynamics model of unrestrained natural reaching movements. Such movements are usually not planar and often involve complex deformation of the shoulder girdle as well as rotary and linear torso motion. Our model takes as its input kinematic data about the positions of the finger, wrist, elbow, left and right acromion processes, and the sternum and produces the torques and forces developed at the shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints. The model can also be used to simulate the consequences of introducing passive torso rotation or linear acceleration on arm movements and to simulate the consequences of applying mechanical perturbations to the reaching limb. It separately quantifies the contributions of inertial forces resulting from torso rotation and translation. In experimental paradigms involving arm movements, different dynamic components can be present such as active or passive torso rotation and translation, external forces and Coriolis forces. Our model provides a means of evaluating the different sources of force and the total muscle force needed to control the trajectory of the arm in their presence.
Simone B. BortolamiEmail:

 Invariant patterns in the distribution of the endpoints of reaching movements have been used to suggest that two important movement parameters of reaching movements, direction and extent, are planned by two independent processing channels. This study examined this hypothesis by testing the effect of task conditions on variable errors of direction and extent of reaching movements. Subjects made reaching movements to 25 target locations in a horizontal workspace, in two main task conditions. In task 1, subjects looked directly at the target location on the horizontal workspace before closing their eyes and pointing to it. In task 2, arm movements were made to the same target locations in the same horizontal workspace, but target location was displayed on a vertical screen in front of the subjects. For both tasks, variable errors of movement extent (on-axis error) were greater than for movement direction (off-axis error). As a result, the spatial distributions of endpoints about a given target usually formed an ellipse, with the principal axis oriented in the mean movement direction. Also, both on- and off-axis errors increased with movement amplitude. However, the magnitude of errors, especially on-axis errors, scaled differently with movement amplitude in the two task conditions. This suggests that variable errors of direction and extent can be modified independently by changing the nature of the sensorimotor transformations required to plan the movements. This finding is further evidence that the direction and extent of reaching movements appear to be controlled independently by the motor system. Received: 8 October 1996 / Accepted: 14 January 1997  相似文献   

When submitted to a visuomotor rotation, subjects show rapid adaptation of visually guided arm reaching movements, indicated by a progressive reduction in reaching errors. In this study, we wanted to make a step forward by investigating to what extent this adaptation also implies changes into the motor plan. Up to now, classical visuomotor rotation paradigms have been performed on the horizontal plane, where the reaching motor plan in general requires the same kinematics (i.e., straight path and symmetric velocity profile). To overcome this limitation, we considered vertical and horizontal movement directions requiring specific velocity profiles. This way, a change in the motor plan due to the visuomotor conflict would be measurable in terms of a modification in the velocity profile of the reaching movement. Ten subjects performed horizontal and vertical reaching movements while observing a rotated visual feedback of their motion. We found that adaptation to a visuomotor rotation produces a significant change in the motor plan, i.e., changes to the symmetry of velocity profiles. This suggests that the central nervous system takes into account the visual information to plan a future motion, even if this causes the adoption of nonoptimal motor plans in terms of energy consumption. However, the influence of vision on arm movement planning is not fixed, but rather changes as a function of the visual orientation of the movement. Indeed, a clear influence on motion planning can be observed only when the movement is visually presented as oriented along the vertical direction. Thus vision contributes differently to the planning of arm pointing movements depending on motion orientation in space.  相似文献   

Nine infants were tested, at the age of onset of reaching, seated on their parent’s lap and reaching for a small plastic toy. Kinematic analysis revealed that infants largely used shoulder and torso rotation to move their hands to the toy. Many changes in hand direction were observed during reaching, with later direction changes correcting for earlier directional errors. Approximately half of the infants started many reaches by bringing their hands backward or upward to a starting location that was similar across reaches. Individual infants often achieved highly similar peak speeds across their reaches. These results support the hypothesis that infants reduce the complexity of movement by using a limited number of degrees-of-freedom, which could simplify and accelerate the learning process. The proximodistal direction of maturation of the neural and muscular systems appears to restrict arm and hand movement in a way that simplifies learning to reach. Received: 27 July 1998 / Accepted: 26 March 1999  相似文献   

Reaching for an object while simultaneously rotating induces Coriolis and centrifugal inertial forces on the arm that require compensatory actions to maintain accuracy. We investigated whether the nervous system uses vestibular signals of head rotation to predict inertial forces. Human subjects reached in darkness to a remembered target 33 cm distant. Subjects were stationary, but experienced a strong vestibular rotation signal. We achieved this by rotating subjects at 360°/s in yaw for 2 min and then stopping, and subjects reached during the ‘post-rotary’ period when the deceleration is interpreted by the vestibular system as a rotation in the opposite direction. Arm trajectories were straight in control trials without a rotary stimulus. With vestibular stimulation, trajectory curvature increased an average of 3 cm in the direction of the vestibular stimulation (e.g., to the right for a rightward yaw stimulus). Vestibular-induced curvature returned rapidly to normal, with an average time constant of 6 s. Movements also became longer as the vestibular stimulus diminished, and returned towards normal length with an average time constant of 5.6 s. In a second experiment we compared reaching with preferred and non-preferred hands, and found that they were similarly affected by vestibular stimulation. The reach curvatures were in the expected direction if the nervous system anticipated and attempted to counteract the presence of Coriolis forces based on the vestibular signals. Similarly, the shorter reaches may have occurred because the nervous system was attempting to compensate for an expected centrifugal force. Since vestibular stimulation also alters the perceived location of targets, vestibular signals probably influence all stages of the sensorimotor pathway transforming the desired goal of a reach into specific motor-unit innervation.  相似文献   

Eye-hand coordination requires the brain to integrate visual information with the continuous changes in eye, head, and arm positions. This is a geometrically complex process because the eyes, head, and shoulder have different centers of rotation. As a result, head rotation causes the eye to translate with respect to the shoulder. The present study examines the consequences of this geometry for planning accurate arm movements in a pointing task with the head at different orientations. When asked to point at an object, subjects oriented their arm to position the fingertip on the line running from the target to the viewing eye. But this eye-target line shifts when the eyes translate with each new head orientation, thereby requiring a new arm pointing direction. We confirmed that subjects do realign their fingertip with the eye-target line during closed-loop pointing across various horizontal head orientations when gaze is on target. More importantly, subjects also showed this head-position-dependent pattern of pointing responses for the same paradigm performed in complete darkness. However, when gaze was not on target, compensation for these translations in the rotational centers partially broke down. As a result, subjects tended to overshoot the target direction relative to current gaze; perhaps explaining previously reported errors in aiming the arm to retinally peripheral targets. These results suggest that knowledge of head position signals and the resulting relative displacements in the centers of rotation of the eye and shoulder are incorporated using open-loop mechanisms for eye-hand coordination, but these translations are best calibrated for foveated, gaze-on-target movements.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to further understand how the brain represents spatial information for shaping aiming movements to targets. Both behavioral and neurophysiological studies have shown that the brain represents spatial memory for reaching targets in an eye-fixed frame. To date, these studies have only shown how the brain stores and updates target locations for generating a single arm movement. But once a target's location has been computed relative to the hand to program a pointing movement, is that information reused for subsequent movements to the same location? Or is the remembered target location reconverted from eye to motor coordinates each time a pointing movement is made? To test between these two possibilities, we had subjects point twice to the remembered location of a previously foveated target after shifting their gaze to the opposite side of the target site before each pointing movement. When we compared the direction of pointing errors for the second movement to those of the first, we found that errors for each movement varied as a function of current gaze so that pointing endpoints fell on opposite sides of the remembered target site in the same trial. Our results suggest that when shaping multiple pointing movements to the same location the brain does not use information from the previous arm movement such as an arm-fixed representation of the target but instead mainly uses the updated eye-fixed representation of the target to recalculate its location into the appropriate motor frame.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to determine whether gaze direction provides a control signal for movement direction for a pointing task requiring a step and to gain insight into why discrepancies previously identified in the literature for endpoint accuracy with gaze directed eccentrically exist. Straight arm pointing movements were performed to real and remembered target locations, either toward or 30° eccentric to gaze direction. Pointing occurred in normal room lighting or darkness while subjects sat, stood still or side-stepped left or right. Trunk rotation contributed 22–65% to gaze orientations when it was not constrained. Error differences for different target locations explained discrepancies among previous experiments. Variable pointing errors were influenced by gaze direction, while mean systematic pointing errors and trunk orientations were influenced by step direction. These data support the use of a control strategy that relies on gaze direction and equilibrium inputs for whole-body goal-directed movements.  相似文献   

Summary Some aspects of the manner in which the central nervous system uses sensory information for the guidance of eye and arm movements were investigated. When subjects experience apparent motion of their restrained forearm, induced by vibration of their biceps muscle in the dark, they are able to pursue with their eyes at least part of this motion and to point with their nonvibrated limb to the apparent location of the vibrated arm. The presence of a small target light on the vibrated hand limits the extent of illusory change in limb position and results in illusory motion of the target light in the same direction as the arm motion. When asked to indicate the spatial position of the light or hand, subjects still point with their nonvibrated arm to the apparent locations. Although visual pursuit of the illusory motion of the forearm can still be elicited in the presence of the target light on the hand, the subjects' eyes remain steadily fixating the stationary target light when they are instructed to track its illusory motion. These findings demonstrate that sensory and motor factors affecting the perception of visual direction and the guidance of arm and eye movements can be differentially employed at several levels of central nervous control.  相似文献   

Movement of the body, head, or eyes with respect to the world creates one of the most common yet complex situations in which the visuomotor system must localize objects. In this situation, vestibular, proprioceptive, and extra-retinal information contribute to accurate visuomotor control. The utility of retinal motion information, on the other hand, is questionable, since a single pattern of retinal motion can be produced by any number of head or eye movements. Here we investigated whether retinal motion during a smooth pursuit eye movement contributes to visuomotor control. When subjects pursued a moving object with their eyes and reached to the remembered location of a separate stationary target, the presence of a moving background significantly altered the endpoints of their reaching movements. A background that moved with the pursuit, creating a retinally stationary image (no retinal slip), caused the endpoints of the reaching movements to deviate in the direction of pursuit, overshooting the target. A physically stationary background pattern, however, producing retinal image motion opposite to the direction of pursuit, caused reaching movements to become more accurate. The results indicate that background retinal motion is used by the visuomotor system in the control of visually guided action.  相似文献   

Summary 1. The control of pointing arm movements in the absence of visual guidance was investigated in unpracticed human subjects. The right arm grasped a lever which restricted the movement of the right index fingertip to a horizontal arc, centered between the axes of eye rotation. A horizontal panel directly above the arm prevented visual feedback of the movement. Visual stimuli were presented in discrete positions just above panel and fingertip. A flag provided visual feedback on fingertip position before each pointing movement (Exp. A and B), or before a movement sequence (Exp. C). 2. When subjects pointed from straight ahead to eccentric stimulus positions (Exp. A), systematic and variable pointing errors were observed; both kinds of errors increased with stimulus eccentricity. When subjects pointed from 30 deg left to stimuli located further right (Exp. B), errors increased with stimulus position to the right. Taken together, these findings suggest that pointing accuracy depends not primarily on stimulus position, but rather on required movement amplitude. 3. When subjects performed sequences of unidirectional movements (Exp. C), systematic and variable errors increased within the sequence. A quantitative analysis revealed that this increase can be best described as an accumulation of successive pointing errors. 4. We conclude that both findings, error increase with amplitude, and accumulation of successive errors, when considered together strongly support the hypothesis that amplitude, rather than final position, is the controlled variable of the investigated movements.  相似文献   

 The present study investigated the effects of a tilted visual background on perceived hand orientation, and on the execution of aimed arm movements. Subjects were seated in a room tilted about their mid-sagittal axis to the left or right. They were asked to indicate the gravitational vertical or the body midline by rotating their supported or free, unseen hand about the longitudinal forearm axis. They were further asked to draw vertical lines with their unseen arm, and to point with the hand at visual targets. Our results indicate that if the hand is stationary, tilted environments induce an illusory hand and body tilt in the opposite direction; the effects on the hand is substantially smaller than that on the body. We found no evidence for illusory hand tilt with line drawing, and pointing movements were not noticeably modified by background tilt. We concluded that the latter two tasks provide dynamic cues about hand orientation, which remain veridical in tilted environments, and can be utilized for fast corrections of motor commands. Received: 24 April 1995 / Accepted: 17 January 1997  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate how humans correct ongoing arm movements while standing. Specifically, we sought to understand whether the postural adjustments in the legs required for online corrections of arm movements are predictive or rely on feedback from the moving limb. To answer this question we measured online corrections in arm and leg muscles during pointing movements while standing. Nine healthy right-handed subjects reached with their dominant arm to a visual target in front of them and aligned with their midline. In some trials, the position of the target would switch from the central target to one of the other targets located 15°, 30°, or 45° to the right of the central (midline) target. For each target correction, we measured the time at which arm kinematics, ground reaction forces, and arm and leg muscle electromyogram significantly changed in response to the target displacement. Results show that postural adjustments in the left leg preceded kinematic corrections in the limb. The corrective postural muscle activity in the left leg consistently preceded the corrective reaching muscle activity in the right arm. Our results demonstrate that corrections of arm movements in response to target displacement during stance are preceded by postural adjustments in the leg contralateral to the direction of target shift. Furthermore, postural adjustments preceded both the hand trajectory correction and the arm-muscle activity responsible for it, which suggests that the central nervous system does not depend on feedback from the moving arm to modify body posture during voluntary movement. Instead, postural adjustments lead the online correction in the arm the same way they lead the initiation of voluntary arm movements. This suggests that forward models for voluntary movements executed during stance incorporate commands for posture that are produced on the basis of the required task demands.  相似文献   

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