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Chlamydiae are one of the causative agents of various diseases in animals and human beings, which include abortion, pneumonia, gastroenteritis, encephalomyelitis, conjunctivitis, arthritis and sexually transmitted diseases. Much work has been carried out to attempt to develop an efficient pathogen detection strategy. Here, we presented a Chlamydiaceae-specific 23S rRNA-based real-time PCR assay for simultaneous detection and quantification of four members of Chlamydiaceae family, C. trachomatis, C. psittaci, C. pneumoniae and C. pecorum, using SYBR Green and Lightcycler. The assay was characterized using plasmid constructs of the bacteria and verified on standard strains of all four species of the Chlamydiaceae and a large cohort of clinical samples collected from human and animals by comparison with fluorescence immunohistochemistry method. The results showed that the present real-time PCR assay was of high specificity and sensitivity. It was capable of detecting as few as 250fg of chlamydial DNA (equivalent to 10(-1)IFU) and was applicable to both liquid cultures and clinical samples. This assay may therefore offer a rapid, economic and reliable means for screening of the chlamydiaceae pathogens.  相似文献   

A microarray method was developed for simultaneous detection and identification of six species of Orthopoxvirus (OPV) including Variola, Monkeypox, Cowpox, Camelpox, Vaccinia, and Ectromelia viruses. The method allowed us to discriminate OPV species from varicella-zoster virus (VZV), Herpes Simplex 1 virus (HSV-1), and Herpes Simplex 2 virus (HSV-2) that cause infections with clinical manifestations similar to OPV infections. The nucleotide sequences of the C23L/B29R and the B19R genes identified for 86 and 72 different OPV strains, respectively, were used to design species-specific microarray oligonucleotide probes (oligoprobes). The microarray also contained several oligoprobes selected from the ORF31, US4, and US5 genes of VZV, HSV-1, and HSV-2, respectively. The samples (from HSVs or OPVs) of ssDNAs for analyses were prepared by using asymmetric PCR followed by chemical labeling of ssDNA with Cy3 dye. DNA from 52 samples of various OPV species, two isolates of VZV, two of HSV-1, and three of HSV-2 were tested using the developed microarray assay; all tested viruses were accurately identified. To ensure the robustness of the microarray assay, three additional unrelated variola virus strains with unknown sequences of the C23L/B29R and the B19R genes were tested. In each instance the microarray unambiguously identified them as Variola virus species. The results obtained in this study demonstrated that this new microarray method is a valuable tool for the rapid and accurate detection and differentiation of these important viral pathogens.  相似文献   

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay, based on the amplification of internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) regions of ribosomal DNA, was developed for the chicken coccidian species Eimeria maxima, E. mitis and E. praecox. Thus, taking into account our previous work, a complete set of ITS1-based, species-specific primers for the detection and discrimination of all seven Eimeria species that infect the domestic fowl is now available. ITS1 primers for each of these seven species of Eimeria were also used as capture probes in a paper chromatography assay (PACHA). The addition of PACHA to the PCR assay provided a faster, more simplified read-out compared to staining of amplified bands in an agarose gel with ethidium bromide.  相似文献   

The Leishmania species cause a variety of human disease syndromes. Methods for diagnosis and species differentiation are insensitive and many require invasive sampling. Although quantitative PCR (qPCR) methods are reported for leishmania detection, no systematic method to quantify parasites and determine the species in clinical specimens is established. We developed a serial qPCR strategy to identify and rapidly differentiate Leishmania species and quantify parasites in clinical or environmental specimens. SYBR green qPCR is mainly employed, with corresponding TaqMan assays for validation. The screening primers recognize kinetoplast minicircle DNA of all Leishmania species. Species identification employs further qPCR set(s) individualized for geographic regions, combining species-discriminating probes with melt curve analysis. The assay was sufficient to detect Leishmania parasites, make species determinations, and quantify Leishmania spp. in sera, cutaneous biopsy specimens, or cultured isolates from subjects from Bangladesh or Brazil with different forms of leishmaniasis. The multicopy kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) probes were the most sensitive and useful for quantification based on promastigote standard curves. To test their validity for quantification, kDNA copy numbers were compared between Leishmania species, isolates, and life stages using qPCR. Maxicircle and minicircle copy numbers differed up to 6-fold between Leishmania species, but the differences were smaller between strains of the same species. Amastigote and promastigote leishmania life stages retained similar numbers of kDNA maxi- or minicircles. Thus, serial qPCR is useful for leishmania detection and species determination and for absolute quantification when compared to a standard curve from the same Leishmania species.  相似文献   

The genus Bartonella includes numerous species with varied host associations, including several that infect humans. Development of a molecular diagnostic method capable of detecting the diverse repertoire of Bartonella species while maintaining genus specificity has been a challenge. We developed a novel real-time PCR assay targeting a 301-bp region of the ssrA gene of Bartonella and demonstrated specific amplification in over 30 Bartonella species, subspecies, and strains. Subsequent analysis of ssrA sequences was sufficient to discriminate Bartonella species and provided phylogenetic data consistent with that of gltA, a commonly used gene for differentiating Bartonella genotypes. Using this assay, we identified Bartonella DNA in 29% and 47% of blood specimens from elk in Wyoming and cattle in the Republic of Georgia, respectively. Sequence analysis of a subset of genotypes from elk specimens revealed a cluster most closely related to Bartonella capreoli, and genotypes from cattle were identified as Bartonella bovis, both Bartonella species commonly found in wild and domestic ruminants. Considering the widespread geographic distribution and infectivity potential to a variety of hosts, this assay may be an effective diagnostic method for identification of Bartonella infections in humans and have utility in Bartonella surveillance studies.  相似文献   

PCR has proved to be a reliable tool for the detection of the diphtheria toxin gene, tox, and its use has allowed for the rapid differentiation between toxigenic and nontoxigenic strains. In this study, this PCR was further developed, evaluated, and standardized to detect this gene directly from clinical specimens. Optimal conditions for collection, transport, and storage of the clinical specimens and isolation and purification of DNA from the clinical specimens were defined. With two sets of primers that detect the A and B subunits of the diphtheria toxin gene, sensitivity levels of 50 and 500 CFU/PCR mixture, respectively, were achieved. This PCR was evaluated with 162 clinical samples collected from patients with diphtheria and other upper respiratory tract infections, as well as from healthy individuals.  相似文献   

In the course of this study, examinations were carried out to develop a PCR-based test which allows discrimination of Brucella species and biovars not targeted by the currently established gel-based PCR assays. Appropriate primers were designed based on specific deletions and insertions in the different Brucella genomes as determined by RAPD-PCR and whole-genome comparisons. After testing the specificity of the primers with a set of 22 Brucella reference strains of all species and biovars, they were used to supplement the existing PCR assays resulting in a 19-primer multiplex PCR. In addition to the commonly used PCR assays, the developed assay specifically identified B. neotomae, B. pinnipedialis, B. ceti, and B. microti. Furthermore, it differentiated B. abortus biovars 1, 2, 4 from biovars 3, 5, 6, 9, as well as between B. suis biovar 1, biovars 3, 4, and biovars 2 and 5. When tested in the multiplex assay, all Brucella type and reference strains and the majority of 118 field strains examined could be accurately identified by their respective banding patterns according to their previous typing. B. canis strains were subdivided into 2 groups, one exhibiting a unique pattern and the other one a banding pattern shared with B. suis biovars 3 and 4. Species of the closely related genus Ochrobactrum and several other clinically relevant bacteria showed no amplification product. Hence, the developed PCR assay is useful for rapid identification of Brucella at the species and at the biovar level.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Antigen detection assays and viral isolation techniques are routinely used to detect adenoviruses (Ad) associated with respiratory infections, and the value of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has recently been assessed. OBJECTIVES: This paper describes a PCR-hybridization-immunoenzymatic assay (PCR Adenovirus consensus) used to detect Ad and identify Ad species in respiratory specimens. RESULTS: On seven representative serotypes Ad 12, Ad 3, Ad 7, Ad 11, Ad 1, Ad 8, Ad 4, the mean genome equivalents per ml and the mean 50% infectious doses per ml were 10(6.3)and 10(4), respectively. Using 362 nasal aspirates from children, Ad were detected by immunofluorescence (IF) and culture in 97 cases (27%), by the PCR-Ad hexon method in 107 cases (29.5%) and by the PCR Adenovirus Consensus method in 113 cases (31.2%); 13 samples were found positive by both PCR and negative by the IF and culture methods; five samples were only positive according to the PCR Adenovirus Consensus) method. The sensitivity, specificity, predictive positive value and predictive negative value of the PCR Adenovirus Consensus method were 97.9%, 93.2%, 84%, 99.1%, respectively. The method identified the species (sp) from 91 positive amplicons: 1 Ad sp A, 44 Ad sp B, 42 Ad sp C, 3 Ad sp E, and 1 Ad sp F; 85 isolates were identified by IF or the neutralisation in culture, and 86 by a PCR-RE digestion method. The PCR Adenovirus Consensus detected six positive samples that were negative according to the IF and culture methods, and it identified the precise species of nine IF-positive and culture-negative nasal aspirates. CONCLUSION: The PCR Adenovirus Consensus technique is more efficient than the classical IF or culture techniques for the detection of Ad in respiratory samples. An internal control is included to validate the screening results, and specific probes are used to identify the Ad species.  相似文献   

Neisseria meningitidis is a leading pathogen of epidemic bacterial meningitis and fulminant sepsis worldwide. Twelve different N. meningitidis serogroups have been identified to date based on antigenic differences in the capsular polysaccharide. However, more than 90% of human cases of N. meningitidis meningitis are the result of infection with just five serogroups, A, B, C, W135, and Y. Efficient methods of detection and genogrouping of N. meningitidis isolates are needed, therefore, in order to monitor prevalent serogroups as a means of disease control and prevention. The capsular gene complex regions have been sequenced from only seven out of the 12 serogroups. In this study, the capsular gene complexes of the remaining five serogroups were sequenced and analyzed. Primers were designed that were specific for N. meningitidis species and for the 12 individual serogroups, and a multiplex PCR assay using these specific primers was developed for N. meningitidis detection and genogrouping. The assay was tested using 15 reference strains covering all 12 serogroups, 143 clinical isolates, and 21 strains from closely related species or from species that cause meningitis. The assay could detect N. meningitidis serogroups and was shown to be specific, with a detection sensitivity of 1 ng of genomic DNA (equivalent to ~4 × 10(5) genomes) or 3 × 10(5) CFU/ml in noncultured mock cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) specimens. This study, therefore, describes for the first time the development of a molecular protocol for the detection of all N. meningitidis serogroups. This multiplex PCR-based assay may have use for the clinical diagnosis and epidemiological surveillance of N. meningitidis.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma genitalium is known to cause nonchlamydial, nongonococcal urethritis in men and to be associated with pelvic inflammatory disease in women. Specific and sensitive PCR methods are needed for diagnosis of this bacterium because it is very difficult to culture from patient samples. To determine the bacterial load in patients' specimens, a quantitative real-time LightCycler PCR was developed. The housekeeping gene gap encoding glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was chosen as the target gene. The assay could consistently detect five genome copies per reaction. To evaluate the PCR, we tested 246 selected urethral swab samples from men attending a clinic for sexually transmitted diseases. Eighty-two of the samples were found positive for M. genitalium by a conventional 16S rRNA gene PCR assay, whereas 164 samples were randomly chosen among those tested negative. Of the positive samples, 78 (95.1%) were found positive, whereas 6 (3.7%) of the negatives were found positive by the LightCycler assay. The patient samples were also tested with a quantitative TaqMan assay, and the bacterial load was compared to the LightCycler results. A good linear correlation between the LightCycler and the TaqMan assays was found with a correlation coefficient of 0.89 and a slope of 0.99. Significantly more M. genitalium-positive men had urethritis, discharge, and dysuria than had M. genitalium-negative men. The M. genitalium DNA load in samples from patients with urethritis was significantly higher than in samples from those without (61 and 2.9 copies/microl, respectively [P = 0.0005]). This assay may prove useful in the monitoring of treatment and for optimizing sample preparation methods.  相似文献   

Naegleria fowleri is the causative agent of primary amoebic meningoencephalitis, a fatal disease of the central nervous system that is acquired while swimming or diving in freshwater. A cDNA clone designated Mp2C15 obtained from N. fowleri was used as a probe to distinguish N. fowleri from other free-living amoebae. The Mp2C15 probe hybridized to genomic DNA from pathogenic N. fowleri and antigenically related non-pathogenic N. lovaniensis. Mp2C15 was digested with the restriction enzyme XbaI, resulting in two fragments, Mp2C15.G and Mp2C15.P. Four species of Naegleria and four species of Acanthamoeba were examined for reactivity with Mp2C15.P. Mp2C15.P was specific for N. fowleri and was used in the development of a nested PCR assay which is capable of detecting as little as 5 pg of N. fowleri DNA or five intact N. fowleri amoebae. In summary, a rapid, sensitive, and specific assay for the detection of N. fowleri was developed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Enteroviruses (EV) and parechoviruses (HPeV) are the most common causes of aseptic meningitis, encephalitis and sepsis-like syndrome in neonates. Detection by nucleic acid amplification methods improves patient management. OBJECTIVE: Development of a real-time PCR assay on a LightCycler for simultaneous detection of EV, HPeV and an internal control to monitor inhibition. STUDY DESIGN: We investigated the value of the new assay, prospectively, in a variety of samples from patients suspected of having viral meningitis or sepsis-like syndrome. RESULTS: The assay detected 64 EV serotypes and HPeV types 1-4. Of 186 patients, 63 (33.9%) were EV positive and 18 (9.7%) HPeV positive in one or more samples. In 43 of 159 feces and 6 of 57 throat samples viral culture and PCR were positive. With real-time PCR 27 extra EV and 19 HPeV positives were found. Blood and CSF were present from 33 patients. In 19 patients blood and CSF were positive, one was only positive in CSF, two were only positive in blood, 11 were negative. From 96 patients CSF and/or blood samples were tested and compared to results in throat and/or feces samples. Forty patients were EV-PCR and 14 HPeV-PCR positive in blood and/or CSF. All of these were confirmed by a positive PCR for the respective virus in feces and/or throat. CONCLUSIONS: Simultaneous detection of EV and HPeV with this two-step real-time PCR is specific, faster and more sensitive than viral culture. All systemic infections (blood or CSF positive) were confirmed in feces. Culture is no longer necessary for clinical diagnosis and should only be performed on PCR-positive samples to obtain isolates for typing purposes. Application of this assay is an important improvement for patient management since the outcome of the analysis is available within the time frame of clinical decision-making.  相似文献   

Yersinia enterocolitica (YE) is associated with several inflammatory gastrointestinal disorders. Pathogenic YE organisms are classified as biogroup 1B (high-virulence [HV] serovars) or biogroups 2 through 5 (low virulence [LV]). We developed the first molecular assay designed to distinguish between these groups and correlated the molecular results with histologic patterns of inflammation. Eleven known pathogenic YE culture isolates (6 biogroup 1B and 5 biogroups 2-5) and 6 YE-positive archival cases were subjected to polymerase chain reaction analysis using primer pairs targeting a strain-dependent variable region, allowing discrimination between biogroups with a single assay. All 11 known culture isolates were confirmed. Of the 6 archival cases, 4 were LV, and 2 were HV. Histologic correlation revealed granulomatous inflammation in the LV cases and suppurative inflammation in the HV cases. This novel assay is useful for diagnosis using culture samples and archival tissues. It also could yield important information correlating YE epidemiology, pathogenesis, and morphology because these preliminary data suggest that LV strains may be associated with chronic granulomatous processes and HV strains with suppurative inflammation.  相似文献   

A new real-time PCR assay for quantitation of Encephalitozoon intestinalis DNA was developed which used a TaqMan fluorescent probe for specific detection. Serial dilutions of E. intestinalis spore suspensions obtained from tissue culture were used as external standards. The detection limit of the technique was 20 spores per ml, with a good interassay reproducibility (coefficient of variation of 7.1% for the suspension containing 20 spores/ml, 5.0% for the suspension containing 75 spores/ml and below 3.5% for higher concentrations). Quantitative detection of E. intestinalis DNA was similar whether the serial dilutions of spores were made in distilled water or in a stool suspension, allowing the use of the assay for stool specimens. The assay was then applied to 14 clinical specimens from 8 immunocompromised patients with proven E. intestinalis infection. The quantitation of the parasitic burden was achieved in stools, blood, urine, tissue biopsies, and bronchopulmonary specimens. The highest parasitic burdens were noted in stools, urine, and bronchopulmonary specimens, reaching 10(5) to 10(6) spores/g or ml. Dissemination of the infection was also evidenced in some patients by demonstration of E. intestinalis DNA in blood and serum. We conclude that real-time PCR is a valuable tool for quantitation of E. intestinalis burden in clinical specimens.  相似文献   

The development of quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays specific to Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria maxima, Eimeria necatrix and Eimeria tenella is described and validated. The PCR templates adopted include a fragment of a gene encoding a microneme protein and previously characterized species-specific random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) sequences. The sensitivity of each assay allowed the consistent detection of between one and 10 parasite genomes, equivalent to between one or two sporulated oocysts or a fraction of a single mature schizont, unaffected by the presence of chicken (host) or other Eimeria species DNA. Regression coefficients in excess of 0.99 over linear ranges of at least six orders of magnitude, together with comparable PCR efficiencies, demonstrated the robust reproducibility of each assay and suggest that two or more may be successfully multiplexed. The species-specific assays described here, combined with a previously published generic Eimeria species real-time PCR, provide valuable components in a "tool box" to accurately quantify the presence of specific Eimeria species in environmental or within-host phases of the lifecycle with little specialist knowledge. The application of these assays may benefit chicken husbandry, veterinary practice, quality control of live vaccine production and scientific research.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of infections caused by Plasmodium species is critical for understanding the nature of malarial disease, treatment efficacy, malaria control, and public health. The demands of field-based epidemiological studies of malaria will require faster and more sensitive diagnostic methods as new antimalarial drugs and vaccines are explored. We have developed a multiplex PCR-ligase detection reaction (LDR) assay that allows the simultaneous diagnosis of infection by all four parasite species causing malaria in humans. This assay exhibits sensitivity and specificity equal to those of other PCR-based assays, identifying all four human malaria parasite species at levels of parasitemias equal to 1 parasitized erythrocyte/microl of blood. The multiplex PCR-LDR assay goes beyond other PCR-based assays by reducing technical procedures and by detecting intraindividual differences in species-specific levels of parasitemia. Application of the multiplex PCR-LDR assay will provide the sensitivity and specificity expected of PCR-based diagnostic assays and will contribute new insight regarding relationships between the human malaria parasite species and the human host in future epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases - Candida auris is an emerging multiresistant pathogen causing nosocomial fungal infection. Specific detection and identification...  相似文献   

We developed and evaluated a real-time fluorescence PCR assay for detecting the A and B subunits of diphtheria toxin (tox) gene. When 23 toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae strains, 9 nontoxigenic C. diphtheriae strains, and 44 strains representing the diversity of pathogens and normal respiratory flora were tested, this real-time PCR assay exhibited 100% sensitivity and specificity. It allowed for the detection of both subunits of the tox gene at 750 times greater sensitivity (2 CFU) than the standard PCR (1,500 CFU). When used directly on specimens collected from patients with clinical diphtheria, one or both subunits of the tox gene were detected in 34 of 36 specimens by using the real-time PCR assay; only 9 specimens were found to be positive by standard PCR. Reamplification by standard PCR and DNA sequencing of the amplification product confirmed all real-time PCR tox-positive reactions. This real-time PCR format is a more sensitive and rapid alternative to standard PCR for detection of the tox gene in clinical material.  相似文献   

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