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心房扑动伴A型交替性文氏现象1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓万俊 《心电学杂志》2000,19(2):107-107
患者男性 ,67岁。因间歇性心悸、胸闷半年入院。体检 :心界不大 ,心率约100次/min ,心律不齐 ,各瓣膜区未闻及病理性杂音。双肺未闻及干湿性音。发作间歇心电图诊断 :A型预激综合征。临床诊断 :预激综合征并发心律失常 ,心功能Ⅰ级。心电图示Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF导联心房波呈锯齿样F波 ,心房率271次/min ,为心房扑动 ,QRS波群呈室上性型 ,R_R间期不等。V1 导联连续记录(图1)F波节律匀齐 ,梯形图示F波在房室交接区上层呈2∶1传导 ,下传的激动在房室交接区下层传导时间逐渐延长 ,呈文氏周期。图中先后出现6个完…  相似文献   

患者男,24岁。发现有先心病多年,曾诊断为室间隔缺损。12岁行室间隔缺损修补术。1997年曾发作过室上速,近来又感心悸、胸闷。图示窦性P波消失,代之以宽大匀齐的F波,F_(Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF)倒置,其间无明显等电位线,F—F间期0.28s,频率214次/min。R—R不等,房室传导为2∶1~3∶1。下传心搏呈F—R逐渐延长然后脱落的规律性改变。QRS电轴极度右  相似文献   

心房扑动的交替性文氏型房室传导阻滞   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
心房扑动的传导比以偶数比例 (2∶1 ,4∶1 ,6∶1等 )为多 ,奇数比例 (3∶1 ,5∶1)者较少 ,其心室搏动多较规整 ,不规整的则是由于文氏型房室传导阻滞尤其是交替性文氏型房室传导阻滞所致。本文介绍本院所见的心房扑动交替性文氏型房室传导阻滞现象。一、典型交替性文氏型房室传导阻滞[1]1.A型交替性文氏型房室传导阻滞房室交接区上层为2∶1阻滞区 ,下层文氏周期结束时出现连续3次激动未下传 (图1)。作者单位 :276800山东省日照市人民医院内三科、日照市妇幼保健院内科 (潘广芬 )图3患者女性 ,36岁。临床诊断 :…  相似文献   

例1 患者男性,62岁。因胸闷伴活动后气促2年,心悸1周入院。临床诊断:冠心病。体检:BP110/70mmHg,心界不大,心率110次/min.心律不齐。Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVR导联同步记录(图1)粗看酷似心房颤动,细观可见较清晰的F波呈锯齿状,F—F间期均齐为0.20s(300次/min),R—R间期不规  相似文献   

Ⅱ型心房扑动伴C型交替性文氏周期1例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
阴发明  徐平 《心电学杂志》2000,19(2):113-114
患者女性 ,77岁。因头晕、胸闷、气短5年 ,右侧肢体麻木2年 ,心悸、憋气加重2天就诊。体检 :BP24/14kPa(165/105mmHg) ,心率150次/min ,律齐 ,心尖部可闻Ⅱ级收缩期杂音 ,双肺底闻及少许湿音。X线胸片示心脏向左下扩大呈靴型心 ,CT示左侧基底节部陈旧性脑栓塞。临床诊断 :原发性高血压 ,心脏扩大 ,心功能Ⅲ级 ,脑梗死后遗症。心电图 (图1)为F波最明显的aVL导联 ,F波频率为300次/min ,锯齿向上 ,凸面向下。12导联心电图 (图略 )Ⅰ导联的F波也是锯齿向上 ,凸面向下 ,而Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF…  相似文献   

变异型交替性文氏周期2例   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
例1患者女性 ,32岁。阵发性心悸4年 ,多次心电图检查诊断为阵发性心房扑动2∶1传导。心脏听诊无杂音 ,超声心动描记术检查无异常。心电图为Ⅱ型心房扑动 ,V1 导联 (图1A)心房率250次/min ,QRS波群呈室上性型 ,心室率125次/min ,受阻的F波在QRS波群的起始部 ,下传的F波落在T波上。从梯形图可见 ,未下传F波在房室交接区上层受阻。V1 导联重复记录 (图1B)受阻的F波出现在QRS终末、受阻于下层。aVR导联 (图1C)F波规则 ,250次/min ,2∶1下传心室 ,前4个F_R间期短(0.22s) ,R…  相似文献   

患者男 ,60岁 ,阵发性心悸 2年 ,气急 2月余入院。临床诊断 :冠心病、心衰Ⅱ度。多次心电图检查为房扑 4∶1下传心室 ,心脏彩超示各心腔稍扩大 ,主动脉瓣轻度返流。本图为V1 导联 ,FF周期 0 2 4s,频率 2 5 0次 min ,QRS波呈室上型 ,RR周期有长短两种 ,短者 0 5 8s,FR 0 2 4s,长者为 0 86s,FR0 16s,两者交替发生 ,FR呈 2∶1和 4∶1交替下传 ,从而形成室性二联律 ,长短RR间期和 1 44s,恰为FF周期的 6倍。如梯形图所示 ,第 1个F波下传心室 ,第 2个F波在交接区上层受阻 ,第 3个F波缓慢下传心室 ,第 4个F波…  相似文献   

患者男性,56岁,因反复胸闷、憋喘,加重半天入院。临床诊断:先天性心脏病,房间隔缺损,肺动脉高压,全心衰竭。查体听诊:心律不齐,肺动脉Ⅳ/6级喷射性收缩期杂音,胸骨左缘第4、5肋间Ⅳ/6收缩期杂音。心电图显示:心房扑动伴房室交接区交替性文氏现象,双室肥大。5天后做24h全息动态心电图,本文选取其中几段,图1示:形态、间距相等的F波,其间似无等电位线,F F间期0.28s,频率约214次/min,两个连续规则的长R R间期,时间2.79s,房室传导9∶1,其后衍变为2∶1~5∶1传导,这种比率的传导现象实属少见。可以通过在房室交接处4层传导阻滞现象来解释(见梯形…  相似文献   

<正> 临床资料及心电图分析患者男性,31岁。因显著心动过缓,突然昏迷入院。查体:体温37.4℃,脉搏27次/分,血压14/9 kPa。意识不清,瞳孔对光反射迟钝,心尖部可闻及Ⅱ/Ⅵ级收缩期吹风样杂音。右侧肢体瘫痪,肌张力增高,巴彬斯基征阳性。心电图示显著窦性心动过缓。临床诊断:急性病毒性心肌炎合并脑栓塞。附图为入院3 d 后描记(V_1导  相似文献   

患者女 ,70岁。因反复发作咳嗽、吐痰、心悸 2年 ,劳力性呼吸困难 1月就诊。查体 :双肺底湿罗音 ,心界向两侧扩大 ,心率 10 0次 min ,呈二联律 ,胸骨左缘可闻及史氏杂音及喷射音 ,二尖瓣区及三尖瓣区可闻及全收缩期返流性杂音。超声心动图 (图略 )示 :左房轻度扩大 ,右房右室扩大 ,各心瓣膜回声纤细 ,三尖瓣叶活动幅度增大 ,房间隔下方处局部回声失落 ,连续中段缺损 ,直径约 2 3mm ,断端处可见左右摆动 ,彩色多普勒显示 :可见异常的穿隔血流从左房经房间隔缺损口进入右房直指三尖瓣口 ,血流束呈红黄色。收缩期二、三尖瓣瓣下呈以红色…  相似文献   

长短周期现象与心房颤动和心房扑动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解心房颤动及心房扑动发生时的长短周期现象的临床意义,观察经动态心电图或监测心电图证实的心房颤动8例和心房扑动6例。结果显示:心房颤动或心房扑动发生前的长周期多见于房性期前收缩后代偿间歇及明显窦性心动过缓等心律失常;长短周期现象对心房颤动,心房扑动的启动作用可经心脏的程度刺激诱发和复制;6例患者经DDD起搏治疗,陈发性心房颤动及心房扑动的发生率明显下降,部分病例还需服用抗心律失常药物。认为长短周  相似文献   

心房扑动的心电生理特点及射频消融治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨心房扑动(房扑)病例电生理特点及采用射频消融治疗房扑的效果。方法对26例房扑患者标测心房激动顺序,用隐匿拖带方法确定折返环部位。用长导引鞘作支撑,在心房内行线性消融方法治疗房扑。结果26例房扑中23例折返环位于三尖瓣环部位,1例位于右心房游离壁部位,1例位于左心房,另1例在三尖瓣环及右心房游离壁部位各有一折返环。对20例临床上有房扑病史者行射频消融治疗,17例成功。典型房扑15例(包括1例有2个折返环的房扑),14例消融成功;不典型房扑6例,4例消融成功。结论房扑的大折返环可采用心房激动顺序及隐匿拖带的方法确定其部位。用长导引鞘作支撑行线性消融是治疗房扑的安全有效的方法。  相似文献   

Intraatrial conduction block at the inferior vena cava-tricuspid annulus isthmus was shown to predict successful atrial flutter ablation. However, its demonstration requires the use of several electrode catheters. Thus, a simple approach using surface 12-lead ECG to prove the conduction block would be valuable. Twenty-two patients were prospectively studied during low septal and low lateral atrial pacing before and after successful atrial flutter ablation. Creation of the conduction block was confirmed by comparing the sequence of atrial activation using 3 multipolar catheters during atrial pacing before and after ablation. During low septal pacing, there was no significant difference before and after ablation in P-wave width, axis, or morphology. During low lateral atrial pacing, there was a significant P-wave axis rotation towards the right (from -67 +/- 27 degrees to +13 +/- 35 degrees, P <.001), and P-wave polarity in limb lead II changed from predominantly negative to predominantly positive in 21 of 22 patients. There was also an increase in P-wave width (from 136 +/- 32 to 169 +/- 36 ms, P <.001) and stimulus-to-QRS interval (from 268 +/- 61 ms to 343 +/- 95 ms, P <.001) during low lateral pacing that was not observed during low septal pacing. We conclude that creation of a conduction block in the inferior vena cava-tricuspid annulus isthmus modifies surface 12-lead ECG during low lateral atrial pacing only. We also suggest that P-wave polarity in limb lead II during low lateral pacing could be used as a noninvasive marker of unidirectional counter-clockwise conduction block during atrial flutter ablation.  相似文献   

目的分析急性心肌梗死(AMI)患者合并心房颤动(atrial fibrillation,Af)/心房扑动(atria flutter,AF)的发病率、临床特点、影响因素及其对院内死亡的影响。方法将我院收治的653例AMI患者分为Af/AF组(61例)及无Af/AF组(592例),分析发生Af/AF的相关危险因素;再根据是否在院内死亡分为院内死亡组(64例)及未死亡组(589例),评估Af/AF对AMI患者院内死亡的影响。结果AMI患者初发Af/AF的发生率为9.3%。单因素分析显示,Af/AF组与无Af/AF组在年龄、性别、入院时心率、心肌梗死范围、Killip分级、左心室射血分数、入院时血肌酐水平及血红蛋白水平均有显著性差异(P<0.05)。Af/AF组与无Af/AF组多因素logistic回归分析显示,多部位心肌梗死、女性是影响AMI患者发生Af/AF的最主要独立危险因素;院内死亡组与未死亡组多因素lo-gistic回归分析显示,Af/AF是影响AMI患者院内死亡的独立危险因素。结论Af/AF是AMI患者常见的并发症,合并Af/AF的患者住院期间的预后更差。  相似文献   

The clinical electrophysiologic approaches to atrial flutter (F) have been activation mapping and the observation of changes induced by programmed stimulation. Sequential endocardial activation mapping has recently yielded information indicating that common F is produced by a large right atrial (RA) reentry circuit, with counterclockwise rotation in the frontal plane, including the inferior vena cava in its center. Functional block in the crista terminalis and conduction slowing in the approaches to the atrioventricular node seem to be important to support reentry. F inscribing positive deflections in the inferior leads usually follows the same path, but in a clockwise direction. Atypical F may be produced by left atrial circuits. Atrial stimulation during F entrains the circuit, resetting it with each stimulus. Collision between antidromic and orthodromic activation during entrainment produces fusion that can be identified in the surface electrocardiogram. The last paced activation restarts F, unless circuit penetration has been enough to modify it by block or disorganization. Entrainment may result in F acceleration, with changes in activation sequence, suggesting a different type of reentry, possibly based on functional factors.  相似文献   

Hasan Garan MD  FHRS   《Heart rhythm》2008,5(4):618-621

Simultaneous occurrence of atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
INTRODUCTION: Early reports suggested that some patients with "atrial fibrillation/flutter" might have atrial fibrillation in one atrium and atrial flutter in the other. However, more recent conceptions of atrial fibrillation/flutter postulate that the pattern is due to a relatively organized (type I) form of atrial fibrillation. We report the occurrence and ECG manifestations of simultaneous atrial fibrillation and flutter in patients undergoing attempted catheter ablation of atrial flutter. METHODS AND RESULTS: In patients undergoing radiofrequency ablation for atrial flutter, an attempt was made to entrain atrial flutter by pacing in the right atrium. The arrhythmias observed occurred following attempts at entrainment, or spontaneously in one case. Twelve transient episodes of simultaneous atrial fibrillation and flutter were observed in five patients. The atrial fibrillation was localized to all or a portion of one atrium, during which the other atrium maintained atrial flutter. In each case, the surface 12-lead ECG reflected the right atrial activation pattern. No patients had interatrial or intra-atrial conduction block during sinus rhythm, suggesting functional intra-atrial block as a mechanism for simultaneous atrial fibrillation/flutter. CONCLUSION: In certain patients, the occurrence of transient, simultaneous atrial fibrillation and flutter is possible. In contrast to prior studies in which it was suggested that left atrial or septal activation determines P wave morphology, the results of the present study show that P wave morphology is determined by right atrial activation. Functional interatrial block appears to be a likely mechanism for this phenomenon.  相似文献   

目的观察阵发性房扑、房颤的心电散点图特征,并探讨其临床意义。方法选择20例阵发性房扑、房颤患者的24小时动态心电图,回顾分析其心电散点图。结果 20例阵发性房颤、房扑患者中,17例可以通过心电散点图区分出不同心律,占总例数85%;3例无法通过心电散点图区分出不同的心律,占总例数15%。结论阵发性房扑一般可以通过心电散点图迅速鉴别,阵发性房颤绝大多数病例可以通过心电散点图迅速鉴别,心电散点图有助于提高海量心电信息中阵发性房扑房颤的分析效率。此外,心电散点图可以获得更多的生理状态下整体动态的心电信息。  相似文献   

目的 分析峡部依赖性心房扑动(AFL)不典型心电图的特点及其形成机制.方法 分析峡部依赖性AFL患者体表心电图扑动波(FL波)形态,并通过心内电生理检查观察冠状静脉窦(CS)传导顺序及传导时间等.结果 根据下壁导联FL波形态,逆钟向传导AFL分为4组,组1负向FL波,组2负向FL波为主,终末端为正向,CS传导顺序均为近端至远端,传导时间分别为(33.41±13.43)ms、(35.23±15.56)ms;组3正向FL波为主,CS传导为远端至近端或融合传导,时间为(-21.3±11.41)ms;组4 FL波为等电位波或低振幅波,CS传导为近端至远端.顺钟向传导AFL分为3组,组1为正向FL波,CS传导为融合传导或近端至远端,时间为(5.43±17.59)ms;组2为负向FL波,CS传导为近端至远端;组3 FL波为等电位波或低振幅波,CS传导为融合传导.结论 峡部依赖性AFL体表心电图下壁导联FL波形态与左心房除极顺序有关,而左心房除极顺序取决于心房间的传导连接部位,心房间传导连接的传导延迟或阻滞,可导致其体表心电图出现不典型的FL波形态.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of physicians to differentiate atrial flutter from atrial fibrillation on a surface electrocardiogram (ECG). A questionnaire containing three 12-lead ECGs was mailed to 689 physicians, with multiple-choice questions asking whether the rhythm on each ECG was atrial flutter or atrial fibrillation. ECG 1 showed atrial fibrillation with prominent atrial activity (>0.2 mV) in lead V1; ECG 2 displayed atrial fibrillation with prominent atrial activity (>0.2 mV) in leads III and V1; and ECG 3 displayed atrial flutter. Overall, ECG1 was correctly identified as atrial fibrillation by 79% of physicians, ECG 2 was correctly identified as atrial fibrillation by 31%, and ECG 3 was correctly identified as atrial flutter by 90%. Cardiology fellows and cardiologists correctly identified ECG 1 more often than house officers and internists (95% vs 63%; P < or = .01). ECG 2 was correctly identified by 26% of cardiology fellows and cardiologists and by 37% of house officers and internists (P = .10). ECG 3 was correctly identified by 91% of cardiology fellows and cardiologists and by 82% of house officers and internists (P = .06). In conclusion, atrial fibrillation is frequently misdiagnosed as atrial flutter. Misdiagnosis of atrial fibrillation occurs more often when atrial activity is prominent on an ECG in more than one lead.  相似文献   

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