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Central pontine myelinolysis (CPM) is an uncommon complication in sick patients with severe underlying disorders such as chronic alcoholism, malignancy, malnutrition and hyponatraemia. We report two patients with advanced HIV infection who developed CPM. In one case the diagnosis was not suspected in life, in the other the diagnosis was made just before death, on the basis of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging appearances. At post mortem there was a close correlation between the MR abnormalities and the anatomic changes in the pons. Received: 6 March 1998 / Revised, accepted: 11 May 1998  相似文献   

Summary Development of severe ataxia and mild pyramidal signs without mental deterioration, tetraparesis or pseudobulbar palsy during recovery from withdrawal delirium and initial hyponatraemia are unusual clinical features consistent with central pontine myelinolysis. This diagnosis was confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in an alcoholic man. Clinical and electrodiagnostic improvement occurred, whereas the MRI findings remained unchanged in a follow-up study.  相似文献   

Summary Thirty-seven cases of central pontine myelinolysis (CPM) with miscellaneous underlying disorders were found in 1,000 consecutive autopsies, of which 636 brains were examined. The incidence of CPM in this study was 5.8%. The frequent underlying disorders were malignant neoplasms (43%), chronic pulmonary disease (27%), and chronic renal failure cases under dialysis treatment (14%). Fatty liver cirrhosis due to alcohol abuse was recognized in only one CPM case. In the present study, 78% of the CPM cases revealed either electrolyte disturbances or abnormal blood gas data, such as marked deviation of base excess and/or of serum pH in 62.5%, hyper- or hypochloremia (above 115 mEq/l, below 95 mEq/l) in 47%, hyper- or hyponatremia (above 150 mEq/l, below 130 mEq/l) in 25%, marked hypoxemia (less than 40 mmHg) in 12.5% and hypokalemia (below 3.0 mEq/l) in 9% of the CPM cases. The myelinolytic changes were localized in the basis pontis in 14 of 37 CPM cases and in the basis pontis and the cerebral and/or cerebellar white matter (extrapontine myelinolysis) in the remaining 23 cases. The extrapontine changes were also closely related to the electrolyte disturbances or the abnormal blood gas data. The results of this study suggest that myclin and oligodendrocytes in the basis pontis and cerebral and cerebellar white matter are vulnerable to abnormal levels of serum electrolytes and also to marked changes of the acid-base balance.  相似文献   

脑桥中央及脑桥外髓鞘溶解症是常见的渗透性脱髓鞘疾病,近年来报道的病例逐渐增多,随着重症监护的发展、核磁共振的早期诊断,患者预后得到较大改善。现将解放军总医院神经内科重症监护室收治的1例脑桥中央及脑桥外髓鞘溶解症及诊治经验报道如下。  相似文献   

Summary A patient developed weakness in the upper limbs, eventually causing brachial diplegia with only slight paresis of the legs after rapid correction of severe hyponatraemia. Pseudobulbar palsy, mental confusion and urinary incontinence were also present. CT scan showed a zone of lucency in the pons. Clinical recovery occurred and the zone of lucency had disappeared 12 months after the appearance of the neurological signs.  相似文献   

目的 提高对危重患者救治过程中发生脑桥中央髓鞘溶解症(CPM)/脑桥外髓鞘溶解症(EPM)的认识.方法 对1例危重患者救治过程中发生CPM/EPM的临床资料、辅助检查及相关文献进行分析.结果 对营养不良、严重感染伴有低钠血症的患者,每日纠正血钠10mmol/L亦可发生渗透性髓鞘溶解症,核磁检查显示病灶更清晰.结论 慢性低钠血症患者为避免出现CPM/EPM,每日血钠纠正应<10mmol/L.  相似文献   

Recovery after central pontine myelinolysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Central pontine myelinolysis (CPM) is known to be almost universally fatal. Most published cases are based on autopsy reports, whereas antemortem diagnosis is rare. We present a case in which the diagnosis of CPM was confirmed by computed tomography (CT); the patient had two symptoms not previously reported and made a remarkable recovery.
Zusammenfassung Es ist bekannt, daß die zentrale pontine Myelinolyse praktisch immer tödlich endet. Die meisten veröffentlichten Fälle sind auf Grund der Autopsie diagnostiziert worden, während eine prämortale Diagnose selten ist. Der vorliegende Fall einer zentralen pontinen Myelinolyse wurde durch Computertomographie intra vitam bestätigt. Der Patient wies zwei früher nicht beschriebene Symptome auf und erholte sich in bemerkenswerter Weise.

The purpose was to perform a systematic review of studies on central pontine and extrapontine myelinolysis [forms of osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS)] and define the spectrum of causes, risk factors, clinical and radiological presentations, and functional outcomes of this disorder. A thorough search of the literature was conducted using multiple databases (PubMed, Ovid Medline and Google) and bibliographies of key articles to identify all case series of adult patients with ODS published from 1959 to January 2013. Only series with five or more cases published in English were considered. Of the 2602 articles identified, 38 case series were included comprising a total of 541 patients who fulfilled our inclusion criteria. The most common predisposing factor was hyponatremia (78%) and the most common presentation was encephalopathy (39%). Favorable recovery occurred in 51.9% of patients and death in 24.8%. Liver transplant patients with ODS had a combined rate of death and disability of 77.4%, compared with 44.7% in those without liver transplantation (P < 0.001). ODS is found to have a good recovery in more than half of cases and its mortality has decreased with each passing decade. Favorable prognosis is possible in patients of ODS, even with severe neurological presentation. Further research is required to confirm the differences found in liver transplant recipients.  相似文献   

Mild central pontine myelinolysis: a frequently undetected syndrome   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Over a period of 1 year we diagnosed central pontine myelinolysis (CPM) in five patients all of whom survived, two of them with complete functional recovery despite extensive lesions on cranial computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.Diagnosis was based upon the combination of an acute brainstem dysfunction with typical neuroradiological features; a history of chronic alcoholism or a preceding hyponatremia may serve as a diagnostic hint.The spectrum of symptoms ranged from severe tetraplegia and cranial nerve palsies to latent signs of pyramidal tract lesions and discrete ocular motor abnormalities. In two patients pontine and extrapontine manifestations of demyelination were confirmed neuroradiologically; in one patient a solely extrapontine manifestation was present.Thus it is reasonable that: (1) the incidence of comparatively mild forms of CPM as well as extrapontine manifestations are more frequent than hitherto assumed, (2) the clinical outcome of the syndrome is better than expected from earlier fatal case reports and is quite independent of the extent of the lesion as it appears with brain imaging methods.  相似文献   

Central pontine myelinolysis (CPM) is an acute demyelination within the central basis pontis. Though exact mechanism is not known it is seen commonly with rapid correction of hyponatremia and also with pontine ischemia or infarction, demyelinating diseases, pontine neoplasm and different metabolic diseases. We report a rare association of CPM in a patient of Infantile Tremor Syndrom (ITS). ITS is a syndrome of tremor, mental and physical retardation, pigmentary changes of hair and skin and anemia in malnourished children. Though first reported in Indian subcontinent many identical cases were reported from around the world. Our case is a 15 month old child with generalized tremor, mild hepatosplenomegaly with features of grade II malnutrition including skin and hair changes. All the signs and symtoms of tremor improved after treatment with the World Health Organization (WHO) protocol for protein energy malnutrition (PEM) and administration of propranolol without any side effects.  相似文献   

Two patients with central pontine myelinolysis are described for the peculiar mode of development. Both patients were in chronic renal failure and admitted in a stuporous state due to hyponatremia. Both developed central pontine myelinolysis during the hospital stay following slow and judicious correction of hyponatremia. The role of chronicity of hyponatremia prior to its correction, in the genesis of central pontine myelinolysis, particularly in the patients who have chronic debilitating illness, septicemia or malnutrition, is highlighted.  相似文献   

Nine alcoholic patients with central pontine myelinolysis (CPM),who showed a favorable prognosis, are reported. The majority of them had taken part in binge drinking and had a subsequent consciousness disturbance for 18.1±10.9 (mean±SD) days. None of the patients had had acute correction of hyponatremia. Truncal ataxia and gait instability were present in most of the patients after recovery from the disturbance of consciousness. Most of them eventually gained independence, and magnetic resonance imaging showed that their pontine lesions tended to shrink. Electrophysiological studies detected prolonged latency between the I and III waves in auditory brainstem responses and between N11 and P13/14 onsets in the somatosensory evoked potentials. These clinical, radiological and electrophysiological findings should be of use in diagnosing CPM.  相似文献   

A 30-year-old primigravida presented with isolated left sixth nerve palsy at 38 weeks gestation. Her MRI showed a lesion consistent with central pontine myelinolysis (CPM). Extensive investigations did not reveal any secondary cause for the CPM. She recovered spontaneously in 2 weeks with complete resolution of her MRI changes. To our knowledge, this is the first report of CPM occurring in third trimester in the absence of identifiable secondary causes and of CPM presenting as an isolated sixth nerve palsy. We discuss the reported causes of CPM in pregnancy, possible pathophysiologic mechanisms involved and the anatomic basis of the unique clinical presentation of sixth nerve palsy in our case.  相似文献   

Two patients with central pontine myelinolysis who presented with dystonia are described. In one, it was associated with cerebellar ataxia which spontaneously improved. In the second, dystonia progressively disappeared 6 months later. In both cases magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed characteristic pontine lesions. Extrapontine myelinolysis involving the putamen was also observed in one patient. Even when the basal ganglia seem to be spared on MRI, dystonia is probably due to their involvement by myelinolysis. Cerebellar ataxia may be related to peduncular or cerebellar lesions or both.  相似文献   

Summary Central pontine myelinolysis (CPM) developed in association with acute adrenocortical insufficiency during correction of severe hyponatraemia in a 58-year-old woman. Repeated CT scanning and NMR imaging were normal from the onset of the illness. Electroencephalography and brainstem auditory evoked responses showed abnormalities consistent with a brain-stem lesion, which resolved as the patient made a gradual but incomplete recovery. Our observations illustrate the value of electrophysiological monitoring in CPM and support the proposed association between this condition and the rapid correction of an electrolyte imbalance.  相似文献   

Central pontine myelinolysis (CPM) is a demyelinating disease producing serious or even fatal illness. The cause of the disease has been primarily attributed to alcoholism. Recently hyponatremia and its rapid correction have been related to CPM. We describe an alcoholic patient who developed the disease. The case has given us the opportunity of reflecting on CPM pathogenesis and management.
Sommario La mielinolisi centrale del ponte è una malattia demielinizzante che può anche essere fatale. La sua causa è stata, in principio, riconosciuta nell;alcolismo. Recentemente l’iponatremia e la sua rapida correzione sono state messe in rapporto alle mielinolisi. In questa nota viene descritto un paziente alcolista cronico affetto da una forma lieve di mielinolisi centrale del ponte. L’osservazione di questo caso ha suggerito interessanti considerazioni patogenetiche e terapeutiche più generali.

Central pontine myelinolysis: delayed changes on neuroimaging.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The authors report two cases, a 44-year-old woman and a 6-year-old girl who had mental status changes and hyponatremia. Serum sodium levels in both of these cases were corrected quickly with further decline in their mental status, and the patients became quadriparetic. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies performed then did not reveal any abnormalities, whereas a repeat imaging study performed 10-14 days after the shift in serum sodium revealed evidence for central pontine myelinolysis and extrapontine demyelination. The clinical manifestations and distribution of lesions seen on the imaging studies demonstrated that the above presentation of neurologic illness is the result of hyponatremia and its correction. The authors conclude that imaging studies performed early during the illness may be unremarkable, but still a diagnosis of central pontine myelinolysis should be suspected and, most importantly, a repeat imaging study might be required in 10-14 days to establish the diagnosis of central pontine myelinolysis.  相似文献   

Osmotic demyelinating syndromes consisting of central pontine and extra-pontine demyelination are very uncommon disorders characterized by non-inflammatory lesions involving the pons and sometimes spreading to other areas. Rapid changes in serum sodium concentration are usually regarded as the main pathophysiological mechanism. We report herein the case of a 23-year-old woman in the 24th week of pregnancy, who demonstrated both central pontine and extra-pontine demyelination occurring at the time of a recently introduced treatment with lithium. The disorder was related to the rapid correction of pregnancy-related hyponatremia, as a consequence of lithium-induced diabetes insipidus. Hence, lithium toxicity is a rare cause of osmotic demyelinating syndromes and appears to correlate with disturbances in sodium homeostasia.  相似文献   

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